Chapter 21


I woke up next day, and when I opened my eyes, I notice something...there's no Len!
hmm weird...maybe he's making a breakfast or something..
I got up from the bed, today is Saturday so no school today!
I walk to the bathroom, maybe Len's in the bathroom, I knock the door but there is no answer, I open it, but Len wasn't here...
I walk to the kitchen...still no Len..
"Len?" I called for him.
no answer.
"Len?!" I called again.
still no answer.
now I became worried...where did he go?
I search for him everywhere!
I've feeling that he went out because what happened yesterday..
calm down Rin...calm down..
I need some oranges..
I went to kitchen to get some oranges, I take one from the fruit basket, and I notice something on the fridge, it was a paper...
I take it and read it

Dear Rin

if you woke up, and you didn't see me...then I already go..I'll come back soon~
love ya,

what dose he mean he go?
when he'll come back?
ahh! he drive me insane!
where does that idiot went?
I decided to call him, I took my phone, and called him..
it was ringing, but he wasn't answering..
if he ignore my call I'll kill him for sure!
"yes, love?" he answered, good thing that he answered, or I was going to make him pay if he didn't..
"where are you?" I exclaimed.
"didn't you read the paper that I left?" he asked.
"yes I did, but it didn't answer me where are you, so for that I called you!"
"don't worry, I'll come back soon, I'm in my way home." he replied.
"when you come back home, we'll talk about everything, and you can't shut me up!" I exclaimed again.
"okay! bye!" I said angrily.
"bye bye love~"
I hang up, and I sat on the couch, wait for him to came back home, oh God, sometimes he make me so angry!
after a long while, Len finally came home, he opened the door, and came in, then he saw me sitting on the couch, he smiled at me, and came and sit next to me, I was giving him my unhappy face, but it seems that he ignore it, he sat so close to me, and one of his arms was around my waist, and he lean closer to me, and kissed my cheek.
"you still mad at me?" he said with a smile, and he gave me another kiss on the cheek.
"yes!" I said angrily.
"I'm sorry, I just had to go somewhere, and I didn't want to wake you up.." he said, I quickly turn my head away, I don't wanna make eyes contact with him...I'm now in angry mode!
"Rin?" he said softly.
I didn't bother to look at him, and I didn't answer him too!
I also turn myself away from him!
he warped his around me, and he put me in a tight embrace, but that embrace was from the back, because I still don't wanna look at him.
"I'm so sorry, my angel...I didn't mean to make you mad like this..." he said softly in a sad tone, and he kissed my cheek...again!
is he sad...I didn't mean to make him sad...but he made me angry!
I sighed, and gave up!
I turned myself, so I'm now facing him, and I returned the embrace, and I laid my head on his chest, and my arms were around his back.
"what can I do to make my princess happy?" he asked.
eh? perfect~
"I want you to tell me what happened yesterday!" I said as I looked at him.
he raised an eyebrow, and he smile had vanish.
"..I'm not sure about that..."
"but you asked me what can you do to me to make me happy, right?"
"then tell me! that will make me happy!"
"..o-okay..if that will make you happy, then I'll tell you..what do you wanna know exactly?"
"hmm...first, I wanna know how did you know that they will do something bad to me? how did you know that I'm in a trouble? and don't tell me that you know that because I called you!"
"..I knew from along time that Tei and Miku are planning to do that."
"eh? h-how?" I asked confused.
"Rin, I'm not a fool! maybe they could lie on you or something, but they can't do that to me!"
"so...I'm a fool?" I said, I feel hurt inside..
"no! you're just so...innocent, and you believe people fast.." he said kissing the top of my head and hugging me tightly.
"..okay...why didn't you tell me that you know that Tei and Miku are planing to do something bad?" I asked.
"I actually did...remember when I tried to tell you about that Tei is a bad person? you got mad when I told you that!"
"...I'm sorry...I should believed you.." I apologized.
"it's okay, the past is in the past."
"now..I want you to tell me how did you killed them!"
"I came to Miku's house, I killed them, then I came and save you, and I took you home." he said smiling like an idiot.
my face was like this -_-
is he serious?
"I want details!" I exclaimed.
"oh..sorry.. no, I can't tell you the details." he said smiling.
"..w-why?" I asked.
"because...I said no!" he said smirking.
"please!" I begged.
"but I-"
"at least-"
"ahhh! fine!" I yelled angrily.
"hehe good~" he said giving me a warm smile, and he hugged me even tightly, and I hugged him back, that idiot...why I've to love him?
"don't you ask me about that again, okay?" he said darkly.
I don't like this tone!
"..okay.." I said, hugging him more if that was possible.
it seems that he don't wanna tell me...maybe he's doing that for the best for me..Len's such caring and kind...well, except the killing part...
what if he start to kill other people?
did he killed someone before he killed Miku and Tei and Mikuo and Dell?
oh God he killed four people!
what if the police caught him?
oh..this is so complicated!

now we're going in a flashback to yesterday, to see what Len had done...


I asked Rin in the morning where's Mayu's house, and she gave me the address, and guess what? it's the same address of Miku's house!
they'll pay if they hurt her!
good that I asked Rin for the address in the morning, so I could prepare for everything..
when she told me the address, I knew that Miku's planning to hurt Rin in some way, but I wasn't sure of what is after Rin told me the address, I went to Miku's house, does she think that I'll let her hurt Rin that easily?
I knock the door, but no one opened it!
of course she wont open the door if she saw me knocking it!
ah! I'm so stupid!
I then start to walk home, or I don't know where I'm going, I wasn't focus where I was walking, I was too busy thinking of what should I do tonight...then I hit someone...
"..I'm s-sorry.." I apologized not really looking at the person that I hit.
"'s o-Len?"
I looked at the person that I hit...
"Dell?" I said a little has been a long time since I saw him..
"hey bro! long time no see!" he said smiling a little, and I notice that there is a cigarette in his hand, it seems that some things never change,ha?
" how you doin'?" I asked.
"..hmm..fine..I guess..and you?"
"..fine..where are you going?"
"I'm going to meet my leek freak friend!" he said.
leek freak friend?
"who?" I asked confused.
"..I don't know if you know him...but his name's Mikuo."
"is he Miku's brother?" I asked.
"yea, how did you know...don't tell me that you've a crush on her~"
fuck no!
"no, she's a bitch!" I said darkly.
"well..that was mean.."
"I don't care! beside I've a girlfriend.."
"wait..what? you have a GIRLFRIEND?!" he exclaimed, and he was so shocked at the word 'girlfriend'...I wonder why..
"oh my God! Len...have a girlfriend!" he said as he start laughing.
why is he laughing?
"what's it so funny?" I asked confused.
"it seems that I lost the bet, I thought that you'll never have a girlfriend!" he said continue laughing.
"why not I've a girl friend?" I asked.
"because you were madly obsess of a girl in your childhood, we never thought that you'll have a girlfriend in your whole life! because you stay thinking about here for years!" he said giggling.
I raise an wasn't obsess it was love..
"yes, and she's now my girlfriend!" I said grinning.
"..what?" he asked confused.
"that girl is now my girlfriend!"
he was shocked, and he stayed silence...
"really?" he asked after he broke the silence.
"..I'm happy because you're now with girl that you love!" he said smiling.
"yea, thanks, what about you?" I asked.
"hmm no, I still a playboy." he said grinning.
"and yes I still broke girls' hearts!" he said laughing a bit.
"poor girls...hey why you're going to meet Mikuo?"
"..he said that he want to see me because we'll have fun tonight with a girl, you know what I mean about the word 'fun', we're both playboy.."
no no!
"at his house...why are you asking?"
Miku's plan is to make her brother fuck Rin? I'm the only one who can fuck her!
and there's also Dell who'll help Mikuo to do that!
I can't let them do that!
I became furious, they can't touch her!
"Len are you okay?"
"no!" I yelled.
"..what's wrong?" he asked.
"you gonna fuck her!" I yelled, as I kicked him, and he fall at the ground.
"..what? who?" he said confused, as he tried to get up, but I kicked him again.
"hey Len calm down, don't let me use my power with you!"
"I don't care! you're going to fucking die!" I yelled, as I place my hands around his neck, trying to choke him.
"ahh..Len!...s-top!" he barley said, good thing that no one was in the street so no one can stop me!
he tried to stop me but I didn't let him do that!
when I felt that he was taking his last breath, I stopped choking him, and when I did that he took a really long breath.
"y-you! you were going to kill me!" he said pointing at me.
"you're so lucky because I didn't do that!" I said darkly.
"what I've ever do to you to kill me?"
"you didn't get the hint yet?" I asked, is he stupid or something?
"ohh...the girl that Mikuo talked your girlfriend..?"
"oh..I didn't know about that..I'm sorry..I should go now..."
"you're not going anywhere!"
he looked at me nervous, he tried to runaway, but I grabbed his shirt.
"listen carefully, if you wanna live you have to do what I say, okay?"
"you can't kill me!" he exclaimed.
"try me~" I said with a devilish grin.
"what do you want from me?" he asked nervously.
hehe, perfect~

Dell POV

"what do you want from me?" I asked nervously.
Jeez, I didn't know that Len's insane!
well, Len was weird and all..but not like this!
and I could see him grinning really evilly, and his eyes were dark...he's like a...psychopath!
the last time I saw him it was before 2 years, he was so innocent then...but now...he tried to kill me!
well, I was going to die if he didn't left my neck in piece!
from when his hands became this strong, so he could kill someone with only his hand?
does his girlfriend know this?
well he have to be angry, because we're gonna rape his girlfriend, but not like this!
"I want you to help me, and if you didn't do that, your end will be just like them~" he said smirking.
"and what is their end?" I asked.
"DEAD!" he said with a really devilish creepy grin.
I don't wanna die yet!
"okay, I'll help you." I said not really sure of what I said.
"so what do you want me to do? do you want me to told Mikuo to not go and rape your girlfriend?" I asked.
"then what?"
"if you go now and told him to don't do that, it wont be fun at all!" he said chuckling.
what does he mean by that?
"then, what do you want me to do?" I asked confused.
this is not gonna be good!
"easy, I just need some time tonight, I want you to keep Mikuo away from my girlfriend until I come and kill him." he simply said.
he said the killing part like it's nothing!
"and how am I going to do this?" I asked while we start walking.
"dunno, think of something that will make him busy away from Rin."
"who's Rin?"
"my girlfriend."
"oh, okay...I think that I know something will make him away from her..."
"and what's it?" he asked.
"it's a game...but it's really hard to find it.."
"a game?"
"a video game!"
"Piko!" he exclaimed.
"I know someone have so many video games, and I'm sure that you'll find the game that you're talking about." he said.

we arrived at Piko's house, he's Len's something, and Len start knocking the door, we wait for someone to open the door, and then a boy who has a white hair opened the door.
"hey Len." he said greeting Len, and he looked at me confused a little, maybe because he don't know me.
"hey Piko, I need a video game from you!"
"..okay, sure...come in." he said, and we come in, we went to his room, there were so many videos game everywhere in the room!
Len told me to find the game and take it, and I start searching for it while he was talking to Piko, does Piko know that we want this game to kill someone?
anyway, I founded the game on Piko's bed, I can't believe that he really have it! I take it, and I walked towards Len.
"Len! I found it!" I told him.
"great, now lets go!"
"wait you can't take this!" Piko exclaimed.
"why?" Len asked.
"because I barley have it, you don't know how much I tried to have it, you can't take it!" Piko said.
"I'll take it!"
"no you can't!"
and they start to fight, Len will be unhappy if Piko didn't give him the game...will he kill him?
"listen, I'll return the game to you tomorrow, okay?" Len said.
"but Len..."
"no 'buts'!"
"...fine!" Piko said as he sighed.
"good, now Dell, let's go." Len said as he get out of the room, and I followed him.
after we get out of Piko's house, we start walking.
"now what are going to do?" I asked him.
"you gonna give Mikuo this game tonight, and told him that someone gave me it to give it to you, and you don't that person, okay?"
I nodded, tonight is going to be so long!
"and what else?" I asked.
"nothing, just keep everyone away from her, and if anyone tried to hurt her stop him, until I come." he said.
"..okay, and what about the police? of course they'll came if you killed Mikuo and the other!"
"I know, after I kill them, I'll hurt you a little, and when the police come, you'll told them that a murderer came and killed the other, and you barley runaway from him, and that murderer is not me!"
"..okay, now you're under my mercy, I can easily told the police that you killed them, and you'll stay in the jail for the rest of your life!" I said as I start laughing.
"try it, and you'll wake up next morning DEAD!" he said with a devilish grin.
okay...I wont told the police, because he looked serious about killing me.
"okay...I'll do what do you want!" I said, giving up!
"are you doing all that for her?" I asked.
"why?" I asked again.
"what do you mean why? I can't let anyone touch her!" he yelled.
"you can stop them without killing them..."
"but that wont be fun!" he said laughing.
he's totally crazy..
"how are you going to kill them?" I asked.
"leave that as a surprise~" he replied grinning his usual grin.

I went to Mikuo's house to give him the game and do what Len told me, and when I arrived, I saw Mikuo opening the door.
"Mikuo!" I exclaimed.
"Dell? hey!" he greeted.
"hey! look at what I get!" I said, showing him the game, his eyes winded, and I saw a grin on his face.
"wow! from where did you get it!"
"someone give me it to give it to you as a gift" I said smirking.
"who?" he asked.
Len, and he's trying to kill you as well!
"I don't know..."
"it doesn't matter, let's go and play it!" he said.
"yea, sure, but what are you going to do about your sister and you know..." I said.
"oh, yea, I forget about that...don't worry I'll told her that we can do that later.."
"when later? you're travelling tomorrow!"
"..uhh...I don't know, I'll talk to her..."
we went to Miku's room and entered, I saw Miku and her friend, I think that her name is Tei, and I also saw Rin, she was tied to a chair, Len wont be happy if he saw her like this, and there were also a blindfold covering her eyes, and I think that she's crying...hmm well, Len have to be angry about this, but killing them?
anyway they are not my friends, well me an Mikuo are not friends, well kinda, we just have fun with girls~
and I know that if I didn't do what Len told me, I'll be dead!
Mikuo and Miku were fighting, I wasn't really focus about what they're fighting, Miku were telling her brother to do what she want, and he was telling her that he want to play that game, they end fighting by Mikuo lying on his sister that he'll come back soon, but he has to try the game seems that my mission is complete now, except that I've to talk to the police when they come...
we get out from the room, and we went to Mikuo's room, and we start playing...
I wonder what Len's going to do?
is he's here?


I went to Miku's house after Rin went out, I took everything I need in my back bag, and I wear a black hoodie, and I also wear black gloves...
tonight I'll have so much fun~ I'm going to enter the house?
hmm..I looked around to find a way, and I saw a window open, perfect~
I enter the house from the window, and I realized that I'm in the living room, no one were here, good.
I saw Dell and Mikuo talking they were standing behind the front door, I stopped listing to them.
I heard Dell telling Mikuo about what I told him to do...hehe good~
then I hide from them when I saw them entering, and they went upstairs.
and I went to the kitchen, I just have to wait a little...hehe~

Miku POV

I went downstairs, gah! Mikuo sometimes give me a headache!
and I saw some leek juice..yum~
I start to drink the leek juice, I thought that Mikuo drink it seems that I was wrong..
then I started drinking my juice, but I head a noise, I looked around but I didn't see anyone, maybe it's my imagination...
then I heard that noise again...I think that someone is watching me...
I looked around again, but no one was's nothing I think.
then I heard it again!
from where is this weird noise?
I start following the noise, and then I stopped, because I'm now in front of my parent's bedroom, ha? it looks that someone is inside the room, because the noise coming from it...
I knock the door, but no answer...
I decided to open the door, I open it, the room was dark, and no one was their...hmmm, weird..
I entered the room, and I start looking around making sure that their's no one here.
then I felt the door closed behind me, and the room was so dark, because it was in the night and there were no light on, I can't see anything!
who closed the door?
is it Tei joking with me?
"Tei if you're joking, then stop it! it's not funny at all!" I said a bit annoying.
"I'm sorry, I'm not Tei, Hatsune~" I heard a familiar voice saying. can't be..
"..Len?" I said really nervous.
my heartbeat start beat too fast!
how he came here?
"...what do y-you..want?" I asked nervously, my breathe was so fast.
"you know what I want~"
what the hell he want?
does he know about what are we doing to Rin?
"and what's it?" I asked.
"I want you..dead~"
I start to shiver from fear, and I start to sweat...he'll kill me?
"" I asked, and I was scared from him...what he'll do.
"I already's just a matter of time, and you'll be dead~"
I was breathing really hard, and my stomach start to hurt me, and I feel really sick, and my heart start pounding so fucking fast!
I think I'll have a heart attack!
"I hope that you enjoyed your juice~" he said laughing.
the leek juice?
what does he putted in my juice?
"...what..does..the..juice..h-had?" I asked, my knuckles white, and I was shaking from fear..
that devil...
"a poison~" he said evilly.
I felt something weird inside me, I didn't feel good at all!
I felt like I was sick...
I felt like I was dying.
I fall on the ground, I was barley breathing, my stomach and my head start to hurt me so bad!
I felt him coming towards me, and he kneel in front of me, I could see his face because there were moonlight in the room coming from the window, and there were a hug grin on his face.
"how's the feel when you're poisoned?" he asked giggling darkly.
it felt so bad!
I don't know as how much I can survive...
my stomach hurt me like hell!
"it just some minutes and you'll be dead!" he said laughing.
"not only you, and your friends too! any last wishes?" he said still laughing like a crazy psychopath!
I didn't have the power to say anything, I was barley alive!
"no wishes? that will be even better!" he said laughing again.
I want it to cry, but I was so weak to do anything!
we stayed silence for about ten minutes, and he didn't move or say anything, what's he waiting for?
I wish if I didn't do that to Rin...
but it's too late!
I felt like my time came, I was closing my eyes, I think that this is the end.
"you're not poisoned~" he said grinning even more!
then why I'm dying?
"the truth is, I didn't poison you."
why I'm fucking dying?
"and you're dying because..." he stopped.
"because, when the human body knows that he's poison or if he's dying, he release a special hormones all over your body,to protect you body and your brain from dying, and guess what?"
my brain stopped working from horror...
"when you believe that you're dying, and you're not really dying...that hormone kills you~" he said laughing.
...from where he knows that..?
"so my dear, you killed yourself~"
"and when that hormone is all over your body, you'll die, it's just a minutes and you'll be dead~"
...I killed myself?
"and the best part is, when those hormones are releasing by your can't stop them~"
I cried, but my tears didn't fall.
I don't wanna die!
"and I knew that way of killing people by Adolf Hitler, lets just say that I'm a fan of him, and I read so many way of killing by him~"
Adolf Hitler?
then, I saw everything went black...


I couldn't stop laughing, she's finally dead, or dying, whatever, the important thing that I want see her fucking face again..
now, the next on will be Tei~
I can't handle all this fun in one night!
it's even better then sex!
but before I kill Tei, I need to do something first.
I took Miku's phone from her pocket, and I start to delete the message between her and Tei, because they were talking about their plan, I didn't delete them all, most of them, and I also deleted some messages between her and her brother.
after I finished doing that, I sighed, and I looked at Miku who was on the ground, who's dying or dead, or whatever.
poor her, I didn't want to do that, but she left me no choice, I warned her twice, but she didn't listen to me...what am I saying? I wanted to do that!
then I felt someone in downstairs, I think that she's Tei, shit! I didn't prepare for her death yet!
it seems that I've to kill her in the old way~
"Miku, where are you?" Tei called for Miku.
she didn't know that her friend's dead now.
I got a knife from my bag back, good that I bring a knife with me~
"Miku?" she called again.
and I was behind her...bye-bye Tei~
then she turned around and saw me, she was going to scream, but I quickly place my hand and covered her mouth, and she tried to push me away, but I grabbed both of her wrists in one hand and I was holding the knife with the same hand, I was so strange for her.
"bye bye Tei~" I said, as I saw her eyes widened, and there were tears in her eyes, and I thrust the knife in her stomach, and then the blood spill out!
and she start crying, and she tried to scream, but I was covering her mouth.
she fall on the ground, and I notice that there were some blood on my hoodie, oh no, that was my favorite hoodie!
I thrust the knife in her stomach hard once more, to make sure that she'll die.
she passed out, that good.
hmm and I thrust the knife in her stomach's fun to do that~
now...I took Tei's phone and I did the same things to her phone, I deleted the messages that I don't like.
now, it's Mikuo's turn, I didn't know that killing people make you tired...
now, how I'm going to kill him?
hmm...let me think~

To be continued...

sorry...but I'm tired of writing!
and this chapter is long!
hope you liked it!
and I hope that you liked the way of killing people..heheh~ I should kill someone xD
I'll update the next chapter soon...
sorry for mistakes.
please review and thanks for reading c: