Quick Note: This is my first time posting a fic on here. So I apologize if it's horrendous. It also has been quite a time since I posted any of my fan fics. Haha well I hope it's not to shitty, so yeah. If I need anything fixed or if anyone has any tips, tricks, etc. Holla at yo gurl. Tbh I read another story with an idea like this (non bender avatar's sister whole shebang) and the author stopped updating/writing more of it ;a; so I was like, ya know what it's a bitchin' story line so imma just do my own kinda thing with a similar situation. So I apologise if that pisses anyone off but hey, I'll work my own original shenanigans into it as well.

Update #1: Thanks to user, DAve and Bob for reviewing and giving me some advice! Thanks a ton! ovo

Two girls were born in the Southern Water Tribe around the same time. Granted, one was born just minutes before the other. Senna was now the proud mother of twin girls. Korra and Mi-Kai were identical twins until the age of four when Korra discovered her powers as the Avatar. The two of them had been inseparable until the White Lotus came to train Korra to become the next Avatar.

Personality wise, Korra and Mi-Kai had a few things in common. They both had an uncanny knack for getting themselves into trouble. Mi-Kai usually solves her problems differently than how Korra usually solves her's. Mi-Kai tries to talk her way out of trouble and has become a master liar whereas Korra usually uses violence as an answer. One that that was a stark difference between the twins was that Mi-Kai wasn't a waterbender. As for appearances, they also looked different, Korra had kept her hair at a medium length whereas Mi-kai kept growing her hair until it reached her lower back. Mi-Kai was also more into fashion and makeup than Korra. Mi-Kai wanted to be as different, appearance wise, from Korra as possible. Before she was easily mistaken as her more successful sister.

From time to time when Korra was able to leave the White Lotus building and visit her family. Korra spoke about how great bending was and being the Avatar gave her so much attention than before. Mi-Kai had listened to all of this genuinely happy for her twin, but also tremendously jealous. Regardless if Korra was in the village or with the White Lotus, Mi-Kai's identity was almost always confused with her successful twin. After a while, Mi-Kai was hoping for an opportunity to get out of the village she was in. So when Korra came to the hut late one night and said goodbye to their parents because she was going to Republic City. Mi-Kai was there wanting to go with as well. Korra tried to reason with Mi-Kai, but Mi-Kai was persistent with going. Giving up, Korra agreed.

"So why are we suddenly going to Republic City?" Mi-Kai finally asked her sister, it had been a long and silent ride from the village to the boat that the two of them were currently sitting in, amongst the cargo.

"Tenzin wasn't able to stay to teach me Airbending so I thought 'why not go to Republic City?'" She said with a wink, Mi-Kai let out a small laugh. Not long after Korra fell asleep against Naga, Mi-Kai looked at the wall of the ship and let out a soft sigh. Being the Avatar's twin had been hard for her but Mi-Kai shouldn't complain, being the Avatar would be a lot more harder. Having the weight of keeping the world at peace would be immensely difficult. So in a way, Mi-Kai is lucky that she was born a few minutes later.

As soon as the ship had docked the the doors to the cargo area had opened Mi-Kai and Korra bolted out of there on Naga. Of course with both Korra and Mi-Kai yelling out a thanks and a 'byeeee'. The two Water Tribe girls looked like a couple of fish out of water compared to the fashion and technology differences between them and the citizens of Republic City.

"How do we get to Air Temple Island?" Mi-Kai whispered Korra responded with a shrug.

"Well it's over there, I was thinking that we'll just plunge in and swim over there..." Korra stated and pointed to and island with buildings on it. Mi-Kai gave her an exasperated look, "ready for a little swim girl?" Korra started to direct Naga towards the railing more, but Naga was having none of that and began running into oncoming traffic, "OK, I guess we're getting some food!" Korra yelled as Naga began running into oncoming traffic. Mi-Kai shrieked as the three of them had almost had a few collisions with some Satomobiles. Naga finally came to stop in front of a food stall and stuck her head into the food cart, startling the vendor. "We'll take one of everything," Korra told the vendor. Who, in a snobby voice, stated that it would cost her 20 Yuans. When Korra said that she didn't have that kind of money the vendor yelled at her that she 'was no use to her' and to leave. The vendor became more aggravated when Mi-Kai attempted to persuade her into lowering the price. Korra pursed her lips, "come on Mi-Kai, Naga. Let's go find some food elsewhere." The twins mounted Naga and Korra steared Naga away from the vendor.

"Maybe there's a pond or lake we can fish in?" Mi-Kai suggested, Korra nodded.

"Hopefully." She said and asked someone where the nearest park was.

After getting some directions from some weary citizens, the trio ended up in a park and Naga began catching some fish to give to Korra who began to cook them using her fire bending. As the sisters were going to take a bite out a fish, a homeless man jumped out of a nearby bush and asked if he could have one of them tasty looking fish. Not wanting to be rude Mi-Kai approved and the man began chowing down.

"So...do you live in that bush?" Korra asked,

"Yep! That is what I presently call home! This park is common place for vagabonds!" He stated and waved an arm around wildly.

"So there are...a lot of you here?" Mi-Kai asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah I thought that everyone here was living it up!" Korra said, causing the hobo to laugh,

"then you have a lot to learn new comers!" A nearby whistle blow grabbed the attention of everyone.

"Hey you there! You can't fish here!" A police man said and began running towards the group.

"You two best skedaddle!" The hobo said and jumped back into the bush. On the way out of the park the two ran into a bending protester, Korra got into a heated discussion with the protester. Mi-Kai told Korra to leave before things got out of hand. Then when Mi-Kai thought things couldn't get any worse, as soon as Korra stopped to ask for directions to get to Air Temple Island they ran into a group of thugs harassing a shopkeeper. Korra was going to intervene but Mi-Kai told her that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to get into trouble on the first day of being here, Korra's face scrunched up in anger,

"so you'd rather watch a poor, defenseless man get bullied by some thugs?" She said, raising her voice, Mi-Kai took a step back,

"no...I wouldn't." She muttered, "it would be in our best interest to just call the police." She said, her eyes darting away from her twin's deadly glare,

"I don't care what you think. I'm going to go beat them up." Korra stated and stomped up to the thugs. After beating them up with her bending abilities the police force arrived and arrested both the thugs and Korra. Korra hopped on Naga and booked it out of there, leaving her twin behind.

"What the..." Mi-Kai sighed with a sharp glare on her face she watched Korra disappear on Naga. Mi-Kai turned back to the couple that Korra had asked for directions before, "so about those directions?" She asked a large smile on her face.

'When I see Korra again, I'm going to punch her,' Mi-Kai thought as her aching feet carried her through out the city. As Mi-Kai was following the directions she was given her. She was busy studying her surroundings when she turned a corner and bumped into someone. Mi-Kai ended up falling on the ground with a 'oof'.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry!" The male voice said. Mi-Kai shook her head,

"oh! Don't apologize! I should! I should have looked where I was going!" She said and accepted the hand of the male. Mi-Kai looked up and locked eyes with the male. Her cerulean eyes made contact with emerald ones and the two blushed. 'Bumped into a cutie my first day, score one for Mi-Kai!' She thought giving herself a mental pat on the back.

"You shouldn't need to apologize either!" The male said, "are you hurt?" he asked softly looking her over for any injuries, 'Sweet I ran into a cute girl! She looks new too! Ask her out on a date Bolin!' Bolin thought to himself.

"No I'm fine." She laughed, "thank you."

"Let me make it up to you, how about I take you out to eat?" He asked a grin on his face. Mi-Kai laughed,

"I don't even know your name, sir."

"OH! I'm Bolin." He said with a huge smile, "what's your name? My fair lady~"

"I'm Mi-Kai, and food sounds great right now." She said softly,

"Alright good! Follow me!" He said, 'yes!' Bolin cheered in his head as he slipped his hand into Mi-Kai and began to lead her to the authentic Water Tribe noodle shop he discovered, 'I'm sure she'll love this!'

"Woah! So you're a pro-bender? That's really cool!" Mi-Kai exclaimed as Bolin had pulled the both of them into a small noodle shop and ordered some noodles Bolin laughed heartily,

"thank you, thank you. And these noodles may look disgusting and smell disgusting but they're fantastic!" He said, Mi-Kai laughed,

"I wouldn't doubt it. I'm from the Southern Water Tribe. I know what Water Tribe noodles look and smell like." She said, Bolin fidgeted.

"Right! Sorry." He said, 'nice job Bo,' he mentally sighed.

"no worries!" Mi-Kai said with a wave of her hand. As the noodles arrived they began to eat, "oh my spirits! This is authentic!" She said with a grin. Bolin smiled back at her.

"So what brings you here to Republic City?" Bolin asked before slurping his noodles down,

"I came here with my sister, but she...sorta ditched me." She whispered before eating.

"Wow! That's a jerk move!" Bolin said with a frown, but then his face turned into a small smile and blush, "but at least I was able to meet you." He said, Mi-Kai also blushed and returned his smile.

"Same here! I've had a really fun time Bolin!" She laughed, 'definitely the best fun I've had in a while,' she thought.

"I'm glad!" He said, the pair continued to chat after they ate and when they were walking around the city.

"So I assume you've lived in Republic City all your life?" Mi-Kai asked as the pair aimlessly wandered around the park Mi-Kai and Korra had visited earlier that day,

"Yeah. Both my older brother and I have been in Republic City since we were born." Bolin said,

"You're brother is a Pro Bender as well?" She asked, Bolin nodded.

"Yeah he's the firebender on our team! We're the Fire Ferrets!" Bolin cheered and struck a pose, earning a giggle from Mi-Kai,

"Fire Ferrets? Sounds cute!" She said,

"cute, but deadly!" Bolin joked and pretended to lunge at Mi-Kai, who did a mock yell and continued to laugh,

'Bolin is really sweet! Better than any other men I've met in the Water Tribe...I can't wait to tell Korra about him! OH! SHIT! Korra! I gotta get to the Island!' Mi-Kai thought quickly, glancing at the clock in the park, Mi-Kai let out a sharp gasp.

"Are you OK? Mi-Kai?" Bolin asked,

"I should get to Air Temple Island! My sister is probably waiting up for me!" She said, biting her thumb nail, 'I hope she wasn't arrested, or at least maybe Tenzin bailed her out...oh I hope she isn't pissed at me!' She thought and slightly narrowed her eyes, 'wait, why would she be pissed?! I should be! She left ME!' She thought and began to pay attention to Bolin again.

"Air Temple Island?" Bolin asked,

"Yeah, that's where we live for the time being. Ah, I hope the ferries are still operating." She whispered, biting her thumb nail.

"Wait? Aren't both of you from the Water Tribe? Why are you guys staying at Air Temple Island? Can't you waterbend over there?" Bolin started questioning her, Mi-Kai started to bite her finger nails.

"We're staying with family friends for a while," She said in a soft voice, "and I can't waterbend..." she said even softer, but Bolin still heard.

"Oh...I didn't know I'm sorry." He said in an equally softer voice, 'good job, Bo...' Mi-Kai held up her left hand and waved it dismissively,

"no need to apologize." She said, a small smile etched on to her face, "but if you escort me to the docks I'd forgive you~" she laughed. Bolin's smile returned to his face as well and gave her a mock bow,

"Oh of course!" He said, Mi-Kai let out a laugh. They laughed and joked all the way to the docks, thankfully the ferries were still operating.

"Thank you so much for today Bolin. Hopefully I'll see you again?" She asked, Bolin nodded,

"Come by the arena any time! I'll most likely be there!" He said. Mi-Kai was about to board the ship, but turned towards him quickly and kissed his cheek. They both blushed heavily and Mi-Kai jumped up on the ship's deck.

"See you soon, Bolin!" She called as the ship took off towards Air Temple Island.

"Yeah...See you." He said with a smile as he lightly touched the part of his cheek where she kissed him. As soon as Mi-Kai was out of sight Bolin ran back to the apartment him and his brother shared, eager to tell his brother about what happened.

Mi-Kai thanked the Ship's crew as they docked at Air Temple Island. As she made her way up the stairs she was greeted with the bone crushing hug of her sister,

"I'M SO SORRY MI-KAIIII!" Korra wailed, "I left you all alone!" Mi-Kai had to pry her sister off of her,

"Korra! My word! It's alright! I'm fine." Mi-Kai said after Korra had calmed down, "but this is for leaving me!" Mi-Kai said and quickly punched Korra on the shoulder, Korra finched slightly, "two for flinching!" She laughed and popped two more punches on her twin.

"Ow! Mi-Kai!" Korra whined as the twins sat down on the stairs that lead down to the docks telling each other of each other's days.

"What were you doing all this time?" She asked,

"Well, after you left I was starting to make my way towards the ferries to take me to Air Temple Island, but I bumped into someone and well, it turned into a date, kind of, he took me out for noodles -which were awesome by the way- then we chatted until dusk then he escorted me to the ferries and here I am now." Mi-Kai explained. Korra blinked in confusion then a smile slowly crawled on her face.

"Ooooh you found a boy you likee~" She said in a teasing manner,

"oh my gods Korra." Mi-Kai laughed and playfully slapped her sister's shoulder, "shut your mouth."

"I'll have to meet him soon! What's his name?" Korra began asking.

"I hope you will too, I really want to meet him again! His name is Bolin. What about you Korra, what have you been up to?" Mi-Kai smiled,

"Heh...heh, well I ended up getting caught by the police and got arrested..." Korra admitted, "so it turns out that the head of police is Lin Bei Fong! Toph's daughter! So when I informed her that I was the Avatar and that she should cut me some slack cause both Aang and her mom were besties back in the day, she was all like, 'yeah no. That's not gonna happen...' But thankfully Tenzin arrived to bail me out." Korra sighed,

"Oh that's good!" Mi-Kai said, "but that's not all is it?" She asked, noticing the worried look on Korra's face,

"you always know when there's more to my stories huh?" Korra asked with a smirk.

"Well yeah, we're miiind twins." Mi-Kai laughed, Korra rolled her eyes and laughed along with her sister.

"Whatever, well when Tenzin came to get me he told me that he was sending both of us back home. Thankfully I was able to convince him that I should stay and that you should stay too, cause I also need you here." Korra said, Mi-Kai's features softened into a look of pride.

"Thank you." Mi-Kai whispered, "I also would be so bored back home without you around." Mi-Kai said and playfully pushed Korra, who had also began laughing,

"I'd also be bored here too! Who else would pull pranks on Tenzin with me?" Korra said and the pair began laughing, soon Korra stood up from the steps, "well I start my airbending training in the morning so I'm going to go to sleep, night Mi-Kai."

"Good night Korra." Mi-Kai said with a smile as Korra walked away to the Woman's side of the island. Mi-Kai stared across Yue Bay for a while a small smile on her face, she felt that good things were going to happen. She continued to stare and day dream before deciding to go to sleep.