A/N: When watchin 3x20, I noticed that Killian did not even seem surprised or scared about their encounter with Zelena. It was almost like he knew it was coming. So, here is a fairly short (few chapters) fic filling in some missing moments I felt should have been addressed during 3x20, 3x21 and 22, and continuation from the finale.

Killian knew as soon as Zelena mentioned the "choice" to Emma. How had he not seen it coming? In all of his trying to keep Emma and her family safe, he had not stopped to think of the negative possibilities resulting in his accompanying her on her battle.

"…or the man you can't wait to run away from," Zelena's voice rang out. After that, Killian just stopped listening. He knew this would be his end, actually hoped for it. He didn't know what would happen to him, but he knew it would put his life, and Emma's magic in danger. He prayed that Emma would realize that he wasn't worth it; his pathetic, drunken, lonely self was not worth her losing her magic to save him. She needed to save her family, the town, everyone but him. It was why he sacrificed his ship, his home. To save her, to reunite her with her family. Sure, he had hoped that she would fall for him as he had for her, but, he only needed to hear her digs at him so many times to get the message. He had hoped that their going to battle together would have given him one last chance to talk sense into her and get her to rethink taking Henry back to New York, alone.

He felt Zelena's eyes flicker away from Emma and land on him for just a moment, and he knew this was it. He fought the urge to look at Emma. He wanted nothing more than to see her face one more time, especially if he was to meet his death in mere moments. No, it would take longer than a few moments. She would not want it to be quick. She would give Emma time to make a choice. Even still, one more glance would fill his heart for his journey to the beyond, if there was one. But he couldn't. He didn't want Emma to see his worried face, to feel guilted into saving him. Her mind was focused on saving her family and moving back to New York. He wanted her to remain that way. It was the only way to save everyone. He set his face in a hard expression, taking a deep breath, preparing himself for the pain to come.

"Rumple…" Zelena called. Rumple's face was a stern mask covering what Killian knew to be regret. He would not die blaming the Crocodile for this. This was it.

The next second, Killian was flying through the air, waving his arms to stabilize him. He expected to slam into the side of the house, or soar into the claws of one of Zelena's winged beasts. He did not expect to be pushed face down into a shallow pool of water. His eyes still open, and caught by surprise, his head and open mouth were pushed side to side, creating waves in the previously still pool. His lungs were on fire. He screamed out of instinct, but knew that no help would come, could come. Not only was the water deep, but it was freezing cold. He had seen this practice done to torture convicts for information, had even initiated a few during his time as Captain Hook. He regretted in that moment ever performing this on another human being. After trying to force himself free, and failing, he heard Zelena's voice, a watery ripple echoing through his ears.

"You can't free him." He was vaguely aware of someone tugging at his shoulders, trying desperately to pull him out. The hands were clenching painfully on him, and he longed to reassure Emma that it was okay, to let him go. He could feel her panic, and the pain in his heart from knowing her fear hurt far more than the pain of his lungs begging for air.

He couldn't hold on much longer, try as he might. His lungs were almost done fighting, his vision growing blurry. All his time on the sea, in love with the water, and this would be his demise. He had always envisioned dying from a fight, or a shipwreck, or protecting someone he actually cared about. Not drowning in a pool shorter than waist-height. But, he was glad to think that he was, in a way, protecting those he cared about, even loved. If only Emma held strong, suppressed her urge to save him. He knew she would try if she acted on instinct. He prayed that her mind would overrule her gut. He felt the hands grasping at his shoulders shaking from fatigue and desperation. He allowed himself a small, sad smile, as his body began to go numb. His vision darkening, he thought of Emma, and wished her everything he wouldn't be able to give her.

I love you, Swan, he thought, and his world went black.