WARNING: This chapter is rated M for mature content, continue reading at your own discretion :-)

Day 5 - The night of Nicolas' feast

"You are quite the dancer, Petyr. Have you been taking lessons back home? Last I danced with you, you stepped on my feet more than I did stepping on yours." Kenna teased.

Lord Grey gently spun her around and brought her back into his arms, taking great caution not to hold her so tightly, for she was a married woman and he could never look at her in that way. "Years of practice, milady." He beamed. He took a couple of steps back and happened to bump into Bash. "Lord de Poitiers-" he started, but Bash cut him off.

"Lord Grey." He said with a clipped tone. Bash looked at his wife and back to Lord Grey with disdain. "Do you mind if I take my wife? I have some matters that need discussing."

"As you wish, my Lord." He let go of Kenna and bowed to the couple with a flourish. "I hope you two have a fabulous time tonight."

As soon as he was out of earshot, Kenna looked at Bash with disapproving eyes. "Bash, that was incredibly rude."

He glanced behind them and saw Lord Grey conversing with Nicolas. "I don't care."

Bash practically tore his wife away from the feast and refused to let go of her arm until he led her to a crevice behind an abandoned stairway.

He leaned in to whisper into Kenna's ear. "Tell me, Kenna." His voice grew huskier by the minute. "Tell me about Lord Grey. What's so appealing about him? Why do women fawn over him?" He put his hands on her hips and growled, "Why does my wife fawn over him?"

Before Kenna could utter a word, Bash had her pinned against a wall, the stone cold against her back.

"Bash!" Kenna managed to gasp out as his hips ground into hers. She threw her head back on the wall and held on tight to his arms.

"What does he have that I don't?" He continued to grind into Kenna, and it took it all she had not to go wild – her strangled moans and lidded eyes were an attestation to that.

Kenna's eyes darkened with desire as she looked up at her husband. This was a side of Bash she had never seen before, and she was exhilarated at the prospect of a jealous Bash.

"Well," it took a while for her to form a coherent sentence, especially since Bash's breath mingled with hers, and she could smell his woodsy scent that she had come to love so much at their close proximity. "He's charming..."

"Oh?" He took her hands in one of his and raised it above her head, while the other slowly trailed down her figure in a torturously slow manner, his fingers leaving a trail of fire in place of his soft touch.

"He's also very skilled with his hands, I heard." She arched her back and pressed her chest up against her husband's. "Not that I've had the pleasure of seeing Lord Grey pluck the strings of a guitar. It's said he can produce the most beautiful of melodies."

"Really? And you don't think I have that same skill?" His hand settled on her right leg, and he hooked it around his hip, which caused Kenna to gasp again.

"As the Master of Horse and Hunt, you weren't exposed to all the mundane, bourgeoisie activities of French Court." She said teasingly, her breath hitching. She tilted her head up to kiss him but whined as he turned his head away, he wasn't going to make this easy for her.

He chuckled darkly as she pouted. "As the Master of Horse and Hunt, I think I know what my hands are capable of."

Kenna let out a snort of derision. "Oh, yes, hunting and stuffing wild animals is so enthralling."

"Isn't it?" He dipped his head to her neck and showered kisses up her ear and back down. "But that's not what I mean."

Kenna was reduced to means and gasps from his kisses. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her head was permanently leaned back against the wall. She knew she shouldn't be too loud, after all, they were still out in public. But when Bash is kissing her like that, and talking to her in that manner, she couldn't help it.

"What-" words were caught in her throat when Bash nipped at her collarbone. "What do you mean?"

His hand slipped under the expensive silk of her gown and travelled upwards to caress her inner thigh, until he was inches away from where she was aching for his touch. "I don't need to learn how to pluck a guitar when I can..." Without warning, he pushed the dampening material of her undergarments aside and shoved his fingers inside her.

"Oh God, Bash!" Kenna screamed out in pleasure, but Bash quickly quelled it with his lips. After a sensual kiss, he whispered into her ear. "That, my wife, is the most beautiful of melodies." He continued to plunge his calloused fingers in and out of her center, drawing out sharp gasps of air from his wife. Kenna tensed up at the sensations her husband brought her. He had touched her before, but certainly not with such roughness, which aroused her further. "Faster, Bash! Oh God!" She moaned as her husband obliged and rubbed her ever so insistently.

She was close, and she was adamant Bash knew it, too. But as her sighs and moans got louder, Bash slowed down his ministrations, as if wanting to torture her even more. "Bash, please..." She groaned and moved her hips to feel his fingers deep in her core, but to no avail.

He smiled at her as he touched her slowly; it was too unbearable for Kenna. She slammed her head back on the wall and tried to get her breathing back to normal.

"So, Kenna," Bash nipped softly on her earlobe as his breath tickled her ears. "Tell me more about Lord Grey."

She looked dazed as she asked, "Who?" She could vaguely recall the name, and she certainly couldn't put a face to it. All she could see, hear, smell, feel and think about was him, her husband.

Bash's smile widened at her response and released her hands from his grip. She immediately wound her arms around his neck and drew him in for a kiss. Her hands found themselves weaving into the hair on the nape of his neck, and tugged softly, earning a groan from Bash.

She pulled back a fraction to whisper, "Faster, please!" and resumed kissing him with such passion. Bash's other hand, which wasn't touching her, squeezed her behind and pulled her even closer to him. His fingers manipulated her so expertly that within a few moments, she was building up again. Bash, sensing that she was very close, inserted more fingers into her and sped up even more. Kenna broke the kiss and let go with a scream, which Bash muffled with his lips, so as not to let the guests hear.

Kenna, breathless, broke the kiss again and rested her head on the wall. Breathing heavily, she looked down and saw Bash smile, taking his hand from under her dress and lapping up her juices from his fingers. Watching him sent thrills coursing through her veins and she kissed him softly. When she tasted herself on his lips, she moaned and deepened the kiss, her hands making their way down his trousers and undoing the buttons. It wasn't long before his hardness sprang forth, and Bash groaned as she teased him through his undergarments.

It was then Bash had the sudden need to be in her. He was so determined to let her forget about the damned Lord Grey that he completely forgot about his own desires and focused solely on her. Waves of affection and something else bash couldn't place took over him as he grappled her hips. Sure, he had his needs. But right now, there was nothing more than he wanted than for Kenna to forget about Lord Grey completely.

"Perhaps we should take this to our chambers." He suggested in a guttural voice. A voice so unfocused on what he was saying because all he wanted was the feeling of being inside his beautiful wife. "The staircase leads to a door directly into the bathing room."

He grabbed Kenna's hand that was still toying with him and almost broke out into a sprint to their bed, but she stopped him and pulled him back by the trousers. "Nobody else knows of this stairway and where it leads to?"

Bash could only nod his head in affirmation as she took her time in unbuttoning his linen shirt, seductively looking him straight in the eye as she did so. Once she pushed the garment off his shoulders, she moved to take his trousers off, but Bash stopped her, for he realized that she had more layers than he did. So he untied the strings of her gown and slid it down her body so effortlessly, managing to remove her undergarments as well. Kenna was glad she chose to wear a simple gown without her corset, or it would have taken up so much time, and she needed to be with her husband now.

Bash took it upon himself to remove his trousers and his final piece of clothing. Once their clothes pooled around their feet, they stepped out of them before Bash backed Kenna up the wall and kissed her endlessly. She pulled him closer to her naked body and placed her hands on his shoulders, signalling him to lift her up and impale her centre with his hardened member. Kenna wrapped her legs behind his back and adjusted to his size, eliciting a soft grunt from Bash. He had a firm grip on her hips and didn't hesitate to start thrusting into her, using the wall to help hold her up.

"Now we can go up to our chambers." Kenna whimpered as Bash drove into her. Slowly, Bash turned and walked up the stairs, each step bringing him deeper and deeper into Kenna's core. Kenna wielded her hands around his back and held on to him, not being able to contain her moans as they ascended the stairway. The sensation this brought to the both of them was so profound that they were on the brink of letting go, but Bash willed himself to hold on as long as possible. Kenna, on the other hand, could not, and by the time they had reached the top of the stairs, she screamed out, "Bash!" as stars exploded behind her eyes.

As she rode out her high, Bash kissed her vigorously, kicking the door to their bathing room open and walking as fast as his legs could take him to their chambers. Once Kenna had recovered, she deliberately ground her hips on his, so he was fully sheathed by her centre, and growled at the feeling of her walls tightening on him. "You little minx."

She laughed and breathed out a moan when he moved his hands to grope her behind. They had finally made it to their chambers, and Bash wasted no time setting her down on their bed and pounded into her furiously. Kenna was reduced to screams of pleasure, the only thing she could manage to get out was, "God, Bash! Faster! Yes, right there!" as she dug her fingernails into his back when he hit a sensitive spot in her.

Bash, sensing she was so close to letting go, reached down and rubbed her furiously, all the while thrusting into her. He wanted to ensure that she would get to the edge before he did, and judging by her shallow breaths and increasingly loud moans, she would. Not long after, Kenna's walls clenched down on him and she came with a scream. Bash could not hold it any longer, and with one final thrust, he shuddered and spilled into her. "Oh God, Kenna!" His shoulders sunk and he collapsed beside her, taking care not to separate himself from her.

Kenna moved to lean her head on his chest, which was rising up and down heavily at his sporadic breathing. "Bash," her breath had just begun to even out as well, "you do know that Petyr doesn't harbour any feelings for me, right?"

"What?" Bash was still hazy from their activities, and he languidly wrapped his arms around her frame.

"All I'm trying to say is that he'd rather ogle at you than dare to even touch me like you did." She bit back a smile as her words started to sink into his understanding. It didn't take him long to react.

"I'm sorry? Did you just say what I think you said?" He looked at Kenna with bewildered eyes, this cannot be happening right now. "You just decided to tell me this now?"

"Well, you were being brash at the feast, I couldn't very well yell it out in front of all those people, imagine what they would say to him?"

"Alright, alright." Bash breathed deeply. He had never imagined the situation would turn around like this. "Wow, now I feel like an idiot for rudely interrupting your dance. I should go and apologize to him." He moved to get up from the bed, but Kenna stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"You could," she pushed him back down and climbed on top of him, smiling as he hardened inside her again. "Or we could stay here, and you can always apologize tomorrow."

"As you wish, my wife." He smiled back and threw his head back as she moved up and down in a fast rhythm, her breasts heaving. His last coherent thoughts before they lost themselves in one another is that he would never tire of being intimate with her and that he will never be able to get enough of her.

A/N: Two consecutive chapters in one day, what?! 8 is a lucky number, so I decided our favourite pairing should get lucky ;) (wow, that was lame) I've never written this kind of story before, so please bear with my writing. Hope you liked this. Reviews are greatly appreciated! xx