Hey as promised i updated this week I'm glad i was finallygave this out my school is such a slave driver and i really disliked it this week, but i have you guys to cheer me up right?Anyways back to the story.

The Truth

Sasuke gave a blank stare what could he say? It was a big revelation and Naruto must have been worried for a while. A war hasn't happened ever since the Great War a thousand years ago and ever since then it was semi peaceful.

If a war was happening now then something big must be happening. Sasuke internally berated himself for being so ignorant of the situation. He really hated it when his brother was right.

Dear otouto

I have left to help get rid of the invasions from the north and east bases. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to say goodbye to you and your dear wife. It's a pity really, but I think it would be best to move onto higher lands or some place where other groups won't reach you if you don't want to fight that is. I have the feeling that a war is starting to commence and unless you want to be part of it I suggest that you take Naruto and leave.

With best regards

your beloved Aniki

Sasuke really did hate when his brother was right, but how Naruto knows and why he seemed so afraid at the moment is what shook him up the most.

"Dobe how do you know a war is definitely coming." Naruto looked at Sasuke his eyes a little swollen from the crying he just did a few moments ago. He took deep breath and tried to collect himself before he could say anything and began to think of the right words to say.

He didn't really know how to make this any easier to accept but either way there was no better way of saying it.

Naruto took a shaky breath and began to speak softly." I had a dream last night. There were many dead bodies lying on the ground and people were fighting and killing each other. Sasuke continued to pay close attention at Naruto slowly getting worried about what else he was about to say.

I saw kyuubi, you, and other demons and angels all covered in blood and everyone was dead." Naruto at this point was shaking.

" I heard so much yelling and screaming and i was so afraid. Naruto felt his stach knotting remembering this part of his dream. What scared me the most is that I even saw myself there. I was dead with everyone else and I'm afraid that it will eventually happen to us. "

By the end of the discussion Naruto was shaking and his eyes were frozen in fear. He was mumbling under his breath which scared Sasuke. It was the first time seeing him this way. He looked so broken down. The sight was heartbreaking and and he didn't like it at all

Sasuke moved closer to Naruto and grabbed him shaking him forcefully back and forth. "Naruto look at me!" Naruto stopped shaking but he still had fear clear in his eyes and Sasuke moved Naruto towards his chest, sitting him on his lap and held him there till he calmed down rubbing his back back and forth.

Naruto had even more tears in his eyes. He couldn't handle it. He was broken and his heart clenched in fear that his dream just might eventually happen. Naruto could feel Sasuke treading his fingers into his hair and rubbed at his small fox ears to calm him down. He leaned and pushed his face into sasuke's chest searching for comfort from him. It lasted for a long while and sasuke eventually pulled Naruto into a passionate kiss seeing as he wasn't able to calm down.

He didn't like seeing Naruto this way and he wanted to try and erase these memories and try to throw it into the wind even if it was only for a short while. The two were slowly getting into the heat of the moment and Sasuke continued to devour Naruto's lips with soft nibbles and gentle sucks making the blonde's lips become swollen and red. Naruto's ears were pulled back clearly very into the heat of the moment whimpering and moaning into Sasuke's mouth.

Leading Sasuke to mentally decide not to bring up the topic anymore. It was clear to the two of them that there was danger heading their way and that they should start preparing for the worst, so that day Sasuke spent his time comforting Naruto and began to think of what he should do to improve their situation.

The two then went to sleep in each other's arms and would wait till the next day to figure out the rest.


Th next morning Naruto woke up first like always. He began to untangle himself from Sasuke's arms and legs, since Sasuke always complained that he would roll in his sleep the first time they slept together. He gradually had gotten used to it, but he didn't like that he had to be very careful to not wake Sasuke. He yawned and rubbed his eyes and just sat up staring at nothing until he remembered what had happened yesterday.

The memories rushed through Naruto's head. It all felt so bitter sweet. He just wished it could've ended on a much better note and with even better memories to match. He was happy though at the very their relationshp was progressing and he felt he was ready to take the next step with Sasuke, but maybe now wasn't the right moment at the very least. Naruto's thoughts brgan to swim in his head and eventually moved his attention towards Sasuke.

He stared at Sasuke's sleeping face. He was sleeping so calmly beside him and he smiled. All past memories of the night before gone.

Yes, he truly felt that he could go anywhere with Sasuke and he trusted Sasuke with all his heart and soul and he felt that eventually it will all be worth it. These many moments will forever be in his heart and soul even towards the very end. He felt a little selfish though thinking all these thoughts because eventually he won't be by Sasuke's side anymore, but he guessed for now this was enough for him. When Naruto internally agreed with himself he continued to just stare at Sasuke, tracing Sasuke's cheek bones and admiring the way he looked so calm and peaceful in his sleep.

After getting bored tracing Sasuke's nose and cheeks Naruto then slowly began to trace Sasuke's lips and began to remember all the moments Sasuke had kissed him he eventually developed a blush and softly laughed at the spontaneous kissing. They had a weird beginning nothing really like other people he had heard about and the two were definitely very different because of circumstances. I mean come on! He just used to be a live drawing of a fox back then and now he has gained a body a voice and even special abilities to him it just all felt so amazing.

Sasuke eventually woke up to a soft laugh aslowlywly opened his eyes to find his blushing dobe staring right at him. Sasuke had no idea what was going through Naruto's haed to make him blush and laugh at the same time and looked at the blonde with a questioning eyebrow.

"So what were you laughing about dobe?" He drawled out tiredly with a grunt.

Naruto glared at Sasuke for the Dobe part and for ruining the moment. "Well nothing much just thinking about the time we first talked to each other like this."

Sasuke for a moment began to think back to that first time when he first created Naruto to the way he looks now. "Well you have definitely changed. You're no longer the little kit that would destroy the place and bring the house down anymore." Sasuke smirked at the way Naruto pouted mentioning those times he had destroyed the temple and how Sasuke had to clean it all up. Sasuke almost lost control when his blonde pouted but instead went in for a small peck of the lips and began to immediately stand up and gave a small smirk when he saw Naruto blushing at the surprise kiss he gave him and left him on the futon to get his mind workng again.

Sasuke began walking towards the kitchen and decided that he should try to talk tro Kurama about the problem at hand and went in to the main hall in search of him, but saw that he wasn't there anymore on his usual spot on the pillow. Sasuke began to internally panick and think of where the old fox could've gone and decided to look outside where they had their first encounter. He found the fox. Yes he did but, he seemed to be attacking a tree and jumping around with spins and twirls doing so and seemed like he was in top condition again until he inevitably fell to the ground. His legs were shaking a little from the impact of his landimg and he just lay there exhausted.

Kurama had decided that early morning hat his legs didn't feel any ache too much anymore and when he tested his thoughts he found that he was able to put slight pressure on his legs and decided that it would be alright to do a bit of training with a slight limp, but eventually shook it off and was doing great until he landed. It pissed him off that he was still in a weak state and he wished his healing could hurry up so that he could go back with his comrades and think up a new battle plan. He was sure people were suffereing and he needed to go back to help and not be here alying around just waiting, it was very frustrating.

Sasuke saw the fox layed out on the ground and sighed deciding to try and go help the fox back inside. "Oi Kyuubi no kitsune if you want to go back as quickly as possible you need to let your body heal or you'll never be able to go back and save your people. Sasuke came closer and began inspecting the injury making Kyuuni wince. This should be common logic for you after all you are a commander or are you not?" Kyuubi growled at Sasuke and tried to claw him ,but eventually accepted it, stll not really happy, and let Sasuke carry him back inside knowing that the human was right no matter how much he hated him and was left back on his spot on the pillow in the main room. Once Sasuke had layed him down he began to get to breakfast, but already saw that breakfast was already beng cooked, so he just sighed and waited for Naruto to bring it out.

Naruto was humming a little tune while making breakfast. He was surprised that Kurama was missing though and became a little worried until he was reassured by his prescence when he felt a small demonic power in the main room. He sighed and continued concentrating on making breakfast. Once done he set out the food for everyone even Kyuubi enjoyed some of the meal given to him. Naruto then began to check on Kurama's wounds again. His hands brightened into a soft green d began to go over Kyuubi's legs. Naruto frowned as his hands were going over the legs and immediately stopped.

"Kyuubi why has your wounds gotten worse?" Naruto gave an unpleased look at Kyuubi and Kyuubi merely turned up his nose at Naruto.

"I was training." Naruto became a little angered at the answer. "Well Kurama if you want to get out there so bad you should probably just sit and wait till your wounds are healed before they become weak points! "This made Kyuubi snarl at him. He didn't need to hear it again by this weak kitsune it was the vain of his existence at the moment and he didn't want it to be spoken again.

Naruto just stood where he was and just sighed not really caring for Kyuubi's small tantrum, but understanding his reasons for trying to leave and left to let Kyuubi's anger simmer down.

Everyone ate in peace and began to start their normal activities of the day. Sasuke swept and cleaned alongside Naruto and the two were eventually done early leaving nothing else to be done and so Naruto decided to go for a walk leaving Sasuke to his own thoughts.

It was actually autumn right now and Naruto hadn't really payed close enough attention till now. All the colors were beautiful the sun was up still making it all seem serene and it's been awhile since he could actually take a good enough look now that he isn't so concentrated on Sasuke. He was smiling as he was walking and decided to shift into fox form so that he could run around and feel the wind against his fur. He yipped and began to run at high speed around the whole area having so much fun. He ran and jumped over tree trunks and crouched under bushes smelling around the air. Eventually he got tired and just sat at the spot he crashed on in order to regain his energy and looked up at the sky and after a long few minutes later he eventually slipped into a deep sleep.

He was like that for a long while till he smelled smoke in the air that was enough to make him cough and sneeze at the putrid air. He immediately woke up feeling that something was wrong and began following the scent running towards it. He was a blur of yellow as ran through bthe forest, but came to an abrupt stop at the sight in front of him. He had never scene so much fire in his entire life and there were so many screams. It scared him to think that many were dyng at the moment and there was nothing that he could do to save them. The only thing he was able to do at the moment would be to look for any survivors running arund and Naruto did just that. He roamed around the small village and he winced at the many bloody and burned bodies around him. The smell of smoke strong in the air and he listened and tried to smell out anyone that could be alive.

He failed at being able to smell anyone out because of the vast amounts of smoke in the air, but he heard the crying of a child under what looked like the remains of the roof of a house. He immediately ran and shape shifted back into his human form and began to push the heavy debris away. He used his entire body to shove it away and eventually saw a child with striking red hair curled up into a ball crying and with blood all over his body. It seemed that he was very close to death and Naruto immediately began to pick him up and run away from the chaos into a safer place so he could heal him. Once he was at the lining of the woods he did immediate medical care and began to heal the toddler's chest area and head the child was still crying, but began to go to sleep once Naruto had touched his forehead and once his most damaged wounds were healed he gently carried him in his arms and began to look for any other survivors. He roamed around trying to look for anyone amongst all the debris and fire, but found no one. He felt like crying looking at everything around him looked so destroyed and was in chaos and this child in his arms must have gone through so much. He had never seen so much pain and suffering before.



Sasuke at the moment was meditating. He was trying to find an answer on what he should do next. Should he join his brother in the upcoming war and leave Naruto behind at the safe house Itachi had set up? or should he stay with Naruto and see what happens? Sasuke thinking of these thoughts became restless and decided that maybe he should talk to Kyuubi on the situation at hand.

Saske came into the main room and saw the fox sleeping peacefully not knowing that soon his sleep will be disturbed by the cocky human slowly nearng towards him. Kyuubi began to slowly stir awake when he felt the human's prescence and he did not look so happy at awakening to Sasuke's face. Kyuubi glared, but made no sound but just stared at Sasuke.

"Kyuubi can you tell me what had happened to you and how you got here?" Kyuubi stared at Sasuke for a few moments and kept quiet making Sasuke question if he was ever going to answer.

"Why should I answer you Uchiha?" Kyuubi drawled out.

Sasuke was about to lash out at Kyuubi, but stopped himself knowing that it wouldn't solve anything. He took a deep breath in order to calm down and began to speak again.

"I need to know now how bad the war is and who is involved at the moment and I thnk that you have the answers that I need."

Kyuubi began mulling over what Sasuke had said not really wanting to answer, but decided that as a commander he needed to find more people to be on the battlefield and he felt that these two would be perfect back up to him. 'I'll tel you, but if you want anymore information I would like both of you to join me on the battleground. What do you say?"


Well what did you think? I'm pretty proud of myself for this and I'm sorry that i didn't update like i said i would last week I had some trouble figuring out what to write next and I was depressed and stressed for awhile I put up a poll on what i should write next cause i don't know if people want me to update this or my other stories cause i have some ideas swimming and I need you guys to tell me what other pairing you want in this story so I can include that you can just review for this part no poll needed . It could be anything even like shika/tem Neiji/gaa or gaa/neiji you tell me and for the lucky group that reviews the most their dreams shall be realized in the next few chapters! ^-^ and the smut is slowly coming by you guys. THIS whole message is dedicated to all the fans out there! So give me insight or I might just have to wait till I get any response it's up to you me people!