Hello There, I'm Marisol. A 14 year old girl with a big dream of becoming a singer! I play a couple of songs on my guitar on the streets of downtown Lafayette in front of my mother's shop. I do it every Saturday and Sunday. People also love to listen and give me money. But, all that was about to change.

I was finishing a song 'Back To December' by Taylor Swift when this fat dude and this nice African American lady came to me.

"Hi! I'm thee Gustavo Rocque, I'm Big Time Rush's Manager! You have Talent. You are the kind of person im looking for." he said taking of his orange shades

I nodded. "Cool! I'm Marisol by the way!' I said setting my guitar down.

"I'm Kelly! His talent scout" kelly said has she handed me their business smiled and i smiled back. "you should call us we leave tomorrow afternoon" they started walking away.

I smiled at the card, grabbed my guitar and ran inside. "Mom!" I yelled as i got to the cash register.

"What is it sweetie?" my mom asked wiping the glass counter. I explained everything to her.

"I dont know about this. I have a store to run". She handed back the business card.

"I can bring Stephanie with me, you know how important this is to me and i can call whenever i can" I pleaded Stephanie been my best friend since 4th grade.

my mom absolutely love her. she sighed. "if its really that important..." I didnt even let her finish.

" YES! I'll call her and you call Gustavo!" I said then i went to call stephanie.

of course she said yes. We had a meeting with Gustavo and Kelly. then after that got to packing. i have to meet with Stephanie at the Airport. i cant believe this is happening. I even get to meet Big Time Rush! Sorry but im Big rusher. but, im not one of those crazy people. LA here we come!

Hey people I came from wattpad (TheBTRLife)! I hope you would like my stories!

Should I continue?