Hey guys~ I'm glad to see people reading my story and following/favorite it so first of all I'd like to say "Thank you very much!" to all you since this is my first story and I'm happy to get such positive feedback. Anyway I want to clarify that the gym's coach is Akashi and its 'captain' is Kuroko which I know is weird since it's a gym but it just came to me so I put it in. The gym is called 'Miracles Gym' where anyone can join as long as they want to, so feel free to suggest some characters to me^^

Should I add Kagami? Any suggestions as to how? Also I think I fixed most of the mistakes I made in the first chap but if you see one tell me also you might want to read chap 1 again.^^

Girl of Paradise does not own Kuroko No Basket (if she did it would probably be full of rated M yaoi *_*)

In the last chapter...

"Haaa? You're the one with a fuckin' problem; doing shit like that to Tetsu. The worst part is that you did at night when it was just the two of them against you and your three shit-for-brain goons, ya scrawny albino." Aomine retaliated mercilessly now that he had a perfect excuse to beat the crap out of Haizaki especially if the white haired teen threw the first punch.

'This is just perfect. Well whatever someone's gotta teach this piece a shit not to mess with Tetsu.' Aomine thought before letting a ferocious and menacing grin stretch across his face making him appear very intimidating.

The whole gym was quiet and everyone was watching minus Kuroko who was still in the locker room, luckily.

Just Another Not So Normal Day.

"Who the fuck are you calling scrawny?! You're the one that's scrawny; you dumb blue haired 'Aho'mine!" Haizaki yelled several tick marks on his forehead, shaking his fist angrily at Aomine, flames in his eyes and his head seemingly ready to blow up.

"Eeeeeh? Whose hair color are you making fun of, you white haired grandpa!" Aomine barked back at Haizaki sporting the same look as Haizaki also brandishing his fist at the other. Unfortunately the two hadn't realized how much noise they were making which alerted the cute teal haired captain who curiously exited the locker room to see the two grasping each other by the front of their shirts and yelling profanities at each other.

"Excuse me but would either of you be so kind as to explain just what is going on?" Kuroko asked but already had an idea as to what might have happened and felt a headache approaching at the angry faces that had only cooled a little at his appearance.

"This bastard deserves everything he gets! You can just shrug off what he did but I sure as hell ain't. " Aomine said yanking Haizaki closer by his shirt and readying his fist, his eyes angry as Haizaki's narrowed.

"That's enough if you don't stop this right now then I will punish both of you." Kuroko said starting to lose patience and becoming annoyed at their rudeness for making such a commotion while there are people trying to train. Aomine eyes narrowed but he let go of Haizaki shirt with a shove that threw Haizaki to the ground roughly most likely hurting his butt.

"Tch! Stupid Tetsu you're way too forgiving!" Aomine said before stomping away not caring if he bumped shoulders with people as he went into the locker room where Kuroko was sure he was going to let his anger on some poor bench or something. Kuroko sighed then turned to Haizaki who remained on the ground, his hair hiding his expression from everyone that were Oh-so discretely watching the whole thing happen. Kuroko stopped his advance towards Haizaki to send an intense stare from his big blue eyes causing them all to look away some acting as though they were never looking but terribly failing.

Kuroko reached Haizaki then crouched down so that they were eye level "Haizaki-kun would you mind telling me what happened?" Kuroko asked even though he knew that Aomine would end up telling him later but he wanted to hear both sides of the story before he made any assumptions. Haizaki looked up his eyes not holding any emotion but slight annoyance "It doesn't matter. You'll just believe whatever that fucking asshole says anyway." He grit out angrily his eyes filled with unspoken accusations and-


Once again all the attention of the gym was on them as none other than Nijimura Shuzo had abruptly walked up and hit Haizaki on the back of his head drawing incredulous looks from everyone with the single exception of Kuroko who looked at him emotionlessly.

"Nijimura-san thank you but there was no need to do such a thing."

"Thank you?!" Haizaki shouted dumbfounded that Kuroko had thanked the man who had just hit him after making him and Aomine stop their fighting.

"Shut up Shoujo!" Nijimura yelled at the delinquent before smiling at Kuroko as though he hadn't. "You're welcome Kuroko." he said. The rest of the gym sweat dropped at the obvious difference in which he treated Haizaki and Kuroko feeling that was some favoritism was definitely going on.

"Anyway Haizaki if Kuroko asked you to tell him it means that he's gonna listen to you not brush you off, dumbass." Nijimura said turning his gaze back to Haizaki. He looked slightly annoyed at the white haired teen's attitude and rude response but honestly there was something else that resolved him to hit the other.

Nijimura was annoyed at the fact that Kuroko had been so close to Haizaki's face when he had crouched down.

"Whatever…" Haizaki said turning his head away and hiding his expression with his hair again. Kuroko stood and Haizaki thought that he had left. Haizaki couldn't help but feel as though he was just abandoned by the person he had trusted a few minutes ago which made him feel as though something slimy was going down his throat, slow and disgusting yet it continued to sink, it was exactly how he felt right now. He grit his teeth at his own thoughts not liking that it made him seem weak which he certainly, or at least that's what he thought, was not, even in the face of an inevitable loss he wouldn't give up easily. He was surprised that when he took a glance after noticing that Kuroko's shadow remained there to see that the teal haired boy had his arm extended and his hand opened.

"Haizaki-kun, do you…need help getting up?" Kuroko asked a small, barely noticeable smile gracing his angelic face instantly causing Haizaki to lose his breath and Nijimura to have a small stream of blood slowly make its way down his face and drop onto the floor, neither of them expecting Kuroko to give them such an adorable smile.

Haizaki blushed realizing that he'd been momentarily dazed from a mere smile but…'It was pretty fucking adorable' he admitted to himself while Nijimura finally realized that his nose was bleeding due to the dangerous amount of cuteness Kuroko had suddenly emitted, he quickly wiped his nose hoping that Kuroko hadn't noticed his slip up. "Damnit…" He hissed quietly his eyes still trained on Kuroko who Haizaki had finally allowed to help him up off the ground.

Even though Haizaki's butt suffered from the impact to the ground his mind couldn't be happier after being able to take Kuroko hand small yet definitely strong hand in his own much larger hand–he had experienced that strength himself and did not doubt that Kuroko could have done worse to him that night-

"Thanks…" he said not really paying attention to anything other than the fact that Kuroko was looking at him, really looking at him. He blushed realizing that he had been holding the boy's hand for longer than necessary and threw Kuroko's hand away (downwards) as though it had burned him which Haizaki felt could have been true considering how hot he felt now but Kuroko shrugged it off and excused himself walking into the locker room leaving Haizaki and Nijimura to stare at his figure till he was out of sight.

They glared at each other before starting to train again Haizaki going to a punching bag trying to relieve himself of his thoughts and frustration.

"Aomine-kun you should apologize to Haizaki-kun"

That was the first thing that Kuroko said as he entered the locker room, that was now messy with stuff that had been kicked, thrown, and bluntly said, had been vented on. One thing was for sure though…that was definitely not what Aomine wanted to hear.

"Tch! Whatever, that albino bastard deserved it." He growled out angrily looking at Kuroko's feet not wanting to look the other in the eyes.

Kuroko sighed causing Aomine to peek upwards and Kuroko's eyes showed the one thing that Aomine didn't want to see, disappointment. It stung him right in the heart and he flushed with anger, anger at himself, at Haizaki, even at Kuroko.

But at that moment he felt bitter like black coffee and unsweetened medicine, something dark sparking inside him and lighting a flame of scorching hot anger that made his vision red and his tongue sharp like knives, ready to bare down on his prey.


"Thank you though…I know you meant well." Kuroko said looking Aomine in the eyes, Kuroko's eyes were gentle and his smile was soft giving him an angelic appearance as white lilies seemed to appear around him.


And just like that the dark blue haired teen's anger dissipated and the flame was snuffed out. Aomine was caught off guard by the sudden gentle expression and he felt awe and something else that he couldn't distinguish neither did he try to, he was too wrapped up in Kuroko's kind smile that he just watched breathless. Swiftly without hesitation he did something he wanted to do for a really long time…

Aomine embraced Kuroko. It wasn't just a hug like a congratulation hug after a tough opponent no it wasn't anything of that sort. Aomine wrapped his arms fully around the teen's figure and buried his face in the crook of Kuroko's neck breathing in his friend's smell of vanilla and mint and he felt like he was suddenly complete and that they fit together perfectly, the way their bodies seemed to meld to each other even with the obvious contrast in their skin color. Aomine saw how he ended and Kuroko began and he squeezed tighter and rubbed his face in the small boy's neck breathing out. Aomine was so focused on Kuroko that he wasn't paying attention to Kuroko's reaction to his sudden hug.

In truth Kuroko was surprised by the hug but he wasn't thinking that it had any romantic meaning imbued in it, his dense mind somehow came up with the excuse that Aomine was feeling really bad about what he said to Haizaki (=.=')

"It's okay Aomine-kun. I'm sure Haizaki-kun will forgive you if you apologize." Kuroko said reassuringly while patting the dark blue haired teen on the back comfortingly.

Aomine sighed but his hold on Kuroko didn't budge instead he rubbed his face in the smaller boy's neck more wishing that he further bury himself in the other's body. He mumbled out a lazy "Yeah, sure…" into Kuroko's neck the smaller of the two letting out a slight shiver as the vibration in his neck sent chills down his spine.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have worn this shirt today…' Kuroko thought, he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt that was purposely very open in the neck (like the shirt that the dead husband wears in Wolf Children)

Uncomfortably, Kuroko fidgeted waiting a few more moments before he firmly resolved that he wanted his personal space back "Excuse me Aomine-kun but could you please let me go." He said politely craning his neck so he could look at Aomine, his gaze slightly impatient.

"No." Aomine said, his tone defiant, as he continued to snuggle into Kuroko's neck, his hot breath causing tingles to go down the others back.

"Aomine-kun." Kuroko said warningly, his voice promising that there would be consequences if he wasn't released…immediately.

Reluctantly Aomine let go and took a step back, grumbling about how Akashi had created a monster, he was much calmer than before thankfully albeit still a little bitter.

Aomine sighed "Yeah, yeah" he muttered walking out of the locker room not giving Kuroko another glance his mind now thoroughly focused on settling things with Haizaki…that is until he saw Kuroko starting to reorganize things and a pang of guilt hit him.

"Uhh…I'll help" he said sheepishly before picking up an overturned bench that he vaguely remembered kicking and putting it back correctly.

"Thank you." Kuroko said before turning and continuing to re-organize the locker room content that he had help.

They worked in a comfortable silence for a while until finally everything was back in its place, "Just on time" Kuroko said satisfied as some members slowly started coming in and changing or grabbing their things before hitting the showers.

Aomine turned towards Kuroko intent on asking the other if he had time to go to Maji Burger after Kuroko closed the gym "Hey-"he started but he was greeted with the sight of Haizaki entering the locker room, his quirked lips turned upside down and he narrowed his eyes.

Their eyes met in a heated glare identical frowns directed at the presence of the other (Kuroko sighed).

"What?" Aomine barked out still angry for earlier.

"He's here to apologize…" Kuroko said taking control of the situation giving Haizaki a glance, his eyes narrowed sharply at Aomine as he continued "and receive his apology." he asked, bullcrap more like ordered, Aomine would say if he wasn't feeling a little intimidated.

"Tch..." He rubbed the back of his head and looked away "Yeah, yeah…I'm…sorry." He said not looking at Haizaki or Kuroko opting to stare aimlessly to his right.

Three things happened at this extremely rare and incredible occurrence:

First of all…Midorima, who was walking home calmly, stopped and his glasses cracked.

Secondly…Haizaki, who was in front of Aomine, mouth hit the floor causing a large crater on the floor, his eyes almost popping out of his sockets.

And last –but definitely not least- Akashi, in the middle of a Shogi match, chuckled (causing all the female coaches and managers to die of blood loss –and some males- though most shivered in fear).

"H-haaaaa?!" Haizaki said after getting over some of the shock that Aomine actually said sorry to him even more so that he had done it so…easily. Haizaki was sure that to get Aomine to say sorry you would need to tie him up and throw him in the ocean for a few minutes or even shackle him to a boulder or two and hold a lighter to his precious Mai-chan magazines.

But no apparently Kuroko was a lot more persuasive than he thought. Deep down he admitted that if a naked Kuroko asked him he'd more than happily agree to practically anything. Anyway getting back to the situation at hand…

"W-what did you just say?" he asked unsure if he had heard right.

"You heard me, stupid bastard." Aomine growled looking at him expectantly in a cocky way reminding Haizaki that he was expected to apologize as well.

"Hmph, fine…" he grumbled scratching the back of his head, his expression showing obvious annoyance "I'm…sorry too." He grit out before turning to face Kuroko his eyes a bit more sincere "And…I'm sorry about what I did to you…and Kise." He said keeping eye contact for a while before looking down.

"I accept your apology Haizaki-kun, I'll make sure to relay it to Kise-kun as well and I hope there will be no more problems between either of you." He said directing the last part to both of them before leaving the locker room leaving the two to glare at each other before turning away with a huff to go on with their business.

"I suppose today was a good day at the gym, Kuroko?" Akashi asked sitting at his desk in his spacious office at the back of the gym, his chin rested carelessly on his fist as he flipped through a book.

"Yes, in fact it was quite productive." Kuroko responded as he sat on the floor in front of a bookcase organizing the last shelf.

"Oh? Do tell." Akashi asked/ordered a small smile adorned his face knowingly.

Kuroko stopped what he was doing to stare at something unseen, his gaze unfocused "Today Aomine-kun and Haizaki-kun apologized to each other and the conflict from a few days ago was resolved in the process." He said and began organizing again albeit at a slower pace which did not go unnoticed by Akashi.

"I see. That's good although I suspected as much." Akashi said closing the book and getting up going to stand by Kuroko.

Kuroko wondered how Akashi might have 'suspected' if he was at the Shogi tournament but dismisses it quickly knowing by now that it was better not to question him and his knowing smiles that –literally and figuratively- scare the shit out of practically everyone.

Akashi stood behind Kuroko then bent down, his head above Kuroko's. Kuroko looked up, their faces now only inches away, soft crimson and gold clashed with curious azure and a small staring match ensued though was quickly broken when Akashi bent down and placed a soft press of his lips against Kuroko's forehead. As soon as it was started it ended and Akashi smiled down at the confused boy.

"You may go home now, Tetsuya. I will take care of the remaining work." He said standing up straight again and returning to his desk.

"But I-" at Akashi's 'look' his protests died down and he sighed before getting up and bowed, wishing the other a good night, then left the office to collect his things.

Seated at his desk once more Akashi smiled to himself before opening a different book and resuming his work. Not only was he the founder of the gym but also he was the owner of a business and he couldn't slack off just because he was busy with his Shogi match earlier.

He heard the door chime and knew that he was now alone, just him and his work.

He sighed tiredly and continued.

Hey guys I'm really motivated today and got the chapter updated (Finally) also I was so surprised when I saw the number of favorites and follows double overnight O.o I'M SO HAPPY ASDFGHJHGFDSKLJ! A-ahem anyway I'll start working on the next chapter right away and upload it in a week or two(TRY).

Also to those who reviewed:

Sora Arashitori: I know XD I couldn't help myself I barely contained myself from writing "SHINGEKI NO TIME SKIP" XDD

Liveforanime: Y-you...CALLED IT BRILLIANT (gross sobbing) I-I'm so lucky to have nice reviewers TT^TT

Orangetabby101: Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Without you (and Youtube) I don't think I would have EVER gotten chapter two up.

xChaosRebornx: Yeah I was hoping to add other martial arts and maybe some sports but it's a gym so lots of exercise mostly and training trips :Q

ben4kevin: As requested I put some Nijimura/Kuroko and there WILL be more to come.

Kurosaki Yukia: You, my dear, are special because (drum roll) You're the first person to review! You get a special prize so just ask for something (like a pairing thing or even a story request) and I will do my best to comply!