Author here. I really should have said this in a footnote on the last chapter or something, but I was too lazy after having uploaded… six? I think six chapters. ANYWAY.

Yes, there is a part two in the works. 23 Microsoft Word pages in the making, actually. I'll post some of it up soon, but in the meantime, here's a preview.


"You're going to have to get past this. You don't want to do what I did," Katarina said to a sniffling Vi. The officer had been crying her eyes out for an hour now, Katarina attempted to console her to little avail.

"Katie, I think part of it is some weird urge to grasp on to every memory I can. Like some weird way of making up for the memories I've lost. I don't know… I just know that it keeps happening when I see my gauntlets. Not every time though. I just wish… I wish she was…" Vi broke down again.

"I know, Vi. I wish she were here too. She was my mentor, my friend and my sister. We'll get through this together, Vi. God knows I've had my moments too. You know, what do you think Riven would say if she saw you like this right now over her?" Katarina asked. Katarina went to hug Vi but her movement was cut short by another cry of pain from Vi. "Vi, what's wrong? Stay with me!" Katarina demanded. Vi's face was a mask of pain and yet again she doubled over. "What the fuck?!" Katarina yelled.

Vi couldn't answer. Her head was swimming. Katarina's voice was merely another painful addition to the stimuli attacking her brain. And then she was back at the battle again, just like all the other times. It was always like this. Immense physical pain followed by an intense emotional rending, leaving her raw and delicate inside and out. The same image replayed, forcing Vi to watch Riven's brains scatter again from an impact made by her own gauntlets.

"MY FUCKING FAULT!" Vi screamed. Downstairs, Jinx winced and sighed. This was the third time it had happened now, and going up again was useless. Vi drew in ragged breaths as she snapped back to the present. "It's always like this…" She whispered as tears flowed, looking at the blood that only she could see on her hands. It dripped onto the white sheets of the bed she lay on, stained the cloth and then disappeared before her eyes. No stain, no smell, nothing.

"Come here. Come on. If you keep giving into this it's going to eat you alive," Katarina admonished as she hugged Vi again. The ex-con closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. This therapy session was being a waste of time. Vi shook her head and got off the bed.

"Thank you, Kat. But I think you're wasting your time. I just gotta… work through this," She said before leaving the room. Katarina cursed as she too took her leave, watching Vi descend the stairs and exit the house.

Around the back of the house, Riven gaped. She'd heard everything. Her death had meant more and done even more damage to Vi than Riven had ever expected. Riven bit her lip as she thought of something to do before a smile spread over her face. She watched Vi get into her car and leave, giving little thought to Caitlyn's cruiser in front of the house before Riven revved the engine of the aforementioned car and took off in pursuit.


Hopefully that'll tide those that read and enjoy this over for a bit. Hopefully I'll have some of Part 2 posted within the next few days, so be watching for that. Unless I change my mind, I'm calling it "Black Ice" so that might clue you in a TINY bit on where our entourage might be headed and who they might run into :P.

Before I take my leave of this installment, I'd like to say thanks to anyone and everyone who read this and an even bigger thanks to those that cared enough to leave a review. They're greatly appreciated and I'm glad that so many people enjoyed my version of the REAL story between the Loose Cannon and the Piltover Enforcer.