1 Month Later.

"Melissa! Come on give me a break, this isn't even fun anymore. My feet hurt and it's almost 7:30" I laugh, as she laughs along with me, continuing to pull my along, in a store I really don't want to be in, which if you could guess, is a lingerie.

"Man up Talia, Riley is gonna be ecstatic! Just you wait. Oh! Look at this" She says. I look down at her hands, seeing a black lace corset. I quickly shake my head, throwing my head back laughing. I swear she was dropped on her head when she was younger, which I probably would have noticed considering I saw her everyday - I've seen her everyday since I was 2, probably even before that too, I just can't remember it. Riley, Daniel, and Jacob are currently out picking out suits for their new jobs, and if I'm going to be honest, I'm quite excited to see him in it.

I'm now about 4 months pregnant, meaning that we can find out the gender any time, which is going to be tomorrow, at exactly 9 a.m at the infirmary. I'm really excited and I can tell that Riley is as well, I hoping for a boy, but I just want the baby to be happy.

"Tal" Liss says. I look to her face, her smiling face. I give her a look, meaning 'Yes?' She bumps her head to the person behind the checkout counter, he name tag name reads 'Aaron' I raise my eyebrows at her and give her another look as if to say 'Yeah? And?' She just shakes her head, smirking, then moving back through all the corsets. I walk out of the store, not wanting to be found by anyone I knew, Melissa makes a noise that I can't really distinguish, I'm thinking of disgust. She walks out shaking her head, then saying.

"Those prices are way too high, that corset was freaking 40 bucks! No way in hell" She laughs. I laugh along with her, shaking my head. We loop our arms together and make our way out of the Pit, heading to my parents house.

Aunt Christina and Uncle Will are in the living room of my parents apartment when Melissa and I walk through the door.

"Daddy!" Melissa quickly throws herself at he dad, he's been gone for a week in Amity, along with my Dad, Uncle Uriah, and Uncle Zeke, I think they were trying to talk to Johanna about expanding a part of Amity inside the gates, assuming it went well, I'm sure that it's going to happen. Will grabs Melissa and spins her around, kissing her on her forehead.

"Hi baby girl" He says. She sits in between her mom and her dad, while I walk into the kitchen seeing Mom and Dad making out, I quickly squeak and put my hands up to my eyes. Next thing I know I hear laughing and hands wrap around my waist, pulling me into a strong chest.

"I missed you too Tal" Dad chuckles into my ear. I pull away and walk behind him, sitting on the counter, with my legs hanging down and my hands on the counter.

"I did miss you Dad! You were gone for a week. You've, like, never been away for that long. I'm sure Mom missed you too" I smirk, but can't help but giggle at what things plague my mind, thinking about what Mom would do if she was really missing my Dad. I'm not too embarrassed talking about my or anybody else sex life, I just like to think about it as two people making love, the same as Riley and I do. The drink in Mom's mouth quickly gets spit out of her mouth as she stares, open-mouthingly at me.

"Mom come on, you really think I don't have an idea as to how much sec you and Dad have. Puh-lease" I emphasize on that. "When you guys thought I was asleep, all I heard was 'Oh Tobias! Baby please' "Mom's mouth open even more, if possible. Dad just smirks out, probably thinking that he wasn't the one that said it, but oh does he have another thing coming if he thought I only heard Mom! "Dad, I wouldn't be smirking if I were you 'Tris, talk dirty to me baby. I'll tie you up to the bedpost and go at you from several different positions' And nows the time Dad's water gets spit out and onto the floor, quickly soaking it.

"Yep" I say popping the p. "I heard it all, I will admit when I was 15 and I heard it, I was quite disgusted with you guys. Remember every time someone would say something that wasn't meant to be perverted, but could be considered as, I would not talk to you guys for the rest of the day!" I laugh out at both of there faces, this is priceless, I'm having a lot of fun here.

"Tobias! You said the walls were soundproof, you idiot. We ruined our kids childhood" Mom exclaims throwing her hands into the air, swearing at Dad. He started chuckling. "You can blame that on Zeke, he's the one who sold us this apartment, blame that idiot" He says. Mom nods, only to slap Dad on the back of the head.

"Yeah Tobias! You ruined my childhood. Do you see how messed up I am?" I giggle calling him his real name, I don't think anybody actually knows it except for Mom, Jace and me. Dad looks at me, raising his eyebrows as I just did to Melissa minutes ago. "Oh really, you're gonna go there, are ya' Talia Willow Eaton" He says, announcing my full name to the world. He thinks that made me mad, funny.

"Whatever Tobias and Tris. I'm just glad I don't get to hear you guys every. Single. Night. Anymore." I emphasize the last 4 words, this time Mom raises an eyebrow at me, then shakes her head.

"Ok, stop it, you're making me feel old by calling me and my husband by our names. Now get goin' I'm sure you and Riley make just as much noise as we do!" She shouts as I make my way out of the kitchen and back into the living room to be met with lots of people, including Uncle Zeke, Uncle Uriah, Aunt Shuana, Aunt Marlene and all the children, except for one blue eyed hunk of deliciousness I like to call my boyfriend. Someone pulls on my jeans, making me look down into the same eyes he posses, but it's not him. I pick her up and spin her around.

"Rylin! I haven't seen you in so long, I missed you baby doll" I smile and she laughs, throwing her head back and allowing me to spin her around a few more times, until I walk over to the couch that is currently empty, plopping her down on her back and tickling her armpits. She screams and laughs and I continue to pleasure her with fun-ness, then lifting her shirt and blowing raspberries on it. She puts her hand down to her side, pulling her shirt down as she continues to laugh. She sits up quickly, making sure there are no spots I'm able to tickle her at.

"Tala" She pronounces. "I missed you too! Guess what I five now! My birfday was a few weeks ago. I sorry you weren't there, Mommy and Dada said that you and Ri-Ri were busy" She says, trying to pronounce certain things correctly.

"Awe, I'm sorry I missed it. But guess what, me and Ri-Ri are gonna have a baby, he or she is right here" I say pointing to my protruding bump, then smiling. Rylin's mouth opens, and doesn't close.

"You ate your baby!" She exclaims, I'm pretty sure every kid asks this if he/she doesn't know how everything actually works. I'll have to ask Mom and Dad what Jace's reaction was.

"No sweetheart, see, Riley loves me and I love him right?" I ask. She nods, quickly getting into the story."Well, when two people love each other they make a decision, to love each other even more. And if you're lucky you can get pregnant, meaning you're gonna have a baby. It grows right here for 9 months, then it comes out and we get to hold him or her" I say, placing her hand on my tummy. She smiles so big, pressing her ear to it and staying there. I pick her up, moving to the couch so I can sit down, then placing her in my lap. She snuggles up and I lean my head back onto the couch. Not realizing just how tired I was.

I wake to Rylin being lifted off of me and to someone picking me up bridal style, I look up to be met with Riley, he smiles down at me, lovingly.

"You are so good with kids, our baby is going to love you, you great mommy" He says, kissing my forehead as we walk out of my parents apartment and down the hall, to ours. It seems as though every time I fall asleep he's the one picking me up, then bringing us back to our apartment. As he places me onto the King-Size bed his hands go up my shirt, unclasping my bra, pulling it down my shoulders, then off completely. Grabbing a shirt he comes back over to the bed, taking off mine, leaving me bare to him for just a second as he replaces it with a shirt of his own, then pulling off my jeans, leaving my panties. He pulls his shirt off, then pants and puts on a pair of grey, baggy sweatpants, then getting into the bed beside me, pulling me into his chest.

"How long have I been asleep? What time is is?" I ask. He turns, looking at the clock, then back at me. It's 1:30 a.m, I didn't get to your parents house until about 12, you looked so cute with Rylin asleep in your lap, I couldn't wake my two girls up. Then my Dad, your dad and Zeke wanted to do some stuff so we did a few games of pong and stuff, until everyone decided to go home" He says, I nod thinking about his tux, wondering if he found one or not, I'll find out in the morning probably.

"You know, tomorrow we'll be able to see and find out the gender of our baby, are you excited?" Riley asks me. I nod into his chest, I almost forgot about it, but now that I remember, I won't stop thinking of it. "The sooner we fall asleep, the sooner we'll find out." He states snuggling into my neck.

"Good night beautiful, I love you so much" He whispers. I'm awake for just the amount of time for me to say it back. "I love you too Riley Pedrad" Then I fall asleep into blissfulness.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz

I hear that, quickly rolling over trying to turn the damn alarm clock off, when I realize that I'm alone in the bed. I sit up, seeing if Riley is in the room when I hear the shower running, that sly dog got in the shower before I could! I smirk, getting out of the warmness of my bed, taking off my shirt, then my panties and walking into the en-suite. The steam from the hot water makes the mirror fog up, making it hard to see anything, but I don't have to look in the mirror to know that my hair is a rats nest. The brown rock tile on the floor is slippery as I walk to the glass door, before entering the shower. Riley's eyes pop out, quickly covering his junk before he realizes it's me, I giggle and walk towards him.

"Did you really think it was going to be someone other than me?" I ask turning around so that the water hits my head, cascading down my back, then down my legs and down the drain.

"You never know my love, some people just can't resit the bod" I turn back around, just in time to see him pointing down his body. I must say, I agree with him. His body is pretty magnificent, from head to toe. His hair starts it off, being the darkish brown it is, shaggy, but not too long, going to the perfect height on his forehead, then his face, holding his beautiful smile and eyes. His nose is perfect as well, along with his straight teeth, and perfect, strong jaw line.

Down his body, to his muscular chest, that holds a 6 pack and his muscular arms that can probably lift two hundred pounds. His wound no longer existent, as if it was never there, never happened. I like to think that it didn't. Then, below his 6 pack, a perfectly round navel, the perfect V-Shaped hip line, leading down to his package. It's the only one I've seen, but's it's big, the rest of his body following along with strong thighs and calves, and perfect 12 size feet.

"If you are done checking me out babe, I'd like to wash the rest of my body and yours" His eyes sparkle with life, making me smile and nod.

After our shower I quickly put on a bra and panties, then a black tank top with some black shorts, grabbing a beanie from one of Riley's drawers, I put it on, having the top of it in a bunch, the going around my head where my blond-brown hair fails over my shoulders and down to my bra line. Riley comes out of the bathroom with a black sweatshirt on and black kaki's that go down to his calves. He grabs my waist as we walk out of the room to the smell of coffee.

"You made coffee before you took a shower?" He nods smiling, grabbing a plastic mug that we can throw away, then the cup containing the coffee, pouring it in he grabs two sugars from the little bowl I made when I was about 7, then putting them into the black colored coffee. Handing it to me he grabs a cup for himself, then heading out of the door and down a few hallways until we get to a big open space, where the wall is opened up to a waiting room, the infirmary. Riley and I make our way to the front desk, I set my coffee down as the women dressed in black looks up at us.

"We are here to see Lance Blekmen, for Talia Eaton" Riley speaks to her. She smiles, then types into her computer, looking back up at us she says,

"He'll be out in just a moment to call you guys back" We both nod, I pick up my coffee and place it in the trash, after finishing it, then sitting down in a chair.

Soon Lance comes out, calling out both back into a room with a bed, paper rolled out onto it, then a screen next to it. Riley sits in the chair next to me and I hop onto the bed, making the paper cringe below me. Lance presses some buttons, making the screen light up, along with a green little light on the ultrasound tool thing.

"Please roll your shirt up Talia and we can find out the gender of your baby" He smiles at me. I move my hips up, grabbing the hem of my shirt, pulling it up until it meets my bra. Lance looks down, then back at the screen.

"You are quite big for just 4 months" He says, then smiles again. Making me wonder what he's trying to get at here. Squirting the gel on my tommy makes a shiver go up my shine, Lance nods. "That happens almost every time" I nod along, when he puts the tool over my stomach, moving it around. A heartbeat suddenly makes it's way into the air, making Riley's face light up. Lance looks up to Riley, then down to me.

"It cooers as though you and Riley are going to be having twins, and if I am correct, it is a boy and a girl! Congratulations. They both appear to be healthy and growing correctly" Lance says. Oh. My. God. Twins? How in the world can I be having twins. I'm pretty sure that Riley doesn't have any twins in his family, and I know that I don't. I look up at Riley to find tears falling out of his eyes, he looks down at me, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen him have. He presses his lips to mine, and when he pulls back some saliva follows along, making me laugh and him chuckle.

"I love you" He says "I'm so glad that you are pregnant, I didn't think that this would happen so soon, but I'm so ecstatic" He says.

"Alright, I've printed 2 pictures of your babies, I'll see you again in about 4 weeks, of course if something comes up, come right in." Lance says, handing us the pictures, then walking out of the room. The gel is already off my stomach so I pull down my shirt and Riley grabs my hand, we walk out of the room happy.

About 3 hours later we've told pretty much all of Dauntless that we are having twins, I mean we have only told our families and friends, but it seems as though word passes quick around theses parts. It's now 12:54 and I'm quite tired already, we are currently sitting in the lunch room, with Melissa on my left, Riley on my right and Lexus in front of me and Gillian next to her, Riley has Daniel next to him, talking about who knows what. I lean my head on Riley's shoulder.

"I'm so excited to be having Godchildren, oh! I have the perfect names too!" Melissa exclaims smiling. Riley chuckles, turning to face her. "I did not know we were having your Godchildren, I believe we are having my daughter and son" Riley snorts. I hit him on the shoulder. "They're mine too! You doofus" I say making him laugh.

"I think it's time for a nap, we were up early by Dauntless standards" He says, I nod a quick 'Okay' as we get up, saying goodbye, then heading to our 'Luxury' Apartment, I make myself laugh. Riley pulls a shiny silver key out of his back pocket, quickly putting it in the key hole and pressing open the door. He laces our fingers once again, but we spilt up as I go to the couch and he does into the kitchen, probably grabbing a glass of water. I lay horizontally on the couch, waiting for him to come back. Once he does He lifts my legs and places them in his lap, sitting down he smiles at me.

"You know, we haven't talked about names either" He smirks. I put my hands up to my eyes, smiling. "Ri, I have no idea should we just start out from names we like?" I pull away my hands to see him nod.

"Okay... Um I kinda like Jonah, or Kaden" He says. I nod along with him. "I like Jonah, not really Kaden. I like Zachary, Zack and Gray" I say. He nods as I just did.

"How about Grayson?" He asks. I love it. "Yes! I really like it" I smile."Alright, Grayson for the first name of our son" Riley smiles, picking his back up and pressing his lips onto mine. I pull away, smiling and rubbing my hands together. Now for the girl.

"I reallllllllly like Charlotte, Piper and Skylar" I say. Riley nods, it seems as though that's all we're doing. "I like Charlotte, not so much as Piper though, what about Faith?" He asks.

"Charlotte Faith Pedrad and Grayson Zachary Pedrad?" I say smiling widely. "I love it" He says, picking me up and bringing us into our room. "Time for a nap, my love." He says smirking. I nod and snuggle into the warm covers, quickly closing my eyes and falling peacefully asleep.

GUYS, GUYS, GUYS THIS IS OVER 3,000 WORDS! AMAZING! Okay, so I would say this is an ok amount of time between updates. I gotta admit, I'm really disappointed that I only got two reviews, so I'm really sorry to do this, but I'm not going to update until we get 102 reviews, that only 12, and it would be really great. I mean come on, this is such a big update, and I feel like it's an overall really good chapter, probably my favorite. WE'VE ALSO FOUND OUT THE NAMES! YAY! Also! I'm planning on editing the chapters, I've reread and found sooo many grammar issues, and more. So I'm gonna do it :D

So give me your feedback on if you like the names and how excited you are about the bigbiggg update. So please please please review.




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Have a great day, it's really nice out for me :)

