Hey guys, please review so I know what ya'll think about this story :) KK ya'll are awesome:) My friend gave me an idea for this chapter so here you go :) Oh sorry I haven't updated in a while my laptop messed up and I have to use the desk top so sorry for any mistakes I am not used to this keyboard. Hiopefully my laptop will be fixed soon :) Anyways here goes nothing :) Please review :) ~M

Last chapter

"What happened or has happened between you and four, in the past and now." Christina asks. I look to Four and he nods taking my hand.

"When I was little his family came over for dinner. My brother was told to show him around but I took his place. We became best friends and shared everything with each other. Later on when I was twelve he told me he had to move. I was really sad because A)He is my best friend and B) I never got to tell him how I felt. That night he told me good bye. He told me he loved me and kissed me and then he left. Like he was thin air. I though I would never see him again and then I moved here. He showed me around on my first day at school and you guys know the rest. I actually recognized him about four hours ago. When he used my old nickname, but he remembered me from the moment he saw me." I explain and all of the girls except for Lynn say aw.
"That was so romantic. How cute." Christina squeals, we laugh and mess around for the rest of the day.

Tris's POV (That Sunday, everyone is gone and Tris and Tobias are at Tobias's house)

"Hey babe you want to watch a movie?" Tobias asks from the kitchen.

"Yeah sure, and babe?" I reply as he enters the room.

"Thought I would try it yes or no?" Tobias asks handing me a cup of water.

"I like it Toby." I whisper and he kisses me lightly.

"What movie?" I whisper against his lips when he pulls back slightly.

"Uh, you pick." He says back.

"Can we get the fault in our stars?" I ask and he smiles.

"Marcus sends in all the movies that are still in theaters so yeah we can." He says and then picks me up. He carries me into the living room and sets me on the couch. He puts in a code on the T.V. and The Fault In Our Stars pops up on the screen. Tobias walks back over and sits on the couch. I cuddle to him and he wraps an arm around me.

"Babe you want some popcorn?" Tobias asks half way through the movie.

"Yeah sure." I reply and he kisses the top of my head. I sigh and pause the movie. He leaves to the kitchen a floor below. A few minutes later I hear a noise from the front door. Then it opens revealing non other than Marcus Eaton.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks as soon as he sees me.

"Well I am Tobias's girlfriend." I answer calmly.

"No the fuck you're not you worthless bitch." He says grabbing a fist full of my hair and picking me up before shoving me into a wall.

"Yes I am." I state and he punches me square in the jaw. I fall to the ground and hear him doing something. I look up and see his belt in his hand. He walks up to me and before I know it I get wiped over and over and over again. I cry out in pain, but he doesn't stop. He has probably hit me forty times and I am on the verge of passing out. Then it stops and I hear skin make contact with skin.

"Tris, babe are you okay?" I hear as someone approaches me. Tobias's blue eyes are the last thing I see before the darkness overcomes me.

Tobias's POV

I hear a cry of pain and drop the bowl of popcorn on the ground. I run upstairs to find Marcus wiping my girlfriend. I run over and pull him off of Tris and punch him in the nose. Knocking him out. I run over to Tris and look down at her.

"Tris, babe are you okay?" I ask looking into her eyes, just as I say this she blacks out. Shit, shit, shit how did I let this happen? I quickly pick her up and run outside to my bike, shit this is never gonna work. I run next door and into the garage and grab a set of keys. I place Tris in the backseat of her Lambo and quickly get in. I drive to the nearest hospital and get out. I pick Tris up again and lock the car. I run inside and a nurse has me place her on a bed.

"Sir, are you related to her?" A different nurse asks me.

"No but I'm her best friend, her boyfriend." I answer and he nods.

"Okay we are going to make an exception and let you come back with us, but only because we need to ask some questions." The nurse says and then he leads me back with Tris.

"Okay so what is her full name?" The nurse asks standing just outside Tris's room as the doctor works on her.

"Beatrice Grace Prior." I answer and he nods.

"And what is your full name?" He asks again.

"Is this kept private?" I ask and he nods.

"Tobias Xavier Eaton." I answer.

"Okay do you know what happened Mr. Eaton?" He asks.

"Yes, we were at my house watching a movie. I left to go get popcorn when I heard a cry of pain, when I got back upstairs my farther Marcus Eaton was beating Tris. He has a record of doing this because he has done it to me since I was young. I can show you the marks." I say and the nurse nods writing everything down.

"Where is he now?"

"In the floor at my house unconscious. I hit him and knocked him out." I answer and he nods again.

"By the way my name is Trevor, so if you need anything please let me know. Can I get her parents names and numbers?" He asks and I sigh.
"Look Trevor, her parents are a long ways away. Her mom is in Paris and her dad is in Hong-Kong." I explain and he cocks an eyebrow.

"And they left her here by herself?" Trevor asks.

"No, her brother is staying with her and her aunt works at our school." I answer, sick of getting asked questions.

"Well what is her aunts name?" Trevor asks.
"Tori, Tori Wu. She is not blood related just a close family friend." I say and Trevor nods.

"I know who she is. I will call her and tell her to come her straight away but I will leave telling her to you and Miss Prior. Is there any chance that her parents are Natalie and Andrew Prior? And that your father is the Marcus Eaton?" He asks again.

"Yes, yes they are." I answer and he frowns.
"To bad we are going to have to lock Marcus away he was a great business owner." Trevor says shacking his head.

"Well I am sure Andrew will take his place. He is second in line there." I answer and Trevor nods.
"Anyway kid, get in there and see your girl. Take good care of her now, and Marcus will be locked up in the hour." Trevor says patting my shoulder. I smile and walk into Tris's room.

"How is she?" I ask a doctor who just finished wrapping her back.
"She is doing good, still knocked out but she should wake up in about ten minutes. I understand that you are her boyfriend right?" The doctor asks and I nod.

"You didn't do this did you?"

"No, god no I would never. Look Trevor asked me and knows everything that happened so go talk to him to get the full story" I say and the doctor nods.
"I respect you son. What's your name?" The doctor asks.

"Four." I say simply.

"Odd name. Mine is Dr. Andrew." He says shacking my hand.
"It's a nickname." I say and he nods.
"Okay press that button when she wakes up, she will probably feel pain even though we have her on a morphine drip. So when she wakes up we will need to give her some meds and what not. So press the button to call me back in." says and I nod. He leaves and Tris and I are all alone. I sit in a chair beside her bed and take her hand.

"I am so so so sorry babe, I never wanted this to happen to you. I swore to protect you and I failed and for that I am so so sorry. I love you Tris, and you will be alright now. You are in good hands and if...if you don't...want to...to...to see me again...I understand." I whisper tears falling by the end. I can't lose Tris...I just can't but if she can't be around me I understand. I place my head on our hands and breakdown.

"Mm...where...where am I? Tobias? Hey why are you crying?" I hear from above me. I look up and am met by Beautiful gray/blue eyes.

"God Tris, do you remember anything? God I love you and I am so so so sorry. Look I understand if you...if you can't..." I lose it again and chock. I can't say it.

"Tobias...hey stop. Yes I remember everything and the pain in my back ain't gonna let me forget either. But I love you. So stop thinking I'm gonna leave you." Tris says squeezing my hand.
"I love you Tris." I say and she smiles.

"I love you...oh that hurt." Tris says after attempting to lean up.

"Take it easy. Let me call a doctor to get you checked out." I say and she nods. I click the button and we wait.

I hope you enjoyed this and again sorry for not updating. Please review I would love to hear yalls thoughts. Please give me some ideas on where to go with this, like should someone get pregnant, what should happen. Just please review love you guys :) Peace out my ninjas :) ~M