Prequel to the previous chapter! I figured I may as well give this a shot, plus I really like writing for Jean. Anywho, enjoy!

"C'MON YOU TITAN BITCH!" Jean mocked. The grapple hooks on his 3D maneuver gear detaching from the building in front of him- letting him fall a few feet before he fired them again to a building at his left, four other soldiers and one 8-meter class titan in tow. The monster was faster than Jean imagined it would be but he was faster and was thankful for this. He couldn't help but grin at that. The sun was setting now, and he had no clue where he was at this point, somehow he ended up straying quiet far from HQ. He had been moving for what seemed like hours and the little gas he had left was running low and he was sure it was the same for the four that followed him.

"NO!" One of the soldiers behind him yelled. Following that was a loud chomp and a blood-curdling scream. Jean winced at the sound. His chest tightened as he turned his head back to look. The titan swallowed the soldier in one bite. The other three screamed and titan swatted two of them down, their bodies hitting the far away road with a resounding BOOM. The last soldier stopped and stared at the beast as it stepped towards her. Tears streamed down her blood stained cheeks and her body shook, paralyzed with fear. "MOVE!" Jeaned yelled angrily, but it was too late. The monsters lips curled into a wide smile as its fingers gripped her body, shoving her inside its mouth. Her screams were muffled through its teeth and thin lips before it swallowed her whole, all while staring at Jean, watching him with hunger eyes.

Jeans jaw clenched and he realized that at some point he had pulled himself onto a small homes roof top. Jean quickly looked at his surroundings. To his left was some deserted market, with no tall buildings, to his right were nothing but more small homes and in front was a large structure at least 15 meters high but too far away for him his 3d gear to reach. Behind him were several tall, in reach buildings, but guarding them was the grinning beast.

Jean cursed internally, a thin sheen of nervous sweat covered his body as he drew his last, dull blade. "Alright then," he swallowed loudly. "let's do this." He whispered, but before he could move the titan fell forward onto its stomach, hitting the ground with a vibrating crash. Jean looked down at it and through the heavy cloud of steam was a large gash to the nape of its neck and on its back was a short, blue eyed, and dark haired boy who stared at Jean with a look of anger and concern.

In a flash the brunet was on top of the same roof as Jean mere inches from his face. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He screamed.

"Eren..." Jeaned mumbled in shock. He hadn't expected anyone to come save him, in fact he was certain he was going to die trying to kill that titan.
"YOU IDIO-" Eren screamed but was cut short as Jean pulled him into a tight hug. Tears rushed down his cheeks as he squeezed tighter against Eren's smaller figure who after a moment hugged back. Jeans arms and legs felt weak and before he knew it he fell down to his knees- pulling Eren with him. His small cries turned into loud sobs, clawing at Eren's back.

After awhile of heavy tears from Jean and soft coos from Eren, the blond sniffled and let go. His adrenaline had long since faded and now he felt weak. His head and legs hurt as well as his left side and right hip. Jean looked up at the now dark sky, he wasn't sure how long he had been crying but judging by Eren's genuinely scared, confused, and concerned face he was sure it had been a long time. His eye sight became fuzzy and his head pounded making him dizzy. "Hey, are you okay?" Eren's voice was distorted now and Jean felt like he was falling again. "Jean?" His body was numb except for the cold of the roofs tiles on his cheek. "Jean?!" He shut his eyes, "Jean!" he felt so tired now, "JEAN!" he just wanted to sleep.

"Are you awake?" Eren asked, stepping closer toward the yawning blond who sat up on the tattered mattress. His bare feet felt cold against the wood of the cabins floor. Eren reached a single hand out to press it against Jeans warm forehead to check his fever, his other hand holding up the towel around his thin waist. "Yes, mom. I'm awake. You can get your hand off me now." Jean grumbled shoving Eren's hand aside. "That's a funny way to thank the person who just saved your ass." Eren snarled in anger. Jean looked down at his lap, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes shut. "Right. I forgot." He mumbled. A weak smile spread across his cheeks as he looked up to lock eyes with the very angry Eren.

"Wait... Where are we a-and why aren't you wearing any clothes?!"

Eren watched as Jean looked around the empty room as though he was searching for something before looking back at Eren.

"After you passed out I dragged you here to this cabin and put you in bed after cleaning your face with a rag." Eren explained grumpily. "I'm naked because I realized this place had a small tub so I took a bath and dried off. I was gonna put back on my uniform but figured I could just sleep in this towel, which I was about to do when I decided to check on you and you yelled at me before remembering that I saved you and you still didn't thank me." Eren finished his story with a rough growl, continuing to glare.

"Oh, okay." Jean shrugged and looked back down at his lap. Eren was practically fuming now. His knuckles were white from gripping so hard at the towel and his jaw clenched. "Really?! You can't even thank me?!" He stared for a bit and Jean stared back now, eyes wide and lips parted. "I followed you all the way over to where ever the hell we are to make sure you didn't get hurt and when you did I saved you, held you while you sobbed your eyes out, took you back here, put you in the only bed this stupid place has to offer, intending to sleep on this floor so you'd be comfy, cleaned you, and I can't even get a simple 'thank you'?!" Eren yelled until his throat began to hurt. His bare chest heaved with anger as the blond sat there, with a dumbfounded look on his face that only infuriated Eren further.

"You followed me here?" Jean grinned.

"I- No!"

"But you said you did."

"Well... Yes I-I did." Eren blushed, looking down at his curled toes. "I-I knew something like this would happen." He mumbled, refusing to make eye contact.

A moment of silence fell between them before Jean laughed loudly. "Do you... care about me?" Jean snickered, clenching his stomach.

"No! Of course not! B-but Armin... yeah, Armin would be sad if you got hurt." It wasn't a complete lie, Armin would be sad if Jean was hurt. But Eren was more worried for Jean than Armin, or anyone, would ever be and for some odd reason he felt it was his job to watch after Jean, to make sure he didn't get hurt or worse. Eren blushed deeper.

"Really? This was all for Armin?" Jean chuckled, grabbing Eren's arm and pulling him into his lap. "H-Hey!" Eren yelped as Jean's hand cupped his cheek, running to the back of his head, tangling his fingers in Eren's short, brunet hair.

Jean leaned in pressing his lips gently to Eren's. His eyes squeezed shut after settling from the shock of the blonds sudden kiss. Jean's tongue grazed against his lips seeking entrance which Eren hesitantly gave. The blonds hands ran up and down his back and sides to the line of his towel, dipping in to press against his hips. Jean pulled back a few inches, moving down to kiss and suck at Eren's neck, who groaned at the soldiers touch. "Jean..." Eren whimpered as Jean bit the skin on Eren's collar bone. The brunet pushed Jean's body to lie flat against the bed, pressing his chest to Jean's.

Eren's tongue worked at Jean's neck, sucking at his adam's apple. Eren could feel the vibrations in his lips as Jean spoke. "Mm... You know you care about me, so say it." Jean's voice was different from before, it was deeper, more gruff, Eren liked it. He ignored Jean, stopping to kiss his chin before sucking there too. "Say it." Jean said again. Eren groaned "No..." He replied this time, letting his fingers roam Jean's shirt-covered chest while Jean's dug into Eren's hips pressing them tightly to his own. "Dammit. Eren, say it. Admit it. Please." He growled this time, thrusting his hips against Eren's.

Eren whimpered, his body froze from the sudden pleasure in his groin. "Ah... Jean." Eren cried, and Jean chuckled- thrusting hard again. "Say it, Eren,"

"I-I care. I care a lot," Eren paused as Jean thrust his hips again making him whine out in ecstasy "Ah- about you, Jean." Eren's cheeks were hot now, he nuzzled his face into the crook of Jeans neck, feeling that same vibration as Jean laughed. "I care about you too."

He felt Jeans cheek rub at the back of his hair. Eren smiled raising his head to kiss Jeans lips hungrily. He wrapped his tongue around Jean's. The soldiers hands roamed down Eren's body, wrapping around the top of Eren's towel and pulling it off, tossing it to the side. Eren blushed deeper "H-Hey!"

"Shh..." Jean smirked, kissing gently at Eren's bottom lip. "Thank you."

Thanks for reading! Feel free to PM me with requests for another story! Plus, thank you all for your reviews ^-^ they make me very happy and I appreciate them all! - Rei