Day 6 of Kagehina Week~ We're almost through... :( Anyway, here's my (really short) story for "perspectives"!


On a Sunday afternoon towards the end of spring, Hinata was over at Kageyama's place, lounging on the couch and trying not to fall asleep. In the armchair beside his head sat his boyfriend, who had been staring at the same math problem for the past ten minutes now. He just didn't get it.

"I'm telling you I can explain how it works," Hinata reminded him for what must have been at least the tenth time already. Kageyama grit his teeth.

"Shut up. I'm telling you that I can do it myself." Stubborn as ever, the taller of the two absolutely refused to let anyone help him, even if that meant not understanding any of the material he was supposed to be studying. The most frustrating part wasn't that he didn't have a clue what he was trying to solve - Kageyama didn't particularly care about that. No, what really ground his gears was the fact that Hinata, of all people, understood all this stuff better than he did.

"Suit yourself," muttered the redhead, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the couch. "Let me know if I can help though, I don't mind at all." If it weren't for his cute smile, Kageyama probably would have told him how much of a dumbass he was being.

"Yeah, whatever." Still trying to solve the problem (who the hell decided word problems would be a good thing to make students do, anyway?), Kageyama dismissed Hinata without much thought.

"Mind if I grab a snack?" asked the shorter, knowing it would probably be a while until his boyfriend got over himself for long enough to actually ask for the help he needed.

"Go ahead." With that, Hinata left the room for the kitchen, returning moments later with a small cup of Ben & Jerry's ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. He was in the middle of humming a cheerful tone, but stopped short when he saw the state of dismay that Kageyama was in. On the table sat the still-unsolved problem, with various things highlighted, underlined, rewritten and crossed back out. It seemed like Kageyama didn't even know how to start solving it, let alone know how to get the final answer. Taking pity on him, Hinata tiptoed over and gently tapped his shoulder, hoping not to startle him. Kageyama raised his head from his hands, turning it to fix Hinata with a glare.

"What do you need?" he asked, sounding just as done with life as he looked. Hinata pouted.

"I just want to help you solve that problem. I promise not to laugh at you or anything, I'm only trying to help." Kageyama's mouth had already opened to protest before he thought it over. Directing his gaze at the floor, he muttered a "fine" and picked up the piece of paper, shoving it at Hinata. The redhead read it over once, twice, then sighed in relief.

"It's worded weirdly, but the principles aren't that hard. I think you were looking at it from the wrong perspective, that's all."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," confirmed Hinata, nodding enthusiastically. He seemed so sure of himself… But then, he always did, Kageyama thought. Even when things were at their worst, Hinata was always able to believe in himself and consider the bright side of things. Perhaps, thought Kageyama, that was exactly what Hinata meant with perspective – and perhaps it'd be a good idea to consider the other's more often.

Hope you enjoyed it~ No flames please, reviews are appreciated though.