The Game of Love

Epilogue: Innocence Loss, Paradise Regained

Several Months Later

Time past by slowly in Osaka. It was fall again. The sun was still hot during the day, but much cooler around the afternoon. The sound of the wind chimes signaled the passing of summer into fall. The ribbons fluttered in the air. The chirping of birds was slowly diminishing as they started to fly away.

All of this, Tsukushi could see and hear in the garden. The garden that her father had started when he had first moved to Osaka. Given her father's gentle nature, it was not a surprise that he would find gardening an appropriate hobby. Her father even had a set of bonsai trees inside, which he had tended to almost daily. The garden even had a pond with Zen rock garden to the side.

At first, Tsukushi didn't want to tend to the garden because her body hurt too much. She would go outside and bask in her father's creation, and she found much comfort in it. It was as if her father had made the garden especially for her. That was the reason why she was so reluctant to change anything about the garden.

Eventually, she was forced to tend to it. The plants needed weeding and pruning to stay in the same shape. Tsukushi skimmed the pond to keep it clean. The only thing in the garden that she left untouched was the rock garden. She had taken pictures of it, thinking that one day she would change the formation of the sand around the rocks. Yet, the rock garden remained the same way it was the day her father had died.

The numbness in her right arm had eventually receded slightly, but her fingers were somewhat stiff to move. She would never regain full capacity of her right hand. Tsukushi tried not to think about it too much. Rather, she did what the physical therapist in Osaka told her to do and got further exercise tending to the garden.

Susumu had successfully transferred to a school in Osaka. He had pretty much run of the main house, much like their mother had before. He had asked Tsukushi why he wasn't informed that he was her heir, and she told him it had slipped her mind. For most people, it would have been something unforgettable, but Susumu understood. He took responsibility of keeping the inn in top condition, even though they were not accepting guests.

Susumu had lost Mariko as his friend. Her father thought it was best, for purposes of appearance, that Susumu and Mariko not be friends anymore. She broke her father's rule by communicating with him only by e-mail at school. She couldn't call him. Eventually, Susumu stopped communicating with her by choice and told her that it was time she made friends in Eirin.

Tsukushi and Susumu had spent much of their time talking to each other and getting back to normal, even though things had changed too much. They had to learn to communicate with each other. Susumu worried about Tsukushi's health because at the beginning she was in a lot of pain and sometimes bled slightly. She was concerned about his future.

Together they had to work through each other's fears and start to heal. They had to learn how to be a family again.

The staff of the inn remained as they were before. They were happy to meet their young mistress and they were relieved that they weren't losing their jobs. The staff acted as servants to their young master and mistress, making everything as comfortable as possible, especially for Tsukushi.

Tsukushi kept in touch with the people in Tokyo, even though none of them had come for a visit yet. They knew they would be eventually invited, so they weren't really worried. Tsukushi talked to Rui much more regularly than she did with anyone else because people were busy with their jobs. However, she talked to Tsukasa almost just as much. He had to travel all over the world for business, so he had a tendency to call her when his work was done for the day at the most inopportune times. Tsukasa had a tendency to forget about time zone changes.

It wasn't until fall that Tsukushi felt ready for visitors. Susumu was all right with company coming. They did very little to prepare because the staff was eager for guests. They got to work to make sure that the rooms were ready for the guests.

The F4 decided that traveling by helicopter would be best. Sammi and Yuki decided to leave earlier that day along with Kin-san for the visit. Tsubaki had already return to Los Angeles with Aki and Reiko, so she couldn't make the visit. Shizuka, Adam, and Michael had returned to Ireland as soon as Tsukushi and Susumu had left for Osaka. However, the Kents kept in constant contact with the Makinos. So, did Tsubaki.

The day of the visit was what an American would classify as "Indian Summer." The weather was too hot for fall, even though all indications pointed to the season. Susumu had returned from his day at school to find the guests already waiting. The F4 had to take a car from the airport to the inn.

"So, this is the Makino Inn," surveyed Tsukasa. "It's bigger than I expected." He had to admit that it had an excellent design on the outside. He thought about how much warmer it was compared to the highly ostentatious and luxurious Maple Hotel chain.

"Aneue picked it out without seeing it. She broke the first rule of real estate," commented Susumu. "She said the same thing when she first got here. It is big."

"How are things?" asked Sammi.

"Everything is fine. Let's go inside," said Susumu. He was dressed in his school uniform. It was crisped and iron because of the staff. He also had his tie on and his shirt tucked in. Kin-san and Yuki were the ones staring at him. As if he had read their minds, Susumu laughed, "Yes, I wear the uniform exactly like I'm supposed to. Aneue says just because we're rich doesn't mean I am above the rules."

"How is she?" asked Rui.

"You should know. You talk to her enough. I just got here, but I think she went out to the garden. Our father's garden," said Susumu, for a moment his voice shook when he said "father." "She spends her time tending to it along with writing songs. Rather, I write for her while she tells me what she's thinking of."

"It's all right. Gaia is waiting for her to recover. For the time being, The Butterfly Lovers has been shown to audiences. It's gotten some good feedback thus far," said Yuki. "It really is beautiful."

"I agree. Tsukushi looked absolutely beautiful," said Kin-san.

"There were times when I completely forgot that I knew her at all. Her acting is excellent," commented Akira approvingly. The guests that had arrived to the inn were part of the first screening.

"I could swear at the times that she wasn't acting," in toned Soujirou thoughtfully.

"Aneue hasn't talked about it that much," said Susumu. "So, I don't know anything about it."

"The first track from the soundtrack is already being played. It's gaining in the charts all over the world. The projects are more than promising," said Rui. "Gaia Records and Hanazawa Records are looking for another good project to merge on."

"Gaia isn't going to allow too much work with their top star," Sammi quickly reminded him. "Although, it's up to Tsukushi."

"Here she isn't Ringo Arisu. Here she is Makino Tsukushi, my sister and head of the Makino family," said Susumu.

No one disagreed with him. "I think everyone should get settled first. Tsukushi is ready to meet with you all, but I don't think she's up for meeting everyone at once." Susumu had assumed his role as protector of his sister, and he took it very seriously.

Susumu had various staff members escort the guest to different rooms, while he silently communicated to Tsukasa that they needed to talk. Tsukasa went up to him, "Show me to my room."

"This way," said Susumu. Tsukasa followed him. "It has the best view of the place next to the private, family quarters. It's like a daimyo's house."

"So, I've noticed. What is you wanted to talk to me about?"

"You didn't tell anyone."

Tsukasa looked straight into Susumu's eyes. Before he would have been afraid to, but it seemed as if they were on equally ground. "No. I didn't."

"What did you do to get the hearing?" asked Susumu.

"It's my business," whispered Tsukasa. "You don't have to question it. Did you tell her? Does she know what you did?"

"She was passed out at the time. I am not sure if she remembers anything or even sensed what was happening. I can't be sure. Sometimes, I can swear that she does know. I can't read her that well," murmured Susumu.

"She knows," whispered Tsukasa. "I'm sure that she does."

"It's odd. I know what I did. I don't feel guilty about it. I do feel sad. I lost a part of myself that I can't get back," said Susumu in a clear voice. "But at the same time, I gained something I otherwise wouldn't have had."

Tsukasa nodded knowingly. The thing that Susumu had lost was his innocence, but it seemed as if Susumu had matured.

"I heard that you visited the Kents and Collins in Europe," said Susumu.

"Yes, I met with them because I was invited. I also ran into Charlie Collins in New York. He's now assigned there, so I had lunch with him," said Tsukasa.

"I'm thinking of dropping by and visiting the Kents and the Collins in Europe when I go," said Susumu, slowly revealing his plans.

"So, you'll be going to Europe. By yourself?" asked Tsukasa.

"Yes. After I graduate from high school. I have already taken the entrance exams for the medical school in Hokkaido. I was accepted, but I decided to put it off for a year so that I can travel in Europe. It was my decision and it's starting to become a Makino family tradition to travel for a while," replied Susumu.

"So, you're leaving your sister?" asked Tsukasa.

"She'll be all right by the time I leave. Besides, she said that I still have a lot to learn about life before going to school," said Susumu. "But, she's not making me do anything."

"I see. She'll probably be back in Tokyo by then," said Tsukasa.

"Yes," said Susumu. "She said that she would be back by the premiere of the movie, which should be around Christmas."

Tsukasa stopped answering because from his window he could see her in the garden looking at the rock garden. He pressed his fingers against the glass. Susumu stopped talking. "You can go down there and talk to her already. I've already talked too much for today."

Tsukasa nodded and left. He took a short walk to the garden. She didn't seem to hear him. "Hello Tsukushi."

Tsukushi turned around a bit startled. "Tsukasa!" she exclaimed happily. "Why didn't anyone say that they came and tell me?"

"Susumu wanted everyone to get settled first," said Tsukasa.

"It's good to see you," said Tsukushi.

Tsukasa quietly observed her for a moment. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Tsukasa. My hand can't do some of the fine movements it did before," she admitted.

He noticed that she was wearing a long dress that had no sleeves, but she had a shawl over her arms. She had never let anyone, except for the doctors and the physical therapists, see the bullet scars on her body. Her hair was even longer than before and hung in loose waves against her shoulders and back.

She locked onto his gaze. "I come out here all the time. This is my favorite part of the house. I do my yoga and tai chi here when Susumu goes off for school," she told him.

Tsukasa wanted to say that he was sorry for the fact that she wouldn't be able to play her guitar like she used to, but he knew that she wouldn't want to hear of it. "Are you trying to learn how to use your left hand?"

She smiled and nodded, "But, it's harder. It's like learning how to play all over again. I don't have as much control as I did with my right. It's frustrating. At times, I still feel achy all over."

She stopped because she noticed that he wasn't talking. "It must sound so whiny to you, doesn't it? I'm sorry."

"No, it's not. There would have been a time where you wouldn't have told me any of your problems," said Tsukasa, appreciating the trust she had in him now. "You'll be returning to Tokyo for the premiere, right?"

"Yes, I decided that I would, but I'll still get back to work slowly. I decided not to go after my master's any longer. I had to give it up, but this is more important to me."

"Where will you stay in Tokyo?" asked Tsukasa.

"Probably the Maple again. I can't go back to work until the head of my security has recovered and is back as well," she replied. She was referring to Dominic Stratton, who she had requested to be the head of her guards again. He accepted. "For now, it's good to be home."

"Yes, it's good to be home," said Tsukasa.

She sat down at the rock over looking the rock garden. "I still haven't touched the sand, even though nature has. I can't find myself to move it. The last person to touch the rake was him. When I am here, I can feel him. When I am in the house, I can feel her. When I am here, I don't miss them as much. I don't feel as lonely as before. Or as lost."

Her voice quivered. "I am safe here. This is my home, but at the same time I miss the people in Tokyo and my friends all over the world. I can't stay here forever. Everything must change to stay the same. Even the sand has to be moved again."

Without a word, Tsukasa held her from behind. He was on his knees, clutching to her. She felt his strength seeping into her as a warm breeze came. His hands covered the places where the wounds were. A warm, healing touch radiated from them. Truly, she was safe in his arms as well.

Perhaps, it was the reason why her parents, especially her mother, were so adamant about him. Perhaps, deep down inside, they knew that he would keep her safe, even when they couldn't. She raised her left hand touched his arms. He kissed her on the cheek.

He released her after a moment. She stood up and took off the shawl and laid it on the rock after folding it. She went to the rake and picked it up. "Will you help me?" asked Tsukushi.

"Sure," agreed Tsukasa.

Together they changed the formation of the sand with the rake.

It was a time to heal and to remember who one was and where one came from. In this life, there are few certainties. In this life, one had to create most of those certainties. One thing was certain, for that day, paradise was in the form of a rock garden.

Tsukushi knew that she was going to have to form her life again like she was doing with the sand. She looked up at Tsukasa as he moved a rock. They smiled at each other briefly. This was paradise.

AN: El Fin. I hope this ending was to everyone's satisfaction. I attempted to give a short report on all the other characters, but left the rest unexplained. The rest is left to everyone else's imagination. I decided to do the symbolic stuff in the end. See, I didn't exactly settle who Tsukushi ends up with. Tsukasa happens to be the one she's talking to. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed this story. Thanks for the reviews and putting up with some of the rants I give.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hana Yori Dango.