Author's Note: So it looks like as the chapters go on I get better so thats good. This is another revised chapter.

Chapter 3 Before the Fall Part 3

I felt the morning sun come into the window of my room but I ignored it, trying to focus on my dream of a little birdy flying over the ocean.


There was a noise by me that was taking me away from my dream. I squeezed my eyes to stay in my head but I heard the noise again.


I mumbled something but tried to stayed snug in my covers. "Go away…"

I heard movement near me and I felt the sun go away. I wiggled deeper into the covers to keep the cold from creeping up again.


I don't actually remember how we ended up on the floor with me on top of her, with my hands around her neck. At the time I wasn't thinking about how small she was under me or more importantly the look of murder that flashed in her eyes, I only saw the hurt and fear that was predominantly there. I jumped off of Katniss and pushed myself towards the post of the bed. I saw her push herself back and I felt all the worse.

"The hell Finnick?" She gasped reaching for her neck, looking bewildered.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry." I shouted back at her. I wanted her to calm down but I was getting more frantic.

"Finnick! Finnick! Calm down! I'm fine! I'm not mad!" She yelled back but it was hard to pay attention. I was back in the forest and someone, I think, from District 12, stood over me with a knife in his hand.


The boy pulled his arm away ready to stab me. I pushed him away into the shallow part of the lake I was laying beside. I got on top of him and pushed him further down to the bottom of the water by his neck.

"Finnick!" I felt a hand hit me upside the face and I fall back onto the bed post. I heard a groan escape me and saw Katniss, now standing up, frowning down at me.

"Are you awake now?" She asked impatiently.

"Um...yeah, I think so?" I said unsure of myself. She closed her eyes a shook her head as if she was trying to forget what happened.

"Then lets go. I need to get home."

I followed her back into the living room as I told her where her clothes were. I grabbed a towel and a rag for her to wash herself.

"Thanks Finnick." She said taking the stuff from my hand.

"No problem, Kitten." I said back. She gave me a hard look and went into the bathroom connected to the hallway.

I went to go get myself dressed, yawning to myself .I didn't get much rest after I went to bed. Too many nightmares haunting me and most of them were flashes of events that happened in the arena. The cold air still got to my room and it felt like I was trapped in that icy woods again. After a view minutes in my room, I heard a sound through the wall. I put my long sleeve shirt on and walked out of the room to find that noise.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away

A cloak of leaves, A moonbeam ray,

Forget your woes and let your troubles lay

And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.

She stopped singing and started humming. My body started to lean against the wall next to the bathroom door. The words had me remember when the games was over, when I woke up back in bed inside the tower with the window setting still on the forest.

I heard the water shut off and Katniss stumble out of the bathtub. I moved away from the door and returned to my room pretending I didn't hear her. After I put on my shoes she walked in with her clean jean pants, brown boots, green long sleeve shirt and rain coat.

Her hair was still dripping from the water but was held together by the braid that fell over her shoulder.

"Are you ready? she asked.

"Yeah." I said combing my hair back with my hand.

I looked out the window beside the door to make sure if any peacekeepers were around. It was early in the morning and the ground was covered in frost from the cold air. Like I thought, the peacekeepers weren't there.

"Ok, they're not there so we can go, but I need to be back within two hours because my...hi! what up!"

Katniss was already down the sidewalk to the gate. I caught up to her as she walked through the gate. It was by this time I realize she was carrying half the loaf of bread that was soaked by the rain.

"I didn't know you brought that with you?"

"My family needs something to eat. I was suppose to find something last night but I lost track of time…"

"And lost consciousness." I added. The town came in view and we didn't see any civilians or peacekeepers in sight. Katniss ignored my comment and continued walking into town. The dirt was still slippery to walk on from the rain that started after Katniss fell asleep.

We passed the two buildings indicating which side the seams and the other, the central part of the district. No one was around and the sun still hadn't came up. The only sound that could be heard was the squishy steps we made and the rickety sounds of the buildings we past by.

"Katniss!" I hissed out, putting my hand in front of her. There off in the distance a peacekeeper was leaning against door. We both paused our movement and waited to see if he would see us. He wasn't facing us. It looked like he was facing something else. He let out a burst of laughter and Katniss and I jumped back, however the peacekeeper didn't look towards us. From what Haymitch has said, Victors are not allowed to socialize with other with other people from different districts. I was not allowed to be seen with another from a different district for too long. But they would assume, from the way we both were standing too close and covered in the same amount of drizzle and mud at this very second.

It was after that thought that I saw more peacekeeper coming around the corner of the building, the one we saw was leaning on.

I quickly pushed Katniss behind a building, before one of the peacekeepers looked our way.

"We need to keep moving. They'll walk down here and see us eventually." Katniss whispered.

"Where do expect we go? This ally is blocked." I whispered back.

She looks around her and saw we were trapped between two buildings and an old wooden wall has tall as both buildings.

She squeezed her eyes closes in concentration which I found indoring. Opening her eyes again a second later, she marched over to the wooden wall and felt around the planks.

"What are you doing?"

Then Katniss kicked in the plank and made a hole through it. "The hell Katniss!" I turned back around and looked out the alley to see if they noticed the sound. The peacekeepers that were at least thirty yards away started to look around. They couldn't yet see me, but they were getting close.

I heard a loud bang. I turned to Katniss and found her still trying to break down the part of the wood from the wall.

"Hi, lets check over here!" I heard one of them yell.

"Katniss we don't have much time! They coming over here!" I hissed out.

"Then it would be useful if you help push down the wall too!" she said still kicking in the old plank of wood.

I rushed by her side and started to kick the wood. We got louder as we got impatient with the results.

"Guys! The sounds are coming from here!" They were getting closer and there was only enough room for one at a time.

"You go first!" I rushed her.

She didn't hesitate to pull herself through the small hole. I heard the voices of the peacekeepers as if they were right next to me. I slided my way through the hole as fast as I could.


Katniss helped me get through and quickly turned to her in panic. "Run!"

I looked back only a second to see the men in white crowd around the wall wondering what made the hole.

We stopped behind a group a trees trying to catch our breaths. By this time the sun was peaking through the hills and more and more people started to come out of their homes.

Katniss was smiling up at me with mirth and I just shook my head shaking off the adrenaline.

" We made it!" I smiled.

"We're alive." she breathed out looking at her surroundings still smiling to herself.

"Look." she pointed at a house a little ways away from most of the houses near by.

"Is that your home?"

"Yeah! Lets go! Before more peacekeepers see us." She said with more enthusiasm than I've seen her for the 10 hours I've known her.

We walked towards a little house with three windows. I saw the front door hanging of its henge with thats been worn down so much it didn't fit the threshold properly. Katniss put a hand to my chest telling me to stop.

"Wait here."

I watched her walk into the old house and waited. Seconds started to turn into minutes and I was becoming impatient. My escort told me she would arrive at nine o'clock to pick me up to take me back to District Four. I was beginning to question why I was still standing here until a little girl no younger than seven started to push the door open and look straight at me.

"Hm, you can come in if you want…" The little girl said with a bell like voice. I nodded my head and moved forward to the house. I got a closer look at the little girl and she had stringy blond hair and clear blue eyes. She looked nothing like Katniss, who had long deep brown hair and hollow gray eyes.

She lead me inside and as soon as I past the threshold I heard shouting coming from a room off to the side.

"Wait here, she'll be done in a minute." the little girl whispered. "Do you want anything?"

I did want something because I forgot to eat breakfast before we left but I looked around the little house and saw the conditions that everything was in. "We have some cheese in the refrigerator and some milk I just made from my goat." she praised herself.

" You're a life saver Little Duck." Katniss announced. She smiled softly at what I resume is her sister. The little girl giggled to herself blushing.

I stood by and watched Katniss hug her sister with affection I wasn't sure she was about to produce.

"I asked our guest, if he wanted any of our milk and cheese." she stated. I was glad I didn't answer right away because the look on Katniss's face said that wasn't an option.

"Its ok." looking at her sister. "I've already eaten." I lied. Katniss had no expression on her face after I said that.

"Prim, I'll be out for a little while again." A look of devastation was on Prim's face but she tried to hide it. "I won't be out long, the rain has finally stopped so there should be something out there." said Katniss trying to reassure her.

"Okayyy." Prim whined.

"Come on, Odair." Katniss breathed out while walking to the door. Before I left I watched as Prim walk back into the room Katniss was in.

Once we got outside, I followed her a little ways away back into town. "Where are we going?" I asked.

We were walking in the path I walked when I first explored the district. Before I found her.

She didn't answer my question and just kept walking.

"How old are you anyway?" I asked.

"Its not obvious?" She asked with sarcasm.

"Do you want me to guess like last night?" I said smirking at her.

She turns her head and rolls her eyes keeping pace on a dirt road. "I'm eleven." she stated plainly. My eyes widened at that. She looked so much younger. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt with how old she acted but eleven was not what I imaged.

"You got something to say Odair." She said back with an attitude

"Nothing at all Kitten."

She huffed and walked on.

"What was going on back there?" I asked her to keep the silence from creeping up.

"What do you mean?" she asked deadpan. She didn't want to talk about this but I have a problem with my curiousity. She went stiff as she walked further past the old abandoned houses, not looking my way when I kept trying to meet her eyes.


"I didn't know careers could be so nosey." she said a matter-a-fact. I widened my eyes at that, not expecting that comment. She was getting defensive and I thought I should back off a while. I let it go after that and we both stayed in a state of silence. It was a little over a minute later when we arrived at a field of tall grass.

"Hey…" I said to myself. I look up and Katniss was already going through the field. "I've been here before." I said rushing after her.

She turns to me with her eyebrows raised in amusement at my hagardness. "Oh really?" she asked with little curiosity.

I pouted at her and she let out giggle much more louder than Prims but oddly all the same. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I walked here just before I found you."

"Your started to grow a hero complex. Sorry I was the cause of it." She said shaking her head.

"How would you be the cause of it?" I asked smirking behind her.

"Because you saved my life." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world but I heard the gratefulness laced in it.

"And am I gonna get a thank you with that Ms…" I paused to myself. Did she even tell me her last name?

"It Everdeen. I'm Katniss Everdeen." She stated. I smiled back at her. "Well Ms. Everdeen. Are you going to give me my thank you?" I said with an obnoxious Capital accent. She burst out laughing at that and I found myself wanting to hear it again.

"In you dreams Odair."

"Here we are." she sighs out in relief.

We stood in front of the long gate I saw before. By now the trees and plants rose tall to the sun soaking in its nutrients like it was their last supper.

"Can I trust you?"

I shake out of my daydream at look back at the small girl. "What?"

"Can I trust you?" she asked slowly. I didn't know, could she? I'll look back at this moment and think why didn't I say yes sooner. But now I am young and I only started to understand the meaning of trust. I remembered the first time I openly declared trust upon a person and someone openly declared trust upon me. That person nearly killed me in my sleep and I killed him for it. With this memory in mind, I didn't think I could trust Katniss let alone let her trust me. I wanted to go back before my name was called and I step foot into the Capital. However, theses are not the Games and she's not a tribute.

"Yes." I look down at Katniss and she conveyed nothing. Whether she was shocked or scared, amused or disappointed, but has the seconds went by of her staring into my soul to see whether she could trust me. This made me anxious. More time went by and I was slowly mentally begging for her to trust me. It was the anxiety I got when training started and my escort nearly pounded into me that I need allies. And now, I felt I didn't have anyone else I could turn too. Mags was a tribute too but I want normalcy, I wanted someone who didn't judge me for what I've done.

"Alright then…" she inhaled and looked away from me to the electric fence. "Lets go." she said finally.

"What do you mean? Go where?" She walked forward and swung her legs over the wire and through the fence to the other side without touching it. I stared in shock and looked at her through the fence.

"Well come on Finnick, we don't got all day!" She shouted back as she kept on walking.

"How do I get through?" I yelled back. We were too far away for anyone to hear our shouting.

"The fence isn't even on, Odair." she said stop and waiting for me impatiently.

Thats strange. I walked to the wire and listened out for the humming sound I heard earlier. I heard nothing. I slowly put hand on the thin metal and nothing happened.

" You take your sweet time testing the fence." She said irritated.

"Can't be too sure, Kitten." I said playfully as a slide my way through and by her side.

We walked on into the woods far enough where we didn't see the fence anymore. The forest was still mostly bare but has we went deeper the thicker the leaves got.

"What are we doing her Katniss?" We had walked far into the forest and the sun was nearly high in the sky. The way the shadows leaned from the trees it was now 8 o'clock in the morning. Waited for answer but the eleven year old gave me none. We came to this small tree. Nothing was out of the ordinary about it except the long and narrow hole in its trunk.

"You are going to help me feed my district." She said simply. Feed her district?

Like it was some great reveal, she pulls out a brown bow. So this is what she was hiding. She walks over to a log a little ways away and pulled out bundle of arrows.

"Come on we need to make you a spear so you can catch some fish." She said as she examined the trees around her. She walks further into the trees and a rushed after her. "Hey, hey, hey, wait!"

"What?" She said as she reached and pulled on a branch. "Are we allowed to be here?" I asked in astonishment.

"We just past an electric fence that surrounds the district and you ask if we are allowed to be out here?" she says as if the answer to the question was obvious. She swings the bundle of arrows around her shoulder and pulls out a small knife and handed it and the stick to me.

"How many times have you been out here?" I asked slowly. I looked around for a hidden camera.

"Since Prim was born…" she said. "Come on you need to make a spear so we can start hunting. I promised someone I would have game before noon."

Because aisyaraisya asked, this chapter is longer. The next chapter will be the last of the Before The Fall arch and I'll be moving on to the actual Hunger Games. Plus it would really be awesome if some of you would give some suggestions or point out any mistakes that I've made. FAVORITE AND REVIEW!