Being from Abnegation, friends were considered Self-indulgent, but yet, certain cases were overlooked. I was one of these cases, along with my best friend Tobias. Our parents grew up together, so naturally we grew up together. We literally did everything together. We took our first steps together. Said our first words together, and we both were abused together.

But one day, we were at the park together, when an Abnegation man came to us and told us to go to my house. We ran to our house. We were told that both our moms, are missing. They tried to calm us down, but we broke down crying holding each other, sobbing on the floor. After we had no more tears to cry, the man told us, that my dad, was one to help the expedition, and I would be living with Tobias, and his dad, Marcus. He told me I had to move today.

We did not deserve this, we were only 8

Tobias and I lived in the same room, me on the right, him on the left. We were talking just like we would.

I mean we were only 8 years old! We were talking and crying, over our missing mothers. We were getting to go to bed when Marcus, burst in to our room, and angry look on his face. He was stumbling, as if he was drunk. He started screaming at us saying how that Evelyn and Natalie disappeared because of us. He slipped of his belt and pulled us to the center of the room, and whispered the 6 words that will always haunt me.

"This is for your own good."

And the belt came crashing down on us

And everything went black

Every day, Marcus came in to our room and he would beat us. Then he would do one of 3 things, lock us in a closet and not feed us. He also made us hang of the railings, until we almost slipped off. Or finally, he would throw glass bottles at us. Our life was basically our personal torture house. Together, we formed a plan, we were both going to transfer to dauntless to escape, that monster. But we realized for a couple of abnegation 10 year olds. So Tobias worked his magic on some of the dauntless, while I swiped their knives, and guns. Then we made targets out of cardboard we found in the Factionless sector. Every day, for the next six years, we practiced our skills, after our beatings, we would go outside and practice in secret. Soon we had more muscle then some dauntless.

We were 16. It was our choosing day. But for some reason both of our results were different. We both got 3 factions. Dauntless, Erudite, and Abnegation (A/N I know that in the story, Tobias didn't get three, but this is a fanfiction.) They called it divergent. At least that's what Tori said, she ran our tests. But it didn't matter to us, we were already going to pick Dauntless. We decided that we were going to leave our entire past behind. We were going to lose our names. And we were going to do this together, we started this together, we were going to end this together.

Just before the ceremony, we walked to the head, Ms. Matthews.

"Ms. Matthews?" I asked

"Yes, Sweetie?" she asked, putting on a caring mask, but her eyes were just like Marcus's, cold and hard.

"Can you help us?" Tobias asked

"Whatever do you need?" she asked faking a sweet voice

"When you call our names, can you call us at the same time? We need each other to do this." I said

"Oh, you're the kids from the Abnegation project." She said

The Abnegation project, the name of the project trying to find our parents.

We nodded

"Of course, I understand, my dad went missing when I was young." Her eyes for a moment, showed compassion

"Also, when you call our names, can you say BP and TE instead of our real names? It'll help us forget the past

She nodded and said "before I agree, what are your thoughts on Erudite?"

Luckily Tobias took this one for us

"Erudite is a very knowledgeable faction, and I would choose it, but our aptitude tests suggested otherwise."

I nodded in agreement

"Thank you, and I will take your requests, good luck with your future." And with that she walked away

We waited until it got to the E section, where our names should be called.

"Under special request, this will be a little strange, but will BP and TE come up?"

We grasped each other's hands and walked to the front of the room. People whispered in shock as two people went at the same time. We took the knife and cut our wrists allowing our blood to drip in to the dauntless bowl at the same time. The dauntless cheered and the abnegation gasped.

We made our way to the dauntless section where we were stopped by a dauntless born initiate, he was our age and had tanned skin, and he had a boy that looked just like him next to him.

"Hello, I'm Zeke, this is my twin, Uriah" they nodded in turn

"Hello" we whispered, not quite knowing what to say

"So what are your names?" Uriah asked

"We don't have any names…" Tobias told them

They laughed "I guess we will have to call you He Stiff and She Stiff!"

We sighed at the name stiff, the name for Abnegation.

And we sat down, waiting for the end of the ceremony, while we made small talk to Zeke, Uriah and their friends, Lynn, and Marlene and Shauna. Plus Some Transfers, Christina, Will, Al, and Lauren. But there were some jerks, Eric, Peter, Molly and Drew but as long as I Had "he stiff" I was fine. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, while he rested his head on mine. We had finally escaped.