Okay first of I am very sorry for how long it has been, stuff got in the way, but after watching what has happened to our beautiful couple I felt obligued to give them the ending they deserve at least in my story. Enjoy.

"And whose he?" Kenna asked pointing at a small picture. She sat between his legs in their bed holding a large heavy book in front of her. It was documentation on Bash's family tree and Kenna was now perusing the pages with great enjoyment laughing strange name and unattractive paintings. Bash was simply happy to have her so close he loved the feeling of her body pressed against his as she rested so comfortably against his chest, even if she was poking fun at most of his family.

"That is my uncle, I was named after him" Bash smiled and kissed the side of Kenna's forehead as he spoke.

"Oh I can see why," Kenna grinned wickedly "The family resemblance is striking especially that nose?" she burst out laughing tapping the mans rather protruding and oddly shaped nose.

"What" Bash spluttered "I look nothing like" but then he stopped as Kenna laughed harder and he knew she would tease whatever he said. "Fine well as long as our children are given such a healthy feature"

Kenna gasped in mock indignation turning around in his arms she slapped Bashes chest gently "Why would you wish such a curse on them" she smiled again before leaning up and kissing him softly "Now tell me more" she said turning back and flicking to the next page. Bash continued to explain how each person was related to him and if they had done anything of significance. Absent-mindedly he began to circle the place on which his hand was resting stroking Kenna's hip.

"What did I say about tickling me" Kenna said softly.

"I am sorry, I forgot" Bash breathed heavily in her ear but did not stop the movement, he began to kiss her neck, she moaned softly and leaned into his lips. She began to turn so she could face him and as she did so the book slipped off her lap and a piece of folded parchment fell out.

"What's this" She asked and she unfolded it.

"This is depiction of the de Poitiers family tree, see all the names and who they have married, it has been documenting our lives for generations. See" he pointed to one of the bottom most names "Diane de Poitiers."

Kenna looked over the parchment for a while taking in the names some had died young some had died old before noticing something odd, she said "But Bash, where is your name"

Bash chuckled to himself "I believe the de Poitiers where unwilling to have my name added due to my illegitimacy, I am surprised my mother's name remains."

Kenna looked incredulous "But that is just ridiculous, you are just as much a member of their family as anyone else on this tree."
Bash smiled at her indignation "For someone who used to call me the Kings bastard you have certainly changed our opinion."

"Yes well," Kenna said wrinkling her nose "that was out of affection." Bash laughed as Kenna began to scramble out of bed taking the parchment with her.

"What are you doing" Bash called already missing the feeling of her warmth.

"Im sorry but who are these people who rule that you cannot be recognised by your own family, I will not have it." She was walking over to his writing desk as she spoke and placing the parchment over it.

"Kenna" Bash's voice was slightly worried now, he threw back the covers and walked quickly to her, but it was already too late, there was now a line leading down from Diane names and beneath it, written in a very elegant hand, was Sebastian de Poitiers.

"Kenna," Bash cried half stunned half amused "this has been in my family for generations it has only ever been added to by the priests that christened the children and performed the marriage ceremonies."

"Oh" Kenna said rolling her eyes "Say your deranged wife did it. I shall take full responsibility"

"But why" Bash asked pulling Kenna lightly to she turned towards him.

"Because you have every right to see you name against your relatives." Kenna held of one Bash's hands next to her heart. "Who gives a damn who your father it is, its you that is important. And you Bash are the kindest bravest man I know and I will not have some stupid bit of paper say anything else."

Bash smiled at her words pride making his chest swell slightly "A deranged woman indeed."

Kenna laughed "Well its too late now you can't take me back, you are stuck with me."

Bash dipped his head so it was resting against Kenna's forehead "And why on earth would I want to."

She looked at him a little surprised at his words before leaning up and kissing him rather more passionately than she had intended. They broke apart some time later Bash a little out of breathe said "You know we could just go back to bed" he gestured at their four poster.

Kenna slapped his chest playfully "You know I am already late to see Lola I think her confinement is driving her mad. I promised to keep her company today."

"You could be a little late" Bash whispered in her eye before traveling down the side of her neck leaving a trail of kisses.

Kenna breathed heavily "You are a wicked man" Breaking apart from him reluctantly she said "Hold those thoughts, I'll be back later."

Bash smiled as he watched Kenna walk away noticing the perfect curve to her hips. "Kenna" he called as she reached the door, "I.." and then he stumbled "Have a nice time"

She looked him "Thank you" she said rather confused, and shut the door behind her.

Bash watched her go before letting out a strangled cry kicking the desk in his frustration. What was wrong with him, it was always on the tip of his tongue but seemed never to escape his lips. Jesus why was this so hard. Deep down he knew why, he knew what he was afraid of but he would not let himself think on it.


A few days later and Lola's confinement was finally lifted and she was considered healthy enough to leave her chambers. She choose to celebrate this by enjoying the beautiful weather once more. She, Kenna, Greer and Mary all sat in the gardens under the shade of a rather impressive tree. Bash and Francis sat a little to side watching as the ladies cooed over the month old baby lying in his cot. Bash smiled as he watched Kenna wiggle the child's toes and blow little raspberry's on his tummy.

"Women and children" Francis laughed

"I think Kenna may be enjoying him more than buying new dresses, I didn't think that possibly." The men laughed together at this.

"I have not seen you much at court lately, has something been keeping you busy" Francis enquired redirecting this attention to his brother.

"No not really, I have just been avoiding our father" Bash said quietly. "Is he any better"

Francis sighed "No and I fear he will only get worse. But it does not help to have his son estranged from him"

Bash met Francis's eyes and raised an eyebrow "Well if he stopped coming on to my wife maybe we could begin to bond again."

Francis put his hands in a surrender, "Okay I admit his actions are questionable and with regards to you and Kenna they are down right appalling but what would you have me do." He paused for a moment looking at his brother slyly before continuing "Plus his decision to marry the two of you doesn't seem as mad as it previously did."
"What do you mean" Bash said innocently.

"Well the idea of you and Kenna as a couple, at first, seemed odd to say the least, I could not imagine two people less suited. But it seems I was mistaken. In fact I now believe the two of you very suited indeed." Francis smiled at Bash's quizzical face and continued "For example I think that she brings out your slightly lighter side, and you calm her down. Have you told her what we spoke of the other week yet."
Bash's face fell at Francis last words, looking away he said "No I haven't it never seems to be the right time."

"Bash" Francis said softly "I know you may not believe me, but judging from Kenna's behaviour and the way she looks at you, she loves you. You shouldn't be afraid to tell her how you feel."

Bash grunted at Francis words "Thank you" he simply said unable to articulate all that he felt.

And before he could try "Bash" Kenna called him "Come here"
Bash rolled his eyes at his brother "I am being summoned" He smiled though as he walked to Kenna's side.

By the time their last sitting arrived Kenna had grown rather proud of her artistic ability and far along it had come. She gazed at her canvas as she added a slightly deeper blue to the sky line.

"You know you're not a bad teacher" Kenna said smiling over the top of her work.

"Why thank you" Pierre smirked taking a bow "I suppose that's why your painting is not bad"

Kenna rolled her eyes "You know what I meant, how is my face looking today" She referenced the painting that Pierre was dabbing at,, he had told her last session that it was nearly complete.

"Defiant, as always, maybe I should become an abstract painter and give up trying to capture likeness"

Kenna laughed "Despite not being allowed to see it I know it will be perfect, now stop putting yourself down in hopes I will compliment you."
Pierre grinned "Okay you found me out. It is almost done though soon I will no longer have excuses to spent time with you. "

Kenna could not help but smile however she remained silent working on her own canvas trying to add depth and texture to the flowers coping the techniques Pierre had shown her.

Pierre continued to look at his subject far more intrigued by the reality than the image he was creating, he watching the way her she smiled happily as she look down at her work , "You seem much lighter than when I first met you, my princess,"

Kenna raised her eyebrows at the term of endearment but choose to ignore it, "I guess I am, I feel happier"

Pierre looked down at his work brushing slightly harder than perhaps necessary "It that because a certain man has finally learn to love what he has."

Kenna looked at him in shock, they had never really spoken of Bash despite knowning that Pierre was not simply and could probably guess the reason for occasional quiet moods she had not believed him to understand it so directly. "Um, no not exactly."
Pierre place his brush down "But he is more attentive and caring that before."
"Yes" Kenna said unsure why she was divulging such intimate information.

Pierre moved so he was close enough to touch her hand, taking it in his he brought her fingers to his lips, "Why does such a thing of beauty believe she is worth so little, you deserve a man to worship you on bended knee and you should settle for no less, " before she knew quite what happening his hand had wrapped around her waist and his lips were on hers and for two seconds she let the remain overcome by his words of admiration, but yet Bash's kind face remained in her mind.

"What are you doing" she said pushing him away and stepping back, she felt tears form and begin to fall hiding her face she quickly moved to the door a mixture of confusion, hurt and guilt threatened to overwhelm her.

Bash walked through the castle on his way back to his chambers after a particularly muddy afternoon hunt. He was a great need of a bath, he smile at the thought of how disgusted Kenna would be if she saw him. He paused for a moment was he imagining it because he had just been thinking of her or saw that Kenna's voice he could he from the corridor up ahead. Though he couldn't quite make out the words he could hear her upset and hastened quickly towards the noise until he heard the person she was yelling at speak, there was no mistaking Pierre's tone even while being shouted at he managed to sound charming, Bash growled before ducking into an adjacent room wishing to listen without being seen.

"Leave me alone" Kenna almost shrieked, she was coming around the corner now and Bash could see her tear stricken face.

"Kenna, please stop" Pierre pleaded taking one of her hands attempting to make her face him, Bash felt the growl inside him grow, Kenna pace slowed but she didn't turn around instead she looked determinedly at the floor caught between guilt and confusion.

"Kenna I didn't mean to upset you, I just, I just got carried away" Kenna didn't speak she stood still as tears continued to run down her beautiful face, registering her silence Pierre soldigered on "Since I met you, you have been a light in my life, a beauty that makes me smile at every opportunity, and I am a selfish being Kenna I wanted more than I am allowed."

Wanted more… Bash didn't understand, all he really knew was that Pierre was managing to express what he had felt for months with ease and eloquence, an anger at himself was swelling, he would not lose Kenna to this man, or at least he would not lose her without a fight.

Kenna turned to face Pierre and placed a hand lightly on the side of his face "Pierre I can't, I never could" she moved up and kissed his other cheek before moving away down the corridor. Bash contemplated striding out from his hiding place and punching the stupid fancy artist right on the nose, but as he watched the man his head hung low without his usual air of arrogance Bash felt his anger ebb slightly, was it too strange to say he saw something of himself reflected in Pierre.

Kenna spent the last hour wandering the castle, Pierre's words rang inside her head making it pound. Her feelings were so conflicted, half of her felt guilty she knew that her behaviour had been shameful, she had smiled, flirted, teased even. But another part of her felt relieved for a reason she couldn't quite explain. As darkness replaced light she knew she had to return to her chambers she knew she could no longer put off seeing Bash.

Bash, for his part, had been waiting for some time for Kenna to return, sitting on their bed muttering to himself; rehearsing a speech that was long over due. A bunch of perfect roses lay quite forgotten by his side. He started as Kenna finally entered their chambers, he felt himself blush before he had even opened his mouth.

"Are those for me" Kenna smiled as she pointed to flowers resting on the bed.

"Oh" Bash starred at them with unseeing eyes before simply stating "Yes"

"Bash is everything alright" Kenna asked taking in his flustered appearance, walking to him.

"Yes .." his mouth didn't seem to working the way he wanted it to, "A parcel came for you a little while ago." He gestured to the door next to stood a parcel, in the unmistakable shape of a canvas. Kenna looked at her husband confused failing to understand how the arrival of a parcel could unsettle him so. "It came with a note" Bash said through gritted teeth and with that he shoved a folded piece of parchment toward her.

She unfolded and read

"To the beautiful lady Kenna,

I hope you find your ideal, may you remain innocent always,

Love Pierre"

Kenna smiled as she read "He can flirt even on paper" she rolled her eyes and smiled up at Bash who merely grunted unable to articulate actual words. "Bash" Kenna voice was full of concern "Is it this that has upset you, it means nothing" she said discarding it to prove her point; Kenna would not allow herself to think Bash jealous there must be something else concerning him.

"It, well" Bash stammered once more before finally he managed to find his tongue, "Yes but not in the way you might think," catching Kenna hand and looking deeply into her eyes he said "You have to let me finish before you say anything. " Kenna gave him a puzzled look but nodded to show her consent, "When we first met, when you first came to the castle I thought you selfish if very beautiful" Kenna made a disgruntled noise "But I was an idiot Kenna, and I have been an idiot for a long time. I should of realized months ago what you meant to me and even when I finally understood my own heart I have been too much of coward to say it out loud. I married you in love with someone else I admit that, I should have admitted it then because if I had been honest then maybe it would have helped me later, but Mary is not the women I thought her to be. You are the one I want Kenna," he stopped for a moment to draw breath, taking in Kenna almost blank face, "not want love, I love you. I have fallen in love with you, every aspect your immaturity your generosity, your determination. I can not imagine my life without the light you bring to it. I am sorry that I hurt you at first that I was not open the way you were, but please don't let my foolish nature ruin a happiness that I know I can provide." Kenna opened her mouth but then remembered her promise to be silent "I love you Kenna, and I don't know what Pierre has said to you but I swear I will spent the rest of my days making you understand how much, just pick me." Bash finished almost imploringly.

Kenna was stunned though a tiny fragment of her heart had hoped this declaration would come she never dared let herself truly believe it. "Pick you" she whispered.

"I know you might need time I don't want to rush you" Bash said trying hard to gauge Kenna's feelings but getting nowhere.

"You think I have feelings for Pierre?" Kenna asked "Strong enough to run away" Bash shrugged looking at the floor. "Sit down," Kenna said gesturing to the bed, "Do you want to know what I have been spending my time with Pierre doing" she spoke walking over to the wrapped canvas and picking it up, "Here" she placed it in Bash's lap "See for yourself"

Bash looked at her confused he had presumed his painting had been the portrait of Kenna it seemed however she was suggesting she had painted it herself, "You painted this," he asked untying the string and slipping the canvas out of the parchment.

"For my sins" Kenna replied taking a seat next to him.

As the parchment slid away a scene met Bash's eyes, a couple were standing under a tree in what seemed to be the castle grounds they were facing each other and surrounded by spring flowers. They were small on the canvas but there was no mistaking who they were. Kenna smile as Bash starred at the picture "I wanted to give us the wedding day we never had"

Bash felt his heart begin to swell as the realisation began to sink in, "the ideal Pierre mentioned

"Was me and you, yes" Kenna answered taking Bash's face in her hands "You are idiot an Sebastian but your my idiot and I love you". Bash felt almost giddy the smile spreading across his face felt as though it would never leave. Placing the canvas delicately on the floor he knelt before Kenna "Kenna, will you be my wife for now and always,"

She smile "Well it's a little late, but yes always" and before he could move she and flung herself onto of him holding him as close as she possibly could the pair fell backwards onto the floor. Joy was too slight a word to describe how Kenna felt as she lay on top of Bash kissing him gently. He was hers. He loved her.


It was several days before Kenna and Bash could be persuaded to leave their rooms. The first time they were seen in public was at the christening ball.

"Now that is a smile I am glad to see" Greer said as she embraced her friend, Kenna could not help but smile wider.

"How could I not smile when there is such a cutie to be played with," smiling down she wiggled Julian's feet and cooed as Lola also smiling rocked him in her arms.

"As much as I appreciate the compliment towards my son, I don't believe he is the reason we haven't seen you for the past 5 days." Lola said grinning.

"I have been busy" Kenna said flustered trying to look innocent.

"Oh busy is that what you call it," Greer laughed "Because according to the kitchen servants I heard gossiping you being busy means never leaving your bedroom but ordering copious amounts of strawberries and wine." Greer and Lola laughed still harder at the look on Kenna's face as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh I give up the charade of being lady like, since Bash and I finally had an open conversation were many truths of the heart where revealed we have felt little need to leave our chambers," smiling as Greer rolled her eyes and Lola attempted a look of shock Kenna continued, "Im so happy and I have the two of you to thank for it,"

"A little direction that is all we gave" said Lola sweetly.

"Speak for yourself" Greer scoffed "I better be named Godmother to your first child after all the effort I put it" Kenna laughed and it soon became infectious and friends could not contain their giggles standing together gossiping as if they were teenagers again. Catching her breathe Greer saw a man enter the room "Ladies you will have to excuse me for a moment there is a friend of mine I must greet."

The other two nodded turning two each other Kenna playing with little babies fingers and continued their guessing game about the next couple to wed at court.

As Bash entered the room he found himself unconsciously searching the room for Kenna the last few days few had been the happiest of his life and he was eager to claim his wife for the next dance, his body ached for hers to be close. He finally found her eyes sparkling amongst a crowd of people all cooing around the guest of honour. He only had eyes for one woman however if he had been a little more observant he may have noticed Mary looking at him from the corner of the room a confused and possibly disappointed look upon her face.

Pierre stood to the side a large drink in his hand ignoring the cluster of women vying for his attention. He was gripping his goblet rather more firmly then usual as he cast his eyes over the couple dancing across the floor the women was laughing happily as her partner stumbled over his own feet. Kenna seem very unconcerned by her partners lack of coordination she merely held him closer.

"I hear that your portrait of Marry is almost finished, will you be leaving when it is complete?" Greer was standing at his side holding out a fresh cup of wine.

"I will" he said not sound quite his normal playful self.

"I don't know if I ever said it, but thank you Pierre, thank you for coming when I asked and thank you for playing your part so well." Greer smiled sympathetically as he took the cup she offered.

"I must say I was surprised to hear from you after so long, but offering my services to Francis was easy and I was glad to be of service to you and to two people who needed a push to find love." Pierre raised his cup as if toasting the couple locked in a slow moving embrace.

Looking at the look of pain on his face Greer said "You are not the man I met so many years ago, it might be time to cast of the regret" choosing her words carefully. "Know you are forgiven that you have earned forgiveness." Then smiling slightly "I know all true artist are suppose to be tortured souls but really this is a celebration"

Pierre could not help but smile "Okay for you I will be my irresistible self," he smirked as she sighed exasperated, "What about you lady Greer you are hardly the innocent flower I once had the presumption to know, what sparked this transformation."

"Isn't it always love" Greer smiled "I have loved three men in this room tonight and somehow through all the complications I am content." There was silence for a moment as Pierre continued to gaze at Kenna, finally Greer said "The part you played so well, there would be no shame if there was some truth in your role, in fact I think it may do you good in the long run to experience something that you can't have"

Pierre couldn't help but smile "You speak as though I have never been rejected" Greer simply raised her eyebrows, "Fine would you be pleased if I said that I found Kenna captivating and though I am happy to see how radiant she looks tonight I will leave this castle disappointed."

"You once told me that breaking my heart was the greatest wrong you had ever committed, but learning to love again was the most beautiful story of my life."

"then I shall put your words to the test, come" Pierre straightened and put his cup to the side "It is time I showed these ladies how a true French man dances," he offered his hand to Greer and smiling she accepted.

"I love you" Bash said smiling down at his beautiful wife as she gazed up at him arms around his neck

"And I love you, even if you are terrible dancer" she laughed at the look of mock hurt on his face, it broke the moment she leaned up to kiss him. "but yet you dance for me, and so I love you all the more for it," Kenna whispered into his ear.

"Who would have known my father was actually a very clever match maker, I will always be grateful that he brought you to me," Bash smiled "even if you were kicking and screaming.

Kenna laughed "And here was me thinking that was traditional in a French wedding. Bash" she said in a more serious voice "this" holding his hand to her heart "is yours now, protect well."

He smiled captured her lips once again "I promise to protect it before anything else my own heart will always stand guard over yours"

I still really hope they will be happy together this took a very long time to write so I hope it was enjoyed