Wow. It's really been over a year, huh? Or more precisely, a year and one month. That was a slightly longer wait than what my intensions were in the first place. Really, I'm sorry about that.

And excuse me if there's any plot mistakes, grammar mistakes, anything. I'm just getting into the game again, after a year's break, so I'm still a little rusty.

Disclaimer: I am not the owner or creator of anything, except the plot itself. Anything else is either credited to Masashi Kishimoto(the creator of the characters, cities, etc.), or the other rightful owners of IRL things that might be mentioned in this story.


I woke up when the sun decided to throw its beams at my face, almost blinding me. I shifted a little on my spot on the floor. My body still hurt, but it was at least moveable now. Lifting myself up by my arms, I sat up and looked around. It then hit me that I still was in the office. The lamp was broken, which explained the darkness when I last woke up. Shattered glass were spread all around the floor, probably from some of my dad's, now broken, beer bottles. I took a quick glance at the clock above the wooden doors, to figure out that it was 5 minutes past 3 in the evening. So, I completely missed today's school.

I slowly raised myself to my legs, and steadied myself against the desk when they began to shake. When I felt safe on my feet, I began to limp(since I couldn't walk properly) into the living room, to find it empty. A glance out of the window showed me that my father's car was gone, and I gave a sigh of relief. I don't know what would've happened if he still was here. Probably another round, which I couldn't handle at the moment, beaten up as I was. Stumbling upstairs, I made my way to my bathroom to see how much damage was done, and how much clothes I had to wear in order to hide it. My face wasn't as bad as it could have been, but I still had bruises. My lower lip was swollen, my forehead was extremely sore, and I had a little cut on my left cheek. At least I hadn't got a bump. My forehead was already oversized by itself, I didn't need a bump to make it worse. Definitely not. I looked a little closer, just to be sure, and I noticed a small bruise was beginning to take place in the center. But still, it was nothing that some simple concealer couldn't hide. Normally I wasn't into make-up that much, but after a session like last nights', it became necessary. Opening my drawer under the sink, I fished my little savior up. Opening the lid and applying just enough to cover the forming bruise and the cut, I decided that it would be a good idea to apply some under my lower lip too. The skin beneath it was a little red, so if I covered it, it wouldn't look even half as bad. People would maybe not even notice it.

Thinking of people, my thoughts automatically wandered to Kisame. 'Have he even noticed that I wasn't in school today? Wait, why do I even worry about that? He's not my friend, nor I'm his, so why should I worry over something of that matter? I'm friendless, and I prefer it to be like that. That way I can't hurt anybody again.' I moved over to apply some eyeliner. 'Not that I think that Kisame is an easy nut to crack, but it's not worth it. But really, he's trying so god damn hard! It's not like I have a fucking choice.'

Finishing with my concealer, I grabbed my hairbrush and began to brush the knots out, those who formed at yesterday's event. I had decided to go into town. I needed to do something, I couldn't stay home at the moment.

After ten minutes of painful grunts and curses, I threw the brush back into its original place(at the corner of the sink), and went to my bedroom. Sitting down on the edge of my king-sized bed, I began to strip my shirt off, and then my socks and pants. I didn't care where the hell it landed at the moment; I just wanted to get it off. Standing up and walking across my room to the big full-size mirror, I began to inspect my body for more bruises.

A nasty one on my lower back, some at my collarbone, a tiny, but still noticeable one on my right wrist, and lastly, a bruise with the size of a tennis ball on the outside of my ankle. Besides that, there was the cuts on my back, stomach, arms and legs. I didn't even bother counting them, since I couldn't see the need in it, nor did I have the patience. I went back to my closet to find some proper clothes. My mind screamed for me to go in 'medic mode' and take care of my injuries, but I ignored it for now. I needed to throw some clothes on, and then I was out of here. Grabbing some long, baggy, black pants that hung low on my hips, I put them on, and moved over to the shirts. Finding a white, long sleeved top that was long enough to cover up for the low-waist pants, and threw it on together with a pair of plain black socks on my feet. I went down the stairs, still in a slow pace, and continued into the office to look after my bag. It should be here somewhere, since this was the last place I had it. Glancing around the room a few times(and ignored the unpleasant feeling of being in there again) I spotted black and blood red bag in the corner. Quickly moving over to it, grabbed it and slung I over my shoulder, threw on a random pair of shoes and got the hell out of there, smacking the front door shut after me. I figured that everything still was in my bag, since I never got the time to unpack it yesterday, so I had what I needed.

As I walked down the pavement, my mind continued to wander around about which places I could go and clear my head in. And of course, the only thing that came to my mind was the school's roof. I didn't really know any other places than that, except for the park, but I just knew that(since it was a sunny day) it would be filled with happy families and small, annoying kids running around. So I decided for the roof.
Since I didn't take my motorcycle, it took me longer to get there, but I didn't mind. It was pleasant just to walk and let my mind drift into daydream-mode.

About 15 minutes later, I was on my way up the stairs to the roof. Luckily, the school wasn't closed yet, probably due to the secretaries and other staff working a little longer than the actual school hours. Glad I ain't a fucking secretary.

Finishing the last steps, I opened the door and stepped out on the roof. Taking a deep breath, I closed the door again as I started to walk, only to hear a faint cough behind me, making me stop dead in my tracks. Glancing over my shoulder, I seriously wondered if God had fun screwing with me. Of course there had to be another human being the only place I wanted to be alone at the moment. His lazy, hazel eyes just looked boringly at me, and I found myself shocked of how similar his hair was to Gaara's, mostly in style but also in color. And that was where all similarities stopped. He was leaned against the wall, hands in the pockets of his beige baggy pants, the wind slightly flaring his white t-shirt. Everything about him screamed 'bored', and he just continued to look at me. No up-and-down look, nothing, he was just.. looking.

"What?" I finally snapped, tired of waiting. He looked like he actually pondered about answering, before he finally opened his mouth.

"You shouldn't be on the school's roof, especially not at this time of the day, girl." His smooth, velvet voice said. 'Say what?'

"What gives you the permission the be here then, boy?" I snarled at him, and turned around so I could sit against the high edge. He didn't answer, but I could swear that I heard a light chuckle coming from his direction. So he thinks I'm funny?

"You definitely must be the girl Kisame's rambling about." He stated, still looking lazily at me.

"If he talks about an insane chick with pink hair and a huge temper, yep, that's me." I told him lazily. I heard a huff, and when I turned my gaze to him, I noticed that the edges of his lips was turned slightly upwards, but it couldn't be called a smile yet. More like a light expression of amusement, that is. Huffing to myself, I turned my head again and crossed my arms. "What is it to you, then?" I snarled, tired of this little game-thing of his.

"Nothing." Came the monotone answer. " Kisame has just rambled a lot about you recently. I thought I would do some slight research to see what the object of his interest was, but here you are, invading my peace. I didn't even have do to anything. What a coincidence." I bit my lip in irritation. I swear, if that guy wasn't so calm and collected, I'm sure that he would be doing belly rolls right now.

"Tell him to stop trying to befriend me. I'm not interested."

"And why is that?" Stupid, monotone voice.

"None of your concern. Why are you here, anyways? School ended a long time ago." A curiously glanced at him. He shifted slightly from his position against the wall and let himself slide down to a sitting position. "It's usually quiet up here, if annoying people don't decide to visit, that is." His caramel eyes gave me an annoyed look, before they shifted examine the sky again. "But I see why he finds you interesting."

"Care to explain?" I questioned, while raising a single eyebrow.

"You're unusual." Was his only answer. I shook my head lightly before letting it rest against the cool, gray fence I leaned up against. We sat in our own silence for about half an hour, before I decided that I'd got enough 'peace'. Lifting myself from the ground, I began to wander towards roof entrance. Placing my hand on the faded metal handle, I opened the door and went through. I would swear that I heard a low 'Be careful' behind me, and paused my actions for a second, before I let it slide and continued. My thoughts had actually settled, and I considered going to the mall I knew was placed somewhere in town. Fishing my phone up from my bag on my way down the stairs, I searched for the mall on Google, and quickly found the directions. It was only about 8 minute walk from here, so I decided to go there. I had my purse in my bag, with one of my father's non-limited credit cards, so I had enough money to spend, more than I would ever get time to. I have always had enough money, because my father always worked, and my mother had a well-paid job too, so we were more than secured. Never needed to save money. It was a luxury, yes, but money could never buy what I wished for. Money couldn't get my mother back.

And that way my thoughts continued to wander, as I walked down the pavement on my way to the mall.

-Normal P.O.V-

As she reached the mall, she decided to look around and get to know the place, just for shits and giggles. She didn't get very far, however, when a blonde blur decided to glomp her.

"Oh shit sorry, I didn't-Sakura-chan?" Ah, great. Of course the loud mothed idiot from her school. Naruto, right?

"It's alright." She said, as she began to move around him to continue her quest.

"Bu-Hey! Where are you going?" He ran up to join her pace. "So, what's up?" He grinned, and placed his hands behind his head as he strolled with her.

"Not much." She sighed. "Just strolling around, getting to know the city and such."

A bright grin appeared on his face. "Then you've bumped into the right person! I know this place like my own pocket!" As a demonstration he showed his right hand into his pocket, digging around after something. He furrowed his brows when he pulled out an old piece of paper that looked like a ticket. "Huh? Where did that come from?" Sakura facepalmed, and then quickened her pace in hope of getting away from the blonde idiot. "Sakura-chan!" Oh dang.

She turned around. "Naruto, I appreciate you want to help me, really, but I can manage. There's no need."

"Oh don't be like that!" He went up to her side to swing his arm around her shoulders. "Let me just show you around. Then we could be friends! Right?" Another sigh from the pinkette. 'I guess I'll just go with it.. For now.'

"Fine. But not for long. A remove your arm, please." She felt the weight of his arm leaving her shoulders.

"So, where to?" He beamed.

"Just show me some of the good spots to think and such. That'll be nice."

The time went by, with Naruto guiding Sakura around town, showing her a few spots here and there, while rambling the whole way. They had spent 3 hours just walking, so Sakura craved for a place to sit down.

"Hey, Naruto?" She interrupted his tale of how annoying one of their teachers was.


"Is there a café nearby? I would really like to sit down."

He thought about for a moment while looking around, before he grinned at her. "Yeah, there's a place nearby. It's called Red Lagoon. Wanna go there?"

She gave him a half-smile. "Sure."

They walked for about five minutes until Naruto took a sharp left, taking Sakura with him. He led her into a place that both looked like a fancy restaurant, but also a cozy café at the same time. He guided her down to a booth in the back of the room. Almost instantly a waitress joined them.

"Hello, my name is Hiru. How may help you this afternoon?"

"Uhm, what's on the menu today?" Sakura asked. The waitress thought for about a second before replying; "Todays dinner is spicy rice with sweetened salmon. And todays cake is strawberry cheesecake."

"Any sandwiches?"

"U-Uhm yes, we have one with chicken and bacon?"

"I'll take that, and then a cup of hot chocolate with it. What about you Naruto?"

"I-I uhm, I don't really need anything." He said as he waved his hands dismissingly at Sakura. She raised her eyebrows at him in disbelief. "My treat?"

"What? Really?" She nodded. And that huge grin was back in place.

"I'll have a bowl of miso ramen then!" He said to the waitress.

"It'll be just a moment." She smiled as she scurried away.

While waiting for their food, Sakura took her time looking around the café. It was really nice, with brown walls and the floor painted a deep red. Small lamps hanging from the ceiling gave the room a calm and cozy atmosphere, while the huge, shiny red bare in one of the corners illuminated the rest of the room in a nice way. She would definitely come back here soon.

"What do you think about the school so far?" Naruto suddenly decided to ask.

"Uhm.." Sakura scratched her cheek. "It's alright, I guess. I don't particularly hate it, but I definitely don't love it. So I guess it's alright." She said as she put her hand down on the table again.

"That great! Just tell me if anyone's bothering, then I'll surely take ca- Wait, what's that?" He squinted his eyes together while leaning over the table to get closer to her face.

"W-What are you doing?" She automatically began to move further into her seat, trying to get away from nearing face.

"You have something on your cheek. Let me check it out." He was literally laying over the table now, his face only 20 centimeters from hers.

"Naruto, stop tha-" She didn't get the chance to finish her sentence before someone cut her off.

"Well well, look what the Uzumaki brought in!"

*A little outburst a review from Guest. You can just skip this*

I know she isn't born in July. But I made her that way. Trust me, I know my facts; But I still have the right to make a few edits, and make her the way I want her to be.

'no wonder her dad said she dressed like a slut.' That part actually makes me a little mad. Firstly, she didn't use foundation. Only concealer to cover her wounds so she wouldn't attract attention that way. Wearing make-up is not slutty. It's the way you dress that makes you 'slutty', even though I think that you're allowed to wear exactly what you want, as long as it's still kinda appropriate.

I don't know how the school system is in other places. In Denmark, where I'm from, the public school system allows you to wear exactly what you want, and lets you wear make-up, if that's what you want, so you're free to express who you really are as a person. So I made the rules on Sakura's school like that.

'Had to stop reading but this one is better than some fics making Sakura gothic, punk, scene or whatever ghetto looking style they thought fashionable but no.'

That's the thing about fanfiction. You take an already created character, but make them the way you want them to be. If you look on top of this site, it says 'unleash your imagination'. That's what i love about this. That you're free to unleash your imagination, and that you're able to re-create a character, exactly how you want them to be. 'They thought fashionable'? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it isn't fashionable for them. I, for example, like it. There's a shitload of people out there that likes it. I have no idea how you got those styles to be 'ghetto styles', but I'll leave your with that.

Anyways, thanks for your review :)

(And sorry for my outburst to everyone else)

I know that this chapter was a little.. Flat. But hey, at least she actually met a new person, and spent some time with Naruto.

I'm not exactly sure when I'll upload the next chapter. Every single idea, every single pre-written chapter, is gone. I have absolutely no idea where it went. So I'm about creating a new plot, that'll of course fit into what I've already written. I've still got the 'head-plot' or whatever you would call it, but it's the small plot twists, dramas and other thing that really makes stories interesting to read, that I miss.

So if you've got any ideas for this story, please tell. I would like to know.

'Till next update.
