Mikey's POV

I ran for my life, it was your typical movie-like setting, rain was thundering down, tears were streaming down my face, I was alone, and crushed. I wasn't running toward the lair, I was running away. I was running away from my family. Not because I was being bratty and I had had enough of my brothers, so I wanted to cause a scene. I made a mistake, I endangered all of my brothers and they didn't take the close call lightly, Leo got hurt, he got hit with a kraang gun, and they all ordered me to leave. Leo was Fine, just a bit dazed,

I'm being as serious as a turtle can get, they said that they'd be better off if I was gone, and watched me and allowed me to run away. I even heard Raph scream after me,

"AND DON'T COME BACK!" That's what broke me down to the point of tears. like a coward I was running away from home. Everything I've ever known, Master Splinter, April, Casey, my brothers. I heaved another sob, but kept running, why did this have to happen to me?!

I sat down in an Alley, I felt too emotionally exhausted to keep running, and I felt too exposed on the rooftop, so there I sat, nestled near the wall and the trashcan.

"well well well... what have we here?" I looked up in panic to see exactly what I didn't want, Purple dragons, armed with knives galor. I hopped up, dispite being battered and tired, and hopelessly alone, I needed to make it out alive. I seriously didn't know why, I really didn't have any more reasons to live, my family pushed me away, I had no where else to go, all my happiness was with my brothers. I felt like death would be the easy way out, but then again, me and my conscious was never easy, so I fought.

Cornered and beaten down, no spirit in my swing, no purpose in my pose. I halfheartedly tried to beat them, but it must of been my animal instincts that drove me forward.

It was down to one-on-one.

"C'mon man," I sighed, "I'm not in the mood. I'm going off on my own, I won't be bothering you guys anymore." I didn't even feel like trying to negotiating with this guy.

"don't worry," he smiled sharkishly, pulling out a gun, "I'll make your demise SLOW." Three shots rang out into the night and an inhuman howl of agony and pain followed.

The gang member ran off, leaving this injured terrapin to his fate. the man with the gun fired three shots into my left arm. purposly leaving me to suffer till death wrapped his tendril-like grasp around me.

I screamed in the worst kind of pain, luckily the thunder drowned me out, not that there was anyone out at the moment anyway.

I gripped my injured arm with my left hand, a new wave of terror seized me, I got to my feet and climbed the fire escape to the roof. I don't know why, I guess I just didn't want to die in some Alley, I'd rather do it surrounded by the lights of the city I loved. let the clean rain wash the blood from my body.

"Lookie here." a new voice sounded to my right, which I stumbled to my feet and grappled shakily for my nun-chuck, my left arm was limp, and my right was swinging my weapon of choice clumsily.

I was staring in the face of a huge, armored, Rinosurus. he looked unarmed and chuckled at me, almost...warmly.

"well well, you look pretty banged up, kid." he was taunting me. but it didn't seem like it, he must just have very advanced sarcasm.

"shutup...an'..." I huffed out, trying to breath through the lack of blood. "Fight me...I've got...nothin' to live for...anyway..." I dropped to my knees, and flopped onto my back. The rino rushed forward, I kept my eyes open, I awaited patiently for my end. the Rino dropped to his knees next to me,

"you'll be okay kid." he tried to assure me, Why was he assuring me? "Look," He said, pulling out a white cloth, and dripping a bottle of something on it. "this'll knock you out for a while okay? just till I can get you some help, okay?" I nodded, I didn't know why he was helping me, but he was, and my blurred brain caught that and only that.

"I want you to inhale this deeply alright?" he put the cloth over my face, I did as I was told, and started to feel a bit drowsy. but before I went under, I saw him stand and pick up my fallen nun-chuck,

"Gotta break all ties from your previous world, kid" the Rino snapped my precious given weapon in half, "this is your life now." and everything was enveloped into darkness.

Back at the lair

the air was thick with anxiety, tension, and guilt.

The eldest of the brothers were pacing back and forth. The hothead of the family seemed to be halfheartedly hitting his favorite punching bag, but not with as much force as he had usually did. and everyone's favorite genius was fooling around with wires in a small device, not entirely paying attention as to what he was doing, and earning a few electric shocks for it.

"My sons, I apologize for not meeting you after patrol like I normally do, I was in a deep meditative-" The well known father and sensi of four ninja children trailed off when he entered the common area, "what happened?" He demanded noticing something was wrong,

"we fought the Kraang," Leo stopped pacing, telling Master Splinter the truth, but not the whole truth, "Had a bit of a close call." Leo ended, by putting a tender hand on the bandage around his middle.

"there is something your not telling me." Splinter's voice rose a bit in anger, "Where is Michelangleo?" They all remained silent for a few moments,

"we kinda...yelled at him." Donnie finally spoke up,

"oh. Just yelled at him?" Splinter said disbelievingly,

"We kicked him out," Leo said in the lowest voice possible, his brothers coming to stand behind him, also adverting their eyes from their Master.

"YOU WHAT?!" He yelled in more anger than they have ever seen, "You find your brother, NOW!"

"Hai sensi!" They coarse quickly, and dashed off frightened.

"Leo," Raph said to the oldest, fear that he has been concealing for the past half-hour showing true in the dark sewer pipe,

Leonardo looked to him as his answer,

"We messed up." Leonardo couldn't tell why those three words cut through him so deeply.

They ran along the rooftops for hours before Donatello stopped,

"What is it Donnie?"

"look down." was all he choked out, the two older sibling looked to their feel, in the rain the water lapping at their heels had a pink-ish tint. they've all seen enough fights in the rain to know that pink water meant blood, and a lot of it.

they followed the flow, worriedly, to it's source. they found the huge pool of blood, a snapped nun-chuck, and a note.

Raph dropped to his knees in the blood and did the one things he's never been seen to do ever, he howled in emotional pain, and sobbed,

Donnie clutch Michelanglo's weapon close to his chest and wept silently,

Leo read the note in horror, tears streaming down his face,

Bonds be broken,

words be spoken,

the hero of yesterday has fallen.

Arise the knight,

bring forth the light,

Fight for tomorrow and not today.

breath in fast,

forget your past,

your world is ours now.

leave your blood,

prevent the flood,

you have arisen to a different fate.

"Mikey's...dead" Leo choked. He pulled his broken brothers together, and they drowned out their pain in each other.

Michelangelo awoke to have straps holding him down, he saw the arrays of knives and needles, lying next to him on a table, and he started struggling,

"LEO! RAPH! DONNIE! HELP!" but then he remembered, they won't be there to save him anymore. Accepting his fate, Mikey turned and cried into the crook of his elbow, searching for any kind of comfort.

"all be well child." A soothing voice cooed, "your safe now."

The plot was rushed. A LLOOOTTT. okay, but the rest will definantly be better, I promise. please comment, New Chapter coming soon!