well. this has taken forever to load.

First I just want to say thank you to everyone that read, and still is, reading and reviewing this story. it means the whole world that you all liked it so much. Special shout outs to everyone that was also kind enough to go follow and read the edited version of this over on Wattpad.

let's just make this short and sweet, because I hate writing these things, so here we go.

1. I don't own, nor am I making any profit from the use of any recognizable characters or plot points from the Divergent Series. They all belong to Veronica Roth and I bow to her superior YA writing.
This particular plot and any original characters, however, belong to me, so I ask that you please refrain from reposting or translating all or part of this story without contacting me first.

2. Any recognizable music or lyrics also don't belong to me, nor am I profiting from the use of them. The credits for the songs used in this story should be in the chapter they were used in (please comment if they aren't!). All lyrics are courtesy or metrolyrics dot com.

3. This story was not written to condone or encourage violence. So, you know... don't go join a gang and kill people with weird drugs, or shoot people, or anything like that, okay? And please, for the love of God, don't blame it on me if someone actually goes out and does that.

so, now on to things I'm working on reading or writing.

I don't think I got a whole lot of suggestions for things to read, (it's also been so damn long that if something did get suggested, it's lost in a sea of months of emails) so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna plug the one suggestion I know I got so you all can see what type of info I want. If you want me to add your story or promote a story you liked to read, drop it in a review for this chapter, a long with a brief description. I'll add them as I see them :)

1. you guys should check out She Among Wolves by CapraParsay. "I see him for the monster that he is, just as he sees me, like he knows it's real. I wonder how this will end, whose organs will splay out on naked skin when soon finally comes." Kazana has lived factionless her entire life, having been found by the rebels who strive to live without the faction system she becomes their new secret weapon." EricxOC, AU Dauntless Initiation

I pulled this off the description next to the title, literally. if you need to be that lazy (I was lazy) then that's really all I want. Let's help out people who need reads, and let's help readers find good books.

2. in the future I'll be working on and posting a follow up to this story. it has no title yet but it's the story of Caleb once he makes his way out of prison and into the real world, and how (poorly) he'll handle his new relationship, his weird government job, and the huge readjustment from prison to freedom. well, conditional freedom. which isn't really freedom at all, is it?

sigh. Why do we love giving there characters such a hard time? why? what did they do to us?

I love you all, thanks again for taking the time to read all this.

~temporary insanity