She'd noticed that Dean had been tense after their last hunt so she decided to give him a bit of a pick-me-up. She'd barely had the apple pie out of the oven for ten minutes to cool when heavy footsteps echoed from down the hall.

She didn't need turn around, "Is Sam asleep already?"

"Yeah he didn't sleep much on the hunt so thought he deserved the night off," his deep, husky voice answered much closer than she had anticipated. He gently tucked his chin into the crook of her neck as his strong arms wrapped around her waist.

She attempted not to shiver at his hot breath on her neck. Quickly she cut him a slice and handed the plate of pie to him. "Here, thought you might want some."

"You're amazing, you know that," Dean breathed sounding simply astonished as he placed the plate down. She just chuckled and rolled her eyes. "No seriously. You're amazing," Dean insisted gently grabbing her waist and pulling her square to him. "You always make sure there's pie in the fridge, you can wipe the floor with Sam in any alcohol related contest and you can almost beat me some days, you have the most sexy shower singing voice-" she giggled at that one. "But more than the little things, you literally dropped into this family and within minutes had us all wrapped around your finger, I never thought I could love another hunter because somewhere deep down I wanted a boring apple pie life but you changed that, with you it feels normal with just a side of the job. I know you've got my back and that you can probably kick my ass but I want to protect you and make sure no one, no demon, and no angel ever hurts you. You really you do amaze me, daily, with your stubbornness, kindness, and love-" Dean chuckled a little dryly. "You somehow managed to love someone as broken and messed up as me. So I think after all we've been through I've passed whatever stupid test destiny's given us and with the whole shpiel out of the way..." She was confused for a moment as Dean released her and slid down onto one knee. "Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down her face. Never in a million years would she have imagined that Dean Freaking Winchester would be on his knees in the middle of the kitchen in a super warded bunker proposing marriage to her of all people. She'd loved him since the day they met when she'd saved Sam on a hunt. And a part of her always thought he'd never love her in return but by some miracle he did more than she ever thought possible. She grinned, "Yes. A thousand times yes."

The biggest smile possible spread across Dean's lips as he stood up and kissed her so passionately she thought she might faint if she didn't get a proper breath. Finally Dean pulled away just enough to look into her eyes. "Just a thousand times yes?" he asked cheekily with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes, "I figured infinity wouldn't help that ego of yours."

A small look of surprise crossed his face accompanied by the tiniest smile, "Infinity?"

She shrugged like it was no big deal, "Dean, there's no one else in this entire freaking universe I'd rather marry and you're right, after everything you, me, Sam, and Cas have been through, we deserve some happiness."

"No arguments here," Dean agreed swooping in for another kiss.

She broke the kiss this time, "Now sit down and eat your pie."

"Yes, ma'am," Dean submitted as he kissed her cheek and sat down happily as his soon-to-be wife sat down on his lap and started gently kissing his neck making it difficult for him to concentrate on his pie but, for once, he wasn't complaining.