The beach was always a good place to escape everyday problems and enjoy some fun under the sun. The pure white beach and the waves that often left the salty smell lingering in the air often made the beach in Summer Oaks a really inviting and relaxing place. All of the local teenagers loved going there during weekends since it allowed you to be a kid again and not having to worry about your problems in life.

Gwen was standing there, not knowing what to do. Trent had invited her to the beach and she didn't know what to do. She never visited a beach in London since she preferred the pubs and museums to the beach life. The sand on her feet made her feel weird. She had never felt sand before in her life and this was a new experience. She shivered while waiting for Trent but luckily for her, she didn't have to wait long since Trent arrived in no time with a surfboard.

"Morning Gwen. I see that you've made it to the beach. Are you enjoying it so far?"

"I don't know Trent. I mean, the sand feels great on my feet but I'm not so sure about these waves. Not even the North Sea had anything like this."

"I'm sure that you will do fine. In fact, me and Bridgette will help you learn how to surf and we'll be right beside you if you have any questions." Trent assured Gwen while she looked back at him and smiled.

"Thanks Trent. I feel better already." Gwen replied while she gave him a hug and heard an awe from behind her. Turning around, there was Bridgette in a tank top and a flowing skirt. She looked very relaxed and calm amidst the wild waves.

"Morning guys! Are we ready for our surfing lesson?" Bridgette while looking at the two friend birds.

"I think so. Are you ready Gwen?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go."

While the three of them was carrying their surfboards down to the beach, they noticed Dawn surfing in the water with what appeared to be Dolphins. She landed smoothly and the Dolphins gave her kisses. She seemed to be amazed by them and was very pleased when the trio showed up.

"Morning guys. Venus is in harmony today so the waves should be perfect for surfing but be careful since Jupiter and Mars are conflicted between each other."

"Uh, what did that mean?" Gwen asked while she looked at Dawn as if she had lost her marbles.

"Oh Dawn is very intelligent in Astronomy and is the top of the class at school. It takes you a while to understand what's she trying to say and she's basically telling us that today is a good day for the waves if you know what I mean."

"Yes, the universe is strange but creative in so many ways. The signs are everywhere, even in the Zodiac. Well, I should get back to my meditating but I wish you all a good time." Dawn replied while she went back to her meditating. The trio looked at her strangely before moving down further the beach. After they were gone, she heard a set of footsteps walking right pass her and she knew who it was.

"There's no point of trying to tiptoe past me, Noah. I can tell who a person is by the way they walk on their feet."

"How did you know that? Do you have like eyes in the back of your head that tells your mechanical brain who's coming toward you?"

"No. I can see it in people's auras. Like your aura keeps telling me that you are down here to see me since your brothers keep bothering you about being lonely." Dawn told Noah while seeing that his face showed defeat.

"You know me too well." Noah said while he sat down next to Dawn. "Like my older brothers are pressuring me into finding a girl to date but I have no interest. Yet, their narrow minded brains keep telling them that I need to find a girl. No wonder my cousin Rajah has nine kids already and he's my age."

"Not every problem in the universe can be solved so easily but I can assure you that you will find the right girl in no time. You just keep ignoring your brothers and everything should be good."

"Thanks Dawn. I'm sure that I'll come back to you for advice." Noah sarcastically remarked while he left to go someone that wouldn't want to make him shoot his brains out.

Cameron was studying wave lengths with Harold and they were waiting for Cody to arrive.

"So glad that Ms. Storie gave us the beach for our physics homework. Do you know when Cody's coming? We need to get started on this project as soon as possible."

"He told me that he was coming after temple, which is usually held on Saturday. Did you know that the Jewish consider the Sabbath to be on Saturday and it was that way for almost a thousand years until Constantine the Great moved to Sunday by decree of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D."

"Look, here comes Cody now and he's wearing some type of outfit I've never seen before."

Cody came walking to them wearing traditional Jewish robes and had a shawl wrapped around his head. Both were blue with white outlines. Cody wrapped the shawl against his shoulders and noticed that his partners were looking at him oddly.

"What?" He asked while walking up to them. "Can't a man wrap his own shawl without being watched by two owls."

"Hey! Were not owls but I was kinda hoping that you would change into something different before you came down here." Harold replied while Cameron nodded his head in agreement.

"Well I'm sorry guys but you all was so urgent that I had to come straight from Temple. Well, we might as well get started before you know who shows up."

"Good idea." Cameron replied while he and Harold set to work setting up a wind machine while Cody would be the one who would record the data of how the wind impacted wave length. They hadn't even started when they heard laughing coming from the side. Turning, the trio saw Duncan and Scott laughing at Cody while he pulled his shawl closer to his face, obviously turning red from the embarrassment.

"Did pipsqueak finally decide to wear a dress or something?" Duncan asked while Scott broke into chuckles.

"It's not a dress! It's a robe and shawl! Come on guys, let's go find someplace else and do our Physics homework." Cody mumbled while he held onto his shawl while walking down the beach. Cameron and Harold ran after him and the punks laughed until they decided to go mess with them, which was more beneficial in their opinions.

Gwen took a deep breath while Trent and Bridgette lead out into the ocean on her surfboard. She had never done anything like this and was very tense, which was not a good thing. "Gwen, just take a deep breath and relax. You are going to do fine. Just follow my lead." Bridgette assured her while she laid on her stomach and moved toward the open water. Gwen followed what Bridgette did and she soon became less tense and started to enjoy herself. The hardest part came when she had to bend over on her board to ride with the waves and almost fell over but she caught her balance and soon rode with the waves until she landed smoothly on the beach.

"Wow, that was impressive Gwen!" Trent said as he ran up to her. "I've never seen anyone who could do that on their first try!"

"You did it Gwen! I never knew someone who was a natural born surfer." Bridgette added while she gave Gwen a high five.

"I never knew I had it in me." Gwen replied while allowing her thick British accent to make her words sound confusing but they didn't care, they was so proud that she had managed to finally go surfing.

"Why don't we go down to the snack bar and have a little celebration. I can get the snacks there for free since I mostly work at the shack on weekdays after school."

"Now Bridgette, you don't have to do this. It's-"

"I do insist on doing this and that's my final word."

"Alright, if you insist."

The three of them walked to a shack that was located next to the lifeguard station. Bridgette walked in and grabbed some snacks before heading back out to Gwen and Trent. The three of them sat on some stools and started to dig into the sweets Bridgette brought for them.

"Wow, this American food is actually not that bad." Gwen mumbled while Trent and Bridgette stared at her. "What, I've never had real American food before. I often skip lunch at school since the food looks like what they serve in prisons back at home and we mainly been cooking British recipes."

"Gwen, you need to try a hot dog. They are like so good." Trent suggested while Gwen looked disgusted.

"Wait, you all actually eat dogs? That's sick."

"No, no! A hot dog is like a type of turkey or chicken flavored meat. It's not an actual dog but

I would avoid the local Chinese restaurant since it's rumored that they use cat in their food."

"Ok, that's disgusting."

"You don't have to worry about me Gwen. I'm a vegetarian so I never eat meat. Just can't stand the thought of eating something that was once alive." Bridgette stated while she saw someone running toward her. While Gwen and Trent continued with their conversation, Zoey ran up to Bridgette and had to catch her breath once she made it.

"Bridgette, I need to ask you something."

"What is it Zoey?"

"I saw a sign down here that said that jobs were available here. Is there any possible way that I can get a job here? The staff told me to talk to you since you are their supervisor."

"I don't know Zoey. You just recently moved here and I-"

"Please Bridgette. I will do anything even picking the litter off of the beach. Just give me a chance to show myself."

"Alright, I'll talk to my boss and see what she says but if she does agree, you have to start working here as soon as possible."

"Thank you Bridgette and I promise I won't let you down." Zoey said while she ran down the beach, excited like a child who was opening their presents for the first time on Christmas morning.

On the other side of the beach, Dakota was taking a nice morning stroll while Sam was trying his best to catch up with Dakota but with the way his body type was, that was nearly impossible.

"Dakota, will you let me apologize? I didn't mean to fart in your face last night. How was I supposed to know that your head was down that low?"

"Well thanks to you, my eyes water and my makeup was ruined! I spent over an hour trying to make myself pretty again and by that time, I had missed it when that hippo of a ghetto girl threw the pig out the window."

"I'm pretty sure that you meant LeShawna and Ezekiel but that's not the point. My point is that I'm truly sorry for what happened and could you forgive me for doing such a stupid thing?"

"Forgive you? That's like me cracking a nail and that ain't happening any time soon." Dakota huffed while she walked along the beach and struggled. "Why do high heels hate the sand. Urg! This is not how I wanted my day to go."

"Have you ever thought of actually walking in the sand without your fashionista high heels?"

"Does it look like that these feet are made for walking you overstuffed teddy bear!"

As soon as she realized what she said, Dakota covered her mouth since she knew that Sam was really considerate about his weight. He just turned and walked off but Dakota kept yelling, "Sam! Come back! I really didn't mean to say that! I just forgot! Come back! Sam! Come back!"

Sam didn't come back. Dakota just stood there and watched Sam walked away and she felt so guilty on the inside. Now, she had to figure out how to apologize to him but the big question that was ringing through Dakota's head was how to do it.

Alejandro and Justin arrived on the beach and almost every girl fainted when they saw them two together. The two of them quickly formed a friendship at school and used their charms TK make every girl scream with joy. They were at the beach to show off their impressive muscles and it seemed to be promising until someone sad, "Look, Al finally made it."

Alejandro turned around and, to his complete shock, Jose was standing there with a bunch of girls. A vein popped out in Alejandro's head and he was furious. Everywhere they lived, Jose always outdid Alejandro. When they lived in Madrid, everyone knew Jose but not Alejandro. It always had to be a contest between the two of them to see who could be the most popular and Jose always managed to do it all the time. Even at home, it was a contest to see who could be the favorite child. Although Jose had both Julio and their dad, Alejandro's mother and grandmother favored him since they considered Jose to be too cunning for their own likes. Although Alejandro's dad and Julio made the money, it was the women who were the dominate force of the household so Alejandro had been able to defeat his brother in home life.

Seething with anger, Alejandro walked over to Jose with Justin following close behind him. "What do you think you're doing?" Alejandro asked while everyone stopped to look at him and Jose.

"Doing what Al? I decided to come down to the beach and test out the waves. They look promising but can they really beat the waves of Spain?"

"I think so Jose. They look to be promising."

"Oh Alejandro, give it up. You are acting like a fool. I can see right through you so I know when your trying to outwit me." Jose replied while Alejandro just growled. He started to leave but Jose stopped him once again. "Hold it right there. You haven't introduced me to your friend."

Alejandro didn't say a word and neither did Justin. "Oh Al, you know that it's never nice not introducing me to your friends. Wait until moth-"

"Alright, fine. Jose, this is Justin. Justin, this is my brother Jose."

"Well, it's a pleasure meeting you." Jose remarked while he shook Justin's hand. "Tell me, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Mainly surfing or photography shoots. I'm trying to become a professional male model since I was a former reality star. My agent hasn't had any luck though and it makes me sad because I want the world to see how gorgeous I am."

"You might be just in luck Justin. I know someone who might take you under their wing and you might become the next major male model. How about we go for a stroll and see what we can do."

"I'm pretty sure that Justin doesn't have time for-"

"I'll be alright Alejandro. I'll catch up with you later." Justin acknowledged while he went with Jo and the girls that surrounded him. Alejandro looked furious. Jose was up to his dirty tricks again of slowly taking his friends away and Alejandro vowed that as long as he was living on this Earth, Jose wouldn't make a fool out of him.

"WHERE'S MY CODYKINS?" Sierra yelled while she was running up and down the beach, trying to find Cody. When she saw him doing an experiment, she started running toward him. Cody saw this and start running while his robes flapped with the wind. He ran straight into a colony of seagulls but he kept on running. He heard Sierra get closer and closer until she grabbed the robes and was pulled closer to Sierra.

"Codykins, momma thought she lost you, but now you're safe with me," Sierra stated while she hugged Cody, who was starting to lose air. He was choking and thanks to LeShawna and DJ, he was able to breathe once when they pulled him away from him.

"Dude, are you alright?" DJ asked while Cody nodded his head in agreement. He decided to take Cody to the lifeguard station to make sure that none of his bones were broken. Sierra tried to follow right behind but LeShawna grabbed a hold of her bathing suit.

"You ain't going anywhere stalker girl. You nearly killed stringbean when you hugged him too tightly."

"I'm his mommy. I have to make sure that he's ok."

"You ain't going anywhere because you are going with me." LeShawna mumbled while she dragged Sierra away by the roots of her hair. "It's about time that someone shows you that when people need breathing room, they needed breathing room."

"NO! CODY, I NEED GO SEE YOU! MOMMA BEAR NEEDS TO SEE HER SON! CODY!" Sierra cried while LeShawna took her past the beach and to her car. Sometimes, people have to do the unthinkable, no matter how much it displeases them.

Yeah, I apologize about not keeping up with my promise of more updates, but I've been trying to find my muse for this story and I think it's finally returned. I can't keep any promises, but I hope for some more regular updates soon and expect a possible update of ATDWOO sometime soon as I finally get back to writing again.

Until next time! Please read, review, favor, alert and spread the word.