Title : Circle You

Main Pairing : Misawa

Warning sex scene in this chapter.

Silvertwightgemin - Yes they had to win and thank you for reviewing.

Chapter 19 - Peaceful Living

After a month after the battle Eijun and the group were living their lives peacefully just like how they had hoped. The humans didn`t treat them like monsters anymore since they were all being control by that man. Eijun and the rest moved out of their home and found a new place to start a new and make new memories.

Eijun sometimes couldn`t believe that they were alive. He still couldn`t believe that they were able to win the battle. Their dreams were finally coming truth. None of them died and they could live for their parents as well, those who died.

Eijun looked one last time at the mirror and head downstairs where Miyuki had been waiting for him. Miyuki didn`t wear those glasses to hide his red eyes anymore.

"Let's go." Miyuki held his hand to the brunette in which the brunette gladly took it. The two finally had a time where they could have a normal date like normal people would.

"Where are we going?" Eijun asked.

"Anywhere you want to go." Miyuki replied. Eijun didn't like the fact that Miyuki didn't have anything planned. But he didn't mind since he was able to be with the one he loved.

They arrived in town. They walked around and went to many different shops. The last time that the two came in town was with the rest of them. They didn't hang out much since they were sure the scientists would notice them. That's when Eijun bump into Shunpei.

The weather was getting hot too. It was almost time was summer. Eijun loved the summer season; it was the time where he could have a lot of fun. But he liked the other seasons as well since he could always be with Miyuki and the others.

Eijun and Miyuki stopped and saw a large TV screen. On the screen there was Chris talking about people with special powers, they were talking about them. He was saying how they could help others without powers. Chris had taken over as the leader after the fall Tamazuki the pretend father of his. Chris was doing a pretty good job as leader; he made the world a better place for them to live in.

"Let's go get some lunch." Miyuki said pulling the brunette to a small café. The café they went inside was the same one that Miyuki had once destroyed. They had rebuild it with the help of others like them.

"Hi Eijun and Miyuki-san." A familiar face smiled at the two when she saw them. Wakana moved to the city after a month and started working at the small café from the help from Eijun. She lived with roommate. She had gotten to know Miyuki well and also know about the two's relationship.

"You're working today." Eijun said.

"Yea." She replied. What would you guys have?"

The two looked through the menu. Wakana saw that they needed time to think so she told them she would come back when they would be ready.

"Have you decided what you want?" After a while Wakana had come back. Both nodded their head and she took out her note and started writing down the things they wanted.

After lunch was done. They said their goodbye to Wakana and walked out the café. They continued walking down the street. Miyuki looked at his watch and then thought of an idea.

"Why don't we go see a movie?"

"Okay." Eijun agreed.

They got to the movie and bought the tickets and popcorn for them to eat. He watched a comedy/romance movie. It was their first time watching a movie together. Miyuki had heard that couples watch movie on dates. But there weren't a lot of couples like them but Miyuki didn't mind.

After the movie was done they walked along the park. It was strange how peaceful everything was now. It felt like heaven to them.

"Is this really real?" Eijun asked staring at his boyfriend.

"It is." Miyuki replied, he squeezed the brunette's hand telling him that this was indeed not a dream and was actually reality.

"Kazuya." Eijun stared into his eyes, Miyuki did the same thing. Miyuki couldn't take it anymore so he dragged the brunette by the hand and brought him behind a large tree, there nobody would see them.

"I love you Eijun." Miyuki said, a blush appearing on his face.

"I love you too." Eijun replied. Miyuki caressed the brunette's face. A blush appearing on the boy's face as well. Miyuki lean in and kissed the brunette on the lips. Eijun kissed back. Suddenly Miyuki slipped his tongue inside Eijun which surprised the brunette but they continue to kiss. Eijun felt flushed by the kissing, it was making him hot.

"You're so cute." Miyuki said between kisses.

"Kazuya." Eijun whispered.

The kisses continued and Miyuki lean toward the brunette's neck. A moan escape's the boy mouth.

"I like the sound of that." Miyuki smirked. Miyuki hands slid under the brunette's shirt and started circling his fingers and went up to the brunette's nippes, playing with it. Another moan escaped Eijun's lips.

"Wait!" Eijun said pulling away from Miyuki.

"You don't want it."

"It's not that but we are outside."

Eijun did have a point. He didn't want others to see his beloved when he made love with him.

Miyuki then dragged Eijun to a nearby hotel. He then threw the boy on the large bed and climbed himself inside. He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. He then leans toward the brunette.

"We can do it now right." He grinned.

"I guess." Eijun mumbled.

Miyuki continued from before, he took the brunett's shirt off as well. He then played with his nipples and started licking it with his tongue and circling it. He then took his finger and pinched it. A moan escaped the boy once again.

"You're making such amazing sounds."


"You mean yes don't you." Miyuki said as he slip his hands under Eijun's pants. He held on to the tip of Eijun's member and started rubbing it. Eijun moved his head back in pleasure. Miyuki stopped and tugged on his pant, it was getting in the way. He took it off and threw it to the ground.


Miyuki then opened his mouth put the brunette's member inside his mouth. He then started licking it back and forth.

"Kazuya! AH! Stop! Eijun felt it was coming soon.

"I'm going to come." He cried.

"Then come." Miyuki said. Eijun had come inside Miyuki's mouth.

"I'm sorry." Eijun cried. Miyuki didn't seem to mind and licked the cum.

"Open." Miyuki told the brunette. As told the brunette opened his mouth and Miyuki took his finger inside Eijun's mouth.

"Lick." As commanded he did as he was told. After some time Miyuki went to Eijun's entrance and finger the boy. He started with one finger then a second. He started scissoring the boy. In return he moaned.

"Good thing this this place is sound proof." He smirked. He could hear Eijun moan without being disturbed.

Miyuki heard Eijun grasp when he scissor him, stretching in preparing him.

"Please." Eijun begged. He couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want?" Miyuki grinned. He loved teasing his beloved.

"I want you inside me." Eijun said.

Miyuki took his last remaining clothing off and slid his finger out of Eijun and placed himself at Eijun's entrance. Eijun moan loudly when he felt Miyuki enter him slowly at first. Miyuki then started picking up pace and both of them started panting.

In and out Miyuki went and each time the brunette would yell out a moan. He started going faster and faster each time.

"Eijun, you feel so good." Miyuki called out.

"K-Kazuya! Ahh!

As they kept on it. Eijun wrapped his arms around Miyuki. Miyuki kept on bouncing into the brunette with more moan coming out from the boy. Miyuki pressed his lips on Eijun and tongued him like before while still bouncing into the boy fast and hard.

"More." Eijun yelled. I want more." Miyuki smiled and did as he was told.

The brunette reached his limit and came onto his stomach. Miyuki came right after Eijun. Eijun thought they were done but then Miyuki pushed himself inside Eijun once more going in and out.


"We only did it once." He said. I want to feel you more and more." He did it harder and harder, pushing deep inside the brunette.

"Do you feel it?"

"Do you feel me inside you?"

"I do." Eijun cried out.

"I'm sorry that you're going to really sore." Miyuki said and kissed the brunette. He then fastens his pace more than before. In and out then both of them came at the same time.

"You were great." Miyuki smiled.

They both lay in bed while cuddling and fallling asleeep.

After an hour they finally woke up from their nap. Miyuki checked his watch and saw it was about time that they leave.

"Eijun." Miyuk tried waking the brunette up. We have to go meet the others.

"Is it that time already?" Eijun said slowly rubbing his eyes. He was still tired. He got out of bed. He didn't feel the pain anymore since they had rested.

In a nearby field the rest of the group were there wearing baseball caps. The group had promised to play baseball since it was something they all enjoyed when they were kids. They never got to play in a real game since they were never allow out side.

"We're here!" Eijun called out.

"You two are late." Jun glared at the couple.

"We're not that late." Miyuki said.

"How was your date?" Haruichi whispered into Eijun's ear.

"It was fun." Eijun replied. Of course he couldn't tell the pinkette all the detail that had happened earlier that day.

"Let's play." Eijun said.

"Chris isn't here yet." Tetsu said. He said he was going bring another group since we don't have enough players.

"We are here." Chris yelled when he entered the field with a group of strangers the others didn't recongized.

The group spite in two and started playing. It was strange playing baseball again. Playing with everybody made Eijun happy and he could see that everybody was happy to. He loved everybody and was happy that this peacefulness had come for them.

"Can I play?" A voice interuped all the players.

"Shunpei." Eijun as well as everybody was surprised to see the raven.

"Sure." Eijun said. This game wasn't a game to see who was best, it was a game just to have fun. Miyuki took a catcher's gloves and wore the gear for protection and sat where the batter would hit the ball. Eijun was Miyuki's catcher. Both of them stared at each other. Eijun then looked at the ball in his hands, he liked the feeling of the ball. Eijun turned to the batter and he slowly lifted his legs up and arms out and threw the ball, which landed on the catcher mit.


The days stayed like this. Everybody loved the life they were living.

"Oneechan, the world that you wanted to change has happen." Mei looked at everybody on the field with smiling faces.

"Mei-chan, good job." Eijun said hi-fiving the blond.

"Let's have some fun shall we." Eijun smiled to the group. In return everybody nodded their head in agreement.

As years passed the world was a much better place for those with special powers and those without. People lived in peace together. After sometime Eijun and Miyuki moved out of the house that they lived with everybody and lived one their own.

"Thank you for always being with me." Eijun smiled.

"Thank you for not leaving me." Miyuki smiled as the two kissed under a shaded tree.

Miyuki then pulled the brunette into his arms. Eijun felt safe in those arms. They couldn't believe how many years had passed since that battle since those times they had been reborn.

Kuromochi and Ryousuke started going out in those year as did Yuki and Jun and Haruichi found somebody when he started going to college. Chris also found somebody who would stay by his side like the rest.

Their story hasn't been told but maybe somewhere in another time and place.

Miyuki and Eijun walked into the same old house they once lived with everybody holding hands. They looked at each other and smiled.

"We're home!" They called out once they entered the home.

"Welcome back!" Everybody greeted the two. There were hugs and warm from all who missed the two love birds.

This story was about friendship and dealing with the pain of losing somebody special to you and trying learn from mistakes and moving on. Eijun learned that he could change the future and have the future he desrved with the people he loved most.

The End

Thanks for reading