Luke liked the colour blue. Well like was an understatement, he was obsessed with it.

He had always liked blue, but when his 'habit,' as he calls it, started to get out of hand, his parents could not cope. Luke had thrown out all of his clothes that weren't blue. He was starting to throw out non blue items around the house when his parents cracked.

In the middle of the night Luke's dad grabbed Luke and took him on a 'magical mystery tour' in his blue car. Luke's dad did not want a blue car. He wanted a red one. But Luke's obsession was driving him mad. Everyday, every second, Luke asked for the blue car. In desperation for his son to shut up, he agreed.

Luke was quite excited to be out in the middle of the night. He felt rebellious with his dad. Just driving around in the blue car, dressed in his blue pyjamas,(Luke's dad pulled Luke out of bed.) And was going some where he had never been before. It was very exciting for the young boy.

A couple of hours later dawn was starting to rise over London. Professor layton had always been an early riser, so he woke up to the rising sun. He lay in bed and sighed. The day ahead was full of frees, so the professor did not have to go in to the university today. A load of sharp knockings was sounded at his door, then a squeal of tyres on the road. The professor looked to his clock and found that it was only 5:30. 'An odd time for some one to come to my door and leave' he thought.

When the professor came to the door, he could hear some one shouting from outside. He opened his door and found a young boy in his pyjamas, with a suitcase and letter, looking very sad and confused.

'Are you Hershel layton?'

The professor looked at the boy and nodded. The boy handed him a letter with his name on it. 'Well that's how the boy knows my name' the professor smiled. Then noticing the boy shivering, he ushered the boy into his house immediately.

Luke sat down on a sofa. He felt awkward and confused. 'Why did father leave me without talking to me? He will come back, right? What was in that letter for that layton person?' All of these questions ran through Luke's head. He didn't even notice the professor asking him questions.

The professor had scanned through the letter quickly, frowning while doing so. The letter read:

Dear Hershel,

It has been a while hasn't it. I'm sorry I could not stay and talk but I did not want it to be hard on Luke. Please look after my son, I know that you would be a great mentor to him. Brenda and I, we can not handle his quirk. I'm sure that you will learn of it soon. We will come visit on holidays, but we can't look after him at home.

Were grateful for you for doing this,

Clark Triton.

'So I am meant to look after the boy?' Layton frowned even more at this thought. He looked down at the boy and felt sorry for him. His family had just abandoned him. The professor decided that he had to look after the boy.

'Luke? Do you want a drink? Tea perhaps?'

The professor got no answer from the boy. He shook the boys shoulder to bring him away from his thoughts. It worked. The boy looked at the professor with big round eyes.

'Luke, I'm professor Hershel Layton. You can call me professor. Your parents have asked me to mentor you in being a proper gentleman, so you will be living with me from now on. Don't worry they will come and visit you. Do you understand? Right let's get a drink.'

The professor lead Luke to the kitchen. He had to lie a bit about the letter, he could not tell the boy that his parents had abandoned him.

It had been a couple of days since the professor had taken in Luke.

Today layton spent his whole day at the university, so he let Luke decorate his own room.

After a long day, the professor was tired. He wanted to see what Luke had been up to. The professor knocked and went in to Luke's room. He was shocked. He had given Luke several tin's of paint to paint his walls...

Luke had not only painted his walls, but he also painted his furniture. Every thing in Luke's room was blue. I mean everything. He even painted his ceiling. Every object and space in Luke's room was blue.

Now he knew what was meant by Luke's quirk.