AN: While trying to write an actual fanfiction, I ended up writing a bunch of things that are linked but not linked. So basically, I decided that that would be the fanfiction. So basically, every chapter can be read as a oneshot, but they all co-exist in one universe, though they may happen out of order.

In case anyone's confused, it's kind of like I'm writing glimpses of different parts of their lives, out of order glimpses of little moments that happen between them, but which ultimately make up their entire lives.

And on that note, I'd be happy if anyone had a specific thing they wanted to see that I could try and fit in! No promises though, depending how the characters relationship builds itself and what not!

Since I'm still building their world around them as I go, I'll add more characters and relationships as they come up!

Hope you guys enjoy, and future notes should be much shorter!

X-posted at ao3

- Chapter One: Some Sex -

"Fuck, Tweek," Craig groaned, snapping his hips forward in a staccato beat. "Fuck, you're so tight," he groaned again.

"Craaig," Tweek moaned back, holding Craig's hair so tight in his fists Craig was almost afraid he was going to yank it right out. "Craig please," he begged.

Craig moaned in response and reached down to grab Tweek in his palm, stroking him to the rhythm of his thrusts.

"Ungh – Crai-Craig," Tweek cried, face scrunching up, "Jesus, that feels so good!"

"Yeah?" Craig asked, and grinned, twisting his wrist and gripping Tweek just a little bit tighter, just the way Tweek liked it. The blonde moaned again, this time louder, and let go of Craig's hair to grab at his back, fingernails scrabbling for purpose and leaving scorching red marks in there wake.

Grinding his hips upward, Tweek pressed his body as tight to Craig's as he could, making it difficult for Craig to keep up the rhythm with his hand. Tweek didn't seem to care, running his hands back through Craig's hair and tugging some more.

"Nghhh Cra-Craig I'm gonna-" Tweek tried, but Craig cut him off with a searing kiss, nipping at his bottom lip possessively, twisting his fingers around the tip of Tweek's penis, stroking harder and moaning into the other's mouth.

In the next moment, with a high pitched scream, Tweek spent himself all over Craig's hand, tugging so hard on Craig's hair it really started to hurt.

Then he released Craig and collapsed, exhausted, onto the bed. Craig kept thrusting, pressing his mouth into the crook of Tweek's neck and biting down, hard, in revenge.

Tweek keened, scrabbling for purchase against Craig's back again, and Craig moaned at the feeling.

His hips picked up speed, Tweek twitching against him, eyes sated as he stared up at him.

And then, finally, Craig reached his own climax.

"Tweek," he cried, and collapsed onto the still body beneath him. "Tweek," he repeated, nuzzling at him.

"Jesus," Tweek responded, eyes closed in bliss. His body was still trembling slightly, but Tweek was always vibrating.

They lied there for a moment, Craig soaking in the bliss that came right before the storm and kissing Tweek's neck.

He ran his hands through Tweek's hair softly, taking in the smell of his skin as he combed through the knots. Tweek sighed against him, body going still for just a moment.

And then it hit.

"Sweet Jesus, what did we just do!?" Tweek screamed, thrusting Craig off of him. "Oh God, oh God, I can't believe we just – ahhh! What if I get a disease, what if my dick falls off! Craig, fuck – ngh!" Tweek shouted, gripping the blankets around him as tight as he'd just been gripping Craig's hair.

"Craig, what if we die!?" he cried, this time gripping his own hair as tight as he'd been gripping Craig's – maybe tighter.

Meanwhile, Craig was busy picking himself up off the floor. Rolling his eyes, Craig left the room and went into the bathroom, the screams of his paranoid boyfriend following behind him. When he returned, it was with a washcloth and a towel, and he threw the washcloth at Tweek in part to shut him up.

It mostly worked.

"Gah! What the hell Craig!?"

"Clean yourself up," Craig stated, having already done so himself. He ran the clean towel over his bare skin before tossing that at his boyfriend as well. "We're not going to die Tweek," he said, and then mumbled, "This isn't the first time we've done it, and we're still alive."

Then, louder "Tweek, it's fine, really."

"But, but how do you know Craig!?"

"I just do, Tweekers," he said, and Tweek nodded at that, finally calming down a little bit, wiping himself down with the washcloth as Craig shuffled around getting dressed.

For a moment, Craig closed his eyes and tried to pretend their relationship was normal. Just for a moment.

And then he opened his eyes again and looked at Tweek and thought never with a smile on his face.

The other boy was busy scrubbing at his skin, mumbling something about germs and needing to get them off right now.

"Tweek," he said, moving towards the other now that he was fully dressed. Tweek's clothes were bundled in his hands. When Tweek looked up from his scrubbing, Craig threw them at him.

Tweek squeaked, ducking, even though Craig would never throw them at him at him, hadn't thrown them anywhere near him really, and grumbled something Craig couldn't hear.

He laughed, taking the washcloth from Tweek's hands when he was finally close enough and said "Turn around." Tweek did so without hesitation, twitching and trembling while Craig ran the cloth down his back and arms, nudging him until he got on his stomach so he could clean his ass as well.

Tweak sighed at the contact, and Craig smiled.

It wasn't that Tweek didn't like having sex. On the contrary, Tweek loved sex, but he was paranoid, and afterwards he always reacted like they'd just done the worst thing in the world and now they were going to die. Always.

Craig didn't mind so much, as he loved having sex with the skinny boy anyway, loved being around him, in him, and having the privilege of being his everything. Craig could deal with the aftermath easily, always had, and always would.

When he was done, Craig nudged Tweek until he rolled over, and handed him the towel. When he took it, Craig returned the washcloth to the bathroom.

When he came back, Tweek was trying, and failing, to get dressed.

For the most part, Craig let him be, but he couldn't help going to him and stealing one last kiss.

Tweek squeaked, and then moaned into the kiss when Craig tilted his head back and ran his tongue against his lips. Then he pulled away and flopped down on his bed.

"Feel like going out tonight, Tweekers?" he asked.

Tweek turned to him, starting to twitch a little more rapidly now that his post orgasm high was gone, and nodded his head. "Su-sure Craig, whatever you want."

Later, Craig held Tweek's hand while he threw up in a toilet, having drunk too much at Stan's party, and rubbed his back when he started crying and freaking out again.

And that's how their relationship went.

Tweek was paranoid and often panicked, and Craig took care of him.