~~~~~Chapter 38: Violence~~~~~

~~~~Be warned: There be smut in this chapter. Carry on~~~~

" Zoe Hange's Diary, Entry number 47. Survey Corps Extended Expedition Preparation Program: Or S.C.E.E.P.P. for short. I, Zoe Hange, am officially responsible for getting the Regiment ready for an extended trip outside the wall. We need to cover as much ground as possible with the fewest casualties. Experiments on Cadet Eren Jaeger have come to a halt. We believe that although there is still much to learn, we can learn even more by reaching Eren's family home in Shiganshina. It has been fifteen days since I started the intense physical training required in order to shape up these shit heads into battle readiness. Former Commander Erwin Smith has been unofficially in control of everything, but with the eyes of the crown watching us, I have had to step up in my leadership role. I've had to be tough. I've had to make some calls. I've had to-"

"Squad Leader! Please stop mumbling to yourself! We need to go over the plans with the cadets!"


"I'm sorry… *ahem* … Commander."

"Thank you.

"Anyway, we need to go!"

"….As I was saying, not everyone is cut out for this kind of pressure. I'm not entirely sure how Erwin gets through this kind of shit every day without taking something intense every once in awhile… and I don't mean coffee. On top of everything, five days ago, we received a new shipment of a different kind of supplies: New recruits. Today, we are going over some of the old maps that were saved from wall Maria with Erwin. The 105th seem bright-eyed and willing to fight. There's more recruits this time around then there was from the 104th. It makes sense, since none of them have seen any actual combat as of yet. They're all so young. No matter how long I've been in the Corps, it never ceases to amaze me…"

~~Erwin stands in front of the cadets with a map stretched over a board beside him. On his left, Levi stands with his hands behind his back. His face looks as unfeeling as ever; probably due to the sight of new brats. Eren stands with the other cadets and listens eagerly~~

Erwin: All right, Cadets! As you all know, we plan to do the first-ever extended trip across what used to be the farmlands of Walls Maria. Since the victory at Trost, we have been forced to use the other entrance into Maria. We have used this entrance once before, however that mission had an entirely different purpose. This time, instead of attempting to capture a Titan Shifter, we are going to try to take land and claim it for humanity for the second time in our history. All of you signed up here for this very reason: but of course our victory depends on our secret weapon: Eren Jaeger. The use of Eren's titan abilities proved victorious during Trost, but it has not been field tested beyond the wall."

~The newer cadets look around at each other and whisper. Erwin continues talking~

"Another point of concern is our lack of familiarity with the ground. We have here a map saved from Wall Maria. If it is accurate, we have all of this farmland to cover before we reach the nearest city. Of course, we have no idea just exactly how damaged the city is or how overrun it has become. If even a part of the city can be secured, it will act as a base for our future operations."

~Erwin uses a stick to point out a circle around a green blank area on the map~

"The journey to the city on horseback would usually take only a few hours, however with all the rations and supplies we'll need to make it through the trip will slow us down. The trip to the city could take us about half a day. Because of all of this time lost, we will need to leave the wall before dawn in order to make use of any and all sunlight we can. We will be exercising my semi-circle scouting tactics with the smoke flares as signals until we get to the city. When we reach it, the walls should be still in tact enough to use our Maneuvering Gear. We will secure an area and…"

~Eren overhears someone near him whispering~

"Hey, these plans don't seem very sound."

"Yeah, no wonder Erwin was stripped of his Commander status, he's gonna get us all killed with plans like those."

~Eren turns around to find whoever just whispered such blasphemy~

"I bet that's the reason so many people die in the expeditions. Erwin might as well just shoot us all now."

~Eren spots a boy about his height with blond hair and dark eyes whispering to a girl next to him~

"I thought Commander Hange would be the one coming up with plans."

"I hear she's just as incompetent. She'd probably get us killed quicker."

Eren: HEY. YOU.

~The boy looks at Eren with a smirk on his face~

"What do you want?"

Eren: Listen here you little brat!

~Eren grabs the boy by his collar and drags him in close to his face. The cadets around them take a step back~

Eren: You better listen to what the Commander has to say! Knowing his plans is the difference between victory and crushing defeat!

~The boy pushes Eren off~

"What the fuck is your damage?!"

Eren: What's your name?


Eren: Listen here, Arnold, why the hell did you even sign up for this shit if you're not going to even listen to the plan, huh? You got a death wish?

Arnold: Just being here is a death wish, idiot! 'Doesn't matter if I know the plan or not!

~Eren turns away for a second, boiling with anger~

Eren: Doesn't matter, huh?

~Eren coils back and lands a punch into the kid's face. He steps back and tries to counter but Eren lands another hit to his stomach. He folds over and is met with Eren's knee to his face. His nose is broken and bleeding, and he falls back to the ground. Before he even has time to react, Eren is on top of him. Eren pulls his collar up to bring his face close to his again~


~Arnold spits a tooth out~

Arnold: Do you know how many people have died under the command of Erwin?!

~Eren gets closer to Arnold's face~


Arnold: Levi's own special squad was brutally slaughtered weren't they? If even they can go out so easily, what the hell do you think is gonna happen to us?

Eren: I may not know what'll happen to all of us, but I sure as hell know what'll happen to you!

~Eren punches him again and again. Arnold tries to fight back, but is pinned down by Eren's knee. Armin pushes past the people surrounding Eren and the boy~

Armin: EREN!

~Armin attempts to pull Eren off of Arnold. Erwin and Levi push through the young cadets and Erwin pushes Eren off of him while Levi drags the kid out from underneath him. Armin wraps his arms under Eren's arms and holds him back. Arnold's face is badly beaten and he sobs loudly. Eren's rage-filled face has tears running down it as he tries to calm down~

Erwin: Get him cleaned up. Eren: The office. Now.

~~~~Levi gets two of the cadets to walk Arnold off to the infirmary. Armin lets Eren go. Eren pulls away and wipes the hot tears from his cheeks. Armin watches as Levi, Erwin, and Eren leave~~~~

~~In the office, Eren sits in a chair while Erwin sits on his desk facing him. Levi leans on a wall to the right of Eren~~

Erwin: As much as I appreciate your healthy respect for the plans, you cannot go around beating the new recruits.

Eren: He had it coming.

Erwin: Eren, look at me.

~Eren looks up at Erwin and is surprised to find a relaxed expression on it~

Erwin: What you did today would normally be grounds for relocation. The only reason you're safe is because you're so crucial to our fight for humanity.

Eren: But-

Erwin: Eren if the kid chooses not to listen to us, allow us to set him straight.

Eren: Erwin if you had heard what he had said-

Levi: Stop being such a child.

~Eren looks over to Levi with big, teary eyes~

Levi: That kid was being a brat. It's not your job to punish him.

~Eren's face turns into anger now directed at Levi~

Erwin: Eren, you've made so much progress with your temper towards other cadets. You don't argue with Jean anymore, right?

Eren: So?

Erwin: If you can be civil with him, you can try to be civil with the new recruits, too.

~Eren stands up abruptly~


Erwin: Eren calm down!

Levi: Eren!

Eren: Shut up!

Levi: Or what? You'll throw another tantrum?

Eren: Fuck you, Levi!

Levi: That's "Fuck you, Captain Levi" to you!

~Eren looks at the ground for a moment and scoffs~

Levi: The new recruits need to learn not to call me by my name so informally. Please remember to address me by my title in front of them.

~Erwin looks over at Levi and they nod~

Erwin: I guess I'll leave it to you then?

Levi: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Erwin: Okay. Later.

~Levi walks over to Eren and lifts his face up~

Levi: Come with me.

~Eren gets up and follows Levi down the hallway~

"They're going to die if they don't trust in Erwin."

~Levi says nothing. He looks straight ahead and remains quiet~


~Levi stops and half turns to look at Eren. Eren sighs and rolls his eyes~

"Captain Levi?"


"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

~They continue through the fort. They stop when they reach what used to be the basement, which was mostly damaged when Eren titan shifted in there after Mikasa's injury~

"What are we doing here?"

~Levi opens the door and walks down the stairs. Eren stays at the top and hesitates to take a step down. Levi turns around to wait for Eren~

(What is Levi thinking? What's going through his head? I can never fucking tell with that dead expression of his…)



"Come downstairs."

"Yes, sir…"

~Eren follows Levi down the corridor. The bars of the cell are gone, and there are cracks in the floor, but there's a lot less dust in the room than he expected~

(Levi must have cleaned this place up… that weirdo.)

~Eren looks around the room that used to be his bedroom. The bed is still there, and so are the chains~

"Lay down."


"I gave you an order."

"But… what are you going to do?"

"I said I gave you an order."

~Eren looks at Levi curiously, waiting for some kind of violence. Waiting for Levi to grab a tuft of his hair and bang him or for Levi to beat him down to a pulp for disobeying~


~Eren flinches. Levi's expression softens and when he speaks again, he speaks in a more soothing tone~

"Eren, lay down."

~Eren approaches the bed cautiously and sits on the side. Levi walks over to him and reaches his hand out to his face. Eren pulls away but is met with Levi's other hand to the back of his head gently touching him~

"Eren, relax."

~Levi puts his hand on Eren's forehead~


"Lay down."

~Eren lays back and Levi sits on the bed next to him~

"What are you doing?"

"Hange agreed that I needed to move my room away from the other rooms. We've been making to much noise and waking up Mike. So this'll be our new room soon enough. I've been keeping it clean. What do you think?"

"You're not mad?"

"I personally think this place could be good for us."


~Levi looks into Eren's confused face~

"Eren, what you did was wrong, but you're not in trouble."

"I'm not in trouble?"

"Being "in trouble" is for brats and pets. You're a goddamn soldier. I am going to double your chores, though. You should know that by now."


"So, what do you think of the room?"

"It's cleaner than last time… then again the rubble created a lot of dust."

"Much to my dismay. It was a lot to clean up."

~Eren smiles~

"So… you're not angry?"

"I'm a little disappointed."


"What I said earlier was true. You acted like a child, but I guess I can't help but be reminded how young you actually are."


"You can act so mature for your age, and then you go and do something like this. You're not a man yet, but I still forget from time to time."

"Levi I… I'm sorry for disappointing you. I'll be better. I promise."

"Don't make any promises you can't keep."

"I promise."

~Levi looks down at the big green eyes staring back at him and smiles~


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

~Levi leans down and kisses him. Eren places his hand around the back of Levi's neck and pushed Levi into a deeper kiss. Levi ends the kiss and gets up~



"I uh.. I kinda thought we'd be coming down here to… um…"

~Eren glances down at his pants. Levi follows his gaze to a bulge in Eren's pants~

"Are you serious?"

"Wha- c'mon! Like it just does that you gotta know it just does that."

"I know but it's been a while since I was a teenager so it still surprises me."

"Can we…?"





"You're so whiny."

~Levi gets off the bed and starts to walk away~

(There's one thing he can never resist…)

"Fine. I'll do it myself."

~Eren reaches for his belt but is stopped by Levi's hand~

"You don't get to do that."

"What are you gonna do about it?

~Levi entangles his fingers with Eren's and pushes them back near the headboard of the bed while he begins to kiss Eren~

(Works every time.)

~Eren doesn't notice Levi chaining his hand back until Levi breaks the kiss~


~Eren pulls on the chain and tries to break loose. Levi grabs Eren's other hand and begins to pull it back towards another chain~


"Don't fight back."

~Levi chains Eren's hand and stands back~

"Levi, c'mon you can't… you said punishment was for children!"

"I never said that. I said being in trouble was for children. Punishment, however, is one of my favorite things to dish out. Besides: You've been giving me hell all day. Time for a little revenge"

(Fuck fuck fuck I fucked up I fucked up I fucked up)

"Don't leave me like this!"

"Eren, I thought you knew me by now."

~Eren sees a smile on Levi's face~

"Have I ever left you like this?"

~Eren tries to think of a time when Levi left him hanging~

(Not even once…)

~Eren grins and instinctively tries to reach out and grab Levi, but the chains hold him back~

"But I want to touch you…"

~Levi gets on the bed and leans in close~

"You don't get to touch me. Not with those filthy hands."

~Eren breathes out loudly, feeling the frustration building under his skin. Levi gets up and walks over to a dresser. He opens one of the drawers and pulls out a collar with a chain on it~

"Do you think I liked seeing you beat that kid today?"

~Levi sways the chain around with his hand playfully as he slowly walks back to the bed~

"Did you think, Eren, that I wouldn't get jealous? Your hands were all over him, after all. An absolutely disgusting display."

~Levi gets on the bed and straddles Eren just far enough away from him that when Eren jerks forward again, the chains hold his arms back~

"You've been acting like an animal."

~Levi gently begins to put the collar around Eren's neck~

"So I'll treat you like one."

~Eren hears the clink of the buckle as Levi pulls it into place and closes it. It's loose enough to fit a few fingers in between the leather and his skin, but tight enough to make Eren feel… Perfect~

"Levi, I-"

~Levi pulls on the collar's chain and yanks Eren as close as the chains around his wrists allow. With his other hand, Levi grabs a tuft of Eren's hair and pulls his head back so his collared neck is exposed~


~Levi kisses Eren's jaw line and makes his way to his ear to whisper something~

"Don't let me ever catch you on someone like that again."

~Levi bites Eren's neck and Eren lets out a tiny moan~

"Wait- Levi, you'll leave a mark!"

~Levi lets go and moves his face to Eren's other ear and whispers again~

"I know. You're mine, and I want them to know it."

~Levi bites Eren's neck again and sucks gently on the mark. Eren whines and Levi moves his face towards Eren's chest~

"Levi, I… Ah!"

~Levi bites Eren's nipple through his shirt. Eren tries to watch Levi, but he still has a firm grip on Eren's hair~

(Note to self: get a haircut later)

~Levi lets go of Eren's hair and Eren lifts his head forward to see Levi unbuttoning his shirt. Once his shirt is unbuttoned all the way, Levi stares at Eren's body~

"You're gorgeous."

~Eren feels himself blushing. Levi smiles~

"You're mine."

~Levi leans forward and kisses Eren's collarbone. He leaves bite marks all over Eren's neck and shoulder. He moves down and bites Eren's other nipple. Levi hears the chains lock again as Eren's arms jerk forward~

"Did that hurt?"



~Eren moans as Levi bites his way down Eren's abdomen. Levi uses his right hand to rub Eren's bulge over his pants. Eren's hips push forward into Levi's hand~

"You're pretty riled up, aren't you, Eren?"


~Levi unzips Eren's pants and pulls his boxers down just enough to let Eren's dick out. Precum drips from the slit~




~Levi grabs Eren's dick and strokes it before licking around the tip. Eren breathes out and tries his hardest not to bite his lip. Levi puts Eren's dick in his mouth and suck on it. Eren can't help but try to thrust his hips into Levi's face. Levi almost chokes on Eren~

"Levi! I'm sorry"



~Levi takes Eren's dick out of his mouth. A string of saliva and precum stick to Levi's mouth~

"Levi, are you okay? I'm sorry!"

~Levi gets off the bed~

"Where are you going?"

~Levi stays silent and Eren watches as Levi undresses. He walks over to the dresser and gets a bottle~

"You're going to watch me now."


~Levi gets back on the bed, but he faces away from Eren~

"You're. Going. To watch."

~Levi opens the bottle and pours the lubricant over his fingers. Eren's face turns red as he watches Levi put his face down on the bed and spread his knees apart so that Eren can see everything~


"Captain Levi."

~Levi pushes a now very slick finger into his entrance. The chains around Eren lock again as Eren tries to get to Levi~

"Levi, c'mon… oh god that's hot."

~Levi slides another finger in and pumps them in and out. He uses his other hand to rub his own erection. Eren squirms and the chains rattle~


~Levi moans out Eren's name as he pushes another finger in~

"Levi. Oh my god…"



~Levi sits up and turns his head to see Eren's face. Eren is practically drooling~

"You want this?"

~Eren nods yes. Levi turns around and straddles Eren's lap and situates himself right above Eren so that that he can feel Eren's tip against himself~

"Well, you- Unf! ahAAHHH"

~Before Levi can say anything, Eren thrusts his hips up and he enters Levi~

"Eren! Oh god, EREN!"

~Levi tries to get up and off of Eren~

(Oh no you don't)

~Eren bites down on the curve between Levi's neck and shoulder to keep him where he is~

"Eren, you horny brat! It-It hurts!"

~Eren responds with a growl. Levi grabs on to Eren's hair as Eren's hips slap against him. Levi's moans get higher in pitch as he gets fucked~

"Mmf… C'mon! Fuck me…"

~Eren moves faster and Levi bites his lip. Eren's movements become quick and jolty before slowing down. Levi feels himself getting filled with Eren's cum. When he's finished, Eren slowly lets go of his bite hold on Levi. He leans back. To Levi's horror, Eren's mouth is covered in blood. Levi feels his shoulder stinging~

"You bitch. You bit me."

"You bit me first."

"Yeah but I didn't make you BLEED."

"Sorry, I got carried away."

~Levi pulls himself up and off of Eren. Eren sees Levi wince as he get off the bed~

"Levi, you're not really mad at me, are you?"

~Levi turns around and hurriedly walks over to Eren and hugs him~

"Of course not."

~Eren smiles. Levi undoes the chains around Eren's wrists. As soon as Eren feels he is free, he tackles Levi onto the bed and hugs him~


"Hey, Levi, what were you going to say earlier?"


~Eren pushes himself up so that he's over Levi and looking down at his face~

"When you pulled my dick out of my pants… you were going to say something, but then you said nothing."

~Levi's expression remains the same, but Eren can see his face turn pink~

"C'mon what were you gonna say?"

~Levi turns away and mumbles something~


"I said you're getting bigger, okay!"


"You're only 15. You're not going to stop growing for a while… and you're already…. Endowed…"

~Levi turns his head to looks back at Eren, only to see the most smug grin on his face he's ever seen~

"Eren, you little shit."

"Excuse you, I'm not little."

"Fuck off."

~Eren laughs and kisses Levi on the cheek~

"Do you want me to be more gentle next time?"

"Next time? Next time I'm tearing you a new one."

"Not if I get to you first."

"No, trust me. You wont. Now if you'll please excuse me, I have to clean this fucking BLOOD off of my CHEST and get this CUM out of my ASS."

~Eren rolls off of Levi and watches as he walks awkwardly away~

(Hell yeah I'm fuckin' awesome.)

~Levi turns around to look at Eren~

"Go scrub the fort. I want it spotless."


~~~~~~~~~Chapter 38, Violence~~~~~~~

~~~~Author's note~~~~

OH my GOSH I have missed writing for you guys for so long! I miss getting all your lovely reviews! I've been so busy and stressed lately. I've been doing school and work and I've hardly had any time for anything else (So much so that my boyfriend and I actually broke up a while ago so I've also been dealing with that) but writing again felt SO good! I've been working on this chapter bit by bit for a while now but I finally got a chance after all my first rounds of tests were done to just sit down, have a glass, and write about my OTP. I wrote so much that I actually started on the next chapter. I'll have that one done soon!

Until next time,


~~~~~Today's special: Fluffy's favorite Levi quote from this chapter~~~~~




~~The next day, Eren walks into the common room and begins to sweep. Levi drinks his tea quietly and reads a book while Eren works~~

Arnold: Jeager!

~Levi looks up and sees Arnold, the beaten kid from before, standing in front of Eren~

Arnold: I like your haircut.

Eren: Thanks! I just got it cut.

~Levi's gaze slowly reaches up to Eren's head~

~~~~Some time later~~~~

"Commander Zoe Hange's Diary, Entry number 49. At first I thought I had misplaced them. I couldn't find a single one. But slowly, as I went through the fort, searching, I could not find a single pair of scissors. I started looking for blades. Shaving razors. Kitchen knives. All gone. It became clear that everyone in the compound had also been missing blades. Erwin's five o'clock shadow has reached a point of no return. The younger female cadets can hardly contain themselves. The Corps is in chaos. Even the titan slicing blades are missing. There is no possible place to hide them. Where the fuck are they?"

~~~~~Meanwhile, Levi swings from a tree using his 3DMG. He hums lowly while reading a book. He is at peace. He looks out and sees the giant pile of blades well hidden in the bushes. Eren won't be cutting his hair again anytime soon~~~~~