Author's Note:

Hey, all! Thanks for reading!

Special Announcement! I have started a Scor-Rose Fanfiction! Please go check it out! It's titled, "Rivals and Romance."

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Special shout out to all who review, follow and favorite this story!

Thank you for your support!

In this chapter, continues a few weeks after Azzura reveals to James that she has had visions of their future sex-life.

Let me know what you think!

Please Read and Respond!





I reached my arms out, inviting him in for a hug. "Now, come here."

He sprung onto the sofa gently wrapping me in his arms. He began to kiss, down my neck, and back up to my lips. "So now that we've made up, can we talk about that vision?"

I moaned, "What about it?"

"That was a hot argument." He stated, kissed down the contours of my collarbone. "I enjoyed your response to how I resolved it."

I could feel him smile against my skin.

"Oh yeah?"

He glanced up at me, nodding, "Oh yes, love."

"Then would you like to try that out in real time?"

His face dropped, eyes widening, pupils dilating, "Huh -what - are you sure?"

I giggled, nodding my head, "You heard me."

He toyed with the edge of my uniform skirt, "I just want to make sure, you're sure."

I tapped at his chin, and he leaned closer to my face, I kissed him deeply, the fire of rage in my chest ebbing lower into a different type of heat. "I'm sure."

"I feel like it has been a long time since we've had a day, just the two of us." Lily stretched her arms over her head.

I laughed, "Well, we've had a lot going on Lils."

She shook her head at me, as she rolled off the sofa. "No, actually. We've been busier, before, with the previous prophecy and your press leak and my kidnapping."

I placed my quill down at the table. "You know, you do have a point."

She sauntered across the Room of Requirement. "You think that, ummm." She looked over my shoulder. "You think that maybe it's because we've been preoccupied with other…. stuff." She sat at the table beside me.

From the hesitation and tone in her voice, I could tell where this conversation was going. I turned to face her in my chair and folded my hands into my lap. "Stuff?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

Her fae-like features reddened as she awkwardly hid her face in the crook of her arm. "You know what I mean," she exclaimed in a muffled cry.

I smirked, thoroughly entertained. "Whatever are you talking about?"

She remained hidden in her arm, suddenly silenced behind a cloak of her hair.

I draped her gorgeous fiery waves away from her face and around the back of her neck. "Come on sweetie, speak to me."


"Lily Luna Potter, look at me, and tell me what's on your mind." I rested my right hand at the crown of her head. "You know, as your future sister-in-law, it's my job to hear you out."

I could feel her perk her head up under the tips of my fingers. "You've never called yourself that before." Her eyes peeping up at me.

I smiled, "I knew that would get you talking."

Lily adjusted her posture, pushing her hair away from her face. "I have a boyfriend, Lysander is my boyfriend."

"I know Lily, believe me, I know. So what's going on?"

"Either you're spending too much time with James or I'm spending too much time with Lysander. So which one of us is at fault here?"

I let out a deep breath, how do you tell your extremely innocent best friend that your romantic relationship with her brother has taken a turn towards sexual awakening?

"It's um," I cleared my throat. "It's my fault, Lily, I'm sorry."

Her eyes narrowed in on me, "What is going on with you two?"

"We are just spending a lot of time together - you know enjoying each other's company." I scratched at the back of my neck, praying she wouldn't pry for more details.

She gasped, and then turned towards the party supplies on the table. "So you think James will be surprised for his party?"

"Probably, I hope so." I let out the tension, embracing the change of topic.

"Sooo are you and him shaggin' on that couch right over there?"


She placed a party hat on her head, "Lysander thinks you two are doing it. So are you?"

"Oh so your boyfriend suspects something so automatically it's the truth?" What the hell is going on?

"No, that's not why I meant by that it's just, you have been very secretive and spending a lot of one-on-one time with him and I was curious if that's what you meant by enjoying each other's company."

"Not exactly."

"Not exactly? What in the deathly hallows does that even mean?"

"Well, we're not having sex. We're not there yet." I shook my head, hope the blush will vanish from my face.

"So if you're not having sex, and not exactly shaggin on the couch, what exactly is happen - oooooh" Her eyes grew wide with realization. "Ew gross!" She punched my shoulder.

"You're the crazy one that always needs to know everything," I rubbed my shoulder. "Besides I didn't give you that many details."

"So has this gross new step in your relationship spurred on more future visions?"

I tossed her a bag of confetti, "Can we get back to the surprise party plans?"

"Oi," Lysander rushed into the Room of Requirement. "Uh, James is a tad cross with me, so Albus is keeping his preoccupied on the quidditch pitch."

"What did you do?" Lily and I replied in unison.

"Nothing, Babe, you know how he is," He wrapped an arm around Lily kissing her cheek.

"Hello there, dirty bird," He waggled his eyebrows at me.

Jaw clenched, shallow breath, lava gushing through my veins: my mind flooded with thoughts of violence and embarrassment. I bit my lip as I did my best to restrain myself from launching my self at him - fists at the ready. He knowing grin, infuriating my very soul.

Lily put a protective arm out in front of Lysander. "Take it back, take it back," She squeaked.

I grabbed my bag and my notebook, without breaking eye contact.

"Run," I growled.

Lysander backed away using Lily as a human shield. "Don't kill me, I have the little one," he cried.

I calmly walked over to the door, "Good luck with the party set up, guys."

"Where are you going?" Lily asked.

I slung my bag over my shoulder, "I'm going to kill the birthday boy."


Standing in the middle of the quidditch pitch with my arms folded across my chest, I watched as the two brothers zoomed around the goal posts.

"James Sirius Potter get down here this instant!"

Both Potter sons touched ground.

James shouldered his broom, and wiped his forehead with his sleeve, pushing his hair away from his eyes. "Yes, love."

"I just spoke with Lysander, is there something you have to say for yourself."

Albus grimaced, and started to back away. "I'm, uh, I have a potions essay to work on." He blurted out the excuse, before scurrying away.

"He's the one who pissed me off, I'm not apologizing to the sister toucher."

"Sister toucher?" I questioned.

"Lily didn't tell you," James' eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

"Tell me what exactly?"

I wanted to confront him, but considering that he had valuable information that I obviously did not - I'll kill him later.

"Lysander felt up my sister," James revealed.

"And by felt up, you mean…" I prompted.

"Partially unclothed, extremely sexual snogging session - that my vile idiot of a mate thought would be okay to talk about."

"And was that before or after you told him about our recent sexual experiences?"

Eyes wide with horror, he stared at me as though he had just swallowed his own tongue.

"Would you care to explain yourself?"

"I-I- I'm sorry," He sighed glancing down at his shoes.

"That's it? You're sorry. Why on earth would you share specifics of our sexual intimacy with Lys?"

"He's my best friend," the words came pouring out of James' mouth.

"And who is my best friend?"

"Lil- oooooh, yeah I could see how that's messed up." He awkwardly shrugged. "Maybe that's why I thought it was cool for me to share, but fucked up that Lysander said what he said."

"You are not being touched for a long time, mister."

"But my birthday is tomorrow," He frowned.

I stepped closer to him, "You're right, I'm sorry." I lightly kissed his cheek, "You'll just have to suffer."

"Oh come on, love," He groaned, as I walked away from him. "That's not fair."

"Didn't say it was," I blew him a kiss over my shoulder as I continued to leave the stadium.

Author's Note:

Please Review!

Also! I apologize for taking a such a long break from this story!

There will be more of an effort to keep updating.

