Yeah, I know that I'm supposed to be writing other stories. So I'll give ya a little background on this story. I had a nightmare, and this was it. I had said to myself, "I need to write a story on that dream. Oh rahat, the dog!" BTW: Anyways, please review.

The dark past

Batman walked around the Joker's lair, searching for Robin.

"What's the matter, Batman? No witty comeback? No threat?" a voice called out in the darkness. The lights went out, and a screen lit up.

"I will provide the narration." Joker informed him. A video titled 'OUR FAMILY MEMORIES' appeared.

"I'll begin with how I peeled back the layers of the boy's mind. Oh, he bravely tried to fight it at first. You would've proud to see him so strong. But all too soon, the serums and the shocks took their toll." Joker narrated. He was leisurely watching the video from the screening room.

"And the dear lad began to share such secrets with me. Secrets that are mine alone to know… Bruce. It's true, Batsy. I know everything. And kinda like the kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit it's sadly anticlimactic. Behind all the stern and batarangs, you're just a little boy in a play suit crying for Mommy and Daddy." Joker sneered.

"It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic. Oh what the heck?! I'll laugh any way!"

Joker burst into sickening, demented laughter. Batman crashed through the window in the screening room, knocking Joker down. Batman punched him repeatedly. He threw Joker into the film and knocked it down.

"If you don't like the movie, I've got slides." Joker laughs.

Batman threw Joker out of the room and onto some giant building blocks.

"I'll break you in two." Batman snarled, pinning Joker against a block. A small figure is seen, but it's too far away to make out.

Joker pulled out a knife and slashed it across Batman's jaw. He took the advantage and threw Batman onto the hard ground.

A boy in a Joker outfit is seen. He looks like Joker in every way, from the hair to the shoes. His wide eyes looked up at Joker with a crazy, maniacal smile plastered on his face. Joker skips down to Batman and crouches so he can see his face.

"You've lost, Batman. Robin is mine. The last sound you hear will be our laughter." Joker tells him.

Joker grabs Batman by the cape and yanks him up. He tosses a gun to Robin, he eagerly catches it.

"Make Daddy proud! Deliver the punch line!" Joker ordered.

Robin took aim at Batman with shaky hand and starts laughing. He pulls the trigger and a comical BANG! sign pokes out.

"Dick…" Batman says.

Robin laughs harder and lowers aim.

"Do it!" Joker yells.

Robin's laughter rang out, and he shot… Joker is sent back with a BANG! flag poking out of his chest.

"That's not funny… That's not…"

Joker falls to the ground with a gasp, but he's dead before he hits the ground.

Robin laughs even harder and crazier than before. Batgirl burst in and saw the dead villain and maniacally laughing Robin.

Robin's laughter takes a weird tone as it starts to slow. The gun is dropped as the crazy smile begins to vanish.

Tears start gushing out of Robin's eyes as his laughs turn into broken sobs. He falls to his knees as Batgirl rushes to his side. Batman starts to get up and walk towards them.

"It's okay, Dick." Batgirl soothes, holding Robin close. It does nothing to help Robin's sobs.

"It's okay…"

Batgirl starts to silently cry as well. Batman's shadow encases them…

Thirteen months later…

Gizmo was doing nothing. Mammoth was sick, so no crime was gonna go on with the HIVE. So here he was, channel surfing. Until he came across a Gotham channel talking about Robin.

"But why did he leave? It is because of the Joker's death?" the narrator started.

Gizmo turned it up.

"Hey! My show's 'bout to come on! Off!" Billy Numerous called. He tried to get the remote when Gizmo smacked him.

"It's a segment on Robin! From Gotham! Though it's pretty much over. We might find out why he left! So shut up!" Gizmo snapped.

"What are you two bickering about?" Jinx asked irritatedly.

"Giz found somethin' on Robin!" Billy shouted.

"Shut up! It's back on!" Gizmo yelled.

Everyone sat down on the couch, even Mammoth, and they watched.

We all know that Robin was discovered at the tender age of eight. As he grew up, he battled Gotham's worst alongside Batman, who we believe to be his father. The two held such a close bond, it makes you wonder why he would suddenly go solo and then form the Titans. We believe it's because of an accident that happened with the Joker. No one knows what really happened, but we have footage of the night Joker was killed.

Batman and Batgirl walked out of a warehouse. Cameras were flashing and the media was swarming. Slowly, a ghostly pale boy with green hair trailed behind them. A blanket was draped over his shoulders.

"Batman! Who is that?"

"Where is Robin?"

"Where is Joker?"

The boy bowed his head even more as reporters peppered them with questions.

"It's okay, Robin." Batgirl told the boy, trying to keep the reporters from him.

"That's Robin!"

"Robin, why are you dressed like the Joker?"

"Where is the Joker?"

Before Robin could do or say anything, he disappeared in Batman's cape.

"The Joker is dead. That is all we have to say." Batman said and threw a smoke pellet. When the smoke cleared, they were gone.

"Turn off the TV, Gizmo." Jinx said.

Gizmo did so, and everyone sat in silence for several minutes.

"I think it's time to have a little chat with Robin." Jinx said.

The HIVE grinned at each other.