So, I tried to stop writing [I felt like I lost my touch, but here I am]. I hope ya'll aren't too upset to see me back.

I felt so down I didn't even really review so lets hope they're aren't too badly written.

Yes, another DASEY story. I hope ya'll aren't too terribly bored of these yet.

No, I don't own Life With Derek or their characters. Just a fan. No copyright intended.

When Casey had picked out her new pajamas, she was picking for comfort and coolness. With summer fast approaching, her room could get hot - she needed something cool and comfy to sleep in.

She hadn't expected the reaction she had gotten from her step-brother Derek though.

Derek had made it his life goal apparently to torment her. Lucky for her though, she had avoided him for most of the day.

So, when she woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water, she was quite surprised to see a sleepy-eyed Derek leaving the bathroom. He stopped in this tracks and just stared at her.

That's when she remembered the new pajamas.

They were a matching tank top and short set - the shirt was blue with black lace around the top; the shorts were black, with a blue lacey border and little blue stars scattered on them.

They were some of the most revealing clothes she had worn in the Venturi-McDonald house since she had moved in.

Now Derek was, after all, a teenage guy - he knew how to appreciate the female form.

And Casey, whether she liked it or not, was a female and had the form to go with it.

Derek let his eyes travel over her bare legs, because damn, she was a dancer after all and had the legs to show it. Legs had never been a turn on for him, but Casey could be a game changer.

In two strides - it's not a big hallway - he's in front of her, his eyes trailing over her skin.

"D?" Her voice is soft, the single letter all she can muster. He catches her eyes and knows that he should speak, that this is Casey, his step-sister...

And he had never been more attracted to her.

Sure he had been attracted to her before. He had never had the urge to act on it though.

Until now.

He kisses her. He kisses her in a way he's never kissed a girl before - his hands are on her hips, holding her close to him. He brings one up to cup the back of her neck, holding itself along the curve of her skull, pinning her closer than he ever thought she'd be.

And hell, he likes it.

Casey doesn't want to kiss back because hello, it's Derek, but she does. She kisses back as her hands wrap around his neck, one teasing and scratching while the other knots in his hair. With a soft tug he groans against her, pressing his tongue into her mouth. She moans at this and copies him, making him let out another pleasure-filled groan as he grabs her leg and hooks it around his waist, holding her up while she balances on one leg.

Finally, they part for air.

Derek's hair is messy from her fingers tangling in it, her lips are swollen from his hard kisses, and both are panting to fill their desperate lungs with air. Without saying a word to each other, they untangle their selves – Casey's leg drops to the floor, his hand leaves her hip and she moves her hands to her own sides.

"Goodnight," she finally says, voice cracking on the word as she moves back to her room.

Her glass of water is long-forgotten now. With shaking steps, she goes into her room, leaving a silent Derek to stare at her with his dark brooding eyes.

The next day, it's like nothing happened.

At breakfast, they yell at each other over who gets the last waffle; on the ride to school, they argue about what type of music they should have playing; when they get to school, they grimace at the other before they go their separate ways.

No, nothing happened between them at all.

When Casey gets to her first class, she sighs as she thinks about that. She's reasoning it must have been a dream when a classmate by the name of Shauna comes to sit next to her; she knows her vaguely well – they've talked on occasion and were both on the smarter side of the scale, hence the slight friendship they had.

"What's with the thoughtful yet confused look?" she asked, tilting her head so her short blonde hair could cascade over her shoulder – she had the opposite looks of Casey herself; pale, creamy skin, bright green eyes and honey blonde hair that just barely brushed her shoulders unless she tipped her head like she was doing now.

"Nothing," Casey mumbles, looking to the front of the room, attempting to pay attention. It doesn't work when Shauna pokes her with her pen and frowns at her.

"Does it have to do with Derek?"

"No," Casey says too quickly; Shauna quirks an eyebrow and nods.

"Uh-huh. Spill." Casey frowns; she doesn't know Shauna that well, but maybe it would be nice to tell someone who wouldn't blab to everyone they knew.

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm co-enrolled at the local Uni to get my psychology degree. I can read you like a book. What happened?"

"We barely know each other."

"Then think of this as the stepping stone to our friendship. What happened Casey?"

"He kissed me." Her voice was soft, barely a whisper, but Shauna heard her. Her jaw dropped but she didn't say a word. "Last night. I left him in the hallway after it and just went to bed. I don't know what it meant and don't want to."

"You're lying."

"I know. But if I keep thinking it then maybe it will be true." Shauna stares at Casey, who had turned away to begin taking notes. With a small frown, she faces her own; she's not focused on class though. Oh know, she was much focused on something else.

"Did you like it?" she whispers before class ends, only getting a jerky nod from Casey, who is putting her stuff in her bag.

"Yes. And I wish I didn't."

The bell was about to ring for the class right before lunch; Casey was switching out her books and was about to shut her locker when she saw something she wish she hadn't.

Shauna, her new friend, was laughing with Derek, her hand gripping his arm as they laughed about something together, Derek shooting her his trademark flirtatious smirk. Casey, not wanting to admit the jealousy and anger that was bubbling up inside of her, slammed her locker before she turned and walked away, not seeing the look that either teen gave her.

When she got to class, she sat down in her usual seat to find someone new next to her.

"I'm Adam," he said to her questioning look; the guy was taller than her, but not much – he could easily be Derek's height; he had dark hair, either black or brown depending on the light, and cool green eyes framed by dark glasses. "I got transferred to this class to take my final."


"Apparently my teacher thought the final that she was giving was going to be too easy for me so I had to go to this class."

"Three weeks before school and she just did that?"

"I know! It's ridiculous." Casey shakes her head and looks away. "Aren't you Derek's sister?" She flushes at this and nods.


"Oh. You're prettier than everyone says." She blushes and looks at him.

"Did he put you up to this?"

"Who?" She just stares and he realizes what she means. "Oh, Derek. No, I'm not even a blip on his radar. I've heard him talk about you. He was in the class I was in originally." Casey tried to not appear interested and turned away. "Wanna eat lunch with me?"


"Because you're cute and smart – so am I, so why not?" She laughs and finds herself agreeing.

Let Derek make of that what he may when he sees them together.

When Derek entered the cafeteria, the first thing he saw was Casey sitting with the nerd from his old class, the two of them smiling and laughing together, his arm around the back of her chair.

And Derek didn't like it.

After grabbing his food, he plopped down across from them as ungracefully as he ever could. Casey glared at him, but Adam didn't even flinch; Derek didn't like the smug bastard who apparently had eyes only for Casey.

Casey tries to ignore him but he continues to stare.

"What do you want Derek?" she finally asks, making him flinch at the tone in her words – it's like she never wants to have him near her again. He just squares his jaw and stares at her, no words coming to mind. She rolls her eyes and looks at Adam.

"Want me to walk you to your next class?"

"I'd love that." They get up, leaving him sitting alone.

Not for long though as Shauna comes to join him, her eyes sparkling as if she is entertained by his inner torment. He pushes those feelings back and smirks at her. She laughs and puts a packet of papers in front of him.

"I know you want Casey," she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I hope these papers help." She gets up and walks away. He, in confusion, flips open the packet and scans the first page before shoving it in his bag.

He does not need to be seen reading a packet on step-incest in the middle of the school cafeteria.

Shauna sits next to Casey in class, who gives her a death-glare before facing the front. Shauna shakes her head and scribbles out a note on a sticky note before passing a packet similar to Derek's onto her desk.

'I was only flirting to see how he reacted – text me if you need the help with understanding of this'. Casey's face goes from anger to confusion in seconds before she sees the packet. Blanching, she shoves it into her bag and looks at Shauna, who grins.

"Psychology major remember?"

Kind of a long start, but hopefully it'll pick up a little more in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading so far!
