A/N: Aww~ Such nice reviews, thank you~! / I was going to begin writing this earlier, but… well… I kinda was reading about British history (namely Wales and England) and a few… friend things popped up (it was nothin' happy, I can tell you that)... Also, if you do wonder why this is in England's point of view, I am used to roleplaying him (although it's obvious that I don't roleplay him very well) and I know more of how his dialogue will be like, unlike I am with France, China, Prussia, Germany, and Russia, so sorry about that… - This chapter is a few words from 7000 words before editing… Ahh, the chapters are longer- - (more writing out dialogue on my part) (I didn't think this through).
This might have some mistakes that I'll fix later... maybe...
Anyways, here's the newest chapter~ I hope you enjoy~!

ChAPter VII: MEmorieS?

"England-san? Italy-san? Where do I go?" Japan asked
"Just… walk out… There…. might be something? Or go into the one room again." I replied. Japan decided to go with the first one and went out of the room. Although… I still kept tensing up with each room….
Dammit, be the strong soldier that you should be!, I thought.
"Where to…?" Japan asked.
"Er… Piano room?" Once I said this, I saw Italy tense up for the second time today.
"Have something to share, Italy?" I practically snarled at Italy.
He looked over, glaring slightly, and shook his head.
"…What is with you two?! Ever since you two were in the kitchen, you've both been acting rude to one another! It can't just be my imagination, aru!" China said.
I stayed quiet, and so did I desperately wanted to say how this is all his fault… I turned my attention back to the TV and saw Japan just going into the piano room. No one… I won't keep on saying "No one" "No fucking one" every time we enter a new room. The correct room, though, was the basement. I hit my palm on my forehead. That was so obvious! There was a cell door blocking our path at one point.

"Do we have the key?" I asked.
"Nein…" Prussia answered.
"Well… let's look around, then…"
Japan nodded, "Hai." Japan walked around and we went to the first door in the basement. In the drawer that was furthest from the corner Japan clicked on.
Obtained "Cell Door Key"

America laughed, "Door key. Dorky."
"Dorky door key." I said and we both laughed, him laughing more than I. J

apan exited out of the narration to be met with an Italy beside him.
Italy: "Hey, Japan."
Japan: ? "Yes? What is it?"
Italy: "Haven't you been brooding about something for a while?"
Japan: "…. Have I?"
Italy: "Are you hung up on something? You've been odd since we broke that clock."
"No, I'm fine What about you, though? You're shaking a little."
Italy: "What, really? Isn't it just your… imagination? Um, l-listen… if you saw anything, it was all a lie; you shouldn't think about it."
Japan: "Shouldn't I think about the confusing hint-" [[A/N: Sorry, this was all I got out of that part of the dialogue because I somehow went to the next dialogue]]
"…! Italy?"
"Just forget it! Forget it right now! Don't even think about those strange things!"
Italy walked out of the room.
Japan: "Italy…"
Japan walked down to the cell door again
Used Cell Door Key.
The cell door slid over.

"Go left" I said and Japan did as told.Turn left… I should have said that! Once in the room on the left hallway, there was a cell and it showed America, France, and Prussia.
: ! "You!"
The screen changed to showing America standing sideways with his arms crossed, France against the bars, probably trying to get out, and Prussia just looking outside of the cell.
"Japan, it's you! What are you doing here?!"
"We're the ones who should be asking you that! We were wor—wondering where you were! What the hell have you been doing?!"

"Aww, Iggy was worried 'bout me~" America said in his annoying accent.
"I SAID WONDERING NOT WORRIED, YOU IMBECILIC GIT!" I yelled, basically calling America an idiot twice in a row.
"But chu [[you]] almost said worried~"
"Did not. You're reading and hearing things wrong." I said stubbornly. America began to say something but was interrupted.
"Please! Stop! Arguing!" China said angrily.
"Thank you, China." I said, tired of speaking to the American. We have an odd friendship, don't we? America and I, I mean.

France: "Anyway, could you please open this door for us? We can't open it from here, you see~"
"Ah, yes, of course. I'll open it right now."
Japan used the directional keys to open the door in the game.

I looked at the cell. "….Something's missing…. In the… top right hand corner…." I said. Once again, I saw Italy tense up.

The cell door was gone/open in a flash of white light. Japan walked over to America and the screen darkened. Once the screen was lit up, it showed Japan, America, France, Prussia, and China near the cell, Russia, Germany, England, and Canada near the wall across from the cell, and Italy closest to the door. Music played. I guess it would be considered cheerful music….
America: "Phew~ Thanks! This was a good place to take refuge in, but then we couldn't get out and we've been waiting for you guys to get here!"
China: "This is the only time we're doing you this favour!"
Germany: "Oh, well… Anyway, Prussia, what were you doing here, again?"
"You guys wouldn't wake up! I had a really hard time after that! It's a miracle I'm still alive!"
Japan: "Prussia, you were gone when we woke up. Was it because you encountered that thing?"
"Oh, that. When I was having fun keeping watch, someone suddenly began to pound on the door."
Prussia turned to France, a little emotion thing showing that he was angry.
Prussia: "When I opened it, I found it was HIM."
France turned slightly towards Prussia.
: "His face was a masterpiece. But he came out swinging his sword at me and I got a little injured."
Prussia: "Aw, come on, I said I was sorry! It was just a flesh wound, anyway!"
: "Anyway, while you three snored away, we were exchanging some information when suddenly—"
Prussia: "—that monster came out of fucking nowhere! I wasn't ready to fight and my sword wasn't sharp enough and we got injured. We were in big trouble! Waking you guys up would only make things worse, though, so we fought in the hallway. We were at a disadvantage, so we ran away to the first floor."
France: "And then, before we knew it, that monster was there ahead of us, attacking America. We were going to sneak away behind its back, but then America waved his hands and said, "Hey~! Over here~!" with a huge grin…. So we got dragged into it."
America: "I couldn't fight it alone! What's the problem?! I just thought we'd have three times more chances to beat it—"

"America you idiot." I commented.
"Hey!" America said. "I was just thinking rationally! Well… me in the game…"

Prussia: "So, since we weren't ready to fight, we couldn't fight, and we ran away to this place. We took refuge in that cell, but then we couldn't open it from inside, so we had no choice but to wait for you guys to find us."
Canada: "… We need to explain to them what is going on. Why don't we split up into two groups?"
"Indeed. Their injuries aren't that severe, either. I'll keep looking around the basement."
"England and I will stay to lecture America."
"I have some things to tell them, too."
"Then I'm coming with Japan!"

I, France, Canada, and China all hit the palms of our hands on our foreheads because of America's stupidity.

China: "Weren't you listening? We're going to explain to you what's going on, so you have to stay!"
"Aww, do I have to? Japan can explain to me, can't you, Japan?"
Japan (thinking):
It had to be the slowest to understand…

I laughed at this and America elbowed me, saying, "That's not nice!"
"I wasn't trying to be! Plus, I would've thought the same thing if I was Japan!"

Japan: "Very well. I would be glad to do it. Well, we'll go and look around. We'll see you later."
: "I'm coming with you, too!"
Japan: "No, we'll be fine. We'll just look around and we'll be right back. Canada, England, I'll lecture him on your behalf."
"Give him a good earful."
"No, wait. I'm coming with you. There's something that has been bothering me."
"Er, but…"
"It's just something I want to check out. Please."
"I see. You may come along, then. We'll be back in about 15 minutes. See you later."
Italy: "Japan…"
The screen went dark and once it lit up, it showed every nation except America and I, but that was because Japan was the person leading.

"Hey, Japan, can I control again..?" I asked.
"…..Hai." Japan replied and slid the lap top over to me. I went and spoke to the other nations in the room first individually, just to see if there's any important dialogue. First, I went over to Russia as he was in the corner of the room.
Russia: "You'll be careful, da?"There was no dialogue afterwards and no one said anything, so Russia asked, "…Da?"
"…Er, uh… da." I answered, and Russia smiled.

Next, I went over to Germany.
"Don't get lost in this mansion, ja?"
Next, I went over to France and Prussia.Heh, they kinda look like they're going to kiss….
"Faites attention à vous. Take care of yourself." [[A/N: I think the French part said "Mind you", but that's according to Google translate so I'm not 100% sure. Also, the sentence was actually "Take care of you" but I changed it to "Take care of yourself" so it didn't sound odd]]
Prussia: "Just come back in one single piece!"
Next, I went over to China. After China I would go to Canada, and then Italy.
"Take care. And give that burger-freak a good lecture!"
"Hey! Why is everyone being so mean to me?!" America said.
"Well it's not like you can object to being called a burger freak as that's what you are." I replied.

"Take good care of yourselves."
Italy: "….
Be back soon, okay?"
I saved the game at this point and looked at the formation:
Japan- Level 5- Master of Reading Moods- H 930/930- M 19/599
America-Level 4- HERO- H 847/847- M 568/568
England- Level 4- Pub-Pub+-PubX-H 600/600- M 934/934.

Pub, pub, pub and go?, I thought.…Oh….Er… that one song... Wait! How the hell do they know about that?!

I looked at the skills next.
Japan: Curse- 130. Dismissal- 150.
America: Gunfire-380.
England: Expecto Patronum-270.

"Hm, I guess that thing is kind of dementor-like…" I said, as that is the spell to repel dementors in Harry Potter. But just because it was in Harry Potter doesn't mean that I don't use the spells… I/Japan in the game walked out of the room. I went to the right hallway, curious what's there as that wasn't explored yet. At first, it was a room with bookcases, a cabinet in the right-hand corner and a table with chairs on two sides. I went around the room, clicking to see if anything was important. The bookcase that was furthest away from the left-hand corner, there was dialogue. From me.
"There's something about this room that is bothering me. I guess I'll check it out later."
"Very well. Now, let's hurry."
I rolled my eyes and went over to the cabinet in the left-hand corner. Nothing. I doubted the table had anything, so I went to the door on the "bottom" of the room. The room opened up to a… I don't know how to describe it. It seemed like it was mostly stone, the walls a dark grey colour and the floor a light grey colour. Since nothing seemed very interesting, I went to the second part of the hallway/room. It was the same, but on the right part of the hallway going up, there was a ladder!"A way out!" I exclaimed. Out of the corner of my eye, though, I saw Italy shake his head no. "What?! Is there another way out?! Because I don't see any other way besides that hole in the wall by the top right hallway!" Italy looked over, and he looked… tired and stressed. I immediately stopped being so rude.
"I…I'm sorry for being rude, Italy… Do you want to lie down?" I asked, sounding much more sympathetic. Italy shook his head and claimed that he was fine. "Alright… But if you do, let me know." Italy nodded at this. I saved the game and went over to the hole in the wall close to the ladder that looked as if it was getting larger the longer I looked at it.This is probably going to be a game over thing but…. I thought as I clicked on it.
This hole looks deep and it's dark inside.
-Look deeper inside.
Leave it be.

America said, "Leave it be!"
"Just for that…." I clicked on look deeper inside.

The screen went dark.
You bend over the hole and look inside the dark. It doesn't seem like there's anything though…
-Lean further over
Pull back

"Alright, who wants to bet that Japan's going to die?" I said and everyone raised their hands. I laughed; At least I saved before this! I clicked on "lean further over".

There was a pause for a while, maybe a minute. The silence was bothering me… although… there's never silence in this game since there's some weird noise in the background.
Ah? There seems to be something mov-
There was a noise. It…. sounded like something biting into flesh. Exactly like that.
The screen lit up with the words GAME OVER.

"That wasn't a pleasant noise…" I mumbled.
"Now, Iggy, just think since you were in that group, it was you who died."
"Don't call me Iggy! And you were there t—" I cut off and stared blankly ahead as a… a.. an illusion came:
~~A/N: Be warned, this "illusion" contains a bit of gore (not really, it's kind of close, though). ~~

We- Me, Japan, America, and Italy were all standing outside of that hole in the wall.
"Hm?... Maybe there's a key inside?" Japan said, reaching into the hole.
"B-be careful, Japan." I said, as did Italy.
"Ha! Jinx!" America said and I glared at him.
"It doesn't seem like there's anything in here… Do you want me to see if there's anything further in?" Japan asked.
"S-sure…." I said, beginning to have a bad feeling about this. Although, this entire mansion seems like bad news….
"N-no, it's probably not that important, Jap—" Italy began until there was a sickening noise of something biting into flesh.
"J-Japan?!" I said, worriedly. "I…is everyth—" I began until I saw large black eyes looking into my own.
I stumbled back a few steps, but quickly got my act together and yelled, "Sectumsepra!" The Thing only went back a bit, but far enough for me to reach in and get Japan.
"Japan?! A-are you okay!?" I said, looking around and saw something lying on the ground. "…I'm g-guessing you're unconscious…"
I reached down to pick Japan up when America yelled, "ENGLAND! WATCH OUT!" There was a gunshot and a bullet went past my head, only missing by centimetres. I yelped and stumbled backwards, and the Thing stumbled away again as it apparently was right in front of me. I dragged Japan out a bit into more light.
"H-help me get Japan out of here! I think he's unconscious! Italy, go and get the others! We can't fight this on our own!" I looked back and saw tears running down Italy's face while America looked pale and shocked.
"Wh-what?!" I said, furious that they didn't listen to me. The Thing was beginning to get closer to us.
"L….look at Japan, dude…" America said.
"He's only unconsci—" I looked down to see that Japan's head was almost completely torn off except that it was hanging by just a thread of skin. I backed up, covering my mouth. It was good that it was dim, because if it was any brighter, then I would've probably puked right there since I would have seen more to it.
"L..let's go!" I yelled as soon as I got out of the hole in the wall and pulled Italy and America's hands to make them run, in which they stayed in place. "We don't want to end up l-like Ja-….Japan, do we?!" I yelled. That got the two running.
As we ran, the Thing ran right behind us and before we knew it, we were cornered in the room with the cell door.
"I…I made…. another… m-mistake…" Italy whispered, tears freely falling down his face.
A moment later, everything was dark.

I snapped back to reality to see that America was trying to get me focused again. I couldn't breathe well and my eyesight was dimmed a bit and I felt nauseated as I did in the illusion when I saw Japan. Huh..? Are those illusions getting worse…? I thought as I heard America.
"Dude, I know that my face is really handsome, but you don't have to stare at it for this long!" America said since I was turned towards him when I had that illusion. I swiftly punched him and turned my attention back to the game. America whimpered and said, "Owww!" but I ignored him.
"Let's just… go on… Okay?" I said, now realising just how shaken up I was.
"England-san? Are you alright?" Japan asked and I looked at him.
"You're..." I mumbled, not finishing the sentence.
"Hum?" Japan asked.
"N-nothing… it's… nothing…." I replied, still mumbling.
"E-er…" I clicked on "previous time loop" and made sure to stay clear of the hole.
"Wait, England, I want to what would happen if you clicked "Pull back"." America said.
I sighed, "I guess we could see…"
I went over to the hole in the wall again and the dialogue began again:

This hole looks deep and it's dark inside.
-Look deeper inside.
Leave it be.

I clicked "look deeper inside".You bend over the hole and look inside the dark. It doesn't seem like there's anything though…
-Lean further over
Pull back

I clicked "pull back" this time. Nothing happened. "Oh... okay." America said, sounding disappointed. I almost snapped at him that he didn't see what I saw but I know that those were just illusions and he'd probably say that I see those all of the time…Anyways, I walked over to the ladder.
The screen went dark for a second and then showed Japan in front of the ladder, me beside him, and America a little bit behind Japan.
Japan: "This rope ladder…"
"We've got it! I can even see outside! We can finally get out!"
"Thank God… Let's call the others here, quickly!"
England: "Yeah!"
I sped off to go to the others.
Japan: "Well, let's go."
Japan began to walk but stopped by America.
: "Hold on, Japan."
Japan: "….."
America turned around to face Japan.
: "I haven't asked why you brought me along yet."
Japan: "Oh? You've grown sharper."
"I've been "reading the atmosphere" a lot today. Thanks to that, I got what you were saying earlier at once."
"Have you? Then…. I think I'll have a nice talk to you alone."
"Hmm. Just don't make me bored."
The screen went black and showed me in the room that I felt like there was something odd about.
England: "There's something unsettling about this room… Something that feels like it's pulling me…"
I in the game went to the next bookcase and the screen immediately changed to showing me looking behind the bookcase. There was a circle of black with blue around it on the bookcase, and in the background behind me, there was floors up. Even If this mansion is creepy, it has a really nice basement…
England: "Not here, either. Maybe… in the back of the bookshelf?"
: "Oh? There's some kind of seal."
The screen changed back to me in the room with a magic circle around my feet.
England: "Huh? A magic circle with my handwriting? What is it doing here?"
"Well, whatever. Anyway, what is it sealing?"
The screen showed a red circle rotating around me for a second then dissipating upwards.
England: "Ooh! Some of my magic is back!"
England's magic is 30% back.

"This is it! I was worried for a while there, but now I can at least try to fight the Thing if I need to!"
Japan and America came into the room, walking over to me in the game.
England: "Hey, you two! What took you so long?!"
Japan: "Did something happen?"
England: "You could say that! Next time I won't be such a burden!"
"What, you were a burden before? Well, if you say so."
England: "Now I can easily stop that guy. Though only for a few seconds. Well… about two seconds…"Everyone in the room besides Russia began to laugh and I hid my face in my hands, embarrassed, mumbling swear words freely and even throwing in a few curses. It stayed like that for a few minutes until everyone seemed to calm down, although it took the stupid American a while.

England: "Wh-what? If I can replenish it a little more, it can be longer—"
Japan: "
Ah, no—I didn't mean it like that. Er, how can I put this?"
America: "Oh! Isn't that a clock? Look, on the shelf!"
The clock's ticking was heard.
"I see. It certainly is one."
"Hm? This clock is working with my magic. What the hell?"
"Anyway, can you break it now? If I don't go through that even once, I won't know how to deal with it."
England: "You—Then I'll just sit back and laugh at you being all confused and panicking!"
Japan: "Please, don't fight. Besides, we've already found an exit, so I don't think it's necessary to break the clock."
America: "Aww, but I want to get more experience! It's not every day one can do that kind of thing. Can't I try it even once? Pretty please?"
England: "Hmph! I'll break it, then! Just don't come crying to me later!"
There was a yellow beam above my head in the game and afterwards, the screen turned yellow and then went dark. Once the screen lit up, it showed the stone left hallway that was closest to the door to the room we were in. Music played—it was 'This Memory' again.
"Aah, we can finally escape! At long last…"
"… Yeah."
Germany: "You're too slow. I'll just go ahead."
Germany walked down the hallway towards the ladder.
Japan: "I wish the others had come, too… but they really like adventures a lot."
Italy: "…."
The room/hallway shook.
Germany: "Aaargh!"
The screen changed to show Italy on the left side of the screen looking both worried and frightened. His curl was wavy once again.
Italy: ! …
The screen changed again to showing Italy running.
Italy: "Germany!"
The screen changed to showing Japan and Prussia in the hallway/room again as Italy sped off.
Prussia: "What happened? Did you fall over?"
"Let's go."
Both Japan and Prussia ran to where Germany and Italy were.
Once they were there, though, there was cackling noises of a fire and it showed the Thing in front, the ladder burnt/burning. Germany was only a few metres from the Thing while Prussia and Italy were being the hole in the wall and Japan was directly behind Prussia.
Germany: "J-Japan! Run, quickly!"
"Oh, God…. Why…?"

"America and the others!"

Prussia: "What are you standing there for?! Let's go! West, you too! Come on, quickly!"
"Damn it! Just when we'd finally found an exit!"
Italy, Prussia, Japan, and Germany ran away from the Thing. While Germany was running and Prussia and Japan just ran out, he fell.
The screen changed to show Germany lying on the ground, looking back, with the Thing behind him. The walls and floor were literally stones or rocks. I saw in the top right hand corner a magnifying glass and a directional thing to move it around. Is that supposed to be there? I clicked on it and no, it wasn't supposed to.
Germany: "Damn it… Is this it?!"
The screen went dark and after about 10 seconds it said:
Lost Germany.Everyone- including me- looked over at Germany. All of a sudden, Italy hugged Germany, Italy looking on the verge of tears.
….Maybe… maybe he has seen those illusions too? It would explain why he would be acting like this… Although, he is a bit weak… emotionally, that is… And seeing someone as close to him as Germany die in a game might make him like this… though, it really wasn't seeing… So… he must have seen those illusions- or at least something close to them. There's really no other explanation… I'll ask him after this chapter's over…
Germany began protesting against being hugged. Soon, he began to yell at Italy in German and Italy stopped hugging him, sniffling.
"…Italy, may I speak to you in the kitchen after this chapter's over?" I asked. Italy nodded and mumbled "Sì…".
I nodded and said, "Anyways, back to the game."

Japan (from present time):
"… Is this one of the possibilities of what may happen from now on? Am I glimpsing an event that might take place after all?"
Japan (from present time):
"No, I can't just worry about it; I have to do something. Maybe if I let Prussia know what happened—"
The screen went back to showing Japan and Prussia just running out the door while Germany was on the ground with the Thing behind him.
"Prussia! Wait! Germany tripped over a rock!"
The Thing moved closer to Germany.
"Just go! Don't come back!"
The Thing moved closer to Germany again.
"Shit! My foot got caught in a vine—"
Prussia ran over to behind Germany.
"What the hell?! Why can't things every go right for us?!"
Another step the Thing took towards Germany and now Prussia.
"Just when we were finally going to get out!"
"Prussia! Stop it! Just run!"
Another step.
"Everyone else died! We're the only ones who are still alive! You three go back! It's just too much!"
Prussia attacked the Thing multiple times, but it didn't seem to work because…
Lost Prussia.

This time, everyone looked at Prussia. He seemed to like the attention, actually, even though it wasn't the best thing to get attention from.
Italy got up at went over to hug Prussia, who was beside Germany on the same couch Italy was on. Italy now began to cry loudly.
"Aww, Ita, it's okay, it's just a game, I won't die. Plus, I'm too awesome to die! Isn't that right, West?" Prussia said reassuringly, patting Italy's back.
"….Ja, whatever…" Germany said.
"Kesese! You sound just like yourself when you went through your rebel phase!" Prussia said, smiling. Italy seemed to cheer up a bit from the small laugh that escaped him.
"I did not go through a rebel phase!" Germany protested and Prussia just laughed.
"…Alright, Ita, you should go and sit back in your spot, otherwise half-brother might yell at you."
"I won't yell at him!" I said and everyone looked at me surprised that I was the half-brother Prussia was talking about.
"…Uh… Germania's my and Prussia's father…." I simply said. [[A/N: I like this headcanon, okay? XD If you don't; it's fine, it's not important to the story anyways.]]
No one seemed to believe me- even Italy was staring at me now while Germany and Prussia were just looking at TV.
"Can we get on with the game?" Germany asked, sounding annoyed of the long break. This- thankfully- made everyone stop staring at me and look at the TV again.

Japan (from present time): "
If I call him to a halt, the others will lose their lives, too…"
Japan (from present time):
"Whether we are countries or people has no relevance in this place. I can't forget that."
Japan (from present time): "I—I feel so helpless!"
Japan (from present time):
"If I… If I did something before—"
Japan (from present time):
"I can't let Germany fall over in the first place."
Japan (from present time):
"I have to do something before that can happen. If I do that, I'm sure it'll be all right."
Japan (from present time, thinking):
Here! If I do something right here-
Japan in the "memory" ran up to the Thing and attacked it.
Japan (from present time, thinking):
! This is the best case scenario so far!
The Thing attacked Japan in the "memory"."Yeah, that's just the best scenario there can ever be." America said sarcastically.
"I said that before it attacked me, America-san!" Japan protested. I just laughed.

Japan (from present time, thinking):
It's no good… Besides, the more memories I get, the stronger the enemy becomes…. Any more of this-
"I knew it…

Japan…. Germany… Prussia. I'm sorry. Looks like we couldn't make it again…
It's got stronger than in the beginning… I can't do this alone…"

Again?... Previous… Maybe those illusions I was seeing were previous… "time loops" as the title screen said. Maybe my mind's connected to the game?,

I snorted at this thought, although it was the only thing I could think of.

"Come on! Just run—"
"I'm sorry. I made a mistake yet again…"
"You idiot!"
The Thing ran to attack Italy, but Germany jumped in front of it.
Prussia: "West! Ita—"
Lost Italy and Germany.


See, just the best scenario." America said yet again, sarcastically.
"Once again, I said that before it attacked Italy-san and Germany-san!" Japan said as angrily as he could… I think.

Japan (from present time):

Japan (from present time):
"I would still lose my friends in this case…"
Japan (from present time):
"What can I do…? We might as well not come here at all. But if we do that, I'm sure you are going to show me yet another future, isn't that right?"
Japan (from present time):
"You'll only tell me about the worst ends in which no matter what choice I make, I'll end up losing someone!"
Japan (from present time):
"What can I do? What's the best thing I can do?"
The screen changed back to me, America, and Japan in the room. The music faded quickly.
"Are you all right?"
Japan: "… Yes."
America: "That wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. Um, so, which one is real, again?"
"… Try to sort it out while we go back. If you still can't figure it out, ask Germany. He isn't being affected for some reason.
By the way, England, you look unfocused. How many fingers am I holding up?"
I immediately began laughing once America finished saying the line, "That has to be the most idiotic thing you've said in this game! What? Have I gone blind?" I laughed again. America just looked down, completely embarrassed.

"Huh? Two fingers, obviously. We don't have time for this nonsense."
Japan (thinking):
The possibilities are too many. It's too much for me to deal with… I feel like my head is going to explode.
What can I do now? I can't do this alone...

The screen went black and showed Japan outside of the room, the noise of a closing door immediately following.
I used the directional keys and made Japan go back into the room with the cell. Once in there, all of the countries were looking in Japan's direction while Japan faced Italy.
"Oh, you found an exit?"
England: "Yeah! We can finally escape! Come on, let's get out of here."
"Shouldn't we hurry?"
"We already have an exit secured! I want to explore a little! All I've seen was the basement; I want to go upstairs, too!"
"Germany, you go ahead with the others. When America is like this, nothing can stop him."
"Well, we have to make sure that that rope isn't rotten. We'll go ahead and see if there isn't any problem."
"I'm splitting up for a while! I found some Chinese medicine that I wanted; I'll go get it!"
"Japan! Stay back; I want to have a word with you. The others can wait in the other room."
"? Very well."
The screen went dark and showed Prussia and Japan. Music began to play but I didn't notice it until the second time Prussia spoke.
Prussia: "So, what's eating you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I haven't been through it yet, but… you see things, don't you? When we break the clocks. C'mon, spit it out."
"I'm sorry. I was trying not to show it."
"You can tell me the details later. Just tell me the most important things now."
I'm… not sure what it means, but…
From now on… if I make a choice, I'll lose someone, and if I follow a different path to save them, I'll lose someone else..."

"I tried several options, but it was no use… The more I tried, the stronger the Thing became. I can't do this alone any more—"
"You can't defeat it on your own? Then how did you do it until now?"
"When it was necessary to fight… I defeated it with Italy and Germany… and with you. I also fought alongside Russia and China—"
"Huh! Why did you stop there?!"
"I-I'm sorry."
"You tried several options, right? But did you talk to anyone about it before you tried them? Do you really think you can come up with a solution all on your own when this fight involves so many people?"
"You should have said something before! But I'm glad you told me! Kesesese! Now no one will have to die!"
Prussia turned around.
"What? Wait a m—Prussia!"
"What? I'm sleepy! I spent all night keeping watch. C'mon, let's go!"
Japan: "Listen! If—If we go to that place, Germany will—Ah, I mean, you would be risking your own life, too… and even Italy—"
: "State your opinion precisely and concisely. You think too much. That's why you're forgetting something simple!"
"….Something simple."
"First you remember one thing! When you're that worried about stuff, you should tell people. You have to let us work together and give yourself some breathing space.
I'll give you points if you remember one more thing."

Prussia walked out of the room.
"Since I've glimpsed so many possibilities… I'm sure the Thing has got stronger."
"With an enemy that grows progressively stronger… What can I possibly do…?"
After about a minute or so, I figured out that I could, in fact, move. I went to the stone hallway (I'm going to call it that now).
The music began again as soon as Japan walked into the stone hallway.
"Aah, we can finally escape! At long last…"
"… Yeah."
"You're too slow. I'll just go ahead."
"Oh! Germa—"
Germany began to walk to the second section of the hallway.
Japan (thinking):
There's no time left. I can't call out to him, nor can I physically stop him. I'm sure our enemy is stronger, too.
Wait a minute. Our enemy is definitely stronger. Whenever I glimpsed a memory, its strength and speed had increased greatly.
But it wasn't… just the enemy…

Germany: "
The screen changed and showed Italy once again on the left side of the screen, looking worried and frightened with his curl wavy.
! . . .
The screen changed again and showed Italy running to Germany.
The screen changed once again and showed Italy running down the hallway while Japan and Prussia stood there.
"What happened? Did you fall over?"
"Let's go."
Prussia ran down the hallway.

"I feel as though I'm having déjà vu~" France said. "Although, sometimes it's not too bad to have déjà vu… Like when I—"
"No one gives a shit, frog." I interrupted.

Japan (thinking):
Maybe what Prussia was trying to say is that—

Germany's Torture level went up.
Italy learnt a new skill.
Prussia learnt a new skill.
Japan learnt a new skill.

Once I could move Japan, I made him run down the hallway, saving first.
The creepy-arse music began as I went into the second section of the hallway and everything was the same as when Japan had the memory, except Japan was at the end of the second section of the hallway.
"…..There it is."
"J-Japan! Run, quickly!"
Italy jumped.
Italy: "
Let's go, quickly! I'm worried about the others!"

Because in the other "memory" it said that the others died… Maybe Italy had the same memory as Japan earlier in the piano room when they broke the clock together…

, I thought. Prussia: "Hahah! I see now. This is what he meant…"
Germany: "Come on! Just run—"
Italy: "All together! That's it! If we run, we can still make it!"
Japan (thinking):
Our enemy may be tough, but I'm still faster. I can't do this alone. However…
Everyone began to run to the first section of the hallway.
Japan (thinking):
Italy, Prussia, and Japan were just about to go out the door as Germany trip and fell, the Thing behind him.
"Prussia! Wait! Germany tripped over a rock!"
Prussia turned around.
"Shit! Not in this place—
Go! I can't get this vine off!"

All I heard was America's laughter when Germany finished saying the first line. I looked over at him, confused.
"I-It's like Germany said that he h-had to take a shit a-and then he realised that he sh-shouldn't in that place!" America explained, trying not to laugh. I just shook my head and turned my attention back to the game.

"….Hh! Germany!"
Prussia ran to Germany, stopping just at the turn.
"Japan! Have you got your answer yet?!"
Japan turned around.
Prussia jumped behind Germany, attacking the Thing. The screen changed and showed Germany lying on the ground, Prussia about to attack the Thing while it just stood there.

"…It reminds me of titan from Attack on Titan…" Japan commented. "Well…Except that it's purple, of course…."
I looked at the Thing and said, "Goddammit! It has more muscles than me!"America really seemed to like that and began to laugh. I elbowed him in the ribs to make him shut up, which didn't work.


"Prussia! Why?!"
"Hey, West! Is this really the time to wipe the floor?!"
Italy ran over to Germany, stopping at the wall at the turn of the hallway.
"…I'm sorry. Are you okay, Germany?"
Germany: "Italy…"
Japan (thinking):
Ahh, I see. My mistake was to try to solve everything on my own. And the reason why we kept being defeated was my narrow-mindedness. I didn't observe anyone but the enemy.
Japan walked over to the now-standing-up Germany.
"This is my answer! The enemy is stronger, but so are we. If we all join forces, we can defeat it!"
"Heh. Well done!"
Music began to play. Cyber prisoner….
"You idiots! Why did you come back?!"
Prussia: "You want to know why I came back?
I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't help my little brother!"

The Thing ran up to Prussia and the music began again although it wasn't finished. A battle began.
? emerged!"Damn, that Thing can capitalise when not needed and not capitalize when needed…." I was the first to attack with the skill "If you want to die, step forward!" which caused 1217 damage.
Next, Germany attacked with the skill Torture Lv. 30 which caused 1536 damaged.
After that, Japan simply attacked it because he didn't have enough… MP? to attack with a skill, and caused 358 damage.
Afterwards, Italy attacked since his skills are mainly healing and everyone was all healed, but he caused 148 damage.
Next was Prussia and he attacked with the skill "If you want to die, step forward!" again, causing 1110 damage.
Japan was next and he caused 311 damage with his attack.
Alright, now I'm going to stop narrating the attacks so I can kill this damn Thing.
First to die on my team, though, was…. Italy. He has the same health as me, so… if I was in the battle, I would also die quickly, it seems.
I didn't have anything to bring Italy back to life, so... he was dead the rest of the battle.Dammit, I should've been paying attention to the health!It took about 5 minutes to fully kill the Thing.
Japan's Party was victorious! 2 EXP were received! 100HETA were obtained!
Onigiri was found! Hot pepper was found!
Does the hot pepper revive teammates…?,I thought.I guess I'll find out soon… In the game, the Thing recoiled.
Japan (thinking):
Yes! It recoiled a little!
"Let's just get out of here! We can't physically defeat it!"
"Italy? You look pale. Are you all right?"
"Eheheh. I'm fine. C'mon, let's go back."
Japan (thinking):
Thank God! I can't feel completely relieved, but this is still something!
The screen went dark for a second and once it lit up, it showed Japan in the room where I got 30% of my magic back. The music didn't fade yet, and I/Japan in the game ran to the cell room. On the way there, though, there was a Russia in the hallway behind the first cell door. I quickly ran over to speak to him.
"Oh, you're back. What's the matter?"
Japan: "We can't use that exit! It's been burnt out! We have to run now!"
"I see. Good thing you found me. Let's hurry. The others should be back soon now."
Russia "became one" with Japan. In other words, he joined the formation or party.
I looked in the hallway to see if there was anyone else there and there was a France by the door.
France: "Oh, so we can't use it anymore? Too bad. Let's just get away now."
France joined the formation/party.
I went to the room that was behind where France was and found a China by the door that leads in.
Japan: "It won't open. Let's find some other door!"
"Really?! Let's hurry!"
China joined the formation/party.
I went through the door China was by and found Canada just at the turn of the hallway.
"I-I see. That's too bad. Anyway, let's hurry. America and England are in that room over there."
Canada joined the formation/party.
I went up the hallway to go into the room where…. One of Japan's "memories" was—the one with Italy getting taken by the Thing.
"You can't be serious! Just when we thought we were finally going to get out…"
"Lock the door!"
Japan locked the door behind him.
America: "Wow. So, now we're all assembled in this tiny room."
Japan walked to the middle of the room.
Japan (thinking):
Thank God… thank God! Oh, dear… For a moment there, I really feared we weren't going to make it.
"Damn it! Even though we're all together here, our situation hasn't got any better! Now we're locked up in here and that fucking monster is after our asses!"
Music began to play. I couldn't remember it… but it did sound like it was being played by… maybe a guitar?I looked over and saw America dramatically acting like he was playing the guitar and I snorted then laughed.
"Shut up, this is an emotional part, I think!" China didn't stop acting like he was playing the guitar so I didn't shut up.
"SHUT UP!" Germany yelled. This time, both America and I stopped.


"West, don't be so pessimistic. What matters is that we're alive. Besides, with so many nations gone, maybe someone will come to rescue us."
Japan (thinking):
…. How odd. I… I feel as though I'm forgetting something important…
Both China and Canada moved up a little.
"Besides, we still need to connect the outside world. We have to keep breaking the clocks."
Russia: "Yeah, that's the best short-cut. Except we'll need our strength somehow…
You'll probably agree with me, but… we're quite tired. Not from fighting the enemy, but running away all the time."

"Maybe escaping really is impossible…
And now… we're probably going to get eaten one by one. That's what I would do, if I were the Thing!"

Japan (thinking):
That's right. Germany said that and Prussia got mad at him… and then what?
"That's enough, West! We only lost one way out! There are still many other ways!"
Japan (thinking):
What is it? What am I forgetting? Remember, remember! If I don't—
I'm sorry. And thank you… for what you did earlier. This time, I intend to make it up to you for saving me. I'm sorry I was a burden."

"Hey, wait, if Germany thinks he's a burden and so does England… Does that make them the burden duo." America asked.
"NO!" Both Germany and I yelled at America.

Japan (thinking): Regret again—
Italy: "Germany. But, Germany, it's okay—"
Germany: "No.
If I can't protect my allies when I have the chance, then my training was pointless. At the very least, I shouldn't be such a burden to you.
I'm sorry to you, too. You've been fighting well, without running away. I really appreciate it."
Italy: "What? …Oh, um. Thanks…
But you know, I think we can definitely get out now. You see, this is the first time that—"
He must have heard something, or the Thing, from how he acted when he next spoke.
"…? What's wrong, Italy?"
"Please… Please, if you get out, just keep running. No matter what, don't look back, don't forget about me, don't blame me, don't cry, and time—"
Canada: "Er… you're shaking…"
Japan (thinking):
After that line…

"! Italy!"
The Thing walked in.
The screen changed and it showed Italy with tears running down his face with his curl wavy, the Thing behind him. From where the Thing was situated, and where it's smiling mouth was, it made it look like Italy had pink devils ears once again.
"… It was scary, but… but…
It was fun."



The chapter title screen showed a white clock in the middle, it glowing, surrounded by darkness. There were two hands around it: Mine on my top and Italy's on the bottom.


Alright, so another chapter finished…" I said, yawning and stretching. Dammit, I was slouching!
I looked over at Italy, who stood up. I stood up too and walked to the kitchen, Italy following.
"…So, Italy… You've been… acting… strange…" I said.
"Have I?" He asked.
"Yes, you have. Now, I need to ask you something… Well, you acted as if you've actually saw Germany and Prussia die…" Italy seemed to tense up at this. "...I was wondering: have you been… you know… seeing illusions or something similar to how the memories are in the game when they broke a clock?"
Italy hesitated, but said, "No, I haven't. That's stupid; it's just a game."
I nodded, "I see… Sorry for asking, then…"
Italy nodded, but stayed, "Have you?"
"….No, no, of course not." I said, hesitating at first. Italy seemed to pick up on the hesitation from what he next said.
"I can't be sure if you have, but if you have been seeing "illusions", just forget them! They're all fake and there's nothing else to them!" Italy said, sounding suspiciously like how he did in the game.
I nodded, "Well, I haven't, but if I do in the future, I'll… keep that in mind."
Italy walked out of the room after I said that.
So… He hasn't… Or maybe he has and he just doesn't want to admit it? I can't know for certain… Although, what I do know is that he acts almost exactly like how he does in the game, which is kind of odd… but I guess that it means that the game creators had a good idea of what we were like? I don't know…
I went back into the living room, a thousand questions in my head, and sat in my spot in between Japan and America, going on with the game, although I got a few questioning looks from America, China, Prussia, and Germany. Italy must have said something to them or was acting odd when he came in… I bet they think that it's my fault.
"Er, back to the game! America, you speak first so…" I said. America nodded and began to say his next line, the screen now changed back to when Japan and America were in the stone hallway by the ladder.
"So, what did you want to tell me, Japan?"

A/N: Another chapter finished! Although I hate it when the chapter's dialogue continues… - Also, sorry it took a while to upload, I finished it a few days ago but yesterday I was so fucking pissed off/upset at someone (not on here; it was on my roleplay page on failbook) I couldn't focus enough to finish this.
Anyways… I do hope this is good and I really, really appreciated and loved the reviews~ Although…. The two people who usually review haven't been reviewing in a while…*sighs* Oh well. I still appreciate it! I really, really want to get done with the next chapter… Oh, it's only eight! Ha… I thought I was on chapter 9…. ^-^' Whoopsies! Now I really have to think of when to put this one thing… Raawwwrr, I'm debating on whether right before chapter 10 or right after… Oh well, it will be around chapter 10.
One more thing: I'm thinking of putting the Random Chases on again~ What do you think~? Would you like to see England freaking out and maybe other nations freaking out~? Please, tell me! (I know, reoccurring themes and all but seriously!)
Annnyways, reviews are appreciated and the next chapter will be put up in a few days~! Until then, arrivederci~! (Sorry for the long author notes, by the way-)