Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I have a really good reason. You'll now later...

Thank you to JelsaShipper, Celindia, Lovesinging232, Judy Snape, Crashnph and Four Katniss for following :)

Thank you to JelsaShipper, Celindia, Lovesinging232 and Four Katniss for the favorites :)

Thank you to tjelsa, Bookworm780, OniHelix, JelsaShipper, bookworm780 (again :) ) and Celindia for your wonderful reviews :D

I'm now up to 42 followers, 27 favorites, 66 reviews and 45 000 words! Wow! Thank you soo much for everything!

Now... Enjoy...

*crying silently...

Chapter 37: Jack's POV

"What is it North?" Jack asks as he steps into his office. Santa is sitting at his table, making a small doll. It's incredibly carefully made. Jack watches him for a while, until North lays the doll down and turns towards him.

"So Jack, tell me, how is it going with Elsa?"

Jack blushes a little. Is he serious? Thinking about North as some kind of love expert is quite awkward.

"Um, fine I guess" he answers quietly. North notices that everything isn't right.

"Jack... She still hasn't got her memories back?"

"How could she, when her teeth are gone?" Jack exclaims, helplessly stretching his arms out. "Why, why had just Elsa's teeth have to be gone. Why hers?"

"I don't know Jack, I don't know" North sighs. "Maybe Manny is planning something..."

"Well, then I certainly hope that he knows what he's doing..." Jack says. He sits down at the big windowsill. Frost is created on the glass, forming beautiful figures. Then he realizes that they form Elsa. Jack looks away. "What does he want from me?" he asks no one special.

"Jack..." North says slowly, rising from his work desk. He approaches Jack and puts a huge hand on his shoulder. Jack looks up at him, trying hard not to cry. Why does everything have to be so hard? What do Manny want?

"Man in Moon is not human. He thinks differently than we do, and maybe he has a bigger plan. Maybe, you just don't understand it yet."

Jack looks down. What could that plan possibly be?

North sighs again and takes his hand of Jack's shoulder.

"Maybe you should go to Elsa. I still think the old Elsa, the one who loves you, is down there. You just have to dig her up."

Jack nods, looking down at the floor. He rises from the sill, and then opens the window.

"I'll be right back" he whispers and then jumps out.

The Moon shines brightly at Jack, as he walks on the snow. He's quite far away from Santa's workshop, it's almost out of sight.

"Why?" he whispers to the Moon. "Why can't you just give Elsa her memories? Did I do something wrong?"

As usual, Manny doesn't answer. He only shines brighter. Jack looks back at the workshop, and then he jumps up in the air.

A while later, he lands on a lake. It freezes under his bare feet.

He's on the lake where he woke up, 300 years ago. Then, he knew nothing of what his life would turn into. That he would meet Elsa, and loose her. That he would be a guardian.

That Elsa would return to him. After 200 years...

She is so close, yet out of reach. Like the Moon is teasing him. Holding a candy over his head, and though how high he jumps, he can't reach it.

Jack sits down at the lake. He closes his eyes and just relaxes.

Memories flows through his mind, happy memories.

The day he met Elsa for the first time, and realized that she could see him.

The day they kissed for the first time.

The day he saw her again, though she couldn't remember him.

What is he going to do? If Elsa will never love him again, will he continue as her friend? Can he stand being so close, yet not being able to touch her, to feel her?

North said that Manny had some kind of plan, but Jack isn't sure he believes him. Manny hasn't done anything but cause trouble...

But then again, he brought Elsa back to him... Jack has the chance to be happy again, though he can't have Elsa that way. She will still be there, laughing with him, having snowball fights with him, smiling at him... He should be happy, most don't get that other chance...

Jack gets up from the frozen lake. He has to return to Elsa, maybe take her to Burgess again. Though, it is quite late, maybe he should wait until the next day...

He looks around one last time, at the place where he became Jack Frost, until he jumps up in the air and lets the wind take him back to Elsa.

When he lands outside the workshop, everything is quiet. Bunny is probably at his own home, same with Tooth. Sandy is giving dreams around the world, and North is making toys. But where is Elsa?

He stands in the moonlight for a second, pondering about random stuff. But it doesn't take long before his mind wanders to Elsa. Damn! He can't even stop thinking about her for five minutes.

Okay, let's try this...

Pillows, nice and cozy pillows, nice to sleep on... with Elsa by his side... Fine!

Jamie, that is one cute kid, especially when he saw Elsa for the first time. Dammit!

North's beard...Yeah, that was good... Long beard, and white, white as Elsa's snow... Oh dear lord!

It just isn't possible, he just has to go to her, maybe just give her a hug, hopefully she won't mind...

He is just about to fly to her window, when he hears a scream.

"Jack!" It's Elsa. He turns around and sees her, running towards him. She has a huge smile on her face. He smiles too and flies to her. Maybe she wants to play? When he lands in front of her, something peculiar, but amazing, happens. Elsa throws herself in his arms and presses her soft lips against his. It's exactly as their first kiss. Without hesitation, Jack throws his staff on the ground and wraps his arms tightly around Elsa, kissing her back with passion. It starts to snow around them, but Jack doesn't know if it's Elsa or he doing it, and he doesn't care. She has her hands in his hair and he can't think about anything else but their bodies close to each other and her soft, cold lips on his.

When they finally pull away, Jack can't almost believe what just happened.

"Jack, I remember!" Elsa gasps. Then she kisses him again, even more passionately, and he hugs her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

"How?" he asks when they pull apart again.

"I found my book, the book I gave my dad, the one where I wrote about you!"

Jack is stunned. She had found the book? But he doesn't care, the only thing that matters is that he loves her, and she loves him back.

He grabs her by the waist and with snow swirling around them, he spins her in the air. She laughs, and he laughs with her. Finally!

When he puts her down, she hold her arms on his neck. He kisses her gently on her nose, and she buries her face in his chest.

He looks up at the moon. Thank you. It seems as if Manny smiles at him. Jack looks down at the beautiful creature that holds him tight.

Her blond hair shines in the moonlight and her eyes sparkle when she looks up at him. Jack can't believe that this is really happening, that after such a long time of loneliness, of grief, it now ends. Elsa is is, as he is hers.

"I love you" Jack whispers. He has waited for so long to say those words. For 200 years!

"I love you more" Elsa replies, kissing him once more.

"I love you most" Jack ends their little habit. "And I will never, ever let you go!"

They kiss again, snow swirling around them, and over their heads, the brightly shining Moon.

And the two winter spirits are reunited!





I did it... I actually finished the story. Yes, dear readers, this is really the end. I thought about writing more, but then I just thought that this is just perfect, exactly as it is. I hope you don't mind, and that you liked the ending. But still I feel sad... I have been writing on this for almost a month... And now it's finished...

Yes! *throwing my hands up in the air, but then letting them fall down, tears streaming down my face

Now I just wanna thank everyone that have been with me this whole time, and of course, also, the ones who came up during the progress :) Thank you sooooo much for your support, I couldn't have done it without you guys! Thank you!

If you liked this story, check out the new one I will start writing soon, "Who's that girl?" It's Jelsa in high school, without powers :) I'll try to start on it this week, but I'm going to Sweden this weekend, so I might not have the time... But check it out sometime next week, and I'm sure that it will be there. :)

Thank you again, it has been a pleasure to read your reviews and write this story. Check out my new work and ship Jelsa!

With dearest regards, JelsaLover

PS: Here's what "Who's that girl?" is about:

It's the first day at a new school. Two orphans, Elsa and her sister Anna, have just moved in with their stepfather Kai. Everything is new, scary, but exiting. While Anna's her normal cheerful self, and gets a lot of new friends, Elsa's a lot shyer, and tries to hide herself from everyone. She thinks she succeeds. But she is noticed. By a young pale boy. Jackson Overland... Jelsa Fluff :)

PPS: If there's anything you think I should add to the story, leave a review, and I might :)

PPPS: I just wanna say again, I LOVE YOU GUYS!