Just some facts you might want to know before you start to read further posts:

This is going to be a set of one shots, snippets or drabbles that go along with my Challenges that I have set up on my Bio. These are just some scenes I saw in my head when I was coming up with them. If you decide to take the challenge up, please feel free to use the small part I have written, just be kind enough to give me credit for it when you get to it.

Each post will have the pairing of either Harry/Male or Fem!Harry/Male so yes, both Het and Slash will be posted. I will give warning on which one I'm using so no worries there.

Due to many medical reasons, my posts will be slow, may contain mistakes but hopefully my meager writing skills haven't suffered too much.

This is actually therapy for me - and yes, I mean that in the medical way. Typing and the mental challenge of actually using my fingers and brain to hopefully help some of the damage I have. So please, don't beg for quicker posts.

Before each 'story' I will post the challenge first so you have an idea on what its about. Some of them are posted in my bio already, others are scattered in notebooks around my desk.

If any of these challenges are taken up by other writers I will repost the chapter with the title name/author of the corrisponding story so others will see and hopefully go read/review.

I think that's it so enjoy the upcoming posts!

Serpent in the Shadows