Mind Games by chachingmel123

Rewrite: 11/08/2015

I do not own Skip Beat or characters just plot and future OC characters ( original character for those of you who don't know what it means)

Chapter 1- Ren's worst Nightmare!

"It was so nice of Boss to gave us time off work." Ren turned to Kyoko with his gentlemen smile as they loaded their luggage onto the cab.

"Y-Y-Yes It sure was" she stuttered back in a tone that did not imply confidence, avoiding making eye contact with Ren in fear of facing the terror that was Tsuruga Ren while unknowingly shaking.

Ren noticed her shaking and realised how much he lost his temper, instantly overcome with guilt, he sighed. "It's not your fault Kyoko" glanced over his shoulder to see her relax a bit, encouraging him to go on.

"Let's just enjoy the holiday, " He said putting on a sparkling smile that unsettle her.

When both of their eyes meet, they were consumed by embarrassment and were forced to look the other way.

Don't get the wrong idea.

They both were looking forward to their "special time" together even though they wouldn't admit it to each other ...but...did they...had to...go...as...



#presidents office#

Ren and Kyoko both sat in Lory's office after being called by him.

Lory was dressed in a octopus themed custom that was coloured very bright blue that was so bright that they were momentarily blinded as they both wondered the same question...WHY!?

"The reason why I called you here, today. Is because I thought you've been working hard lately and you need a vacation." Lory said, putting on a business face while secretly pleased with himself for being very eye-catching today as well.

This prompted the look of confusion.

"Yes, you heard me" he repeated what he said for the second time so that it could properly sink in.

The first to snap out of the confused state was Ren. "but my schedule is full" he protested.

"Not anymore," Lory said in a sing-song voice. "I had your manager clear your schedule for the whole month" making Ren close and open his mouth like a goldfish.

Lory then advanced to Kyoko and said "you don't want to be unprofessional now do we...Kyoko?" attacking the right points making Kyoko thought's flock her mind of being in top form for her job and * blush* being together with Ren on the beach.

Next to her, Ren was having a battle within himself.

The fantasies were coming back.

Kyoko glowing skin in the sunlight. Her tender lips. Her beautiful eyes. Kuon was screaming " Take the offer and claim what you deserve! Tonight she will be mine!. The Ren part of him was worried he'll scare her away and never see her again.

Lory glanced over to Ren with a ' fan girl' smile just wondering what was going on in his head.

"We'll do it!" snapping Ren out of his thoughts,shocked to see Kyoko so passionate about accepting this vacation. It truly was a sight to behold-

"so you're both going on vacation," Lory said, cutting Ren's line of thought before he went too deeply into it. Ren was secretly thanking Lory inside.

Lory just smiled all knowingly.

"Yes, you can go on a Vacation..." Ren narrowed his eyes at the pause.




As expected of the president.

(End of flashback)

And that explains the mess there were in, now.

Two highly dangerous people.

One very unlucky driver.

The unlucky person who was driving the heel siblings for the day got the fright of their lives when he saw who his passengers were.

They didn't speak just glared or stared at the back of his head.

He was almost in tears when he was blessed with them leaving his cab.

The heels siblings made their way to the resort, hearing the sound of people laughing, chatting and whispering.

They walked in

The room was silent.

A mysterious era engulfed the two standing there, sending out unfriendly vibes that murdered the mood and atmosphere, leaving intense anticipation leaving everyone to become as white as a ghost.

Cain and Sestu didn't bat an eyelash, already used to it.

Cain wore black leather trousers with skull straps attached to them, covered over by his heavy black boots with spikes at the bottom. He also wore an open leather jacket, showing off his very impressive six-pack, of course, this caught the eye of many women as they walked to the counter desk. Sestu sixth sense activated and stared them down anyone who so much as look at her Nii-san in funny making them flinch under her mighty gaze.

Cain on the other hand, wore an uncaring expression but on the inside he was struggling to prevent Kuon from resurfacing to fulfil his desires which were lit because of the sexy outfit his object of desire wore.

Sestu wore a leather crop top, compliments of Jelly. It showed off her stomach and clung to her chest shaping it. Very tightly did her black shorts hugged her butt, fingerless gloves and black combat boots making her every man's dream and he couldn't even look!

She earned the attention of all the males, Cain was there to make sure the males did not overstep their boundaries. He ruled with an iron fist and they know it.

"here is your room key, sir". The poor counter lady trembled in fear at the large man before her, not wanting to look him in the eye, she looked at another part of his body making Sestu stare her down with a look that seems to say ' look at him any further and I will hurt you' .

Poor counter lady eyes grow wide, having no choice but to turn around and talk to thin air.

Cain took the key and motioned for Sestu to follow when they left the room, the tension left with them. Everyone started to slowly relax and return back to normal however they all had one question on their mind...

Who were they!?

# With Cain and Sestu#

Their room was very exotic and tropical.

It had fake palm trees to brighten the mood, two beds in the centre of the room which were Hawaii themed, mini drink bar in the corner.

Kyoko was impressed.

Sestu just looked around bored and very uninterested. Cain walked through the room without even sparing a glance already heading to the balcony to smoke, he just lit his lighter when a hand pulled the cigarette out of his hand before he could light it.

"No smoking means you won't be smelling of smoke throughout the whole Vacation, nii-san" she cooed, gaining his attention.

Cain growled, obviously not happy with being depraved of the few pleasures in his life.

"Don't give me that. Change and meet me down at the beach" with that she walked downstairs towards the beach while Cain watching her.

He know he had to do what he was told to do even though he didn't want to.

In no time flat he was on the beach in a biker beach swimming trunks looking for Sestu.

He scanned the beach causing people to cower under his gaze until he found her.

In a very skimpy bikini suit that outlined her figure and left little to the imagination. she looked so beautiful as he stood there, he stared at her for a while.

The images were back.

He shook his head to relieve himself of them and clear his head. He noticed that she was surrounded by two young males that look familiar...

He started walking towards her to get a better look at them and scare them away. However only inches away did he stopped, his eyes widen in realisation, as it hit him with powerful force.

His blood boiled.

Why are Reino and Sho, here!?

I will re-write all my chapters, I promise. now onto the next chapter tell me what you think of the 'rewritten' version of this chapter, is it more organised?