An Ooman Ambassador

Chapter 9: Time of Change

A/N: Hey there kits! Another chapter submitted! Woohoo! And for those who also happen to read Hades and Rayne, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it. Just got quite a bit of writer's block. Hopefully I can get over it if all the Transformers fanfics would leave me alone! Gah! Plus I'm thinking about rewriting the whole thing over again. Anyways read, review, enjoy! Much love! A tiny bit of cussing in this chapter btw. You have your warning.


Lisa hissed softly in pain but bore it, wanting to be able to carry and have Tjau'ke Thwei's pups so she would do her best to handle her pain in silence.

Once injected again, Lisa waited for the pain to fade and headed back to her quarters that she shared with Tjau'ke Thwei only to see him inside sitting at a large desk that had apparently appeared out of the wall.

Tjau'ke Thwei purred as small arms wrapped around his shoulders and he leaned back against her, turning his syra'yte (head) to the side as he brushed it against her own.

Tjau'ke Thwei immediately caught the wince of pain that L'sa tried to hide and turned in his large chair, quickly looking her over before his thumb brushed over the large bump over the injection site.

Lisa groaned softly in pain before Tjau'ke Thwei immediately pulled her into his lap and cradled her there as he checked over the bump to find that it was only a slight reaction to the injection area.

Lisa curled up tighter in Tjau'ke Thwei's arms as her very bones began to ache and almost feel as if they were beginning to break but she grit her teeth and kept silent.

Eventually the pain grew to test even Lisa's tight control causing her to weakly sit up as Tjau'ke Thwei began to purr, sensing something amiss.


In an instant the tall, dark green wei-ghe'h Aseigan (female slave) walked out of the Aseigan (slaves) quarters further in the back of the room and moved to Lisa's side.

Lisa placed her hands on Gkin-te'mar's before Gkin-te'mar gently began to lead her to the baths, hoping that the warm water would soothe her.

Tjau'ke Thwei was glad that his mate's Aseigan (slaves) were quick to obey orders but it did not calm his need to see if she was alright.

Gkin-te'mar carefully held L'sa's much smaller ooman (human) body against her chest as Tarutaska held her legs to keep her afloat, both feeling the tenseness of their N'yaka-de's (Master's) muscles.

Lisa groaned as she unconsciously jerked in the ju'dha (water) before Da'dtou-di, the oldest and scarred wei-ghe'h (female) began to firmly massage her muscles even as she hissed in pain.

Gkin-te'mar wrapped her arms fully around L'sa, holding her torso to her own, uncaring that her bust was pressed firmly against L'sa's shoulders for their N'yaka-de (Master) wasn't complaining.

Tjau'ke Thwei walked into the bathroom, noting his bare mate as she was tended to by her Aseigan (slaves) but she still looked to be in pain as he kneeled beside the large tub.


"I'll be okay."

Tjau'ke Thwei carefully reached forwards and gently ran his talons through L'sa's hair as she smiled at him and with a nod he stood and headed back to his desk.

"I do not think that you convinced him N'yaka-de (Master)."

"Doesn't matter. Ugh…"

Lisa's body jerked again as her bones continued to feel as if they were breaking despite H'chak and Da'dtou-di's best efforts.

Being the bravest of them Gkin-te'mar lowered her syra'yte (head) and placed it against the back of L'sa's before she began to purr.

Almost immediately the other three Aseigan (slaves) began to purr as well and after nearly ten minutes Lisa's body slowly began to relax enough that her Aseigan (slaves) were able to get her out of the tub and dry her off.

Once the Aseigan (slaves) had dried themselves as well they dressed L'sa and themselves before they helped her to the bed where she curled up inside as they covered her with the furs.

Yeyinde carefully curled his massive body inside of the bed as well, easing Lisa's pain as best he could with his sheer body heat causing Lisa to finally be able to slip into sleep.

Tjau'ke Thwei found himself checking on Lisa every hour and eventually gave up with a sigh and stood before he carefully maneuvered himself down into the bed as well.

Yeyinde vaguely opened one large dekna (eye) and maneuvered as well to allow Tjau'ke Thwei to rest beside his mate before he slid back into sleep as Tjau'ke Thwei quickly followed.

Lisa awoke with a soft groan and blearily opened her eyes only to blink rapidly as she began to see both in infrared and as she normally did before she sat up.

Lisa's eyes widened at the sight of black talons at the ends of her fingers before her hair slid forwards, being the thick dreads of a Yautja.


Yeyinde awoke in an instant and his large dekna (eye) looked over at Lisa before it widened slightly as he arched his neck to look down at her seeing as she now looked like a half Yautja or a Thwei-za (half-blood).

:N'yaka-de (Master)?:

:Sei-I (Yes).:

:What has happened?:

:I don't know.:

Lisa carefully pulled herself out of the bed only to find that she had grown nearly two feet, tipping her height to 8'3" tall but with a shake of her head she quickly headed to the med bay with Yeyinde following at her side, shielding her with his wing.

Lisa quickly walked into the med bay, spotting the wei-ghe'h (female) healer that had seen to her before, only to have the healer turn to her as her eyes widened.


"Kch-T'sha're? I need help."

In an instant Kch-T'sha're had moved towards her and scooped her up into her arms, not that hard for despite the fact that Lisa was just as tall as Kch-T'sha're she was still ooman (human) thin.

Kch-T'sha're quickly settled L'sa on a large bed and began to scan her over as well as take several vials of her thwei (blood).

"L'sa. You are three quarters Yautja. You are only a quarter ooman (human)."

"How is that possible?! My mother was an ooman (human)!"

"She may have been half ooman (human) and half Yautja. If your father was Yautja then that would make you three quarters. Why you looked completely like an ooman (human) is beyond me. I have never seen anything like you in my thousand plus years at being a healer."

"So what do I do now?"

"We finish your transformation."

"C'jit (Damn; Shit; general expletive). Yeyinde, get Tjau'ke Thwei."

In an instant Yeyinde had turned tail, literally and took off at a dead run down the halls, causing the others to make way for the massive dragon.

Yeyinde slammed into the room, not waiting for the door to fully open before he roared, shaking the entire room as Tjau'ke Thwei let out a roar of his own and was on his feet with a large blade in hand.

Yeyinde merely snorted before his head snapped forwards and he carefully grabbed Tjau'ke Thwei's forearms with his huge fangs and began to pull him.

Tjau'ke Thwei looked back for L'sa to tell her to call off her kv'var (hunting) companion only to find that she was gone and in an instant he understood.

"Take me to her."

Yeyinde nodded and released Tjau'ke Thwei's arm before he set off at a run again with Tjau'ke Thwei right behind him.

Tjau'ke Thwei burst up into the med bay, frantically searching for L'sa only to pause when he saw her sitting on a bed, however she was much, much taller, had dreads, and a few scaled patches on her otherwise pyode (soft) skin.


"Sei-I (yes). Turns out I'm three quarters Yautja. The Gene serum they injected me with kind of kick started a change. Kch'T'sha're wants to go ahead and finish the dose and see what it does. I wanted you to be here when she did."

Tjau'ke Thwei nodded, utterly floored by the information, however he was beyond happy for now he would have many centuries with his mate.

"L'sa I'm going to have to sedate you. It's going to hurt."

"It's been hurting so okay."

Kch-T'sha're nodded before she quickly injected the gene serum and just as quickly injected the sedative, instantly sending L'sa's mind into slumber.

Tjau'ke Thwei refused to leave L'sa's side for three days, having already called for Nihkou'te-ste who had come quite quickly at his call.

However now instead of an ooman wei-ghe'h (human female) that Tjau'ke Thwei had loved regardless, a wei-ghe'h (female) Yautja lay in her place.

Lisa was now 8'8" tall and was a soft molten gold color with a cream colored underbelly and her black dreadlocks hung all the way to the back of her thighs.

Lisa's once dull fingernails were now five inch long black talons and her entire body looked like a pure Yautja, however Tjau'ke Thwei was sure that when she opened her dekna (eyes) they would still be violet and gold, colors unheard of for Yautja.

Nihkou'te-s'te jerked awake in his seat, having dozed off before he looked around, blinking blearily.

"Still not awake?"

"H'ko (no)."

At that a soft groan sounded and in an instant Tjau'ke Thwei was at L'sa's side, gently grabbing her hand before her unique, two colored dekna (eyes) opened.

"T-Tjau'ke Thwei?"

"Sei-I (yes). I am here. I never left."

"Elder Nihkou'te-s'te what are you doing here?"

"I received an urgent call from your mate. It is good to see that you are awake and well."

L'sa grunted as she tried to push herself up, finding that she had apparently lay there for a little bit seeing as she was extremely stiff.

L'sa's eyes widened at the sight of her new Yautja body before she looked over at Tjau'ke Thwei, extremely worried that he would leave her or something.

"Is…does this…does this form please ell-osde (you), Tjau'ke Thwei?"

Both Tjau'ke Thwei and Nihkou'te-s'te's dekna (eyes) widened at the thought of such a a'ket'anu wei-ghe'h (beautiful female) asking a male if he thought her form pleased him.

"Any form you take. No matter what form you take. You will always please me L'sa."

L'sa let out a shuddering rumble of relief as Tjau'ke Thwei curled his surprisingly much larger body around her own for despite her sudden jump in height he was still seven inches taller than her.

"What will your clan say?"
"They will either accept your or they can get the pauk (fuck) out of my clan."


Lisa immediately looked over at Elder Nihkou'te-s'te, giving him her full attention before he looked over at Tjau'ke Thwei as well.

"We have decided your Yautja name."

Lisa perked up at the thought of finally having a Yautja name for herself though at the same time she was saddened for she would be leaving behind the name her Mother had chosen for her.

"We have decided that your name is to be Kwei T'sha're."

"Sly Shadow. That's a good name."

"You approve?"

"Sei-I (yes)."