AN: This story was inspired by 'Let Me Go' by Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger. The reasons why will probably come up later on in the story, but for now I hope that you all enjoy the first chapter.

Kitty Pryde was in a bad mood. Then again, everything that went through her mind those days seemed to be dark and gloomy. She was supposed to be the logical thinker, the one who always had her head straight, but at the moment, she couldn't get her head clear for the life of her. She sighed softly from the spot where she sat perched on a tree branch. She wasn't actually sitting on it, but more like sitting partially phased through the branch. It felt easier those days to just stay in her natural, unsolid state. It took less energy out of her, and those days, just getting out of bed took the majority of her energy. She didn't mean to be down and in the slump that she was in, but she knew something was truly wrong.

Ever since Xavier had told them about Logan and his trip to the past with her help that set off a huge chain reaction on their future, she was getting flashes of things that she couldn't understand or really explain to anyone. They came to her at random times during the days, and often in dreams. Visions of a different time, a time that she wasn't supposed to know were all that she saw. She saw the same people with her all the time, though. It was always her, Bobby, Colossus, Blink, Bishop, Warpath, Sunspot, Storm, Logan, and of course Professor X and Magneto. Even if she didn't know them in this future, she heard their names in her visions. She heard them yelling to each other, each of them always relying on her advanced ability of being able to send their subconscious back in time in order to get them out of wherever they were before the attacks.

And the attacks she saw shook Kitty to her core. She saw destruction like she had never known. Everyone around her was murdered in the most brutal way by monsters that were specially made to kill each and every one of them. That future, if she was honest, terrified the shit out of her. Everything had been different, including herself. She had never seen her friends and comrades display their strengths like that, but it made sense to her; as things got worse, they had no choice but to adapt.

But that's not all that had been different, or all that she had been remembering. In the dark future that Logan had prevented, she had been together with Bobby. She had loved him and he loved her. They were all that they felt that they truly had to hold onto. But now, in the current time, the timeline that Logan had fixed, Bobby was back with Rogue and she was on her own. Remembering their relationship that no longer existed was proving to be the most painful part of the visions that she was having, and she couldn't tell a single soul.

Kitty felt her phone buzz against her side. She pulled it out of her jeans and looked at it. The devil himself was calling her. Poor Bobby; he was really trying to be her friend, but he didn't know why she was trying so hard to keep him at a distance. It was too painful for her to be having the visions she was having and be near him. She hit the ignore button and put her phone back into the pocket of the black hoodie she was wearing to blend in with the darkness around her. She was thinking about going back inside and finding something to help her sleep when the tree she was sitting on started creaking. She felt the air around her suddenly chill and she saw ice starting to form on the branch she was perched on.

"Son of a—Bobby!" Kitty growled as she looked down. Sure enough, Bobby Drake was looking up at her from the ground, ice forming around the tree from where his hand was placed on the tree. "Enough already, Bobby," She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Come down and talk to me, then," Bobby said, removing his hand from the tree, allowing the ice to start to melt in the warm air.

"I thought that you would have picked up on the fact that I didn't answer your phone call that I didn't want to talk," Kitty said, not moving an inch and not even looking at Bobby, but staring out into the darkness.

"You never want to talk to me anymore," Bobby pointed out. "Then again, you never want to talk to anyone, it seems, and people are starting to worry about you."

Kitty rolled her eyes and allowed herself to sink fully through the branch, landing easily on her feet beside Bobby, "Well, if all of you would stop talking about me behind my back, maybe I'd want to talk to at least one of you, but as it is, I have no interest in talking to anyone, least of all you."

Bobby blinked, a hurt look appearing on his face, and Kitty instantly felt a little bad for her words, but she wasn't about to take them back, "Kitty, what the hell did I do to you? You've never pushed me away like this. Haven't we always been friends? I've always been there for you and you've done the same for me until recently. I don't understand what I could have done to have made you so angry with me."

Bobby's words made Kitty's chest tighten a little bit. Yes, in this time they'd always been friends, she'd always been able to talk to Bobby about anything, and he talked to her openly, even though he was with Rogue, but she remembered things that he clearly didn't and probably never would. She remembered just how close they had been when they didn't have anyone else in the world to truly rely on.

"Bobby, just drop it," Kitty said at last in a resigned tone, feeling more than a little defeated. She turned on him and started to walk away, feeling more and more like the grounds of the school were closing in on her. She heard Bobby growl behind her and start after her, and as he reached out to grab her arm, she made sure to shift just a bit so his hand went right through her.

"Damn it, Kitty, why won't you just talk to me?" Bobby demanded. "I've never done anything to hurt you, at least not that I can remember—"

"That's the fucking point, Bobby!" Kitty snapped finally, her dark eyes blazing in the dim light as she turned to face him once again. "You can't remember. There's only one person who's supposed to be able to remember, but instead, I'm stuck here having these flashes of things that don't exist and aren't even supposed to matter. I helped create this future by sending Logan to the past and in the end, everyone gets to be happy, but I'm the one left out in the cold."

Bobby was silent for a few moments as Kitty's breath was suddenly coming in rapid, sharp breaths. She hadn't meant to have an outburst like that, and she knew Bobby had no idea what she was talking about, but she couldn't hold in what was on her mind when Bobby had snapped at her like he had.

"Kitty…." Bobby broke the silence at last and took a step toward her.

"Just… stop," Kitty said in a soft tone, moving her fingers through her hair. She felt like she had just run around the grounds of the school several times without stopping. "Bobby, please. Things are just easier this way. You've got Rogue. She's so happy with you these days, and I know you're happy with her. Just please, stop trying to get me to talk to you. Trust me, we're both better off."

"Yeah, because you're clearly doing so well," Bobby commented. He was truly worried about Kitty. Something was wrong with her and she was so determined to not let anyone in that she seemed to constantly be close to self-destructing. Bobby felt like he was seriously close to losing the young woman who he considered to be one of his closest friends. "I wish you would just open up to someone. Screw it, it doesn't have to be me, Kitty, but we're all worried about you. We all see what's been happening to you on the outside since Logan got back and Xavier explained to us what had happened; I can only imagine what's going on inside of your head."

"It's not your problem to fix," Kitty said simply. "Hell, I don't even think I can be fixed. What's done is done, Bobby. I'm telling you, we're both better off just dropping it. Now please, just leave me alone."

Kitty walked off finally, and it wasn't until she reached her dorm room and closed the door behind her that she slid down the door and curled into a ball that she started crying. She never let anyone see her cry, even in the flashes of the other future that she got and had to witness everyone around her being killed, she never let anyone see her cry, no matter how many times Bobby had been killed right in front of her eyes.

"She's not talking."

Bobby walked into the office of Charles Xavier, where Xavier sat behind his desk and Logan, Scott, Ororo, Jean, and Marie all stood scattered around the room. Xavier sighed as he looked Bobby up and down. He had noticed himself that things seemed off with Kitty, and been asking those around him if they had noticed anything strange themselves. Each of them had, and they had thought that, if anything, Bobby would be the one to be able to get her to talk.

"She's crying," Jean said in an offhand way, able to sense the emotional pain from the young woman several floors away from them. "She's in so much pain, but she knows that there are people here who can read her thoughts so she doesn't let herself concentrate on the reason why she's upset." She turned to Xavier, "Couldn't you…?"

"Oh, I could," Xavier said with a nod, "Quite easily, as I'm sure you're aware. But as she doesn't seem to be hurting anyone other than herself, I don't like to pry without her consent. I think that might do more harm than good in this case."

"I don't get it," Ororo said with a shake of her head, "Kitty's never been one to act like this. She's one of the best we've got and now she's suddenly like a different person. There has to be something we can do to get her out of this mood she's in. Whatever is bothering her, she needs to know that she's not alone. She's always been there whenever we've needed her as a team, and we all need to make sure she knows that we're all there for her too."

"She knows she's not alone, Storm," Bobby said with a shake of his head. "The problem is that she wants to be alone right now." He turned his gaze on Logan, "Though, something she mentioned might have given me a clue as to what's really bothering her."

"I didn't go near her, if that's what you're thinking," Logan said, holding his hands up in an innocent gesture. "She's definitely way too young for me."

Bobby rolled his eyes, "Focus, Logan," He sighed. "Kitty was the one who sent you back to the past in the future that you helped prevent, right? When she finally did talk to me for that moment, she snapped at me about there being only one person who was supposed to remember, but instead she was having flashes of things that don't exist anymore."

"Yeah, and?"

"What if she's remembering what the other future was like?" Bobby asked. "According to you that future was enough to cause anyone nightmares."

Logan shrugged, "That timeline is irrelevant now, though," He said with a shake of his head. "She should know that just like the rest of us. Even if she is seeing visions of that time somehow, it shouldn't be enough to upset her like this."

"But maybe some other occurrences from that timeline are enough to hurt her like this," Xavier spoke up at last. He looked at Logan before turning his gaze on Bobby and Rogue and Logan groaned softly.

"You think she remembers that too, huh?" Logan asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think it's a good assumption that she does," Xavier nodded.

"What are you two talking about?" Marie asked at last.

"I think that, among other things, Kitty may be suffering from a severely broken heart."

AN: I swear, this isn't going to be your typical 'poor broken-heart girl' story. Should have the next chapter up within a week, depending on my muse and my work schedule :)