Chapter Two

It has been three years since Harry was first arrested, and during that time Harry was either living on the streets, Arson's house, at the Dursleys or in the detention centre. Harry used his time on the streets to learn how to efficiently pick pocket people, but that wasn't all they did to make money just last week they stole from a number of houses their total coming to 4000 pounds split four ways they each got 1000 each.

Harry was flipping through a catalogue, he wasn't going to buy any of it, after all it would be hard to own a T.V. when he didn't have a place to put it. Harry sighed he wasn't sure why he bothered to look through the catalogues really all they did was remind him of things he could never have.

"One day" Julie whispered putting her arms around him

"What?" Harry asked looking up

"You'll have these things one day" Julie promised

"And a house, to live full time in...with you guys of course" Harry sighed leaning into Julie's arms

"Of course" Julie laughed

Harry's Loyalty to the group as a whole had at first surprised them but now it was just something they had come to expect.

"All better now?" Alex teased

Harry poked his tongue out as he detached himself from Julie's arms. Arson walked into the room at that moment.

"Hey Harry there's a letter for you" Arson said

"No one's ever written to me" Harry muttered

Mr Harry Potter

third biggest room

at the top of the stairs

43 Weston Crescent


"Umm, I have a stalker?" Harry muttered confused

"Yeah right Harry" Alex snorted

"It is so….so detailed" Harry muttered

"Maybe it's about your abilities" Julie whispered looking at the ceiling

"You guys didn't get one" Harry pointed out

"Just open it" Arson muttered

Harry opened it and pulled out the first peice of paper he stared at it for a moment before reading it aloud.


"I was right" Julie said softly


(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)" Harry said

"That's a lot of titles" Arson muttered

"Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment." Harry pulled out the second piece of parchment.

"Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31."

"Your birthday" Alex interrupted

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

"Ok what the hell?" Harry muttered

"No idea, do you want to go?" Arson asked

"I don't know" Harry muttered

suddenly there was a knock on the door, Arson went to open it.

"Hello" Arson greeted

"Hello Mr Ford, I presume?" a voice said

"The one and only, Harrison Ford at your service" Arson answered making the other upstairs laugh

"Well I am Professor McGonagall I'm here to talk to you about your schooling for the upcoming year"

"Wait Professor McGonagall? From Hogwarts? Harry just got a letter from you" Arson muttered "Come on in"

"Hey guys come down here!" Arson yelled

Julie and Alex went down the stairs first Harry hesitated only to give himself time to put the letter and list back in the envelope. The moment the Professor saw Harry her jaw dropped, Harry was used to this because of the scars on his face.

"Harry? Harry Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked

"Yeah, how did you know?" Harry asked wearily

"You are famous in the wizarding world" Professor McGonagall pointed out

"I'm what?" Harry asked "You've got to be kidding me"

Professor McGonagall drew herself up and put on a stern look.

"I do not kid about these matters Mr Potter, besides surely you know about the wizarding world and your fame? Your aunt and uncle were meant to tell you about it" Professor McGonagall said

"Well they didn't tell me squat" Harry muttered

"Very, your parents will be collecting you from your aunt's and uncle's latter they can inform you then" Professor McGonagall informed him

"I don't want to see them" Harry snapped "Besides I live here...most of the time"

"Now Mr Potter I have work with these three students" Professor McGonagall started

"Can't you just tell me? I mean I'll be going to school with them" Harry interrupted

"Mr Potter you will need money" Professor McGonagall said

"I have my own money, please Professor?" Harry whispered

"I will ask your parents" Professor McGonagall sighed

Harry frowned and was about to argue when he saw Arson shake his head. Professor McGonagall waved her wand and from the end sprouted a sliver looking tabby cat.

"Tell Lilly and James that I have Harry with me and ask if it is alright if he stays with his friends for the day" Professor McGonagall whispered into the cats ear

"That was kind of cool" Harry muttered watching the cat leave through the window

"Kind of cool Harry that was awesome!" Julie said happily

"Thank you Miss?" Professor McGonagall said

"Grudge" Julie answered

Professor McGonagall turned to Alex who had been unnaturally silent, the entire time.

"You must be Miss Smith" Professor McGonagall said

"Yes Professor" Alex whispered

"Do you know my parents?" Harry asked suddenly

"I taught them, in fact I knew you when you were a baby" Professor McGonagall informed him "But we must get on with business, I'll talk to you about that another day"

Charles rolled onto his back today would be the day, the day that his brother would finally be coming home as he remembered this a huge smile appeared on his face. It wasn't like he was alone in the big house that was Potter Manor, but he had waited for this day since he was old enough to understand that he had, had a twin who had been sent away.

His father had regretted sending Harry away almost immediately after but they were unable to convince Albus Dumbledore [or grandpa Alby as he was meant to call him when he wasn't working], that Harry should come home instead they had made an agreement if nothing happened with the likes of Voldemort Harry would be able to return home when he got his letter. Charles was the only one that still had a grudge against his father for sending Harry away.

the door to his room opened and in poked the head of a nine year old girl, she had long red hair and green eyes she was wearing a light blue dress.

"Good morning" Lillian said

"Morning Lillian" Charles muttered sitting up

"Are you excited?" Lillian asked smiling

"You bet" Charles replied

"Mum said you need to get up now" Lillian said softly

"Ok" Charles whispered

Lillian turn to the door and then stopped it was obvious that she was trying to get up the courage to say something.

"Char" Lillian started

"Don't call me Char" Charles snapped

Lillian sighed and started to move towards the door when Charles felt bad for snapping in truth he really didn't know why it angered him so much when someone called him Char, but it felt like it was a very special nickname that someone very important to him use to call him.

"Lill, don't go" Charles whispered "Look I'm sorry for snapping, truth be told I don't know why I'm so touchy about the name"

"Uncle Siri reckons it's because it was what Harry would call you" Lillian answered

Charles glanced at the photo next to his bed it was one with just himself and Harry in it, in the photo Harry would stand up and walk away before coming back and taking his hand and helping him to walk to wherever it was they both wanted to go.

"Do you think he'll like me?" Lilly asked

Charles blinked at his sister when had she moved to sit on his bed?

"I don't know, I don't know if he'll like me" Charles whispered looking down at his sheets before looking straight into his sister's eyes "But if he is half sane he'll love you"

"Thanks Charles" Lillian whispered giving her big brother a hug before jumping of the bed to moved out of the room

"Mum will give you five minutes before she comes up here" Lillian warned as Charles laid back down

Charles laughed at his sister's warning but he knew that if his mother came into his room and he was still in bed she would pour water over his head.

Charles hurried down stairs to the dining room, Stopping only briefly to wish his grandparents painting a good morning.

When he reached the kitchen he found that Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius were already there.

"Good morning" Lilly said smiling

"Morning Mum" Charles replied "Morning Uncle Siri, Uncle Remus, Thomas...Dad"

Charles slipped into his seat next to four year old Thomas. Thomas gave Charles a wide smile, before turning back to his pre cut pancakes. Charles looked down at his pancakes and smiled they were blueberry.

The family ate silently for a good twenty minutes, the silence was broken by the screech of a school owl as it flyed into the room. the owl was black with yellow eyes. The owl stood in front of Charles with his leg stretched out.

"Oh Charles it's your Hogwarts letter" Lilly cried smiling

Charles had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, his mother was more excited then he was. Sure he was a little excited but having grown up at Hogwarts as his parents and uncles worked there, his mother was the potions teacher, his father and uncle sirius taught defence against the dark arts, and uncle Remus taught history of magic.

All of a sudden silver patronus of a tabby cat, came through the window.

"Lilly, James I have Harry with me, he wants to spend the day with his friends, I'll be taking them to diagon alley." Professor McGonagall's voice rang through the room

"We should let him go" Lilly whispered "He'll enjoy himself and we can get Minerva to bring Harry here after she has finished teaching them about the school"

"I agree" James whispered "I'll change the ward so he can't leave"

"WHAT?" Charles yelled making all heads turn to him "You can't trap him here!"

"Charles apologize for yelling at your father" Lilly scolded

"No, he's stuffing everything up...Again!" Charles snapped

"How am I stuffing things up again?" James demanded not paying attention as Lilly and Thomas hurried from the room Uncle Sirius following behind them.

"First you give him away and now you're trapping him here against his will!" Charles yelled "How do you not see that he will hate us?"

"He won't hate us" James snapped

"THAT"S ENOUGH!" Lilly yelled "Charles go to your room!"

"Fine" Charles snapped spinning on his heel and storming out of the room.

"We'd better go get Harry's stuff" Lilly whispered a hand on her husband's shoulder

"Maybe I am stuffing things up" James whispered

"No you're not" Lilly whispered "Look if he is anything like Charles he will refuse to even meet us"

"I'll talk to Charles" Remus promised

"Thanks mate, Lilly let's go" James muttered stealing himself to go see the Dursleys.