Disclaimer: I do not own CCS nor do I make any profit out of publishing this story.


"Tōya..." the name spills sweetly from parted lips. Tōya smiles. Yukito has fallen asleep studying again.

Soft, white hair covers his closed eyes, and the barest hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.

This is happiness indeed. Tōya knows for a fact that the person he cares about the most, cares most about him in return.

What he doesn't know however is what the other thinks.

With a gentle hand he ruffles Yukito's hair to wake him. He is instead confronted with a very unamused Yue.

"Don't touch me!"

"Don't appear randomly when I'm touching Yukito."

Yue says nothing, just stares Tōya down.

"I'm not going to hurt him."

"As if I would allow it."

"Listen, you both share a body, I can't say I understand how that feels...but I wouldn't do anything to make you...either of you...uncomfortable."

"I am not uncomfortable!"

"You do not share Yukito's feelings."

Yue's eyes narrow.

"You are not Clow Reed."

"I am well aware. But Yukito has his own mind...his own heart. As do you."

"I should return him to you."

"I love him...just in case you were in any doubt as to my feelings."

"I am indebted to you even more then."

"Yue...I love Yukito for him. The magic I gave up was for him. You don't owe me anything."

"I owe you my very existence."

"I owe you Yukito."

They stare each other down again.

"I won't lose him to you, Yue."

"I won't lose myself to him, Tōya."

Suddenly Tōya finds himself face to face with a very troubled Yukito.

"Y-yukito...you changed back."

"He doesn't like you very much." Yukito smiles "But I do."

Yukito's smile broadens. "I love you!"

Tōya has lost his words and is slowly reddening.

"I heard everything."

"E...everything?" he clears his throat uncomfortably. He had not been ready to tell Yukito yet, but it seems of little importance now.

"Tōya...kiss me?"

Tōya huffs in amusement: "Come here!"