Ed, Edd, Eddy and… Edie?

Disclaimer: I don't own Ed, Edd and Eddy

Summary: Meet Edith Jones, the new girl in the cul-de-sac, how will the Ed gang act to the… new Ed on the block. Sorry, summary sucks.

A/N: Hey guys, I watched Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy the other day and it brought back memories, I also came up with this little idea, hope you guys like it please R&R


People's thoughts

Edith Jones, with the red hair and green eyes, was moving town.


Why to Peach Creek of course! To a friendly, neighbourly cul-de-sac.


A young adolescent girl stood in her bedroom, looking around the now bare room that once used to be full of the many things she loved. I sure am going to miss the place… but at least the new house is bigger and has a pool!

And with that thought in mind the young girl picks up her backpack and skips out her room calling out "Mum, I'm ready to go!"

A/N: I know this was short but its just the prologue, from the first chapter and onwards they shall be 1,000 words or more.
