Maria stared down at her child. Her white wings fluttered, as she forced back tears.

She had had a child. With a human.

If she was found out, she's be sent to the dungeon and her child would most likely be killed. She couldn't deal with that.

So she had packed her bags, and was prepared to leave the Aether with her child.

Could she do this? Leave her home? Where she was raised?

She looked down at his sleeping face. A small smile graced his face, and the same smile was mirrored on hers.

She had to leave. For her child's sake. She left a note for her uncle. He was one of the healers in the Aether.

She asked that if he protect her child and her from above. Once she fell, she would lose her grace, and all powers would be gone.

The only things left would be her wings, which would become shadows of her old pair.

She let one tear escape as she neared the exit of the Aether. Only if you had a protective charm could you go through the exit and remain a proper angel.

But she had no such charm.

Looking down at her child again, she knew she was doing the right thing.

She looked behind her at the Aether one last time and then she jumped.

And with that, the fallen angel fell with her child.