Omg I owe all of you guys a huge apology. Thank you so much to all of the people who supported me. Love you all!

I will try to add a bunch of plot twists and stuff.

Just a warning, updates might not come that often, but the intervals definitely wnt be this long.

And also, the rest of this fic will be mostly in Ari's POV. So unless it says otherwise, it's in Ari's POV.

The older boy looks totally amused. "Cousin. C-o-u-s-i-n! How many times do I have to drill it into your head kid!" Both Sam and the other boy are smiling.

"Sam, why are you in Dauntless?" He asked, genuine worry in his eyes.

"Same reason you did." He replied. "Plus I never would have passed Erudite initiation."

He laughed, and said, "Yeah? Good luck passing this initiation. You have Four and T-Six as your instructors. Talk about high expectations!"

He smiled. "Well, see you around."

Then he left. Six and Four got up too.

"Good luck with initiation. We'll see you tomorrow." Then they left, following after Sam's cousin and his girlfriend.

A heavy silence took hold of our table.

"Well," I said, breaking it. "That wasn't weird at all!" Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

One thing was certain.

From the warnings we'd been given, I deduced that initiation would not be easy.

The alarm clock blared, and I launched myself out of bed, already dressed.

I had gotten up much earlier than the other initiates. Amity believed in greeting the day early.

You kinda can't see the sun if you're in a cave, so that doesn't really matter any more.

Everyone else slowly dragged themselves out of bed, groaning.

I hung around for a bit, then decided to go to the training room early.

Six and Four were already there, setting up large leather punching bags.

I stood in the doorway feeling awkward.

Six looked up. "Oh hey! It looks like we have a early riser. Keep it up!"

Then she gestured to one of the already hooked up punching bags. "Go on."

I lingered slightly, unsure of what to do.

Six seemed to sense this. "Just kick it, punch it, we'll correct you if you do something wrong."

Then, she went back to her work.

I walked up to the nearest bag and hit it experimentally. The thing didn't budge.

I kicked it pretty hard. It made a satisfying 'thunk' noise, and swayed a little bit.

Then I launched into a series of kicks and punches, each one releasing a bit of the stress and worry I had carried around since my aptitude test.

I took a break, panting hard.

"Great stress reliever, right?" I heard Six's voice say.

I nodded.

"That was good," she said, "but just remember that your power comes from your legs, not your hands. Step into the punch."

She demonstrates a series of punched, making the bag swing wildly.

Compared to Four, she was kinda small, but she was not to be betted against.

Just then, the rest of the initiates walked in.

Cana spotted me and waved me over.

"How did you get here so fast?" She hissed as I got there.

I shrugged. "I got up early."

Incredulously, she whispered "How early, ex-" But just then, Four started speaking.

"We will go through two stages of training. One physical, one mental."

He surveyed us. "We'll be working on hand-to-hand combat today."

Then he went on to tell then basically what Six had explained to me.

Afterwards everyone ran to a bag and began practicing.

For a while the only sounds were of skin hitting leather.

Suddenly, a piercing scream hit the air.

Six and Four looked at each other. Then Six ran off in the direction of the noise.

Four looked around at us. "Did I ask you to stop?" He said.

Sam was the first one to recover, hitting the bag.

Slowly, we all started up again, but my mind was filled with questions.

Don't worry, it's not anyone that you'd particularly mind getting hurt.

I'll update as soon as I can.

Hope you like it!