Chapter 16

Felicity stirred trying to wake up. Her thoughts raced 'I feel so weird. Everything feels so heavy. Oliver, where am I? Why can't I wake up? Oh, so tired.' She slumped back with her head on her arm slipping back into unconsciousness.

Back at the foundry, Oliver was pacing as Diggle was trying to work Felicity's computers. Roy stood back as he knew Oliver would not like him getting involved. "Any luck, Diggle?" Oliver called out.

"Not yet, Oliver, I am not Felicity so I need more time, ok?" Diggle said back.

"I'm trying, Dig. But this is Felicity. I can't think about something happening to her." He said quietly.

Suddenly noises and lights flashed on the computer screens. "Got a location." Diggle called out as they all turned to follow him out. "Let's go get her, Oliver."

An hour later Felicity stirred again. She felt stronger and more awake this time. She groaned as she finally sat up and looked around her. It was hard for her to see as she did not have her glasses. She could tell it was damp and cold that with the darkness made her believe she was in a basement or empty brick building. As she went to sit up, she found her right foot bound to the cot she had been laid on. She tried to pull at the rope and felt she was too weak to release the knots. She felt her head spin as she tried to figure out more about where she was. The headache assaulted Felicity's senses and made her nauseous.

As she sat letting her stomach settled, she reached up to her neck. Her eyes lit up. 'My necklace. It's still here. Oliver, find me please.' She thought as she rubbed her arms against the cold.

The sound of a door opening drew Felicity's attention. "Well, looks like Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken." Shivers ran down Felicity's skin as she recognized Richard White's voice. "Did you miss me, Felicity? I told you that I would get us back together. I bet that fool Queen doesn't even know you are gone yet. Means more time for us, my love." He whispered as he ran his hand down her arm. She tried to move away but her trapped foot left her in his reach. Her skin crawled the more she could feel him touch her. She kept pulling from him but he would grab her by force and hold her close to him.

Her tears spilled from her eyes as she felt so disgusted and weak. She felt used and had no more words to describe how White was making her feel. Felicity could tell she still had the drugs in her system as she could not think straight or find enough strength to fight back more. A sob escaped her lips as a crash caught her attention. She felt White stand and saw him walk away. With him out of sight, she started to struggle more against the rope holding her foot. She pulled leaving a red mark on her ankle but felt the rope was looser. Her fingers shook as she worked to loosen the knot holding her against her will.

She struggled for what felt like forever ripping her nails off her hands finally releasing that knot from the cot and her foot. The noises continued on the other side of the door as she finally stood. Her body cried out as it was weak due to the drugs still and her head spun. Felicity took a deep breath and closed her eyes determined to escape this prison that White held her in after taking her from her home.

Once Felicity reached the door, she listened and reviewed the defense moves Roy and Diggle had taught her. She turned the knob to find the door unlocked. She began to move towards the noise hoping it was an exit. She suddenly heard things in the fight get quiet and paused her movements. Voices began to speak as she tried to listen closer.

"Spread out. She is here somewhere. We just need to find her." A male voice said. Felicity's heart sunk believing they spoke about her. She began to move only to feel someone behind her. She struck out to protect herself to hear a familiar voice speak to her, "Whoa, Felicity, it's me. Diggle used the tracker in your necklace. You are safe."

She froze in her movements. She turned and looked. She sobbed as he pulled her into his arms. As she breathed his cologne reached her nose helping her feel more secure. "Oliver, get me out of here, please." She whispered into his ear as he held her close.