Hi Everyone,

This is my first one-shot ever, Scarf!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, The Warmth of Her Dragon, but school has been awful, but now that summer's here I hope to write much more often.

Disclaimers: I don't own anything, only Hiro Mashima-sensei does.

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy had just defeated a monster for a mission in the mountains. On their way back to the small town to receive their reward, it started to snow.

"Mou, why did it have to start snowing! I can't even use Horologium today," said Lucy shivering for warmth.

Natsu was walking ahead of her with his hands behind his head, not even looking affected by the weather. "Why didn't you just wear warmer clothes?" He asked with indifference.

Happy at least turned around to look at Lucy when he asked, "Aye! Lucy are you an idiot?"

Lucy turned and glared at Happy. "NO! I'm not an idiot! You stupid little fur ball!" She screamed at him.

"AHH! Natsu save me, Lucy's trying to skin me alive," wailed Happy as he flew into Natsu's arms.

Natsu just sweatdropped at his two teammates behavior and decided to not say anything.

Almost ten minutes after the three had been walking in comfortable silence, Lucy sneezed.


Happy sprang out of Natsu's arms because he was so startled by the noise.

Natsu stopped and turned to look at her. "Are you ok, Lucy? Do you want to stop and take a break?" Natsu's voice was concerned and sincere when he asked her this.

Lucy was shocked by how the two of them were acting, but she waved them off and said softly, "No, guys I'm fine. Let's just get back to the town and grab the reward, then we can get a train and head back home."

"Alright…" Natsu said, although he was unsure about whether or not they should continue but decided to keep quiet again.

Lucy knew immediately that something was wrong with Natsu when he said nothing about taking a train back to Magnolia, and he even agreed to it! She didn't want to say anything though, because she really didn't want to walk all the way back to Fairy Tail in this weather.

Barely a minute had passed before Lucy sneezed again.


Natsu just sighed and shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked to himself as he walked over to Lucy while undoing the scarf around his neck.

"What are you talking about, Nat-" She stopped abruptly when she felt Natsu tie his scarf around her neck. Natsu's gaze never wavered from her own when he wrapped it around her.

After he fastened it around her neck, he turned away from her and crouched down.

Lucy was puzzled by his sudden behavior, "What are you doing?"

"Get on my back, I'll carry you down the mountain," he said with a bright smile.

Lucy got flustered by his words and started to wave her hands frantically in front of her face while saying, "What are you talking about? You don't have to do that."

He frowned at her words, practically scolding her when he said, "Lucy if you stay out here much longer then your going to get sick, and my body temperature is higher than normal humans because of my Dragon Slaying Magic, so what's the big deal."

Lucy shuffled uncertainly on her feet when she asked, "Why do you care so much if I get sick?"

Natsu just smiled up at her with a slight blush staining his face and said, "Of course I care about you Lucy! You're the most special person to me!"

"Fine then," she mumbled as she walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. As he stood up he heard her mumble, "You're so warm, Natsu."

"Of course I'm warm, I'm a fire dragon," as he said this he turned his head to the side so she wouldn't see him blush.

The motion of Natsu walking made Lucy become sleepy, so before she fell asleep she told him, "Thank you, Natsu."

"Yeah… don't worry about it," he mumbled.

Right before Lucy fell asleep she distinctly heard Happy say, "They liiiiike each other!"

Thank you so much for reading,

Please review!
