Now I know this isn't going to go down well folks but I'm off again on Monday for a week. However, this story is finishing but I have a new one for you and I'll hopefully be able to post a few chapters before I leave. Thank you for all the reviews, they are appreciated. Jules x

Chapter Forty Five


I heard my music and taking a deep breath I grabbed Charlie's arm,

"Ready kiddo?"

I nodded and managed a faint nervous smile,

"Please don't let me fall flat on my face dad."

He grinned,

"Only if I go with you, come on, your man is waiting."

We went out into the evening air and I wondered at all the twinkle lights that were wound round or hanging from everywhere. Then my eyes fixed on Jasper who had turned to look at me and I felt a sense of coming home, of peace and I smiled at him pleased when he returned the smile but I could see something was wrong and then I noticed the gap that should have been filled by the minister was empty. Now what would we do? A wedding without a minister? Then I heard a noise and a stranger stepped up in his place and nodded gravely to both of us. I didn't have time to wonder who he was before reaching him and then the service began. I was grateful we had chosen a simple short ceremony and I was relieved not to forget or trip over my vows to love Jasper until the end of time.

It wasn't until after the ceremony when we were greeting everyone as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Jasper Hale, we didn't confuse everyone by using Jasper's real name but once we left Forks it would be Mr and Mrs Jasper Whitlock, that I received my next shock.

"Bella I'd like to introduce you to our minister Marcus Volturi."

I felt suddenly cold, so the Volturi had attended the wedding, not only that but they had actually performed it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Isabella. I hope we can look forward to you visiting us in the fullness of time, just to put our minds at rest."

So I had to prove to the Volturi I was indeed a vampire and pretty quickly. I was amazed they had agreed to my remaining human this long but a Darius pointed out, they really didn't want a problem with The Major, his reputation in Volterra was well known and they preferred to keep him on side.

It was very late by the time we left the reception and I was tired but blissfully happy. I had danced with almost everyone including Jacob and Beni.

"You look very handsome Jake I can see Angela giving you a few looks."

He grinned and looked down at his suit,

"Yeah well I scrub up pretty well."

"Beni too."

We both looked over to where he was chatting up Jessica much to Mike Newtons disgust.

I saw my new half brother again but it was a struggle to hold him as Rose hovered ready to whisk him away again. The look of joy on her face when she held Lucas told its own story and I felt sorry for her not being able to have a baby of her own. Jasper had overheard Renee ask Rose if she and Emmett would visit the château and look after Lucas while they went on a business trip to Switzerland and knew they'd have a job prying their son away when they returned.

As we drove away there was a terrible screeching sound and the roof of the convertible was pulled off behind us to everyone's shock and delight only for thousands of tiny glittering stars to appear and cover us. I knew this was something to do with Peter, he'd been far too well-behaved at the reception making everyone nervous.

"Well Mrs Whitlock are you ready for an adventure?"

I moved close to him putting my hand on his thigh and kissing his neck,

"Please don't tell me we've got a long journey ahead of us, I don't think I can wait too long."


I looked at him and smiled mischievously,

"I hope to be later."

He laughed and the car leapt forward, he was as eager as I to get to our destination. For our first week we had rented a cabin in the Olympus range, somewhere isolated but not too far to get to quickly. It was still a two hours drive before we reached the cabin which lay dark surrounded by trees and lit by the moon. It looked romantic and when Jasper opened my door for me and picked me up in his arms I knew this was my happy ever after. Dozens of the tiny stars fell from us as he carried me to the door kicking it open with a foot before carrying me over the threshold then standing me up.

"Welcome home darlin'"

He switched the light on and we both looked around in astonishment. The whole ground floor of the cabin was knee deep in the small glittering stars and the staircase was lit up by hundreds of coloured twinkle lights that reflected off the stars. Jasper looked up the stairs apprehensively,

"Shall we see what they've done up there too?"

I nodded and taking his outstretched arm we walked slowly up the stairs to the bedroom. It too was covered in the stars and twinkle lights and on the bed lay a book. I picked it up and opened the cover laughing as I saw it was a collection of sexual positions, some obviously from antique books and others that looked downright dangerous! Scribbled on the fly leaf was a short message,

"If all else fails call Peter the Sexual Adviser!"

We didn't need the book which was discarded on the floor among the stars while we fell onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs both eager to be naked and make love for the very first time. Jasper was very careful to keep his teeth away from my delicate human skin but it didn't seem to cause him any difficulties and I threw myself into the experience greedily. We were given two days peace and quiet which was mostly spent in bed before it started. I was sitting out on the porch wearing only one of Jaspers shirts when I heard a voice from the front of the house.

"Pizza delivery."

I groaned recognising Peter's voice and scurried inside to dress a little more fully, why did he have to turn up when Jasper had left to hunt. I was exhausted and had intended to sleep this afternoon ready for more of my incredibly sexy husband this evening! I went to the door opening it suspiciously

"I didn't order pizza."

"Really? Well I can't take it back now so here you go."

He thrust the pizza box into my hands and stepped past me into the cabin.

"I see you kept the decorations. I thought they were rather tasteful. You've got some in your hair by the way,"

I put the pizza down and ran my fingers through my hair self-consciously.

"No Major?"

"No, he's gone to hunt."

"Right, what time will he be back?"

"I'm not sure why?"

"Well the party is set for eight so I hope he's back for it."


I sounded suspicious and concerned even to myself,

"Well look at it this way Bella, you've got an eternity to play at bunnies so we thought you might be getting lonely out here all on your own. You'd better get showered and dressed then you can help me set up the barbecue out back"


"Yeah, it's a "We Saved Bella in France" celebration.

"Oh? And who exactly did you invite Peter Whitlock?"

"Now see when you call me by that name I know I'm in trouble but don't worry Bella, I'll grow on you, now come on"

He went past me again swatting my bottom as he did,

"Nice, very nice, I can see what The Major sees in you"

I groaned and rolled my eyes remembering Jasper's advice when dealing with Peter.

"There's no point in pushing against him, just let him get it out of his system then he'll go away."


As I got close to the cabin I could smell a barbecue. Was Bella cooking for herself? Then I heard the voices and speeded up only to find the back of the house lit up and a barbecue going while soft music played and there was the sound of voices.

"Peter! I'm gonna kill him"

As I appeared the others stopped to say hi, Peter, Charlotte, Darius, Jake, and Beni, were joined by Renee and Jean. Bella ran to me throwing herself into my arms.

"I did what you said and let Peter have his way but next time can I just kill him?"

"That's no way to show your gratitude to all these people who were kind enough to save you young Bella."

She turned in my arms to poke her tongue out at Peter,

"One day you'll turn round and find out I've arranged something for you on the quiet."


He beamed at her,

"I love surprises."

"Not this one you wont, it'll be a pyre and you ruin my honeymoon it might come quicker than you think."

Peter roared with laughter and Bella kissed my neck,

"I can't be angry with him, they did, you all did save my life. Shall we party?"

I nodded and putting my arm around her we joined the others, a thank you for all who'd made my wedding possible.