For Protection

Disclaimer: I do not own.

A/N: I… have no idea where this came from. Okay, I do but it's not my fault! I swear! Anyways, I've always wanted to write a Percy-joins-chaos story. The POV (Point of view) changes in the middle of this chapter so yea, don't get too confused. Hope you enjoy~~


'Finally, back at camp!' I thought cheerily, the duffel bag I had in my hands landing on the ground on a soft thump. Feeling the refreshing breeze soothingly on my skin, I stood stock still and took deep calming breaths, enjoying calm that permeated the area. Unbidden, a smile grew on my face. No matter what, the sight of my second home never failed to bring my spirits up.

With a hum, I made my way towards Cabin Three and deposited my stuff, uncaring of the mess I made. The cabin was a mess anyway. Clothes that I hadn't brought home with me last year were strewn across the room, rough papers I'd used for my summer homework (shocking, I know) fell in a huge pile just at the foot of my bed; that's where work of any kind was done.

As I was unpacking, I came across a ring box. It held one of my most precious belongings; the engagement ring I had purchased for Annabeth. We've been dating for a year now and finally, I was ready. Her? Not so much, though the whole camp had been betting on when it was going to happen for months now.

Fingering the velvet box in my pocket, I smiled as I imagined her reaction to this. Was it going to be a smile? Tears of joy? Embarrassment? I couldn't wait to find out. A glance at my watch told me that if I didn't want to be late, I would have to move now.

Annabeth, surprisingly, had asked me to meet her at the beach right after I finished unpacking. She had glared at me with those grey eyes (she was scary even through an IM) and said that I had to be there fifteen minutes after I was done. I didn't know how she'd know I was late considering that I hadn't seen her since I reached (maybe one of her siblings?), but I didn't want to take any chances. Better safe than sorry, especially in this case.

As soon as I reached the beach, my eyes sought her out. There. She was playing with the water; the light caught her hair and made it shimmer ever so slightly. Her grey eyes were narrowed in contemplation, giving it a stormy look. Her tanned skin only complemented her even more.

I shuffled forward, ready to surprise her, but I stepped on a twig (cliché much?). Her head snapped in my direction and I caught her eye. An assortment of emotions passed through too quickly for me to decipher.

"Percy! You're here!"

A smile was forced on her face.

"Hey Wise Girl, what's up?" I greeted, walking towards her.

She cracked a smile at the nickname but her expression turned serious again. Lead started to form at the base of my stomach.

"Percy... We need to talk."

My grin faded and I frowned. I knew. My heart started to beat faster.


She took a deep breath, as if to steel herself from the oncoming words and stammered out, "Percy... I-I'm breaking up with you."

My insides turned to ice.

I laughed weakly, eyes searching her face for any trace of jokey-ness. There wasn't.

"You're joking."

My eyes stared straight into hers, willing this to be untrue.

"Percy... I'm sorry but I realised that I-I'm still in love with Luke... I'm sorry I led you on like that but I really thought I love you and-" She abruptly cut off, staring at me, her gaze imploring me to understand. Through the grey eyes, I could see pain, regret and most of all honesty. She was really…

I tried to grin, but it turned into more of a grimace. "It's okay Annabeth. It's alright. I knew we would end someday, just not now."


The box in my pocket felt heavier by the second. It hurts.

She looked up at me with teary eyes and smiled, "Thanks Seaweed Brain, for understanding."


Just this one sentence and I couldn't be angry with her.

Please stop.

I loved her too much.

It hurts.

"No prob."

She turned and walk away, her heart most likely lighter by several tons. Mine wasn't.

I stood there, just staring listlessly at the horizon, wanting the pain to end. I buried my head in my knees, stubbornly ignoring the tears cascading down my cheeks. I wasn't crying, I wasn't.

What happened to our promise?


I stared unseeingly at the wreckage that was once my home, heart thumping wildly in adrenaline.

My whole body was numb; as I watched the paramedics pull the two bodies out of the building.

Mom only had enough time to shove me out of the apartment before the whole thing exploded, leaving just a fiery mess behind. All the residents were killed instantly. If only I had been faster, stronger... Then maybe mom wouldn't be lying in the wreckage somewhere, dead.

A hand landed on my shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" The worried eyes of my best friend Nico, stared at me.

My voice wouldn't work, but nothing came out. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, unable to form words that could express myself at the moment.

Finally, I settled on a hoarse, "I'm fine."

Nico frowned but didn't push, knowing that I wanted to mourn on my own.

I turned away from the scene, unable to look any longer. It hurt too much.

"Let's go back to camp." Nico whispered into my ear before shadow traveling both of us.


I stared at the picture in my hands, sitting on the floor of my cabin. Annabeth, my mum, Paul and I were all happily smiling at the camera. Where had that happiness gone?

First, it was Annabeth, then, Mom and Paul. Who would be next? Nico? Thalia? Dad?

For the supposed strongest demigod of the century, I sure couldn't do anything to save my family. What kind of hero am I?

A card swirled to existence onto my bed. I already knew what it was. Resolved, I grabbed a duffel bag and started packing. Hopefully, when I came back, I would be strong enough to protect my friends. (since all my family is gone)


Nico was worried.

There weren't many people who could make him worry, but this one did, very much so.

"Dammit Perce! Don't do anything stupid while I'm not there to stop you!" He muttered heatedly as he hastily slid on his boots.

Nico walked as quickly as possible, without looking frantic, towards the Poseidon cabin. It was eerily quiet. Cautiously, Nico stopped outside the door, and knocked it.

"Percy? Perce? You there?" Nico asked, his worry growing by the second as Percy didn't answer. The worry built into a mounting panic.

"I'm coming in Percy!" He yelled before almost slamming the door open.

It was empty. Nico felt his heart in his throat and proceeded to quickly scour the room, looking for any sign of the disappeared camper. Finally back at the door, Nico had only one thing to say.



Percy awakened, slightly groggy.

"Urgh... I feel like I was just thrown into a wall by a Cyclops," he complained, rubbing his forehead in an attempt to rid the throbbing.

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Defeater of Ares, Slayer of Kronos, Hero of Olympus; does anyone here doubt his accomplishments?" An eerie feminine voice spoke out.

Percy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. This wasn't mentioned by his paternal grandfather. What the hell was going on?

Noises of assent could be heard throughout what could only be described as a throne room. Silhouettes and shadows of people were seated on the thrones surrounding the clearing Percy found himself in. The only spot of light was shining on the son of Poseidon, and even that was dim.

Percy looked around, eyes wide with surprise.

"Wha-" He moved to ask but was cut off by the same voice from earlier.

"Percy Jackson. You have accepted the offer from Chaos. Do you deny?"

All that just for this? Forget it! He should've just stayed home!

"Er... No?" The Son of Poseidon squeaked. This was so not what he signed up for.

"Tell us, what is it that drives you to accept the offer you rejected two years ago?" She- Percy assumed it was a she- said. Red, glowing eyes could be seen from the direction the voice was coming from.

Percy straightened up. He had to get in so that he could grow stronger, to protect his loved ones. He couldn't fail now.

"I want to grow stronger, to be able to protect my family and friends." The black-haired teen said with as much conviction as he could. Sincerity shone from his eyes, and the goddess nodded in what Percy assumed was satisfaction.

A sudden flurry of voices started up, a heated discussion forming.

"Just like that? You're going to accept him just like that? What about the tests? What about –"

"Enough. He came on Chao's recommendation, or have you forgotten that? Are you trying to say that Chaos was wrong?"

The being gulped, quite audibly if Percy might add.

A sigh, then she cleared her throat.

"You, Percy Jackson, are worthy. Welcome, to the Universals." The voice said.

A slight movement could be seen and Percy could just make out a silhouette with angry, purple eyes. Was this the guy that had protested against him before?

When Percy finally looked up and gathered the courage to ask what the silhouette was, surprise flittered through the room, and the purple eyes he had been staring at widened.

"He can see? Through the cloaking?" A surprised, masculine voice asked.

Similar statements were also voiced. Was it so surprising?

"He lies! He cannot see!" The one with purple eyes had screamed judging from the direction the sound was coming from.

"Excuse me! I didn't lie. Now shut the hell up you asshole!"

Stunned silence followed his outburst, and laughter followed.

"I like this kid. He's hilarious!" A young, definitely male voice said. Yellow peeked out from where the guy was sitting.

The discussion started anew, this time with all of them arguing about his manners.

Percy sighed and decided that this was getting nowhere. With nothing else to do, he plopped down onto the floor, sitting cross-legged.

The voices continued.

'This is going to be a long time...'