A/N: On the one-shot I posted a few days back aims2009, you guessed correctly! Like I said it was very loosely based of the episode. I was watching it and got some inspiration. Thanks for reading that one and I hope you enjoy this new story.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Chloe and Tom have been married for almost ten years. Chloe is a social worker and Tom is a successful lawyer. They had a beautiful home in the suburbs of Baton Rouge. Chloe thought her life was simplify perfect; except for one thing.

It had been ten years of fighting and ten years of constant disagreement between her and Tom. Something about the marriage worked, though. Maybe it was the fact they had a nine year old daughter. Or maybe it was the fact Chloe was indescribably in love with Tom, and well; she thought Tom felt the same.

Until three hours ago.

Chloe had been sitting in her living room crying quietly for three hours. Her heart was broken. Tom was cheating on her and she had no idea what to do. She suspected it; but hoped with all her heart it was not true.

A few hours ago after she put her daughter Kylie to bed she decided to do some snooping on Facebook. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she felt like she was about to pass out once she saw all the evidence she needed. Tom went to Mexico with some chick a week ago. What was even more gut wrenching was that he said he had a business trip.

Chloe heard the front door open and her heart started to pound. It was past midnight. Chloe wasn't sure what time exactly, but this wasn't new for Tom. He hadn't come home earlier than this in the last three months.

Tom casually strolled into the living room to check on the dog and make sure the house was closed up. Usually Chloe was asleep by now and Tom would just climb into bed with her.

Not tonight.

"Holy shit!" Tom exclaimed. He noticed it was Chloe. "Oh, Chloe? You scared me." Tom said as walked closer.

He immediately saw Chloe's eyes were blood shot and she had mascara and tear streaks surrounding her cheeks. "Babe-"

Chloe stood up. "Don't babe me. Where the hell have you been?"

Tom tensed up. "Work. Just like every night, Chlo."

Chloe scoffed. "Just like your little business trip?" She sarcastically said.

"What are you talking-"

Chloe shook her head. "Just drop it. I know you're cheating on me." She said with a shaky voice.

"What? No. I-"

Chloe started to get angry, and when Chloe was angry you didn't want to be near her. She was the sweetest woman you would ever encounter; until you hurt her or her family.

"Tom! I saw the pictures. I can smell her perfume all over you. I have been able to for the last three months. I didn't say anything because I didn't want it to be true. Just please, please, stop lying to me." Chloe begged.

Tom took a deep breath.

"All right. I've been with another women."

Chloe couldn't take it. She knew of the affair; but actually hearing it from his mouth was a different story. The redhead tried so, so hard not to cry, but she lost it.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did it. I love you. And I promise I won't ever do it again, babe." Tom said.

Chloe shook her head as the tears kept flowing. "No. No, the same thing happened with my parents. I'm not staying in this." Chloe said.

Tom shook his head. "I promise."

Chloe scoffed.

"I want a divorce." She quietly said.

Tom sat down on the couch after hearing the words.

Chloe was standing and holding her body. "I want you to move out. And I want you to explain to Kylie why we are splitting up." Chloe sternly said.

Tom looked up at her. "If that's what you really want."

Chloe nodded. "It is."

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "You can sleep down here until you find a place."

He nodded.

Chloe could tell he didn't feel guilty. He wasn't sorry for what he did; he was sorry Chloe found out, and he was sorry that he would have to explain this situation to his daughter. Chloe knew he didn't care that he ruined his marriage; and damn, it took a toll on her.

"Goodnight." Chloe weakly said.

Chloe turned around and walked up stairs. She checked on her nine year old and saw she was still sound a sleep. She walked into her and Toms room and climbed into bed.

After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable and not succeeding she checked her phone.

1 New Message and 1 Missed Phone Call from Aubrey Posen

They had been best-friends since their first year of high school. Aubrey was also a lawyer. Aubrey worked in the same building as Tom, but not the same department.

'Aubrey: CHLOE! You were right! Tom is NOT working late! I checked by his department and he was gone. I heard he left with some intern. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Call me as soon as you see this!'

Chloe's stomach started to ache and her heart was pounding. "Fuck this. And fuck him." She muttered before wiping her eyes and sitting up.

Chloe rang Aubrey with teary eyes and a hurt heart.

"Chlo!" Aubrey said.

Chloe sniffled. "I saw the pictures on Facebook. And I confronted him. I told him I wanted a divorce. I can't believe this." Chloe said as quietly as she could.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I will be your lawyer through this. It's all going to work out. I'll come over tomorrow morning to help you with Kylie. Where's Tom now?" Aubrey asked.

"The couch. I told him he could sleep there until he moved out. I'm making him explain everything to Kylie." Chloe started to cry.

"Bree, this is terrible. Nine years." She stated.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Aubrey cooed. "But hey, you'll be fine."

Chloe sighed and wiped her tears once again. "I'm going to try and sleep." Chloe said.

"All right. I'll be over at seven to help you." Aubrey said.

"Ok, night." Chloe said and hung up.

She rolled over to see the picture of her and Tom on their wedding night. "Fuck you." She muttered and pushed the picture off the night stand.

Chloe buried her face deep in her pillow and tried as hard as she could to push the thoughts of her Tom cheating on her. Eventually she fell into a distressed sleep.

"Chlo. Chloe. Wake up, Chlo!" Aubrey said as she nudged her.

"Hm? What?" Chloe mumbled as she rolled over.

"Awe, Hun. Your eyes are so puffy."

Chloe sat up with tired eyes. "Hmmm. Is Kylie up?" She asked.

"She is. I already took her to school. I made Tom leave. It's actually twelve." Aubrey said.

Chloe shot up out of bed. "TWELVE!? I'm late! Shit! Why didn't you wake me?" Chloe yelled as she ran to the bathroom.

"You were so tired. I could tell. And I know you went to bed late." Aubrey said as she followed.

"Fuck! I look terrible. I look like I'm hung over." Chloe said as she looked in the mirror. "Bree, I'm going to get in so much trouble."

Aubrey shook her head. "I called in sick for you. Don't worry; your boss said it was fine. You haven't taken a sick day in like a year."

Chloe let out a breath of relief. "Thank you so much, Bree. And sorry for yelling."

Aubrey smiled. "It's not a problem. Now, I know you probably don't want to..."

Chloe sighed. "It's fine. I need to tell you everything since your my lawyer." Chloe said with a small smile.

"I figured he was cheating on me when he was coming home around midnight. The first two months he would come home super late. In the last month he wouldn't return until three in the morning mostly. I could smell a certain perfume. It wasn't mine. It was sensual, and dark. I knew he was cheating."

Chloe took a deep breath.

"I didn't want it to be true so I didn't say anything. But something just clicked and I needed to see proof. And when I saw the pictures- I- I just couldn't believe it."

"I'm sorry. Toms a dick." Aubrey bluntly said.

Chloe laughed. "Sometimes I wish I was gay like you, Bree."

Aubrey shook her head and laughed. "Girls are just as dramatic. Even worse."

"Well, I'll get right to work on this case. I can promise you everything will work out for the best, Chlo." Aubrey said.

"I hope so." Chloe said.

She was in a state of shock. Chloe was blaming herself, and she didn't know what else to do other than feel like a huge failure.

Nine years down the drain.