The sequel is finally here! Welcome to Seven Days in Chocolate World, the long-awaited sequel of Seven Days to Chocolate World. If you haven't read the first one, don't worry because this story will still make perfect sense without it, although I do encourage you to go check it out! Thank you to MusicalMelody001 for the suggestion of the name! I also still have several suggestions left over from Seven Days to Chocolate World, which have not been forgotten!

Disclaimer: See summary.

Day 1:

"I call the big bed!" Beast Boy hopped onto the bouncy mattress in one of the Titans' two reserved rooms at the Hotel Hershey. Despite a, well, let's call it hectic, seven-day trip to get to Hershey, Pennsylvania, the Titans had in fact made it. Their rooms were beautiful adjoining suites; for once, Robin had spared no expense. It looked like this vacation might turn out okay after all.

Raven rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's childishness as Cyborg examined the commodities binder for what "meaty-goodness" was on the room service menu. Robin and Starfire were just making it to the rooms after Beast Boy had taken off with the keys a few minutes earlier.

"Way to be a gentleman, Beast Boy. So considerate."

Beast Boy opened and shut his mouth. "Raven, do you want the big bed?" he mumbled.

"No, keep it."

"Yay!" The bouncing continued.

"So I'll guess we'll just break it up, boys room, girls room."

"Why are females and males always separated on this planet? Do males not like being in the same bedrooms as girls?"
"Well, uh…"

"Yea, Robin, you never want a girl in your bedroom?"

"Beast Boy, not helping! No, Star, it's just appropriate that way."

"But it is appropriate for five young teenagers to live together with no adult supervision?"

"Well, no…"

"Why don't we draw out of a hat?"

All eyes turned on Raven.

"I'm just going to jump ahead of this train wreck before Robin continues saying something that will ultimately end up with Starfire sobbing and all of us sleeping in the same bed. Why don't we just put our names into a hat and pick each night who goes in which room?"

"That's not—"

"Appropriate, we get it. Sounds good, Rae! Grab one of those cool little notepad thingies and do it!"

After much arguing over who should draw the papers and what container to use, they settled on Raven drawing the papers out of Robin's cape.

"Okay. In this room is…Robin…Beast Boy…and Cyborg. That leaves me and Star in the other."

"But that's boys and girls!"

"It was a fair drawing, BB, we'll try again tomorrow," Cyborg mumbled going back to the room service menu.


"How about we all take a few minutes to get settled in before—"


"Oopsie! Hehe!"

"Star, why did you just rip down the adjoining door?"

"Hehe. Accident?"

This is going to be a long vacation! Also, housekeeping issue, Beast Boy would never have milk chocolate because of, well, the milk, but that is mostly what is at Hershey, so let's all just pretend for the sake of his vegetarianism (which is actually veganism if you want to get technical) and my sanity that whenever Beast Boy is referenced eating chocolate and I do not specifically state the kind it is either dark chocolate or some sort of not-really-in-existence-but-we're-going-to-pretend-it-is soymilk chocolate from Hershey. Okay? Okay.

Anyways, I am so excited to see this finally go public! Please tell me what you think! Do you like it? Hate it? Do people care anymore? (That is honestly a question; does anyone even care about the sequel at this point?)

I'd love to update soon if I hear people are happy to see this!