The Fugitive

Ch.1 Pilot

One lady lost in the midst of a thick covet of woods, runs away from unbelievable people when her broken life is broken with little fragments of her life remaining on a thin threaded line that would soon break and she wouldn't be able to mend those scars herself. There was nothing left for her, but she knew there are things that people can't control.




The lady ran away from military personnel that fire their guns as she dashed through a thick covet of trees while the darkened sky above her grew colder with the droplets of water pouring from the grey clouds. "I'm grateful for trees." She muttered under her breath as the military kept up with her pace.




Another three shots were fired while escaping the destruction behind her. Two bullets grazed her side and her leg as her blood dripped to the bottom of her ankles and yet, running in the rain with cuts now all over her legs they would get infected as she took each step and having mud cover the rest of her legs and shoes. This was the life of Riza Hawkeye, a fugitive on the run.

"CRAP!" A blonde military man shouted in anger when he stopped in the middle of the woods with his commanding officer behind him. "WE LOST HER!" He yelled furiously, violently gripping his head as he paced around to calm himself and his bouncing nerves.

"CALM DOWN, LIEUTENANT HAVOC!" His commanding officer forcefully declared getting his attention to focus on the other problems occurring.

"We've lost her tracks before we can't afford to lose more." Havoc bitingly responded taking a dangerous step forward to one of the most accurate men in the military.

"We'll find her. We always do. . ." He said firmly. He wasn't fazed by his actions and took them as a sign of persistence.

Nothing was left for them now as they stand under the down pour of water thinking and yelling incomprehensible phrases. He let his friend take out the unstoppable rage he had built within when he first joined this assignment while his commanding officer thought of every possible outcome of their runaway fugitive they had and had lost.

Out in the pouring rain where she escaped her death from the military, the lady had run into another figure walking the same route home. The man regained his balance and stood with a firm hand stretched out for her to take a hold of, like a lifeline. She stared at his hand, hesitant that he would notice who she is.

She stopped over thinking her thoughts when he hadn't said anything about who she was or is. She was a bit overjoyed by it and took a deep breath in slowing her breathing pattern down as she reclaimed herself from the dead thoughts. "Sorry." She grabbed the man's hand, a smile plastered on his face.

"Don't worry about it." He said softly keeping the warm smile on his face. "You shouldn't be running in the rain." He spoke in finality. His eyes turned hard as they traveled around her broken frame. He was already figuring her out.

"You should take your own advice." The woman countered in a joking manor. She gave him a small smile that held little meaning, an empty one that contained of no soul left for her.

He caught her wrist when she took a couple of steps to pass him by. She gave the man a warning look piercing his coal eyes. She didn't like it when people like him over powered her with just one gentle touch, but she couldn't complain after what she had been through a few minutes ago, so this time she let this problem of her wash away in the rain.

"You're hurt." The man says gently and it hurt her, trapped in a situation like this because someone has begun to figure her out what this woman doesn't notice about herself. She was reckless. "Let me fix it." He said slowly as he spun her around to meet him, a warming aura he lets off calms the doubts, the loss and the death in her life that she's faced. It only subsides for a moment when they forget there's something worth living for. "You can leave when I'm done."

"You're persistent." She announced and his grip on her wrist slowly slackens when he gave her a warm look.

"You're stubborn." He countered lightly as a slight chuckled escaped him.

The days, the nights that pass her are quick like a hand grenade thrown in hellish winds that can consume them. She tries to escape the flame and her life is thrown on something she can't accomplish by herself. It's her values that are at stake and she's willing to do anything that will harm her or anyone else.

Her broken life that's hanging on by a thin piece of thread will soon shatter into tiny fragments that won't be able to be put back together if she can't help herself and if she can't there will be someone who will be able to help her get past the malicious pain and put her back together like a puzzle.

The woman has fallen apart many times in her life. She's waiting for something to help her get past the demons that seem to keep her fears locked inside, once it builds it may seem to make them patient, but later on it makes the person explode with information that could either help or destroy them. She will get the aid she needs once her life comes back into place-once it comes back to the way she wants it to be. The pair quickly walked on the drenched sidewalk in the driving down pour that doused their clothing as they rounded near a corner where the man's home is.


The forceful wind from the storm that began to brew over the city slammed his door, fiercely shut, shaking his home, lightly. He gestured his hand to the couch to catch her attention.

"Roy Mustang." He grabbed a medical kit from his closet giving her another smile before her walked over to the couch. "You know when someone announces their name it's only polite to answer back." Mustang says teasingly while he smile is still plastered on his face.

"Riza Hawkeye." She says warily getting a confused look from the person sitting in front of her.

"How did you get these injuries?" Mustang questioned when he lifted her leg on his lap.

"I fell down some stairs." Hawkeye dryly replies. Mustang gave a dubious glance towards her showing her didn't believe it, but the sad gleam he caught in her eyes is something he won't push forward because he knows whatever the answer she'll give him he won't like it.

"Your side." He slowly poured out peroxide on a small wash cloth and gently wiped away the blood that surrounded her ankle. "Does it hurt?"

"Are you a doctor?" Hawkeye ignored the question he asked, a smirk played itself on his features as he continued to help her.

"No." Mustang proclaimed as he wrapped bandages around her ankles. "I use to be in the military." He stated sadly with a longing look passing his mien.

"What happened?" She kept her head low watching him fix away her pain, but he might be the one to help her out of her shattered life.

"There are some things not worth mentioning." Roy's head sunk in sadness as unwanted memories plagued his mind. "Your side." He says calmly reaching over her hip and lifted it to see a bit a blood trickling down her ribs. He poured more peroxide, lightly cleaning the wound. "Sorry."

"I don't care." She dryly said.

She stared at the window for a moment when the rain intently hit the glass. Mustang stared as well and saw the annoyed expression displayed on her features. "You're welcome to stay."

"I'll take the couch." She declared.

"No, you're a guest and you'll have my bed." He persisted. His brow twitched from the stubbornness the woman had.

"No." Hawkeye kept her defenses up. Roy sighed knowing he won't get through to her because sooner or later he'll know the truth. The truth is sometimes better kept a secret.

"Huh, all right then." Mustang muttered irritably. "There's a shower to the side of the hall if you want one."

Hawkeye dubiously stared at the man who kept giving her offers she keeps declining. "I won't hurt you." He whispered lifting his shirt up to see an immense scar on his waistline. "This is what happens when you join the military."

"Okay." She looked to meet his cold-heartless face. It killed Hawkeye from the inside since she knows what pain is and knowing it won't go away unless someone you know is there to help you get through this hell.

While Mustang went to his room to give her some of his old clothes that will fit her he heard the shower running through the pipes. He grinned to himself as he went through his drawers. Before he met her, Mustang found himself to like the woman whose life might be completely destroyed by damaging her life and others that are use to surrounding her. . .

The hot water maneuvered around her slick body washing some of her blood that stuck to her skin. She rested her hand against the wall letting small tears drop to the bathroom floor whispering softly in the steaming air. "I'm sorry mom." Hawkeye let herself fall into the darkness that claimed her. It was the last minute for her to let the painful memories wreck her before she became a broken, lost mess.

There had been a knock on the door grabbing her attention back on place. "I have some old clothes that might fit you." A smile spread across his face when he heard the water stop. "Can I come in?" Mustang playfully asked.

"You would like that." Hawkeye grabbed a towel when the door began to open.

He mouth slightly dropped, getting a good look at her. "I know this is rude, but how old are you, exactly?"

"My eyes are up here." Hawkeye lightly chuckled, but he caught a hesitant move in her.

"Sorry." Mustang whispered immediately as a cautious smile played at her lips.

"Twenty-three." He set the clothes on the counter and walked off into the living room.

While she remained in the bathroom to get dressed, Mustang sat on the couch wondering where such a lady that had been broken and torn from the things she's committed, yet he realizes there are much more important things in life that can hold some value and meaning.

Hawkeye walked out from the bathroom while he gave her another look. He was generally confused. "Are you sure you're twenty-three?"

"Yes, I am." She took a seat across from him. "You?"

"Thirty." She scanned him over with her puzzled eyes.

"Are you sure you're thirty?" Hawkeye reversed the question getting a soft laugh from him.

"I assure you I am." Mustang took a glance at her wounds that seem to be holding up. "Would you like a drink?"

"Water will do just fine."

"Good." He grinned as he walked into his kitchen. "It's all I have."

"No tea?" She joked.

"No, just water." Mustang handed her the drink while he kept asking questions that were about her and her past. "How did you really get these injuries?" He pointed at her ankles and to her ribs.

"I helped someone get away from an unlikely person." Hawkeye admitted in a whisper, but kept the other half to her. I also killed him. She thought.

Her thoughts wavered in her head while Mustang stared at her trying to get a real answer, but he knows he'll have to try and be her friend for her to open up and for her to get someone to care. Mustang sighed as she remained quiet and tried to figure out his enigma who happens to be a beautiful woman on the run. He just doesn't know it.

"Sorry for the unwanted memories." Roy softly apologized wiping away a single tear that fled down her cheek. "You seem like a strong woman, Hawkeye. Deep down you seem like someone who's been through enough hell. You're broken." The soft tone in his voice destroyed some of her walls that she's built up. Sh was a bit grateful that someone was noticing her.

Hawkeye remained silent tying to process the little details he recognized. She looked into his eyes that held meaning and promises that were kept and never broke. "You're the Hero of Ishval." Hawkeye declared. "A soldier like you should have never experienced that kind of hell."

"No one should have to." Mustang fiercely said his eyes hardening as she steeled hers. "Not even you." His voice turned gentle as his eyes returned to a warm gleam.

"What was your life before the military?" Hawkeye suddenly asked because they both needed information on each other.

"I was orphaned most of my life." Roy began. "It had been seventeen years before my foster mother took me in. and made me a better person than I was those seventeen years." A longing look appeared, wanting to meet them, again. He holds a place in his heart with secrets that will soon unfold. "What's your story?"

"I use to have a family. My father was always a drunk, abused my mother and he always found a way to get into fights." Hawkeye's eyes lowered sadly in defeat.

"What was your father's name?" Mustang took a sip of his drink while she sat in silence for a moment before answering.

She kept most of the important information locked inside of her because she knows in some way she could either trust the man in front of her or she would destroy him entirely with a just a spark and then it'll all go up in flames. Then she would never be able to escape from a hell that's always bringing her down in more darkness.

"Berthold Hawkeye." Her tone turned cold with a malice gleam flashing through her mien.

"That man was teacher, correct?" Mustang warily said as he placed his drink on the table next to him.

"An alchemist who despised the military." Hawkeye came to realize that when Mustang began to ask those questions she noticed a smirk across his face. Her father took in apprentices. ". . . You were one of them . . . ?"

"The one and only Flame Alchemist." Mustang boasted while Hawkeye stared at him in disbelief.

"I would have recognized you." She proclaimed instantly as his smirk grew wider.

"Ditto." He said soothingly. A piece of her life hand shattered from the way her addressed himself. "I didn't know Berthold has a beautiful daughter." Mustang crossed his hands under his chin and leaned forward to catch a glimpse that he might be able to find and out it back together.

Silence filled the air they're surrounding, a warm aura filling up the emptiness inside of a broken soul and Hawkeye knew it wouldn't end like this where she would just stay one night here in his home and then leave. It wouldn't end like that and she knew. Mustang would follow her. She doesn't want him getting in her way because there are things she has to do before anyone else gets hurt in her chaotic, disastrous life.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to wake me." Mustang stood with his drink in his hand, took one glance at Riza and smiled to her as he walked to his bedroom. "I know I don't know you, but until tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow." Hawkeye whispered when Mustang shut the door to his room.

If you're reading this I want to say thank you and it means a lot and if you want to continue reading this fanfic I have the first 20 chapters finished, but bear with me, this story is on my iphone. I'm posting this now because I think it'll do better than "To Reborn Amestris." If you're familiar with it please leave a review or a review on this story. Please.