Ch.25 Morning Part 2

Riza Hawkeye had her back to turned to Mustang, arms crossed over her chest and bit her bottom lip to stop the small smile making its way on her face. She felt a load come off her shoulders as a chill ran down her back. She never felt like this, felt free of the grasp King Bradley and Archer had on her, like she was some fugitive on the run anymore. She had something more to look forward too and that was the freedom she got from Roy Mustang and the help of his friends.

She was the damn luckiest person that walked on earth.

And she didn't even know that.

She honestly couldn't believe that someone like Roy Mustang would bother with her, someone who was so broken, someone who was so lost. He just stuck around for her. It wasn't that she didn't like it. It was the fact that he genuinely cared for her. No one cared for her, except herself. Mustang just waltzed into her life and alternated everything she ever thought about. He was unbelievable, always pulling stunts. Just doing anything to keep her in line. Anything to keep her head on straight.

From afar, Mustang watched her, looked over her. He admired everything about Riza Hawkeye. She was something special, something he wasn't going to let go. She caused him so much trouble, but it was all worth it in the end. She was worth it. His mind wandered to the first time they met. She had been running in the rain with a tired expression on her face then smacked right into him. That was the day everything changed. He wouldn't change anything in the world for it. For her.

Mustang slowly walked up to her, hands by his sides and eyes darting forward and staring over at the horizon. A comfortable silence drifted over them, not really caring for the mess they left behind. All of that was now behind them. This was something to look forward too — something with the woman beside him.

"Thank you, Roy." Hawkeye genuinely said as she turned her head and locked eyes with him. He smiled in return. "You did more for me than anyone I've ever known."

"I'm not anyone you've ever known." Mustang smirked slightly.


Mustang was scared of one thing. He didn't know if Hawkeye was going to stay or she was going to leave and he didn't know what the hell he'd do if she left. He didn't even want to think about that. Hawkeye got the same idea, but she didn't know what she wanted – she had small a clue of what she wanted. Was it enough? Perhaps. Did Mustang think it was enough? She was about to find out.

"Roy. . ." Hawkeye slowly started to say, but was interrupted. He couldn't hear those words leave her mouth.

If she wanted to go she would.

That wasn't what she wanted to say.

It was something more.

His mind just didn't comprehend anything right now.

"You're free to do whatever you want, Riza." He steadily said, the smirk slightly fading from his face. "If you feel like owe me anything you're wrong. You owe me nothing."

Hawkeye looked at him, stunned and quiet. Those weren't the words stuck on her lips. He gave her a lopsided grin. Hawkeye knew she would have to give him something return, but after what Mustang said she lost her train of thought. She frowned at him as he chuckled. He knew her every thought. This was his last chance letting her know that he wasn't going anywhere if she decided to stay. His chest tightened at the mere suggestion.

"Now what happens?" He said. Hawkeye shrugged her shoulders.

Her guess was as good as his.

"You've done enough for me, Roy. It's time for me to head out." Hawkeye sadly said, feeling the tears start forming in her eyes.

She couldn't get the exact words out.

She didn't give him a chance to speak and took two steps forward before Mustang got the chance and grabbed her wrist. He jerked her back, swiftly spinning on the back of her heel and felt his mouth crash down on hers. She tried to pull away, but he just kept dragging her back and she finally sank into his warmth. She snaked her arms around his neck, fingers running through his silk hair. God, this man was definitely impossible.

Hawkeye didn't know what it was about Roy Mustang that kept her nailed to his side and whatever force she felt with him wasn't going anywhere. It was going to last — whatever it was that she's feeling. The same went with Mustang. He could have her anyway he desired, yet he couldn't do the things he wanted because of what she wanted. Hawkeye never gave him full permission.

He was intoxicating.

She was utterly frustrating.

Hawkeye slowly pushed him away, letting her hands rest at the sides of his cheeks and stared into his lustful eyes. He wanted to so desperately pull her back, but she wasn't going to let him have his way. Roy Mustang didn't want anything to end. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he held her gaze, seeing every emotion she mustered up. Hawkeye was finally letting him see the real her.

The real Riza Hawkeye.

She knew what she was feeling, but she couldn't let those words slip from her mouth. She didn't know how to express it. Mustang knew it too. It was as close as he was going to get.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mustang." She steadily said as a grin rose on her face.

"We're doing just fine too thanks for asking." Havoc mumbled aloud as he and Hughes walked up to Mustang.

"Now what happens?" Hughes suddenly asked as he stared at the disaster in front of them.

"Where the hell is Ed?" Mustang abruptly asked.

He just realized he was gone.

Hughes and Havoc shrugged their shoulders. When he got his hands on Ed he was going to strangle him.

"Urgh, that little runt left us all behind with this mess." Mustang growled through his teeth, hands clenched his at his sides.

"Half of the town is gone because of you!" Havoc yelled pointing directly at Roy. His brow twitched in annoyance.

He was this close to setting something on fire.

Precisely, setting Havoc on fire.

"And your fiasco with the fucking bombs didn't?" He incredulously said with an irritated look on his face. Hawkeye sighed.

Things were slightly getting back to normal. . ..


Well, almost normal.

"YOU REALLY NEED TO STOP DOING THAT!" Mustang yelled as he snatched her gun away and the only way he was able to do was because she let him.

"Behave or the next bullet will be in your ass." Hawkeye steadily said locking eyes on him. He grinned.


She walked right into that one.

"I don't want to hear it." She quickly said holding up her hand and faced the other direction. He chuckled.

A moment of silence settled over them and it was comfortable for the first few seconds until they saw the sun settling over the horizon line. Mustang slipped his hands in his pockets carefully looking over Hughes and Havoc. Hawkeye had her arms over her chest barely making eye contact. She wasn't good with goodbyes and frankly neither of them were.

"Thank you." Mustang said and slowly started to walk away when he heard Hughes call out to him.

"Don't do anything stupid and give me some grandchildren!" He waved over his head. Mustang mistook a step and tripped, nervously laughing under his breath.

"Roy. . .." Hawkeye cautiously said, barely looking him in the eyes. He stopped moving.

"What is it?" He asked in concern.

"Thank you."

The grin on his face didn't go away, in fact he looked a little more curious than he did a few seconds ago. His breathing and heart stopped for a split second, realizing what she was about to say. Hawkeye instantly looked away, walking a step further than him, but he caught her wrist in time and pulled her to him.

"I love you too, Riza." He placed his lips on hers.

Riza Hawkeye was a different story with a new background.

A/N: WOW! I am a horrible person. I said I was going to update this in a week and well, that was a complete lie. I apparently can't keep my shit together lmao. Sorry again for the long wait. . .probably waited like four months. . . anyways, this is the last chapter and WOW this is like the shortest chapter out of the whole story! I don't know what the hell happened. This was my first fanfic story and I liked the way it turned out.

I want to thank everyone who has read this fic and reviewed. Thank you for giving it a shot!