Regina can be clingy in bed sometimes because she is subconsciously afraid of losing Emma. She loses everyone she loves. Henry is at least back under her roof which is where he should be but otherwise… Everyone. She is terrified of losing this one too. And this one is so important, they have been through thick and thin and she doesn't know how she would function if she lost Emma. Emma has seen the worst of her and this has not made the younger woman turn from her in fear and disgust like so many others. She is the yin to her yang. She loves Emma Swan. She loves her so much. She wraps her arms tight around the blonde and buries her face in Emma's neck and wont let go even when it gets too warm and her throat gets a bit dry.

Emma hates being too warm but she revels in the brunettes body being pressed entirely against her overheating form. She was surprised to find just how clingy the other woman was, and covers her utter adoration for it with gruff stoicism. Emma loves being held tightly - she loves it when the other woman lies on top of her like a dead weight - trapping her. It makes her feel… home. Wanted. Needed. When Regina gets like this she sometimes gets tears in the dark of the night. Tears of desperate joy that roll down her cheeks. She has found her family, yes, but in Regina she has found home.