Among Cody and Bailey's children, Melissa was the one who lived in the moment. If she wanted to do something, then she would find a way to do it, no matter what the after affects would be. It was because of this that she was the one out of all the Martin children who had been to hospital the most for broken bones. Even though she was only eleven, she had broken her right arm three times and her left leg once, she'd had stitches on her shoulder and left knee and there was a scar on her right shin from where she'd cut it on a skateboarding ramp she made. Cody and Bailey were often left out of breath trying to keep up with her as she had so much energy and there never seemed to be enough time in the day to use it up, meaning it took ages for her to go to sleep at night. Of course, she was a lot better now than she had been when she was younger but most nights she still didn't get to sleep until after ten.

She was very athletic and was on the girls' basketball team, the swim team and danced every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning with her sisters Faith and Mackenzie. She was the star of the swim team, having brought home several first place ribbons and gold medals, even winning a trophy at the end of the previous season. In basketball, everyone wanted to be on her team. She spent the entire game running full speed up and down the court, shooting goals from halfway down the court at times. Her coach refused to pull her off the court for any reason unless she hurt herself with was rare. She rarely hurt herself doing normal, everyday activities, more often injuring herself while trying to tame her daredevil streak. Her dance instructors were also very impressed with her athletic ability, praising her highly and giving her solos in each concert. This often made her two siblings jealous but their parents assured them that they would find their own talents one day.

When she was younger, she'd been fairly close with Alexander but they'd grown apart in the last year or so and didn't spend so much time playing in the backyard together anymore. She didn't know why Alexander had stopped playing with her so much but she put it down to his wanting to look good for whatever musical or concert he was in next.

As well as being athletic, Melissa was also very popular and was always the centre of attention at school. She was always surrounded by people and always laughing at some joke or other. However, she wasn't popular because she tried to be. People just seemed to gravitate towards her naturally. And no one could resent her for that. Not even Faith who sometimes felt left out when Melissa was immediately swarmed by people upon their arrival at school. Melissa always made sure that Faith was invited to any party or get together that she was otherwise she wouldn't go.

Melissa, although popular, had only one close friend that she told everything and that was her sister, Faith. The two of them were best friends and had been forever. They told each other everything and were inseparable at home. At school, they had to be apart at times because of different classes and different friendship groups but always made sure they made time to be just the two of them.