Nico POV

I snuck into bunker 9 at midnight, luckilly I had the ability to shadowtravle, or I would have had to deal with cleaning Harpies, monsters in the woods, pitch black darkness, upset wood nymphs, and getting locked out of the bunker because I'm not a Haephestus kid.

Hazle gave me the My Little Pony DVD as an apology for running off and for screaming and she told me that she figgured out why I was embarassed. She said she was ok with me.

I don't see how.

I hoped I wouldn't meet Leo.

When I got into the bunker I saw that the light was on and Leo was running around like a mad man high on caffine. He came out from behind an engine that looked like it might never work again.

He dumped water on his head flattening out his unruly curles. They would probably get even more tangled once they dried. He had a grease stain on the tip of his nose that I found increadibly adorable, which was strange, because I find things like creepy cute drawings that usually involve blood and eyeballs that have been ripped from their sockets adorable. That might sound grafic to you're ignorant muggle, but if you've ever seen creepy cute it is the most adorable thing ever.

Anyway, Leo was shirtless and incredibly toaned. Most people thought he was scrawny, but he was acctually just really lean. All of his stomach muscles showed, but he was still really thin. His orange camp shirt hung from his back pocket.

"Well, i assume that you didn't just come here to stare at me," Leo tried to sound like he wasn't surprized. But I could tell he was "Although I am pretty hot."

He swung his hips around and gave an impish grin. My responce probably sounded something like "Mrhhhnmefff"

Leo's face went bright red. I didn't know what else to do I held up the DVD. My voice raised an octave and I squeaked "My Little Pony!"

Leo busted up laughing and I slowly began to join him. It was stupid, but than again, I'd done some fairly stupid things in the past.

Leo took the DVD and gestured towards the couch, I sat.

We had a My Little Pony marathon. Half way through the third season, thirteenth episode, which for some reason was the last episode despite the fact that the privious two had twice that, Leo turned off the tv and looked at me.

I turned towards him and blushed. "What?"

He put his arm around me, I may or may not have curled into his side. He put his strong, callosed hand under my chin and planted his lips square on mine. I died.

I began to kiss back and he got excited. He grabed hold of my hair with one hand and the back of my shirt with the other. I was nervous, his lips moved against mine.

But when he opened his mouth and bit my bottom lip. I lost all control.

Percy would have set the entier bunker to flame if it hadn't been entirly flame proof.

He had opened the bunker with a tourch, because aparently you can do that if you make a sacrifice to the fire god first. He had dropped the tourch when he had seen me lying on top of Leo, vigourouly making out. Both of us were fully clothed Perverts.

Percy, oh my gods. He found out. What if he finds out about my ex crush?

Oh gods.

Percy just grinned devilishly "I wont say a word." He stamped the tourch out and left.

Leo shrugged and rammed his lips into mine.

Should have come out earlyer